/sudpol/ Update

I think it's time for a new /sudpol/ thread here as several recent happenings have gone completely ignored.

Happening #1:
The Danes found the wreck of the U-3523. Why does this matter? It matters because this "discovery" is actually a huge slip of the mask when it comes to the post-war narrative surrounding Germany's U-boats. Every time the possibility of U-boats escaping the allies after the surrender is brought up, the go-to argument is that "every U-boat on the official record was accounted for". Well now we have every report on this discovery stating that this boat had never actually been accounted for.

They say this ends speculation over the possibility of U-boats escaping the Allied surrended when in actuality it raises suspicion toward their age old narrative in which the fate of every U-boat was well known to every historian.


Happening #2:
NASA has discovered a series of holes in the Antarctic ice that they cannot explain. To my eye they appear geothermal but this is just further proof that Antarctica is not as barren and unlivable as has been thought for centuries. Just look at those holes.


Attached: imrs.jpeg (255x249 16.64 KB, 19.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What an uncanny synchronicity, I was browsing /sudpol/ for the first time in months.

Attached: avatarpnl.png (400x400, 152.1K)

Attached: probably true tbh.png (546x409, 452.58K)

Man I could use some good book recommendations on this topic that go indepth. I've read Miguel serranos- Hitler's ufo against the nwo (uploaded PDF to zundlebunker and PDFs/) that's got some good technical info along with the typical mystical whoha you'd expect from serrano. I'm tempted to read Joseph Farrell's books but I know it will be half truths strewn throughout

Die shitting, faggot.

What if NWO countries are trying to pump pollution to widen the hole in the ozone, just so they can destroy the remaining National Socialists in Antartica.

Is that book really worth reading? I love me some Serrano but the description of that book uninterested me.

Yeah my dude I liked it. More direct language used unlike his other stuff. It's short as anyway so you won't waste heaps of time in any case

I thought /sudpol/ was for South Africa. What is it then? Underwater Zig Forums? "Suds" as in bubbles? Or Antarctica?

Wait what you may be saying most of the nazie soldiers went to antarctica and are still in war with the jews that may be speeding progress of white genocide and them sperging out on half chan and shilling and failing and raising the funds of 300 million dollars for shilling, but the question still remains why did hitler and his buddies went to south america, but not on anatarctica with the rest of his pal's? When will we be free of this shithole age and whites rule once more?

Alright then Ill read it tomorrow. Cant go wrong with Serrano anywau.

Spreading around is a good tactic to disrupt. If you have a big group of people that escape and hide it wouldnt be smart to place them in just one place.

Sudpol means South Pole.


The newspaper has a better image than the one from NASA = something is being ((​(sl-hidden)))

The relevant image

Attached: antarcticiceholesNASABNLIHFDY2I2SRIK7KZPG3XCHUI.jpg (1484x988, 59.73K)

I want to know about there current operations. Are they just hanging low waiting to build on our Jude civilizations ruins?

The ability for a colony to survive in Antarctica does not mean it can survive in complete isolation. At a minimum, a supply chain for advanced manufactured goods must be established but it's also likely that plenty of basic goods (food beyond what can be grown greenhouse/hydroponic style, medicine, textile goods, metal stock, etc) would also need to be obtained from the outside world. What better way to establish, maintain, and secure the necessary logistics than additional colonies located in nearby, "friendly" countries?



There are quite a number of things about Antarctica NASA can't explain.

Hyperboreans and shheeeeeiit.

Attached: NASA.webm (985x985 2.95 MB, 3.62M)

Embed very related

Attached: bypass.jpg (366x290 454 B, 67.2K)

Research intern here. I don't do climatology, but I will add something to this.

Our lab sent samples to the ISS, and astronauts we're delegated tasks to perform within the experiment, sounds pretty standard.

But, when our lab gave instructions to astronauts via video link, the audio feed was off. Our lab had to explain the experiment to an army representative, then the army representative relayed information someone else. Then we waited for the chain of command to relay the information to the astronauts.

That 'NASA' glownigger actors larping as NASA video is fake as fuck.
The mass & inertia of her gold necklace is far higher than her hair. The gold necklace moves, but her hair is fixed.
Thus, her hair is set with hairspray, and the necklace is a spider gossamer light prop.

They look jewish to me, especially the flipper and the fro. Anyone else?

Posted to >>>/sudpol/ for posterity.

the Zig Forums space program is advancing nicely for all you anons still around to remember those threads
the satellite is on track for launch by 2020
neuschwabia contact by 2021

I eagerly await.

