'Sea Nomads' Are First Known Humans Genetically Adapted to Diving
Physiological and Genetic Adaptations to Diving in Sea Nomads
'Sea Nomads' Are First Known Humans Genetically Adapted to Diving
Physiological and Genetic Adaptations to Diving in Sea Nomads
Human intuition is the most terrifying and amazing thing on the fucking planet. Also this will be quickly shut the fuck down because it proves everything the left says is wrong.
The left are masters of doublethink.
all of humanity is adapted to this except maybe apefrikans.
its called the aquatic ape theory.
Anybody can train to do this, it's not an adaptation any more than lifting weights and building muscles is an adaptation.
There's no way an average person can train themselves to hold their breath to anywhere near 13 minutes.
Torfag yet again proving that his ban was legitimate.
shoo shoo kike, get ye gone!
Don't post ever again.
This is old news, but
compare to the several thousands of years africans have lived in africa in isolation from the europeans. Totally no genetic differences, that's just scientific racism goy
Aquatic ape theory confirmed. I abhor these disingenuous "academic" faggots
Predictive programming for genetically modified humans for ocean living?
Oi user, I think you've had too much to think
Just like these divers, if the leftists didn't adapt to their environment, they'd also drown.
Stop posting any time.
22 minutes bitches.
Fuck, I can't hold my breath on land for over a minute. Gotta stop smoking and do some cardio.
iceman breathing, user.
Actually white people are the first known humans adapted to diving and swimming in general.
Our feet are shorter compared to our trunk to save on oxygen, this has long been known. The diving response is present in every mammal.
Yep. You can blow in a baby's face and get them to stop breathing for a second. Great way to dunk them when you are getting them swimming early.
Take some asian ginseng from a good brand but do it sparingly and not continuously for more than ~two weeks. The phytochemicals in ginseng are proven to clean the lungs and combined with a gram or two of vitamin c, you can repair your blood vessels. Get actual vitamin c with lots of water, fruit juices are for delusional obese sugar addicts that think they're making a healthy choice.
Cured the effects of my uncle's debilitating smoking habit within a few weeks - surprised the guy never got cancer. It may be a testament to good genes but good genes are wasted on poor health.
This disproves all out of Africa/blacks wuz the true everyone theories, after all blacks can't swim.
Thanks. I don't drink juice or eat sugar and avoid trash carbs, but I do drink and smoke and it does take a noticeable toll. I just wish we were allowed to have more health threads on Zig Forums, since /fit/ is mostly memes and don't buy into certain conspiracy-minded aspects like plastic or shampoos.
It was a good attempt but you fail to follow it to the logical conclusion. Do you think whites were stupid enough to try swimming across the oceans?
I still think the underworld aquatic mushroom farming ape theory has some more merit to it, especially if you consider the number of genes humans have. Myths also sate the same, of under ground enclosures and deep springs; this always why they were called Cavemen originally since the fossils they were finding aligned with the myths. Always remember, humans have believed in an underworld as long as they have believe in an afterlife.
I have an entire evolutionary logical analyst on why humans would prefer such an environment over say beaches.
I've been reading too much gilded age sci-fi, good stuff.
There's an enjoyable shitshow in the comment sections of some of the science blogs reporting on this.
Did you mis-type "days" or did you really mean less than a single hour faggot?
But user, there is something profound about finding human limitations and bypassing them. Moreso by doing it at a genetic level and creating applications for it
Then start practicing your throwing arm. I'll tell my descendants terra-forming another planet in the galaxy a few centuries from now to expect yours to throw them a message in a bottle.
easy solution
With the Wim Hof breathing techinque i can hold my breath for three and half minute without any air in my lungs.
Actually that's an interesting notion. Right now, there's nothing comparable, because there is no genetic niche to overcome space or planetary gravity. I wonder how much "burst" strength is needed to break the planet's pull
How utterly racist and privileged. This just means if they don't mix with refugees they won't survive.
