Jews created Religion of Cuck™.
It was for destroying the Persian and Byzantine empire, converting the Arabs to their god Adonai/Yahweh and securing their trade route.
So why never post a thread that they did it anons?
Jews created Religion of Cuck™.
It was for destroying the Persian and Byzantine empire, converting the Arabs to their god Adonai/Yahweh and securing their trade route.
So why never post a thread that they did it anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the foundation of the Shia/Sunni split. It's still just Sadducee/Pharisee fight.
Religion of Cuck™ is the final beast empire of Daniel.
Muslims are Talmudic Jews.
Religion of Cuck™ is Zionist Talmudism
Ashkenazis (Israel) and Sunnis (Saudi Arabia) both hate the Shia (Iran) because the Iranians claim to be the only legitimate line of Jewish Kings (through the Exhilarch's daughter) and so the only ones from which the Talmudic messiah can come.
The templars turned the al-Aqsa Mosque into a horse stable kek
The jews cause everything this isn't anything new.
A thread died for this.
Poblems with the Religion of Cuck™ic religion Part 1.
Problems with the Religion of Cuck™ic religion, Part 2.
Problems with Religion of Cuck™, Part 3.
More bible contradictions. Second Hour: Problems with Religion of Cuck™, Part 4.
Problems with Religion of Cuck™, Part 5.
The Jewish origins of Religion of Cuck™, Part 1.
Interview with Merlin Miller about the USS Liberty attack. 2nd Hour: The Jewish origins of Religion of Cuck™, Part 2.
The Jewish origins of Religion of Cuck™, Part 3.
The Jewish origins of Religion of Cuck™, Part 4.
Kikes betrayed mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker when he was trying to gather supporters for his fight Makhans. He banished the kikes from his land after that.
On the Topic of Templar Knights I got pasta about them but I can't recall where I pulled it from:
In a speech of 1737 Andrew Ramsay makes clear the connections of the origin of Scottish Freemasonry in the Knights Templar, also making it clear that they performed the mysterious cults.
Recall that the surname Windsor is an invention, the current English Monarchy the German his real name is Saxe Gotha Coburg.
He could not be judged by Espia for the KGB because he threatened to uncover the pot. He even mentioned that he worked for the establishment, that is, the controllers.
holy shit user I think you're on to something o_O
Way to lazily half-truth, OP. Religion of Cuck™ was created by the Jesuits, as the (((early christian church))) needed a sword for judaism after they forged a shield called christianity.
These fanfics/disinfo stop being entertaining when you do your own research and find the truth. It's just Cainite darkies (yes, that includes kikes) fighting against the holy seed as usual. Any Cainite infighting is just in their nature, like beasts fighting for food.
If you are going to correct me then use the correct terms like "mw" or "Sea Peoples", hell I would have accepted Tribe of Dan but nope, you shovel this pleb shit in my face.
Take that anime, chop the rest of your dick off with it and never reply to me again.
holy shit…
Cool your tits. You fell for some Babylonian occult tricks and I don't want it spreading anymore. Learn the real origin of your (((semites))) before you start comparing them to the Biblical ones.
OP is a faggot that didn't do his research.
You're giving kikes way too much credit. Just because they use it as a weapon today doesn't mean they invented it. More accurately speaking, they use Arab and African peoples as weapons. Religion of Cuck™ itself being an issue is secondary to the fact that they're employing biological warfare. Keep your eye on the prize, it's about the blood. In case you haven't noticed, white Muslims are still white and still generally act white. You don't see a noticeable amount of white Muslims rioting in France or Australia, do you? How about in Russia? No, because they're still white and that's what matters most.
If you knew anything about what the Sadducees actually taught or who they were, you'd realize how completely retarded your assertion is for so many reasons… Not the least of which being that a Sadducee wouldn't have been illiterate or completely ignorant of the Tanakh like the final prophet meme man was. For fuck's sake, the Qur'an draws on early Gnostic writings that a Sadducee wouldn't touch with a 50ft pole.
Except that the Qur'an specifically refers to Jesus as the messiah. You'd know that if you took Nosce Hostem seriously. Are you intentionally spreading misinformation?
Really? So the Muslims built the Mosque by following the temple outline in 2 Chronicles 3? When the Jews went there to worship, did they offer sacrifice in it? I can't wait to see your sources on this.
Khazar Theory is false. Go spread your filthy lies elsewhere - the false Book of Exodus already proves how depraved your special snowflake Chosenites always were, by virtue of their actions they themselves wrote into their fantasy "Slaves in Egypt" depiction, and the fact that it's a fiction story with no basis in reality.
And don't pretend that the Jews were Babylonian - they were slaves to Babylon and envied its glorious Civilization, which is precisely why they came up with that "Whore of Babylon" baloney. The whole Biblical depiction of every non-Jew is a libelous, fraudulent, smear-campaign meant to make the filthy Jewish rats look better.
Well look's like they did it. Listen this:
The Jewish origins of Religion of Cuck™, Part 1.
Interview with Merlin Miller about the USS Liberty attack. 2nd Hour: The Jewish origins of Religion of Cuck™, Part 2.
The Jewish origins of Religion of Cuck™, Part 3.