Nice! I wish that board had a bit more activity.

downloaded & rencoded embed the webm would was listed as a larger file than the mp4 , odd.

Attached: IronSky2Trailer.mp4 (1280x534, 14.76M)

*webm was listed as larger than the mp4

What the fuck how long has the riding T-rex thing been around I designed a comic book around an idea just like that

Bullshit. Roscosmos discovered, shared with Houston, NASA claimed discovery, and no western paper fixed it.

Russia also discovered using radar the presence of ice caves bigger than Switzerland and with a lot more real estate. It has fresh water lakes and a lot of exposed dirt. Due to insulating effect of miles of ice above them they are likely to be close to room temperature (~20 degrees).

They could support a population of ten million.

I still propose we get that sub and mount an expedition
They are waiting for us



Your choice, lads. Not sure how super science and /fringe/ we can get here.

Attached: UFOspooky.gif (169x201, 38.11K)

Coiner of the term here, glad to see you guys still busy with this. I'm not of great use otherwise :^)

It's literally German for South Pole.

That looks almost exactly like a black sun. Fucking amazing.

Holy shit, you actually went through with the project?

Attached: sudpol get.jpg (986x270, 39.14K)

6 holes must be where either people or UFO's come out of. We have seen pictures of similar holes before in other images obviously, one of such holes, can be found at 66 33 '11:58' S, 99 50 '17.86 "E

In OP's picture and the one I just uploaded, all have the same structure or shapre, obloid, or semi-circle with a flat half, lmao UFO shaped fucking WEW.

This is just like looking at the NASA Mars pics from above where we can "see patterns" of what look like the shape of roads where buildings once lay.

Attached: base1.jpg (400x349, 33.09K)

JOSEPH P.-fuckin' FARREL – Oxford grad., Patristics; former History lecturer. Fascinating, funny guy. Metric assloads of interviews as well; Forum Borealis and Dark Journalist have a lot of them.

Cliff High – Statistical Linguistics programmer, 'emotive' heuristics on Antartica are snowballing and have been for a while. Guy's a higher-energied Scott Adams, with actual hard science to back it up

Harry Cooper – Actually went down to Argentina, interviews old U-boat men to get their stories recorded/runs site dedicated to it. Spooky San Carlos de Bariloche stories (still taboo to talk about post-war Germans' presence; every President since Eisenhower to Obongo has visited.)

Walter Bosley Carter Hydrick Tim Swartz Richard Doland – more general breakaway/wild card extraterritorial powers speculation

Peter Levenda (See his comments on his experience of espionage wars within American Churches, German, Russian, and Glow Niggers) – Begrudging cuck, but good researcher, somewhat persona non grata participating in the recent Delong controlled opposition psuedo disclosure event Podesta was so hard on about hyping

Economic warfare took down the Soviets, requiring an assload of money and assloads of laundering. Nazi human intelligence in the USSR and Middle East became the CIA's (Dulles, fired by Kennedy, is brought back to officiate on the Warren Commission? First reported rifle: an Argentine-only caliber rifle after Dealy Plaza. Owner of Texas School Book Depository: Brother of Admiral Byrd, of Operation Highjump infamy.)
Suppose the missing 2.3 trillion in the DOD Rumsfeld testified the day before 9/11 (where the Naval office in the Pentagon investigating it was killed, all but 1) along with the financial records of said trillions – with some gold – were the actions of fucked-off Thulean debt collectors taking collateral and serving 'divorce papers' at the same time.
Sounds outlandish, yet there was more than enough war loot expatriated by unaccounted-for Martin Borman, financial wizard; Byrd's task force suffered inordinate casualties given the mission [see his local newspaper statement before returning]; why test nukes all the way down there; what were Obongo, Kerry, Patriarch Kirill, Aldrin and others going down there around the election; given recent events, the current constellation of 'deep state' actors have proven wildley inept:– 9/11 as a Kraut lobotomy from the Anglo-Zio vegetable brain, as the Lawrence of Arabia script is forced repeatedly in the Middle East, where Germans enjoyed excellent relations since at least WWI . . .

Or just see the Syrian Ambassador declaim against the "West's use of Genetically Modified Soldiers" (look for the video of militants leading captives along a beach, looking about two feet taller than all of their prey.)