1) Get comfortable
Sit in a meditation posture, whatever is most comfortable for you. Make sure you can expand your lungs freely without feeling any constriction. It is recommended to do this practice right after waking up since your stomach is still empty or before a meal.
2) 30 Power Breaths
Imagine you’re blowing up a balloon. Inhale through the nose or mouth and exhale through the mouth in short but powerful bursts. Keep a steady pace and use your midriff fully. Close your eyes and do this around 30 times. Symptoms could be light-headedness, tingling sensations in the body.
3) The Hold, retention after exhalation
After the 30 rapid successions of breath cycles, draw the breath in once more and fill the lungs to maximum capacity without using any force. Then let the air out and hold for as long as you can without force. Hold the breath until you experience the gasp reflex.
4) Recovery Breath
Inhale to full capacity. Feel your chest expanding. When you are at full capacity, hold the breath for around 10 seconds and this will be round one. The breathing exercise can be repeated 3 rounds after each other.
5) After having completed the breathing exercise take your time to enjoy the feeling afterward. This feeling will be more and more like a meditation.
When you start doing these exercises we recommend to take your time recovering from the breathing exercise. After doing the breathing exercise and you feel good, you can start with taking the cold shower.
Oxygenfags really are about as dysgenic as kikes
We weren't discussing devices you stupid fucking cunt.
We know.
But remember that the brain is a blackbox and can NEVER be made better or worse by evolution, goy. You better remember that and never eva forget it.
So.. water elves?
No faggot, we were discussing human biodiversity. ITT we give credence to the concept some brains are genetically superior to others. Hence my point proving that the difference in the brains of humans has far greater impact than other seemingly 'amazing' differences such as holding one's breath.
Since you failed to get this, stay up in the tree where you belong nigger.
I watched a documentary on these people. The biggest problem they face is many areas of habitat (((hundreds of square kilometers))) have been deemed "Natural Protected Areas similar to Obamas policies" and have been closed to fishing or recreational use. They are then forced to abandon their stilt homes and relocate for life on the mainland, living in towns instead.
yes, they learn to swim before they can walk
(you) again you double nigger.
The point you failed miserably to comprehend because it is beyond your intellectual capacity I was making is, saying "I'm holding air in my lungs, while I'm not holding air in my lungs" is an oxymoron. It would have been more accurate to state "After exhaling, I do not need to draw breath for 3½ minutes", as typed it was a self-contradictory statement, an unintentional pun of words, oxymoron, etc.
Thank you user.
How are you selected for this type of thing anyway? Not being able to hold your breath for 13 minutes would not select you out the gene pool so the selection it speaks of is sexual, correct? Do the Bajau wimminz soak their loin cloth at the thought of a man holding his breath for 10 minutes or more?
Women choose successful men, and in this case successful divers who are able to forage longer.
It requires more cognitive "burst" strength than that of muscle user.
This. Also, the ones who held their breath longer didn't drown as much, ergo less likely to become genetic dead ends.
Also, it's well known that the Tibetans have a genetic adaptation that allows them to live comfortably at higher altitudes. Hominids are not exempt from natural selection.
That's problematic TBH. ;^)
This is getting me thinking. 13 minutes seems like a really long time and is something you can't adapt to. Would the men with the ability to hold their breath have a common ancestor?
It's quite obvious user, can't you see?
My sides.
That's a much lower societal cost than artificially trying to prop up an entire group to try to get them to achieve equal results to superior groups
I saw an interesting show on PBS a few weeks ago about Tibetans (namely their ancestors, who placed their dead in caves dug into cliffs) and it mentioned that the gene for their high-altitude adaptation was acquired through interbreeding with Denisovans some ~40,000 years ago but while the Han Chinese and other Asians lost this gene the Tibetans retained it.
The faggot wasn't even fully reading the other guy's post as he clearly stated
I have, for the longest time, thought that there may be an intelligent predictor element in evolution separate from death selection. I have no way of proving this, but it seems to crop up everywhere.
Its really just as simple as
You mean that those who are successful are able to breed more?
not sure, very possible, I think the men are polygamous as it is now
Pretty interesting article
OP ain't a fag today
user, most children around the world will swim before walk.
