After browsing some of the cancer dating sites and apps past week or so, ive noticed something odd.
on the apps/sites that have a dropdown for sexual preference (usually just straight, gay, or bisexual/open) i would say more than half of ALL the women, pretty/ugly/white/not white were bisexual.
Now, usually I would dismiss this kind of thing as mass programming from the media, but >50% of the entire female user base is a bit high.
Have women all along been lesbians? Or have women all along not really been attracted to men? I've often asked myself how anyone could be attracted to men, I know some people are, even other men - but I never understood it.
I feel like evolution molded us into something that reproduces due to stimuli. I think women were descended through the eons to be physically attractive, and for men to be strong/intelligent and take the female by any means necessary. And in turn, females overwhelmingly enjoy rough sex/bdsm/other sick twisted harmful shit.
I dont think most women are really attracted to men, more their power/money/how abusive they are towards them - So when these dating sites came around with simple a picture of someone to look at, of course the most attractive pictures will all be women.
Women are trendy, because they perceive where power lies and follow it. Power presently lies with the Jew, as they can see and understand subconsciously any time they watch TV, movies, news, etc., and the Jew wants us to think being LGBTQABCDEFG is "hip" and "modern," (because, of course, an enervated and divided, aka "diverse," society is incoherent and cannot cohere and unite against the Jew), so women parrot exactly what the Jews want them to in their classrooms, in their personal lives, etc. They perceive it as being safer, it's just like how the number one thing women want in a man isn't integrity, intelligence, character, anything of substance, but "being tall."
Brody Murphy
It the non-comitment way of joining the lgbtq+ special protectiin group. I know a fair deal of these "bisexual". They do it only because it is popular.
Landon Howard
Oh, the other thing is of course that mediocrities always chafe at being mediocrities, so everyone obsesses over getting attention and being popular, and a faux-edgy thing like being bisexual is a way for entirely uninteresting people to pretend to be interesting, or "going through a phase," etc.
Eli Walker
Another reason is that women are adapted in such a way as to share a single male with multiple women. Engaging in light levels of lesbian behaviour aids in enticing the owner of the women to engage sexually with the women performing the lesbian acts.
I have been thinking about this a lot. I don't think women are attracted to a penis the way men (visual creatures) are attracted to a nice pair of tits. It's not the same visual stimulus.
Instead women rely of emotional stimulus guided by survival strategies. It would explain their lack of loyalty (when compared to a man). It would also explain why some women are so eager to sleep with jerks, niggers and other aggressive men.
If you have an emotionally broken woman who has had terrible male influences in her younger life (sexual abuse, mental abuse, lack of father, etc.) then it would make sense for her to seek that in another female. Because at the end of the day they don't have an attraction to a penis, but an attraction to masculine traits like strength, safety and resources. When put into these terms another woman can create the illusion of safety and provide resources.
At the end of the day I think lesbianism is a survival strategy women have to deal with trauma. With the deterioration of the family and divorce rates being so high it shouldn't be a surprise that so many "bisexuals" exist today. Although I will admit that I think most of these whores are larping and aren't really bisexual. They just want the good goy brownie points of being a snowflake.
Julian Watson
yea, honestly i dont think women are attracted to physical traits like we are at all. i agree with you, I think their mind sees attraction differently. We see attractive things like artwork, the shape, symmetry, curves are beautiful/stimulating/erotic. whereas with women, they see a strong bulky guy with a big cock and think of power/domination/their effect on other women. The male form is certainly "beautiful" in the statue of david/sculpture sense - but not in the erotic sense.
Robert Rogers
No woman is a lesbian.
Kevin Bailey
edgy, but no real opinion/background behind edgy point given. I will choose to assume you have none.
Oliver Hill
Social media and entertainment (both east and west) has been pushing that content on them harder than men.
