Can someone please explain Kanye to me? Is it another case of the OJ syndrome where a wealthy black man considers himself to be white?
Can someone please explain Kanye to me...
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Nice thread, OP
He's a nigger.
Remember a while back when Kanye was "hospitalized?"
The news media is already starting to claim he's having a manic spell with his supposed bipolar disorder.
Realistically, Kanye has a massive ego. He's sick of bowing to greedy Jews and refuses to be a Katy Perry. Perry, you'll notice, is promoting the dissolution of borders and kabbalistic values.
Somebody probably invited Kanye to a kid fuck party and he didn't want any part of it.
Holy crap just a few hours ago I was mad at Kanye because he got pussywhipped by his wife into downplaying his Trump support and now he busts out the hat for all to see
Goddamn what is this timeline
so why whould he bow to another one
Because it's all part of the psyop.
Remember how he was in hot water with Jay Z and Biatch for some reason?
if he was actually against jews he would be blacklisted and media hounded like any person who call them out
He is woke and is waking up normies, stay mad.
Idols will speak and move about?
Many such cases!
He's obviously not against jews as the picture in the OP is with 2 major jews in the music industry
He's a degenerate nigger married to an Armenian whore. That should tell you the state of boomer conservatives. They're so desperate…
A lot of Zig Forums is non white. I'm not white but post here for fun. I actually participate in the hatred against my own race and don't take it personally. All fun and games.
Also technically being an SJW anti trump idiot would be more beneficial to me but who cares.
Fuck it looks like he really wants to be President
2024 keep America great
Maybe a deal with Trump, new third party the America Great party, Kanye being groomed by Trump to become his successor
I take it 4cuck is still down
Welcome to 4 chan
2 voices will call out in a silence (twitter) that all can hear.
He's just a retard.
Until the DOTR.
More like a case of Malcolm x or 2pac where he comes to realize the (((people))) who he thought were helping him were in fact just using him to further an agenda.
He likely got redpilled when his wife was kidnapped in France last year.
Now he has fired his (((manager))) and is openly referring to the democrat party as a slave plantation.
Anyone trying to dismiss him for being black is either a retard or a fucking jew
look at his face though, he's trying to insinuate something
I'm inside my room 24/7 probably wouldn't even notice its happening tbh.
A mkultra with other handler
Stop this shit retard
hi fbi, btw I'm a white nationalist but will never engage in acts of terrorism like you're implying
That's ok, we'll send you to Africa with a small army. I bet it'd be easy as fuck for an American black to take that shit over with the right motivation.
etc etc etc
I'm subbed to her channel, wonder when Kayne will make his own redpilled YT channel; then again he might get suicided by the industry before he does.
im not a fucking nigger or amer*can sry.
He won't get suicided, he probably has Academi protecting him.
Can confirm, after "filtering" all the non-whites from the /meadhall/ meetup, only me and someone else were white in a group of ~15.
from what i've seen, kanye said he supports trump and dilbert man said this makes him a genius, because a based black man is the most revolutionary and greatest thing to ever happen in america. i guess it's just another consequence of the subconscious negro worship that all these people do.
this clearly has nothing to do with jews to these people. idk what exactly they think they're fighting against but i'm sure it's all 100% reddit-tier at best and i wouldnt bet on jews being mentioned anywhere in any of this.
meaningless. this just a bunch of musical chairs
kanye probably doesnt even know that jewish is an ethnicity. this is like how nasa says they'll redirect a meteor that's headed for earth instead of destroying it; kanye is giving false direction to the growing awareness of parasites of society. this growing awareness and tension cannot be destroyed by direct attack, but they have to make sure it doesnt get too set on the path towards juden so they support kanye and how he slightly changes its course so it will just fizzle out into nothing
DOTR is not a single day; it's going to be the name of the new era. similar to how right now is 2016 BC. once we start officially enacting the proverbial rope the dating system will start over at 0 DOTR, a year later it will be 1 DOTR, etc
none of this has anything to do with red pill. "the left is the real racists!" is blue pill. red pill is "hitler did nothing wrong"
Sorry to hear that.