Volcanic activity forms large, warm areas under the ice. And this is before going into hollow earth myths they chased. If eskimos can live on seal meat, so could krauts with a black budget globe-spanning financial imperium with the tacit endorsement of the Western bloc's elite. If I'm not mistaken, Eisenhower's "military-industrial complex" originally included the word "financial". Foo fighers even during WWII later become the rash of UFO sightings in the 50s, Battle of LA, Roswell (where Ike calls Dulles, saying "Get in my fucking office tomorrow morning and brief me on what's going on in Area 51, or I'm invading New Mexico with the 8th army.")

Attached: AGARTHA_BirdChileanPaper.jpg (300x441 63.84 KB, 47.55K)

did we ever figure out what this weird "C" was? i found it in that heat map thread, but its since been removed. it was down below south america

Attached: antarctica c.png (712x509, 142.02K)

Wish I could find it, but the KECK array down there had a readout of gravitational waves that were black sun like.

Watch George Bush Sr. get wheeled through NASA, with just that going on the big screen (blue screen fully exposed.)

> neuschwabia contact by 2021
Wir werden unsere Raumschiffe haben!

Hollow and expanding

Attached: NASA_BeforeAfterSCUBA.jpg (1630x2721 213.94 KB, 5.05M)

holy cow

Yep, long hair in space should move like a person is underwater, not like they stuck their finger in a light socket and had it set that way.

Guys done a lot of research and has done the academic research using the scientific model to back up the Third Reich surviving outside Germany. Initially he was always of the belief that UFO's are not theirs, they're working with America, and that the existing nationless Reich is flourishing behind the scenes predominately in South America. He's a staunch guy in his beliefs but even recently he's forced to take the Antarctica survival base theory seriously because of caves publicly being announced that are 60-70's verified. He's even considering they built UFO craft but that they were absorbed into the U.S. which I think is bullshit (Read Hitlers Table Talks on the necessity for the 3rd Reich to keep scientific discoveries secret in the future). He wont loose that gay shit like Dark Journalist though about them basically being in cahoots with Zionists. This Jim Marrs, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell horseshit needs to die and they intentionally are deceiving people. Outside that the info he provides is very reliable.

I like what he says and he's been right a lot but he also admits that his algorithm barely gets over 50% accurate and he's been wrong just as much. The Antarctica shit is interesting but he also avoids a lot of the "technology" down there going down the spiritual path where some abandoned Egypt style civilization was once there and space weapons were just lying around waiting to be discovered. The real reason is far from that.

Fucking solid. His interviews with Rense are always good and it cuts the Zionist 4th Reich nonsense out because he's jew wise.


arduino micro processors and all
there maybe unforseen delays but the timeline is accurate

Wir werden

Reported. You had your chance.

I'll argue that the environmental conditions on any space station are kept incredibly dry for many reasons (it prevents oxidation for one) and medium length, thin hair like that is likely to get staticky. I get that static is an ever present fire hazard but they've been designing around that since the Apollo oxygen fire disaster.


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Report me again bitch
Do it. I love being reported

walking in a semi-cirle back and forth

I come to this thread hoping to hear the news of our snowbound brothers,
Instead I get a bunch of anti-space retardation.
Anti-Nasa? Sure thing.
But anti-space? I went to a non-nigged high school so I actually got to shoot a balloon into the stratosphere so this flat shit irks me.
It's like 500 bucks to buy one, I have no patience for fucks who won't do testing themselves. Goddamn Mike Hughes and his rocket should be an inspiration.

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the fuck are you talking about? nobody but you is talking flat earth, faggot.

Found the literal faggot kike fellers

Reminder earth isn't flat , it sure is hollow though

Sure. This guy didn't post.
And the hair thing as proof they're not in space? Retarded. Can't be an obvious joke with hair gel or spray. No way.

Attached: hungryanon.mp4 (720x720, 1.8M)

oh, nigger don't be so autistic that youll shit on an entire thread over one other bigger nigger. There is more important things to care about here.

Like how we're going to get the sub
The amount of provisions to reach New Scwabia
Navigational challenges
Fuel for the sub
Arm wrestling contest (I'll win I promise) for sub commander
Footrace determines overland commander
We need to procure uniforms
We were also discussing satellite recon over the pole to see what we can see
Much etc and much to do

If musk ever brings down space payload cost, how much would it be to put a small sat on orbit? With just enough instruments to feed our autism and keep in budget of neetbux?

we don't need a sub, there's holes in antartica that lead right in, see the OP

We need a sub and some true frogmen

Attached: IMG_3182.JPG (1440x586, 256.39K)

Dude we can launch a cube sat right now for about ten grand. The cost IS coming down for sure.
We don't need to though. We can use hardware already up there , just need to access it and use it

What, is there satellite time for rent like the old mainframes? That'd be pretty fucking cool.

