Jewel thieves raid Rothschild heiress's home and snatch £500,000 of gems, including her engagement ring, while her children sleep upstairs
UK Rothschild Robbed
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I want this thief killed now.
Yeah, way to drop the ball. Fucking worthless.
And you didnt kill the little kikelets?
What the fuck
Insurance scheme to get more shekels.
none of you will believe me
i fucked a rothschild when i was in uni, she had sketchy owls and shit all over her room.
i didn't realize who she was until i read her name on some document, i asked her - she said her parents were "socialites"
spooky shit. i'm 90% sure she was possessed by a demon.
Would have been better if they had killed her, her children, tortured her for her bank information first, and then burned the place to the ground.
Fucking kike of the highest order, personally promoting nigger-mixing.
I believe you. It's possible. Call it a hunch. She in this picture?
now i get the feeling i've said too much.
CIA Niggers kicking my door down when?
Calm down man, it's not a crime to fuck a roth and tell us about it, especially seeing how most people won't believe you anyway
Bump, because anything (no matter how minute) that happens to kikes, especially the top tier kikiest of kikes, is a refreshing thing. To bad they only stole from em, instead of, you know…murdering them.
this was an insurance job, this is how the royals stay rich. They organize the alphabet agencies to pull off jobs and they insurance companies have to pay out which then increase the monthly payment for everyone.
That nigger rapper fucked a rothchild too; OPs pic related
and their*
kek true.
she may be in the picture. there's not much else to it.
i met her at a party, she gave me fentanyl, we tried to fuck and i couldn't get it up because lol fentanyl. we fugg in the morning, i realize who she is, we fug again in my car.
that's about it.
Sounds believable. Pretty much what I'd expect from the one I think it is
My first thought, too
Rothschild's using drugs meant for the goyim? Oh how they degenerate.
Rothschilds are very degenerate, they probably encourage such behavior
Not with that capitalization you fag
It's hard to last at the top in such a state though. I know bankers are always portrayed as cokeheads, but that's the lower level grunts who burn up in 2-3 years.
Yeah the family is in the shit right now.
They've been steadily sliding into degeneracy for a few generations. But they've always managed to keep it under control.
But they're having the boomer problem everyone else is. Because the boomers just won't die the younger generations haven't been saddled with any responsibility or meaningful tasks. So they've just ran about becoming more and more degenerate.
As the boomer Roths die off we'll find it a lot easier to fuck with their schemes as the younger ones will either be weak willed gen X pansies who are used to following orders from boomers or gen Y/millennials neither of whom are used to anything they do mattering.
I wonder if George has told his son that the liberal causes he champions are a bludgeon against the west, and not altruistic naivety.
Really feel at home here. I had the exact same reaction.
His son knows what his job is and who owns him along with the wealth he once thought was his fathers.
This. Watch her die in a plane accident in a couple of months/years with any nigglet she may have spawned.
You simply can't fence jewelry that hot, you would need someone to recut stones, etc… and no-one in the diamond biz is gonna touch something belonging to the chosen royalty.
Add the fact they were locked from the inside out (so the thief had access to the keys) and it looks like some heirloom recovery operation.
Oh you'll find plenty willing to recut them I'd wager.
It's Britain. There's literally hundreds if not thousands of people capable of doing it just wandering around London without any work.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with insurance.
Half the shit the kikes push through Antwerp are gems taken out of other jewelry, moshe.
naaahhh they'd never pull tricks on people, right?
they must be innocent to be at the top of the central banking system. The perfect role … ok i can't bullshit anymore.
They're pedovore khazar kikes
Isn't this the same bitch that got cut off because she married/living with a nigger? Probably broke and is pulling the oldest jew trick in the book. "Robbing" herself of the fakes she had made, of insured jewelry, that she has already sold/pawned years ago. Broke-ass coal-burner is broke. Nothing to see here.
Isn't this the coal burning nigger fucker bitch?
LOL the Rothschilds drank their own poison.
shiggy diggy
how tf are they ever going to get any profit out of this?
unless it was an order, I don't see anyone buying those
Should have gone loud.
Good for them. Hope they don't get caught and they enjoy their spoils.
Probably. That entire family are natural born criminals. These kikes are why Jews have a bad name.
Barnes Mansion is the location. anyone wanna go and do the job correctly this time?
jeweler here: it is very easy to get certification for jewellery worth more than the actual pieces themselves, especially if you have a connection with GIA. Considering it was the only thing stolen in a 3.5 million dollar mansion I'm shocked myself.
They all have flabby arms. The one on the right is outright fat. She wouldn't look out of place at an Ohio Walmart. These people are supposed to be high class?
Do tell.
Costco does it with all their diamonds which they "guarantee" to be worth twice the purchase price for insurance purposes. It's a fucking racket.
Holy sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit lads. Hive mind
She was shekel-less in 2015
If petty thieves can rob the rothchilds then britanons have no excuse, they can kill the rothchilds.
and there it is. Good researching, user
Hitler knows.