The Jewish origins of Religion of Cuck™, Part 4.
And a French priest Hanna Zakarias (real name Gabriel Thery) wrote a book on this called in French "Moïse à mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker ; l'Religion of Cuck™, entreprise juive" "From Moise to mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker, a jewish enterprise. He clealy show that some quranic verses are pure copy/past from the Talmud.
You're going to link me to several hour and something long radio shows by some random, scraggly looking boomer that sounds like he's from a north eastern state and expect me to take it seriously…? If you genuinely have anything meaningful to say, condense the useful information from those MP3s down into bullet points, with accompanying supporting documents, and post it. I skimmed through the last one and it moves too slow and has too much filler for my level of interest, which isn't much considering that I find OP's assertions laughable.
This interests me. Show me some articles on this and I'll take a look.
Stop posting hate, the kike mods are against it you inconsiderate cunts.
Semitic religion isn't the creation of semites.
I read the Koran cover to cover when I was a zogbot; it's over 50% divorce and estate law. Case closed fagget.
what destroyed Byzantium was the IV crusade. Read a history book, dipshit
This nigger never read the Quran.
The first fucking crusade would have never happened if it wasn't for the centuries of Religion of Cuck™ic aggression against Christendom.
Wow do you eat your own shit with a fork and knife too, god damn buddy stop throating yourself
Suck farts you neck beard
The only real info, everyone else just repeats "ancient aliens" tier retard history 👍
that's not a disputed fact..
I've noticed a rather sharp uptick in threads like this of late. Has there been a recent wave of cuckchanners immigrating?
Absolutely false. The Byzantines were faltering at least as early as Manzikert, and were doomed by infighting and intrigue after the last Komnenos emperor died and the Komnenian Restoration - a brief though brilliant defiance against the inevitable imperial decline - drew to a close. It was the very infighting and intrigue of the accursed Angelos dynasty that drew the Crusaders into meddling with Byzantine politics during the Fourth Crusade to begin with.
Massive intake of halfchanners. Halfchan pol has been fill with shills as of late and a lot of them are coming here and shitting up the place
The Jews created Religion of Cuck™ to destroy the indigenous polytheistic religions of the goyim living in the Middle East. If you've ever read the Talmud, it has an absolute burning hatred for polytheists.
nice thread Varg. its certain sects, like Sufis and Shiites that are decent, Sunnis belong in the trash. but yes, Iran was originally Zoroastrian. Turks and Turkmens were Tengrists, but that doesn't get discussed enough
(((Jesuits))) were founded by a jew
It's in French.
Religion of Cuck™ of Cuck™-14-presentation/
Religion of Cuck™ of Cuck™-24-miryam-et-marie/
Religion of Cuck™ of Cuck™-3-jesus-et-issa/
Religion of Cuck™ of Cuck™-44-les-objections/
jews *are* muslims
sharia = talmud
jihad = zionism
taqqiya = pilput
halal = kosher
FGM = male genital mutilation
Religion of Cuck™ophobia = antisemitism
put a hat and a suit jacket on an arab and give him the illusion of intelligence and you have a jew
goy = kafir
more like sharia = Halakha
You're fucking retarded. mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker was an evil warlord who wanted an army and just created his own religion, based on The Bible with his own bullshit added, to gain followers. Fedoras will obviously ignore the next part, but I think it was also literally satanic. And I don't even regard it as a religion, just a satanic death cult.
Jihad = struggle
How else could he have taken mecca without mass brainwashed support?
Get a load of this kike.
Because everyone who's worth a damn already knows this, and has known for years and there's a general redpill thread up, you double nigger.
Mudslam has Jesus in it and he is seen as favorable.
It also kills kikes. It also matches some Vatican interpretations. So I don't see this making a lot of sense that it was Jews.
That's a big claim with no proof.
Now I know you're a Vatican or Christian Zionist shill. The Beast is closer to modern Christianity because they are the ones trying to build the temple that brings forth the anti-Christ. True Satanists aren't larpers, they're Christian Zionists.
Baphemot fags
Templars are the NWO anti-masons within the Vatican. They hate the big G who is the grand archetech or "demiurge" and prefer Lucifer-Venus/Sophia from what I understand. They push the tranny meme and were the first usury banks. Jews of course took over but they worked together now through Neo-Freemasonry I'm guessing.
That makes more sense
A term made up by archeologists. They convinced everyone that they were raiders or some empire to explain holes they had in archeology/history. Truth is they brought their wife and kids, goats, caravans…. because they were the "Fleeing Peoples" and this happened all over the old world because arond 1200-1300 BCE a dark age occured and Empires fell. Including the Hittites and old Indo-Iranians but everyone was suffering.
It also destroyed the Vatican's authority forever.
The Jesuits were later the black hand of the Vatican but came out of the Templars after they took over the Vatican (I'm guessing but I think Templars took over and that's why Catholics have been cucked for 300yrs).
Everyone worth a damn knows it was Christian conversion that created it.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Muslims (like Jews) deny this so we are not talking about the same person, retarded inbred nigger.
Then why are the Israelites/Jews so important to Christians? It's because they're cucks. Goddamn Cyrus and his shitty relocation plan.