Cant find it in /pdfs/ mind linking it?

I also came across this horrid little fundraiser.
Sage for lightly offtopic

Attached: buythissatellite.PNG (1518x618, 291.7K)

No need
We can access anything we fuckin want for free
You know being the worlds foremost hackers and all
Remember antannae angles are very important

Fuck niggers I hope they all starve to death


they launch satellites from antarctica goy

Does your (( (kind))) prefer head first or feet first?

Attached: IMG_3186.JPG (225x225, 24.51K)

Can you elaborate for a pleb?


Cave thread new bread user here, good to see /sudpol/ still kicking ass.

Attached: TETRA.jpg (1024x690 85.36 KB, 149.53K)

Hollow Earth is not anti-space, the earth is hollow because it is in space. You dumb nigger.

hollow earth most likely refers to a system of massive caves in antarctiva that housed the hyperborean race, not the earth literally being an egg

Looking again at the holes, it reminds me of thermal imagery from laser materials processing. Lasers (depending on configuration) can make larger initial craters due to surface blistering, then burrow down in a narrower hole as it gets deeper. Also depends on medium, e.g. ice - hot, point sources making liquid hence the puddles around it.
/sudpol/ weapons test
Except I doubt they are lasers, likely some more quantum orientated beam/localised interference system.

Attached: welding.png (926x511 2.87 MB, 1.36M)

Threadly reminder.

Attached: tor.gif (1000x1600 642.48 KB, 840.65K)

That's from lolicon hentai.

Attached: 0a1487cb168515f3de96d1786f3693128e7a03e7c94d2dcd7fbcbed4937de88a.jpg (1242x1643, 193.73K)

Of course. They will never voluntarily lift the lid off the "space" hoax.

Very good.

Good post. This shit cannot be posted too often. Disgusting masonfags.

Fuck off, kikelet.

To which height?


How do you know that? How do I know that?

Attached: upside down smug.png (317x319, 113.07K)

Can possibly help with getting things very high in the atmosphere

The Earth is flat and NASA lied to you goyim

You faggots try this every time there is a /sudpol/ thread. When you are ignored, you send in the christcucks. There is a third stage which I have forgotten but you faggots can go fuck off, /sudpol/ has seen it all before.

ignore flat earth/christcuck sliding

Attached: Raptor_Earth_Theory.jpg (590x495, 15.11K)

All my life I've heard there were about 100 u-boats unaccounted for.
When did they start trying to say they accounted for all of them? Sounds like someone is trying to alter historical record, to me.

Impale yourself, copernicanigger

God, I wish so much this were true

It's not a new idea.
There was a whole shitty toy line and cartoon on the concept of people riding dinosaurs.

So you come to a website to question the worlds problems with an open mind, but you know what the ground is shaped like? I guess you dont mind how Nasa is ran by jews…

the shape of the planets surface and space are questions for later.
One way or another we'll find out if we fix the more pressing issues.

I can agree to this. Its not really annoying to me that people believe flat earth per se, but when either for or against say their theories are concrete, i know they are fools

Attached: 1480594610354.jpg (840x544, 58.03K)

Rapidity of action is certainly a factor, but depth of conspirational conceptuality is even more important. The Brunian/Copernican deception is the centerpiece of NWO cosmology; they don't call it the "Pythagorean cornerstone" for nothing. Destroy heliocentrism and the whole masonic house of cards comes tumbling down.

It's actually not true. You got rused.


Did anyone attempt to enter the holes? Aussies did go there and took video of their trip.

It can be proven with pretty easily accessible laser technology and some know-how (have done this), or a balloon. These niggers don't want to do that because they need to be able to derail threads.

Unsure about the new ones. I want to know how they knew to look there.

The video got locked but I am able to took photo of the video.

Attached: cave 4 - Copy.PNG (845x468 616.24 KB, 275.12K)

Attached: This is what the cave look like - Copy.PNG (853x472 753.22 KB, 685.08K)

The lady said it is warm down there!

Thanks for the reminder.
Video in this one works but doesn't have all the shots your one does.

I watched the new video and it make me wonder why they cut the shots out. It's a shame that I didn't save the old video sooner. Shame on me!

Provide details.

no u

We need rocket sleds for our team