KanyeToThe is one of the biggest Hip Hop and music forums in the world. Somewhat similar to how imageboards work, it's been influential in the music scene for quite a while - many artists have had their start on the site, or communicate with fans on the site, labels attempt to promo artists from there, and routinely music publications like Complex take their information from this forum.
Since Kanye's recent support for Candace Owens, Trump and Scott Adams has come to light again, the site, which is typically left leaning and liberal as been going through a divide and turmoil. Currently there are few right/conservative voices, but it's growing stronger, and people who were currently defacto liberals are slowly starting to wake up. Like Scott Adams hypothesizes, Kanye could be a huge catalyst for the red pilling and conversion of a big demographic that would otherwise never have been able to be reached by other means.
What you can do:
- Sign up for the site, and familiarize yourself with the culture a bit - Support Right/Conservative views (commonly done by even just quoting a post) - Redpill libs/lefties with facts and stats
Kanye has worked in (((Hollywood))) most of his career, he's prolly more hip to the JQ than most people(Niggers aren't people.)
Austin Robinson
Right, the point is not to RedPill Kanye, it's his liberal fanbase, who has a very strong allegiance to him. They are becoming more sympathetic to right views, and have started even justifying Candace Owens etc. It's a great red pilling opportunity.
Juan Gonzalez
I've had pretty positive results redpilling blacks on the jews first, and then on more right-wing and nationalist ideas. It's like the opposite of whites. They're totally ready to hear that the jews are fucking their shit up. Start with that, then lead them up to Hitler doing nothing wrong. Just my two cents.
Yeah, same here. Normie conservative whites are typically really hard if not impossible to redpill, really depressing. The pro-kike brainwashing in the churches really works on these fuckers. In all of my interactions, while they're nicer people than nutjob commies, they're the same brainwashed sheep just indoctrinated with semi-opposite ideologies.
Holleywood, TV, music, MSM etc all have exactly the same views. Nothing fresh or unique. Step out of line and you get attacked by the group.Thats why even comedy is dead. It is so PC dumbed down only toilette humor,dick jokes, and bashing whites or Trump is allowed.
Kanye is setting trends. They meme him in to being crazy like they did with dave chappelle. No way a black person could possibly think anything other then the official entertainment industry dogma and not be crazy.
Shame he "believes" in flat earth and raps about that. And that's why it's still on youtube. Therefore: People who know about the jews = people who believe the earth is flat Nice psyop.
Jace King
I didn't know that, but it's not a terrible trade-off to convince blacks that jews are their enemies, considering most of those fuckers believe in flat-earth anyway.
Elijah Edwards
ni b b a! Everyone knows about the JQ but they're worried about their social standing and wages. Just tellin it like a hollywoodfag.
Chase Parker
look at all of these cucked faggot kikes in this thread. Ho Lee Fuc! Has the Yeshiva let out for the evening you filthy vermin. Kayne is a jew loving nigger married to a nigger loving jew. Fuck him, her, and all of you! Rap ta dat biznatches
Kanye getting redpilled would be even better than Jenner, who is also redpilled to some degree and supports Trump. He also said he'd like to transition back and the media walked him back on that, but he said it.
Dylan Barnes
Jesus fucking Christ yid, could you be more obvious
This. This forever. I've been skeptical of Dave since his return to limelight. Watched one of his shits on Netflix. It was pretty funny but I feel it's possible he's been tamed by you know who…
Connor Jones
what track? i know he calls out the jews and has done so for over a decade.
David Lewis
This is a GREAT breakdown of why the establishment will try and DESTROY KANYE
The ENTIRE Kanye West TMZ interview Broken apart and dissected of redpills By chans # 1 News Source CHN!!!!
With commentary from then Filthiest Goyim Bellagio Sampler!!!!!!!
From the FutureScape!!!!!!!° Mein Neiggers!!!
Listen to this Esoreric take on Kanye West's entire interview THAT HOLLYWOOD DOESNT WANT YOU TOO SEE