Kikes are the reason kikes have a bad name, you fucking nigger.
Shame on you racists who suggest the Basketball-American b/f dun it.
Hahaha, guarantee is was one of her bf's homies.
"Yo bruv, imma leave this here door unlock. You snatch dem jewls while I take this herr white bitch out."
So she had £500,000 of gems not in a hidden safe even though "There have been some break-ins in the area over the last few years"? Oy vey!
OH… that's why… so, nothing anywhere for thousands of years prior… haha I found the filthy kike guys.
Apparently not.
This place still scares me sometimes.
Didn't she have jewish features? I get repulsed by them.
Any real kike worth his matzo won't let those shekels out of his account because she failed to do her part in securing them. Unless of course he works for an idiot white running an insurance company and actually stupid enough to insure the fraudulent cunts.
This nigga be thinkin he Kanye and shit.
Rothchilds are victims now, but this is interesting. Is Macron or his Grandmother rothchilds?
She needs more Makup.
Well, this was likely an intimidation tactic
Even a family such as the Rothschilds who take their family matters and off spring very seriously so that wealth retains in the bloodline can't prevent their girls from being sluts it seems.
Nah Macron was a banker for one of their banks. He is a puppet for them though.
The Kidnapping of Billionaire Edgar Bronfman’s Son
People v. Lynch, 403 N.Y.S.2d 755 (App. Div. 1978)
It's a societal thing.
Women are strongly influenced by and comply with what they see around them. If they are surrounded by Mormons, they will act Mormon. If they move to LA, they will act like sluts. If Nazis invade their country, they will fuck Nazis. To not comply with the status quo would be to lose status or confine yourself to some kind of minority outgroup, which women see as social suicide.
Might be a sign though that she's ex-communicated from her family. Meaning her family might just stop considering her part of the family / bloodline for going against their customs.
I imagine it went like this
Jacob Rothschild: its very important to continue our bloodline and find a suitable partner to secure and expand our power and wealth. I found the perfect young man for this mr Goldsmith. I'm sure you will get along fine with each other and have a great life
Kate: Hm sounds okay
Kate a few years later: Nah fuck this and being wealthy and powerful I'm going to fuck a random nigger rapper instead
If anything this displays how incompetent women can be when it comes to these issues. 'Oh I was having a hormonal breakdown in my period which made me fuck niggers teehee'.
I wonder what would happen if someone organized a dual mass awareness campaign to warn everyone of the hate crime this robbery was and personally congratulate Jacob on his daughter's tolerance.
An absolute fucking mystery as to who took the money.
Jew tactic.
It was a nigger, or the nigger to her right.
No they are preparing the next breed of crypto, lots are breeding with blacks. That's what that Meeks/Green breeding program is going to produce. Lots more jews with negro features. To lead the new mongrel races.
Zo(m)g! Jews encourage white genocide but will only breed with their own! Jews are breeding with blacks because Nefarious Plans™! Which is it?
Do you actually have evidence or is it just all in your head?
No, kikes lie. Lurk moar.
What the fuck is this creature? I can almost hear it hissing like a reptile.
It's in my head. Of course.
Pic is the editor of National Geographic. She say Africans have more claim to England than the whites that have lived there since verifiable recorded history and would rather like Nelsons Column pulled down.
Of course jew women breed with blacks, and of course there are black jews, what the fuck planet are you on?
Most likely her pet nigger's cousin/s getting their gibs on, or the ex-cuckold. If none of the above then
Yes, what planet am I on? I know I'm on a board that constantly reminds me that white genocide is being pushed by Jews who will only marry their own - that is, another Jew. Possibly a black Jew. But I've never heard it said that there was a plan to marry blacks for their skin color so that they can rule over the future "mudblood" race. As far as I know, Hot Felon isn't Jewish. But oy vey, you never know with Jews, can you? So sneaky that outwit themselves by race-mixing the way they want goys to.
Dickhead, hot felon is fucking a jew, the one whos Daddy is a knight of the realm and stole 700 million quid but gave 350 million back (because he's a charitable jew, like them all).
Their offspring will be a jew whether hot felon is a jew or not. Their offspring will undoubtedly have negro features masking the jew a bit. It will look like the new (beautiful)global race they push in their press from time to time.
Your lazy racism offends me. Your post lacks logical consistency and good reasoning. Be a better fucking Nazi.
Nothing I said was racist, and I wouldn't consider myself a Nazi. You just got blown the fuck out and don't like it.
Oh, thanks for a good laugh. Have a (you).
Always willing to please.
But don't they need sharp objects to cut things?
nah it makes sense. think about it.
oh you're a LOLbertarian. cute. I remember when I was in high school, too.
and that was 17 years ago. fuck, where did time go…
sure doesn't look like a Basque or Iberian Celt to me.
They had a real chance to strike at the Rothschild family, and instead chose to make off with some gems.