Say what you want about their filthy commie ways but the Chinese are based in how they wreck pseudo-religious arguments that don't align with actual researched science.
Still a bunch of filthy commies.
The jews will not countenance any humans living outside of their control. Their efforts may not destroy these people today, it may not even happen in 10 years, but they will do as they have always done and dismantle any culture they do not understand and condone.
Fuck them though, 99% of jews will be dead by 2025. Most will die between 2020 and 2022.
2020 is gonna be a hell of a year.
I mean that maybe the body knows how to respond to stresses to produce offspring more equipped to deal with the stresses intuitively, rather than just letting everyone who is weak to the stressor die off. How else can you explain the new kind of fungus on Chernobyl that has just out of nowhere developed the ability to eat radiation?
Fungus learned to eat radiation by selection? It had to learn to do it before it could be selected for it.
It's not "out of nowhere," it is simply an existing species taking advantage of unique habitat and flourishing. It's no different than the explosion of feral housecats in Florida.
That doesn't describe a mechanism, though.
What's this we stuff? I learned what the spleen does in 6th grade. Perhaps you're thinking of the appendix?
We also know what that does. It's a semi-vestigial organ that now functions as a breeding ground for beneficial gut Flora. It's original purpose is debated but some evidence points to it being part of the digestive track that isn't necessary anymore.
Why do you guys do this, consciousness plays a major role in evolution and epigenetics. It's closer to evolutionary will of the creatures themselves rather than them just dying off to the elements; survival selection actually plays quite a small role.
Fucking stop, this could have serious consequences.
not niggers, they can't swim, at any age, they sink like rocks, it's a proven fact.
But photosynthesis is an existing mechanism. It is the process of breaking down a few elements through radiation to create sugars used for energy. Is there much difference between solar and nuclear radiation? feel free to point out if I am talking out my ass. I am not a smart man.
Pattern recognizing while white is a hate crime.
But goy, when it comes to human subgroups, didn't you hear that there's more within-"group" variation than between-"groups" variation? (I'm using group in scare quotes here, since 100 left wing sociology professors agree that such "groups" do not exist). That's why there's no difference between a sedan and a truck, since there's so much variation among various different kinds of sedans, and among various different kinds of trucks, as to make the truck/sedan difference look minuscule in comparison! Plus, you have cars with in-between features, such as sports utility vehicles, that completely obliterates the Nazi obsession with marking trucks and sedans as different! It can be therefore concluded that there is no distinction between a truck and a sedan.
I've heard it described as being a "white person thing". No really. They refuse to learn because it's something that only whiteys do.
There are a lot of those. Stop filling your head with fantasy for retards and read something substantial for a while.
You're basically on the right track and the user you're replying to is a retard for not understanding how natural selection works. The species of fungus found in chernobyl isn't new its a species that already existed and which contains melanin
that absorbed gamma radiation resulting in increased rates of electron transfer, referred to as radiosynthesis.
While I'm at it lets take a moment to sit back and marvel at the chutzpa of these kikes talking about
because the lack of increased within group variation is the exact fucking reason neanderthals died out. That in group variation is important for a population to adapt to changes in environment. By forcing race-mixing they are ridding other races of their natural in group variation and making them susceptible to dying out.
Somebody correct me if I fucked up my explanations somewhere
The keyword is "masturbating". Furries don't have kids, and when they do they adopt shitskins a lot more often.
Imagine actual catgirls, a woman with the personality of a cat, that's gotta be the most annoying thing in the universe… Dogs ftw
You gonna sauce that, user?
Underworld Aquatic mushroom farming ape?
Mind sharing a source or two with me? Sounds like an interesting read.
The only exposure I have to aquatic ape theory is that hoax documentary made a few years ago. That's not what you mean is it?
You do understand what a hypothesis is? It's not an inkling anyone can make up, you need observations and studies at the very least. There's actually many "theories" that are actual a hypothesis, especially in the world of biology. Fuck, I hate (((settled science))) for abusing the word theory so much.
