One fucking day.
One oldfag against a fully clothed ape.
Why do niggers never play fair? Leftypol btfo again.
Well, that didn't take long
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Dumb luck, bad OP. Cowboy was cool though
The mods can delete the thread, I just found it funny
Is that Wilfred Brimley?
This is in mexicoland, no?
Man, with stuff like this, who needs the cops?
Where did this happen anyway?
You'll notice RT never shows their nation's degenerates and depravity :^)
I like how he had to take his fucking shades off first.
The same way CNN does with Syria.
Was that a revolver? Who the fuck tries to rob a store with a revolver? We're not in the Wild West anymore.
Fucking niggers, I swear.
What did he mean by this, Zig Forums?
That slide in choke slam was masterful.
Automatics jam at the wrong time.
I heard that in a Mobb Deep song once.
They probably think revolvers leave them untrackable because they don't automatically eject casings.
No it wasnt
fuck you, faggot
it was awesome
fuck that old dude got stabbed like 5 times and took it like a champ. notice around the 0:22, the spic takes out a knife and starts stabbing brimley's beer gut. you can see the bleeding at 0:35.
Pretty sure that's just a pocket. Not sure why a shirt like that would have one, but the line is too thin and uniform for it to be a line of blood from a stab wound, and a guy like that doesn't just walk them off, much less try to run.
I like how the cowboy takes off his glasses, and the robber doesn't register that this massive dude just set his glasses aside, in preparation for a scuffle.
I think that's a tear from the struggle. Chimps don't trim their huge, yellow nails very often.
frames of knife. he definitely got stabbed. stab wounds don't have to be gushing blood, that line on the shirt is definitely red and dropping blood.
No, its because they are reliable as someone else said. Modern pistols are prone to jamming.
if this was in america. cowboy would have taken out his gun and shot him right in the back of the head.
That's not what oldfag means you insufferable sack of puke. I logged in to TOR just to tell you to blow your brains across your bedroom ceiling before posting.
It's used for old people of any type constantly on chans and has been for years.
You insufferable nigger.
t.arrived for the trump campaign
brainlet detected
Neck yourself, kike.
oldfag: someone who was on 4chan in 2006
old fag: boomer
Throwing a bitchfit doesn't make you right.
Fucking dumb useless bitch standing there doing nothing
"oldfag" is for pre-2006 users, and old people in general you stupid kike. Lurk two moar years.
I'll take my S&W Model 28 .357 over your fag 9mm peashooter any day.
That beautiful neck grab near the end.
Fuck yeah.
She would have just got in the way in any event.
Not that the nigger thought of any of this, but:
First day?
He definitely did not get stabbed. There's no knife in the hand, and the other side of his shirt has the same lines. Way to go, wannabe-Sherlock.
I'll see your 28 and raise you a Trooper MK4 and a Colt Python. I love my .357s.
Then what's the glint in that little faggot's hand?
Bling, you racis mufugga
They aren't sending their best.
Look at the button at the bottom, it's a "cowboy" jacket. Light denim.
A canadian tuxedo, if you will.
Blings that extend out from the bottom of his hand. You a stupid bitch.
The fuck is she going to do behind the counter? Pick up the phone before the asshole is under control and get her ass shot? Fucking nigger.
Checked, and yes.
If that's what you've got, that's what you use. Guns are illegal in Mexico.
Is there ever a right time?
No. The old guy was wearing a denim jacket. What you keep pointing to as blood is a pocket slit.
Robber is an idiot to begin with, and not used to having to fight for it.
Checked, but he's a mexi-nigger.
No, he didn't. Get better resolution of the video and you can see plain as day it's a pocket.
Only if you're using inferior/wrong type of ammunition.
Yup, if they were in Texas that old dude would have dropped that tweekers ass like a sack a shit.
She froze up, not trained for this kind of situation.
Yup, she didn't know what to do
A 9mm is more deadly than a .357, the .357 doesn't shoot very accurately because of the 26 plus pounds of force to squeeze the trigger, it's easier to put two shots on someone with a 9 than 1 with a 357, also you have more than twice the bullets.
