National "Socialism"

Why do (((Hitlerites))) insist they are not traitors to the Socialist cause? This is just a reminder, there has NEVER been such a thing as Socialism that supports "(((private property rights)))". "Marxian Socialism" (actually any kind of true Socialism aside from Hitler's faux-Socialist economic system…) is the only kind of Socialism, and it is based on Socialist thought that came before Marx anyways, so there is actually NO REASON to be afraid of true Socialism. Marx did not come up with the ideology. He merely tied Socialist thought together and made it coherent and realistic, based on modern economics and philosophy. Hitler was great before he became a literal traitor to the National Socialist ideology; and that is exactly what he was during the (((Night of the Long Knives))). Hitler's (((Corporautism))) is just Social Democracy, and the Left-wing theorists in the Nazi party were the Rosa Luxembourgs of the (((Nationalist Social Democratic))) movement. There is no avoiding these facts. Also, in case you (((National Social Democrats))) did not know, there are TWO kinds of Marxism. Socialist Classical Marxism when he was simply tying older Socialist movements together, and (((Communist))) Marxism, from when Marx decided he was done amalgamating different kinds of past Socialisms together, and that he would corrupt the movement into something (((anti-Religious))), (((anti-Nationalist))), and poisonous in nature. Stop reading Hitler's autobiography and start reading early Marx you Social Democratic, anti-White, (((CAPITALIST))) faggots. There is NO SUCH THING as Nationalism while (((Capitalism))) is still destroying culture, funding Globalist economics, mixing the races together, and turning Aryans into good goyim wageslaves.

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reported for judaism.

Ya, property rights are fake and gay but I don't niggers and jews taking my shit.

The Tay-Sachs hitting hard tonight Rabbi?

Sounds gay af.

Now I've heard everything. What a nigger.

Whoever gave you the right to own 2000 acres of land and factories across the country? That is, after all, private property. Tell me when niggers and spics try taking your home and furniture, then i'll respect your PERSONAL property rights.

Didn't i make it clear? There are two kinds of Marxism, (((Hitlerite))). If you'd read Marx before, you'd realize this.


I've read Marx. It is anything but coherent and realistic.

Virtually any ideology works decently well……as long as the body politic is white. Even the shittiest of shitty white nations run as piss poorly as possible are orders of magnitude better than any shitskin or kiked up nation. The problem is JEWS and by extension their shitskin bioweapons they use against us. You're focused on the wrong problem, fellow user.


wtf I hate Henry Ford now

National Socialists care about their race, not "the (((socialist))) cause".

Without property rights nothing gets built or invested in, ever. You want no property rights? Go live in Apefrica. Nobody is going to build a factory that employs people if it can suddenly be taken away. Nobody is going to spend a generation building a high production farm that feeds thousands of people if niggers are just going to take it 'legally'. People who build things (whites) think long term. They invest in the future. If there is no certain future…..nothing gets built. That along with low IQ is why every shitskin nation sucks and always will suck.

Sage.stopped reading at

(((Marxian Socialism)))



Fuck off strasserfaggot, Gregor got righteously knifed for trying to split the NSDAP and lead off his group of fanboys over to the Weimar politicans to keep Hitler down and Otto ran screaming and wailing into the arms of ZOG and spent the rest of his life hiding and bitching in Canada.

kill yourself

I'd say the government can do just as good a job at protecting their own property from niggers as a private company can. Fuck off with this shit.

Adorable that you think communists in your group won't try to abolish those too.

But what's it like being a full materialist idealist, have you gone ubermensch yet? Must be hard dealing with all those teenage nihilists fucking your ideological day, since you share the same materialist ball pit with them.

Yeah, they are. But you're going full communism when you cry out for abolition of private property entirely. Private socialism does exist, which is much better at dealing with outside groups and doesn't pass around their wives.

marxism is give everything to your jew overlords, National Socialism is raise up your nation as a healthy and wealthy society and fuck those jew leech parasites.

So, Social Democracy with National characteristics? Where does that exist? Sweden? The United Kingdom? Is Zig Forums really claiming these countries as their own?

Places like this are introductions/honeypots, depending on what you are doing. Next step is to discover that

'Sozi' = 'Social Democrat'

Gas yourself

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there literally is jewish dna wtf are you talking about?

Genuine question OP
Where did they advertise for your position? What kind of qualifications do you have? I'm curious, and it seems like you're new to the job.

Learn the difference between Prussian Socialism and Marxist Socialism, you ignorant kike.

He's a faggot, just ignore him.

>Why do (((Hitlerites))) insist they are not traitors to the Socialist cause?
Cool, see this and lots of threads about black dicks and whites being descended from rats. Awesome raid. Wooooo. It's not even really that the shit they come up with to post, that they're obviously super impressed with themselves over, is offensive. I'm so desensitized by gore and outrage and whatnot, I don't think these faggots could even comprehend the depths of anger I've felt in life. Its that the shit they spam is so fucking boring, and so fucking predictable, and so fucking unimaginative. I actually feel mildly offended at their lack of effort. The tedium is offensive, but to boring to even feel fully offended over.

Attached: HITLER-vs-STRASSER-s.jpg (1920x4080, 1.97M)

Kike-seeking trips


This is why I shouldn't phonepost at 1 am
I will pay you to kill me

they're not respected here nor leftypol. that's why I stay quiet.

for the record I fall inbetween Hitler and Strasser.

Any left nationalists want to make friends on my discord? Please? I feel so lonely…


sounds like projection. you two should fuck


Here's your real answer:
Your faggot -ism doesn't matter. Biology and race and concrete reality does. NS solves these things. -isms made up by kikes do not.

There you go. You're probably a kike, but this one is for the newfags.