Jack Lopez
In my experience with women I honestly find it hard to believe a woman would pair up with another woman, ever
and even if they do, they still use dildos, they still seek out the male aspect of sex
Leo Evans
>muh (((blogpost))) In the off chance your merely a dumb as a bag of rocks newfag - If 1 is anti-homo and 10 is homo, then men are 1 or 10, and women are 4 to 8 on such a scale.
Either a cuckfag that hung around after their board came back up, or a shit shill that doesn't yet know he's trying to wipe his dick on razorwire. Either one gets a full sage
Jack Robinson
All women are bisexual. Or rather, omnisexual. By this I don't mean sexual preference or habits, but that women become aroused by seeing any sexual activity whatsoever. Gay, straight, chimpanzees, dogs, whatever. This was in a study where sensors were hooked up to erogenous zones to detect blood flow (arousal) and subjects were made to watch different kinds of porn/animal mating after reporting their sexual preferences. Women, no matter what their self reported sexuality was, across the board experienced arousal no matter what they were seeing.
Men, on the other hand, have been clinically proven to either be straight or gay, but there is literally, scientifically, no such thing as a bisexual man. Many men who said they were gay experienced no arousal form gay porn, but did with straight (Proving it is social conditioning in most cases), but none of the men experienced arousal with both. I can't link the study off the top of my head, but David A. Putts was the professor at Penn State back in 2012 that was saying this, if you want to look him up. No idea if he's still working there or if he's cucked out, but for what it's worth, I remember on the day he gave this lecture, he said "There is no such thing as a bisexual male. This is scientific fact. You don't like it, leave"
A female with normal hormones and social conditioning should go into absolute heat at the sight of a male form with health levels of hormones. But neither healthy hormonal balance or natural social conditioning is common in modern society. Females of most mammalian species have an instinct to bond with other females especially when alpha males are scarce, but this modern non-hetero identity is probably a result of too early sexuslization and hyper sexualization of consumerism directed at females. Which of course kikes exploit to their goals of white society subversion.
Ayden Roberts
80% of the population in the 1990s had non-genital HPV. Mostly children had cold soars and forgot about it or don't want to admit it because you don't usually get them as an adult.
Austin Murphy
Sounds like bullshit right off the bat. Any time a "scientist" says "it's a FACT!" they're not a scientist. Science doesn't have facts, only theories by definition. Bill Nye is not a scientist.
Also male animals will fuck anything but I don't know if that's related.
Asher Walker
Most likely, they just do it because they think Chad thinks that it's "hot". Some Greek Cypriot psychologist did a study and determined that female lesbianism is a desperate attempt to seek male attention and approval. It couldn't have any other evolutionary basis.
Otherwise, it's just because their brains are fucked up from watching (((pornography))). Lesbian pornography is the the most popular genre among females.
Owen Turner
Women base their personality and opinions on group preferences due to being mentally and physically weaker. The current pervasive homosexual propaganda gives them a feeling that these traits increase their reproduction value. Couple that with failed upbringing and shit father figures and you get yourself women that are overly depended on their mothers and society for attention.
It's an advertising strategy, aka "typical female bullshit." Women believe that men find "bi" chicks to be hotter than normal ones, so they freely lie about it. It's no different than the "I wuz raeped" story that these messed-up idiots always love to tell you. It's all about provoking a reaction from others.
Well, it was a human sexuality class, and it was right around the time where all this degenerate lefty shit really started to kick off, and I imagine he was pretty sick some of the students constantly interrupting him and acting like they knew more than he did in his own field.
Tyler Myers
Get the fuck out.
Justin Perry
just because you have never been sandwiched between two lesbos as they fuck one another doesnt mean it hasnt happened, niggerbitch.
how do you tie your shoes with this logic??
you must think females actually have to do ANYTHING to get a male. you also must think IF they had to do anything, they would be clever enough to think of this.
They literally do this bisexual shit because it increases their chances of getting what they want on these apps, which is attention.
Nolan Parker
Correct. Stacy eat a shit.
