JOSEPH P.-fuckin' FARREL – Oxford grad., Patristics; former History lecturer. Fascinating, funny guy. Metric assloads of interviews as well; Forum Borealis and Dark Journalist have a lot of them.
Cliff High – Statistical Linguistics programmer, 'emotive' heuristics on Antartica are snowballing and have been for a while. Guy's a higher-energied Scott Adams, with actual hard science to back it up
Harry Cooper – Actually went down to Argentina, interviews old U-boat men to get their stories recorded/runs site dedicated to it. Spooky San Carlos de Bariloche stories (still taboo to talk about post-war Germans' presence; every President since Eisenhower to Obongo has visited.)
Walter Bosley Carter Hydrick Tim Swartz Richard Doland – more general breakaway/wild card extraterritorial powers speculation
Peter Levenda (See his comments on his experience of espionage wars within American Churches, German, Russian, and Glow Niggers) – Begrudging cuck, but good researcher, somewhat persona non grata participating in the recent Delong controlled opposition psuedo disclosure event Podesta was so hard on about hyping
Economic warfare took down the Soviets, requiring an assload of money and assloads of laundering. Nazi human intelligence in the USSR and Middle East became the CIA's (Dulles, fired by Kennedy, is brought back to officiate on the Warren Commission? First reported rifle: an Argentine-only caliber rifle after Dealy Plaza. Owner of Texas School Book Depository: Brother of Admiral Byrd, of Operation Highjump infamy.)
Suppose the missing 2.3 trillion in the DOD Rumsfeld testified the day before 9/11 (where the Naval office in the Pentagon investigating it was killed, all but 1) along with the financial records of said trillions – with some gold – were the actions of fucked-off Thulean debt collectors taking collateral and serving 'divorce papers' at the same time.
Sounds outlandish, yet there was more than enough war loot expatriated by unaccounted-for Martin Borman, financial wizard; Byrd's task force suffered inordinate casualties given the mission [see his local newspaper statement before returning]; why test nukes all the way down there; what were Obongo, Kerry, Patriarch Kirill, Aldrin and others going down there around the election; given recent events, the current constellation of 'deep state' actors have proven wildley inept:– 9/11 as a Kraut lobotomy from the Anglo-Zio vegetable brain, as the Lawrence of Arabia script is forced repeatedly in the Middle East, where Germans enjoyed excellent relations since at least WWI . . .
Or just see the Syrian Ambassador declaim against the "West's use of Genetically Modified Soldiers" (look for the video of militants leading captives along a beach, looking about two feet taller than all of their prey.)
Volcanic activity forms large, warm areas under the ice. And this is before going into hollow earth myths they chased. If eskimos can live on seal meat, so could krauts with a black budget globe-spanning financial imperium with the tacit endorsement of the Western bloc's elite. If I'm not mistaken, Eisenhower's "military-industrial complex" originally included the word "financial". Foo fighers even during WWII later become the rash of UFO sightings in the 50s, Battle of LA, Roswell (where Ike calls Dulles, saying "Get in my fucking office tomorrow morning and brief me on what's going on in Area 51, or I'm invading New Mexico with the 8th army.")
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