Hm I don't remember the name off the top of my head, but it was a gilded age book about them looking for Eden underground and made a good case for it.
But the stoned ape theory(actually a hypothesis) is quite interesting, that apes either farmed or flipped cow patties to eat magic mushrooms and that is what mutated our brains. The reason this has some weight to it is that we have receptors for these very specific chemicals and our bodies do not produce it. It's better than the old "our jaw muscles stopped working good and we had to use our hands– so our brains got big" or magic fish oil.
Melanin is used to convert gamma radiation into chemical energy for growth. It's not a new process, as radiotrophic fungus is found in Antarctic mountains, but it does thrive in unnatural environments like nuclear reactors and dumps.
You don't have to worry about this hypothesis, you will likely live to see furries and monstegirls within your lifetime due to genetic engineering.
Are we a different species yet?
No they really do sink like rocks due to higher bone density. Blacks don't float.
No, It's the theory that the reason that we are mostly hairless is that we evolved in swamplands and we're so smart because it takes less bite power to eat fish than land animals so our jaw muscles reduced in size and made more brain room.
1st guy shouldn't have given it away in the parenthetical. You could have ridden that troll out for days, just trying to argue semi-cogently about an "above the shoulders" distinction in evolution.
2nd guy appears to be one of these 105-IQ-but-considers-himself-115-IQ types. He's using the IQ-is-100%-cultural argument which is easily refutable; all of the research about IQ testing is stacked against him. He doesn't appear to realize that IQ tests do not involve nickle [sic] and penny currency counting problems; that culture-independent IQ tests exist; that American blacks have coexisted with whites now for 250+ years and yet haven't learned these cultural secrets he's referring to; and that Asians, despite entering white society much more recently, surpass even whites on their cultural secret IQ tests. There's also the problem that childhood scores are strong predictors of adulthood scores in the same individuals. (So basically, your IQ is locked in at an early age, before such exposure to the white man's secrets could have reasonably occurred). But most devastating to his argument of course are twin studies.
His comment that IQ tests should take "education level" into account is so inane that it pains me to address it. It's like if you took my blood pressure and gave me a reading, and I responded that you didn't take my intramural sports team memberships into account. (That's assuming that educational attainment is a proxy for intelligence, which it isn't. For further reference see grade inflation).
Aside from the glaring logical fallacy, he's also framed everything in leftist ideology, as shown by his reliance upon an unproven basis of "societal cost" and "sub-human roles." He gives away the game in Paragraph 3 by explicitly referencing redistribution of resources. Here's the thing, and I'll grant him that a nice society might be one where the most able 95%, for example, pool some small amount of their resources to give permanent aid to the least able 5%. Let's say your society is based on deep sea diving, and you have a small amount of people who simply lack the adaptation, in spite of being genetically akin to the others in that group. You could feasibly have a welfare system, where everybody tithes x% of their deep sea loot to the genetically inferior lot. That's fine. But what happens when you then flood your society with people who are 99% lacking the deep sea diving adaptations. By mixing unlike groups, you just took a workable welfare system and turned it into an automatic handouts program for immigrants. His own reasoning actually proves the unworkability of such a system.
Not sure if 2nd guy is actually a troll that the troll meter didn't pick up? Ashkenazi and east Asian performance on IQ tests is actually an argument against the notion that IQ tests are meaningless due to white cultural bias. That, and the black penis/ brain size thing, raise some troll redflags. But the last paragraph actually makes me think it's not trolling, just stupidity. Since he acknowledges racial differences in that final paragraph but appears to believe that race differences work against whites, by exposing whites as "mediocre." This being based on penis size differences and a few IQ points difference. If those differences are, in his view, sufficient to justify a "mediocre" score for whites, then I would hate to see the score for groups other than whites, Jews, and Asians. Given that the difference in IQ is much greater between whites and groups such as blacks and Hispanics, the corollary of his own argument is that those groups are utter shit. And he also says that they (niggers, etc.) will "take all the hot [by which he means white] girls." If that's true, then why, given the choice, why would whites want to share a society with such people? And why is "whites aren't actually all that great" supposed to be an argument against white in-group preferences?