Chase Edwards
Bi = Psychopathic or similar personality disorder.
They use sex to control other people and provide narcissistic supply. There's no mutual pair-bonding aspect involved as with normal people.
Adam Thompson
They all are bisexual. Scientifically proven fact. All women have unconscious sexual attraction to both sexes. If they say otherwise they are lying because of social conditioning. When there is no social pressure to hide this fact they can go swing both ways.
Kayden Parker
Ryder Hill
It has very simple evolutionary basis. Women evolved to be attractive. Byproduct of this is that they attract everyone including other women not only potential mating partners. But this doesn't matter as women are weak sex, they can't refuse mating advance of more stronger man who choose them as their mating partner. At least as far as sexual interaction is simple masculinity dominated rape culture. When women are shielded by social institutions from such advances lesbianism becomes evolutionary dead end. But masculinity started to suffer defeats only 50 years ago so evolution didn't have time to kick in.
Camden Scott
birth control pills
Julian Jones
the userbase of these sites is not a random sample of the population.
Zachary Perry
also, don't forget all chemicals and other crazy shit in the food and water. pretty sure thats had at least some negative effect on our species.
I have a perfect IRL example. One of my friends is this bisexual guy who is a self destructive hedonist and degenerate. He knows a lot of girls and is pretty clever (met him at an Ivy League school that we both attended) so there are many perks to being friends with him. He supplies me with lots of thots that he knows (he let me fuck two of them at the same time as long as he could watch and jerk off to me). I've already fucked nearly a dozen of his female friends so its a pretty good deal.
The only issue is that you need to tolerate him during his manic periods which can be pretty taxing (him trying to suck the Lyft driver's dick to not have to pay cab fare even though hes wealthy). These people are inherently broken and narcissistic but they can be fun if you're into the sort of degeneracy that seems to surround them at all times.
He's also a big Trump supporter so he's not half bad.
Levi Taylor
Men provide resources and a cock to ride once in a while. Women know they cant statistically get resources from another woman. Plus the sex life will suck. Larping as a bisexual will get you a better man
It's pretty simple, actually. Women evolved to spot the sexual attractiveness of other women. In addition to this, women overwhelmingly agree with anybody in a position of power. They agree with every order given to them. This is clear even looking at their 'problems'; "There is a demand for x in women, Q.Q", "Society pressures women to do xyz; this is oppression" etc. They never stop to wonder why they hear what other people hear, see what others see nor can they go against that pressure. Even negroes are more free than any single woman. Society has feminist values = women feel the need to group up against "the common foe", and feel obliged to take whatever pointless nugender invented. Social signaling is mostly what this is.
Ethan Carter
Women are and always have been a bi-sexual, harem hive-mind of backbiters. If women could have access to the top 10 percent of desirable men, but it meant they had to join a harem of 6-7 women they would do so IMMEDIATELY. Many of the large mammals such as lions, primates, elephants, use the harem strategy with one or two alpha-males ruling the pack. Many mammals also use the strategy of mating for a single season, then finding a new partner the next season. Not very many mammals mate for life. Monogamy is great for males and great for a stable society, but for women? Nah, in the most primitive parts of their brains they could give a shit less.
It's worse than just chemicals. They have been spraying the food with human shit as an "experiment" to see if it was a viable means of fertilization. We have all these disease outbreaks from beaners being payed by kikes to spray human waste on our food.
Cooper Lopez
You would too if you had the opportunity.
Dylan Hughes
To be fair I would also feel a bit of exhilaration being within arm's reach of a giga-kike's neck.
Camden Rogers
Herpes simplex is not hpv you dolt.
Jacob Butler
All humans are innately bisexual, this is why you see homosexuality arise in prisons, boarding schools, decadent societies like Greece, Rome, the Ottoman, and our own.
Aiden Wilson
This Also, came to say that faggotry is not a preference, but a mental disorder.
Luke Hill
They say it to attract men. They think we think it's hot.