A revolver is antiquated technology, 1 shot from a 9mm hollow point Center mass is enough to do the trick if not two
A .357 revolver like the one showed above requires 26 lbs of pressure for a trigger pull, that makes it considerably less accurate than that of a 9mm>>11525233
The actual diameter of the exit wound is 30% larger from a 9mm to a 45, but with a hollow point it makes no real difference
Obvious nogun faggot.
You're right about putting more rounds on target accurately, and this is the prevailing philosophy these days. But the .357 will always be capable of doing more damage, and you're exaggerating the trigger pull causing accuracy issues. Whichever weapon you train with you'll be deadly with.
Q predicted this
I shot a .357 s and w 686 last week, the only way you're really shooting accurately with that thing is by cocking it every time, which isn't practical at all.
Two shots Center mass with a 9mm and hollow tips will do the trick
no guns spotted
If a subhuman stabs me, I'm going to justifiably stomp them into a paste.
I only need one.
that's just total horse shit ask anybody that has used a 9mm and a .357 in combat (check your local vfw) will tell you a 9mm can take multiple rounds center mass or not and .357 will neutralize the threat with one round center mass or not
Did Q predict that you would report me?
I thought she was calling the police. That's about the most useful thing she can do without getting in the way.
typical tricks
Yup. She started calling when she was in the clear to do so.
wtf does this have to do with anything?
oldfag was never used to describe age, I never seen any user refer to old peoples as oldfag.
I do it all the time ever since boomerhating became popular just to watch people who heard about 4chan via CNN sperg out and call me a newfag.
You using term wrong all the time doesn't mean you're right, it just mean you're retarded
I even told you I do it to troll and you still get triggered.
This. You don't see such in the MMA because rules, but this was very cool.
Shooting range, maybe.
o no, stick normies will never accept mr. comedic genius now. how fucking tragic.
I'd rather have 17+1
over 6 then run
And that's the reason I carry a .45, nothing else makes me happier than that exit hole.
watch the video again, the nigger pull a knife from his backpack and stabs him in the side, he probably had stuffed in between his back and the pack that way he could reach for it in notime.
Trolls never admit they're trolling, newfag.
But exit holes aren't what matters. Shot placement with sufficient penetration is what matters. Blow apart as much flesh as you like, but it only takes one hit to the spine, heart or brain can stop a threat. 9mm is the best pistol round according to the FBI because it offers enough penetration, with reliably expanding ammunition, barrier blind loads and maximum capacity. Combine in a reported 25% accuracy in gunfights and anything less than 12 rounds is insufficient for a shootout. Revolvers can't carry that much to begin with, and they lose ground rapidly to even single stack semiauto pistols. But why stop for a reload when a double stack of 9mm will offer 15 rounds? .45 has it's place as a superior subsonic round, while 9mm is better as a duty cartridge. However, all regular pistol ammunition is inferior to any modern rifle.
An exit hole means the bullet was not optimal (unless you have a target behind the exit hole). The idea is to dump all the bullet's energy into the target so it goes down and doesn't get back up. If there is an exit hole it failed to do this completely.
Take a look at ARX polymer bullets - great barrier penetration but dump the energy in liquids because humans are essentially water bags, or even some fangibles.
lynching would cure him
Damn that was funny
Light cowboy pocket, there's a matching pocket on the other side seen a few seconds before that one. @0:33-0:34
See the webm for a better view
Funny thing about time, it moves forward. Those young faggots back then are OLDER now. Conveniently is describes both.
retard alert
real life isnt cawadooty, dumbass. modern revolvers are double action, they are cheap, reliable and can shoot effictively just as quickly. of all the things to say this nigger is doing wrong, having a revolver isnt one of them. are you 12?
Old fag here, it has multiple meanings, that's the beauty of it.
I really wish I could find the video of the nigger walking back and forth crying about being shot by the police where you can see the bullets just sitting under his skin. There were like 3 or 4 rounds of 9mm in him. Even the cops were like WTF and just asked him to sit so the wambulance could cart him away. Nigger wasn't overly muscular just a fat slob.
DAT GIF "" thats knock down power