It took me a long time but I finally realize that halfchan Zig Forums is a fucking disgrace. I just got banned for shit talking /ptg/ for having no integrity for what Zig Forums has always stood for. That place is dead, and maybe it has been for a while but that was a wake up call.(Cuckchan is a disgrace but so are low quality threads like this)
It took me a long time but I finally realize that halfchan Zig Forums is a fucking disgrace...
cool thread faggot. kill yourself.
Lurk moar, faggot. If you did, you'd realize this thread will get locked or deleted soon because nobody fucking cares.
Welcome to the hate machine
Now fuck off forever
been dead since Trumpstein got elected
Part of why it's so bad is because faggots like you post low quality threads like this. Don't bring that shit here.
Go Back
…. Which is…?
fucking cunt - you should be banned immediately for 88 years
like everyone else.
huff raid nigger
OP, that's like yelling "fire" in a theatre that already burned down. For the future, posts like this are better suited for the QTDDTOD thread. There are some rules for OPs that have to at least loosely be followed or your shit gets trashed. Might seem a bit excessive, but it really does keep the quality of the forum from taking a nosedive.
I'm pretty sure you're breaking some board rules by failing to call him "faggot" or tell him to kill himself.
fuck cuckchan
go back
You have to go back
what the actual fuck
Took you 4 years too long. We don't want you here.
I can't be the only one.. what's happening in the last few months? And whenever I try to reply to some decent topic it goes 404 in a few seconds.
Also the site is also constantly down and they blocked ABP users.
It's a waste of time. I don't know why anyone would ever go there. You might as well hang out on plebbit or kikebook tbh.
Where were you during the shitfest that was GG?
Halfchan died in 2014.