Paradise does not promote selection, it promotes spam. In science, we call this entropy.
Dark skin is a reduction of order, a lessening of adaptive range. Slanted eyes and atrophic facies are a lessening of adaptive range, not 'adaptation to sunlight'. Entropy is. When it is not fought against and afforded by locale productive able-ness; when it is not brought on by the non-negotiable need to master extreme divergent environments; the result is more Africans descending further, more Asiatics descending further, and less adaptive range. The animal models of 'evolution' as applied to frogs are not the same for Man.
Not a feat. Casual training, nearly perfectly favorable salt, temperature, and lack of currents.
Disease, malnutrition, and inbreeding has increased splenic size. Spleen = blood cellular and cell-product cleaning (vs kidney = blood plasma cleaning and expulsion; vs lungs = blood cascade and factor cleaning; vs liver = blood factor and energy/metabolism inter- and intra-cycle production and control). Spleen also is cellular immunity maturation+memory+latency and platelet storage. Swelling of the spleen is bad; atrophy of the spleen is bad; if the heart is too big or too small, it reduces dynamic range, shortens life, runs too fast or inefficiently, and destroys peripheral efficiency-assist systems.
The principal adaptation to diving is not oxygen storage. That is not possible the way the article and hipster/migrant scientists want to believe. The primary adaptation to repetitive diving is blood buffer (co2-related) controls; Hypoxia is a misnomer; the brain can't detect oxygen levels nearly as well anyway.
Don't use 'oxygen capacitance' so much as they change their blood buffer via BPG. Africans and Asiatics actually have higher population prevalence of reduction of buffer range, with heme mutations that loose performance at increased BPG - a natural bi-product of glycolysis. That blood buffer control is what conditions hemoglobin complexes to change their oxygen curves of pickup-store-transport-tiered-release-etc. I really don't care to go into the specific mechanics, and basket weaving forums are no place for such anyway.
This article is trash at multiple levels. It takes disability, disease, and multicults, inverts them, claims them great, and proceeds to construct magical universes.
Mammalian reflex is present in all mammals. Hence name. What is not present in all mammals, is the ability to manage multiple high-priority collision signals of instinct and performance; Africans principally, and to some degree Asiatics, have less parallel structures managing competing hyper-evoked potentials.
Sea nomads my ass.
Hipster and Jewry buzzword article of Atheism+ Skeptic Sargonites.
I have no idea what hoax documentary you're talking about.
The theory revolves around why humans look like other semi aquatic animals such as hippos, and seals. As well as explaining why we have such bizarre habits that water mammals also have. Elaine Morgan was the originator (or atleast huge voice) for the theory before (((acedemia))) shut her down and ruined her career.
Heres a Ted talk by her. I'm not sure how kiked it it, its been years since I've read up on it.
Both of these are actually bad for you, user. There's no need to go overboard, but plastics tend to have xenoestrogenic properties akin to soy, so try to limit your exposure to it by avoiding plastic packaging and products containing it when you can. Likewise, shampoo is full of chemicals that have xenoestrogenic properties as well. I just use a bar of castile soap for all my needs in the shower, including hair. You'll find that shampoo has a harsh effect on the scalp, and your body produces oils in overdrive to compensate. Once you cut out shampoo and just use more regular soap, it'll adapt back to normalcy.
It's not a live-or-die situation, but you can improve your mental and physical well-being by being careful about what you make a part of your lifestyle.
Most jews are old and the young ones have swallowed their own propaganda thus reducing their birth rates, the only exception to this are the ultra orthodox jews
He didn't. Slashdot has this weird rating system where posts will be given anywhere from -1 to 5 points and a description like 'insightful', 'funny', or the like by the mods. The site hasn't been worth going on for more than a half decade at this point, because the overbearing, power-tripping mods destroyed discussion.