He tweeted again.
Post one good Kanye song and reason why it's good. Need lyrics no ebonics. No jk I really want to know wtf is so good about his music and I'm not gonna wade through masses of nigger shit.
Imagine the millions of BASED MAGAPEDE boomer women who will buy his albums to signal on Facebook.
Major redpills coming /ourway/.
His music is great because it's about empowering yourself.
he recently tweeted a single word: decentralize
i like the new kanye, hes woke and doesnt give a fuck who knows it
i never noticed his music before one way or another but ive given it a listen recently, some of its pretty catchy, i like it
most of them (at least most of the ones I downloaded)
btw: CHINA is stealing/pirating Kayne's songs, just fyi
Kanye has always been woke. First picture I attached is from his music video Through The Wire at 2:20. He says
The jews tried to kill him.
This second image is from the music video for Stronger which is also based on Akria.
Kill yourself D&C shill. How dare anyone make any progress towards the implementation of the ethnostate.
No you would rather sit in your sheltered corner of the internet rambling incoherently about BBC because your fatass is too ugly to get a white girlfriend
checking these digits.
but how can all of this bring society closer to seeing jews for what they are?
jewish jungle music
pick one. pointing out basic facts like 2+2=4 is not red pill. have some fucking standards
,guys,we have a candidate for an officer position for the african take over plan.
Can someone shop a maga hat on him here?
fuck yeah!
Sure, but it won't be a white one.
africa is going to be taken over by whites, kike
China has an eye there though
(((They))) built niggers up as untouchables a celeb nigger they made turning on them is their worst nightmare
Holy moly, checked
The dragon awakens
nah, these are the two voices:
seems pretty apt
Right wing is the new counter culture . Kayne is ahead of the curve.
Sure is a lot of projection there schlomo.
Face it, the only way to get the niggers to leave is to work with the rare smart ones to get them to fuck and build their own ethnostate elsewhere, preferably Africa.
Dumbfucks like you who rant and bitch every time anyone says anything positive about a nigger accomplish nothing
Kim Kardashian is a Jew
its a meme fucktard, a joke, irony(Hold still while I ironically rope you)
He is a member of the nigger royalty, a line of nigger geniuses (IQ between 100 and 120) who traditionally rule the rest of the niggers by outsmarting them. In Kanye's case he has learned the art of influence and persuasion (Scott Adams claims he is a master persuader) rather than brutality as is usually the case in nigger society.
It's a good thing. Take the power away from those NAACP type (((niggers))).
china must also be taken over by whites. come on man get with the program
he hasnt mentioned jews once. cope harder
kanye is currently directly on the curve. the JQ and manifest destiny is what is actually ahead of the curve
are you retarded?
Armenians are like the opposite of Jews
Blac Chyna is WOKE as she flaunts massive derriere in mesh bikini
How do you plan to genocide the nigs before they breed you into oblivion moron?
You are living in a fantasy
Buy You a Drank
Can't be friends
Flashing Light
Get it Shawty
I Wanna Love You
I'm Me
In this Club
Lax Files
Leather So Soft
Love Lockdown
Make Me Better
No Matter What
Right Now
Run away love
Sensual Seduction
She Got It
Shorty Like Mine
Smack That
Sorry Blame It On Me
State of Emergency
Till I Collapse
We Taking Over
i can see 4chan is here today
Not really my type of music, but the guy does have enough talent to work an oldschool black box sequencer.
yeah all that stuff hitler did was also just a big goof.
Actually, he has.
Being an SJW never benefits anyone. A small group of (((people))) benefit from OTHER PEOPLE being SJWs. Really all the SJWs get out of the deal is a life of violence.
DAMN! Nice dubs ♥
Degenerate, attention starved, mentally ill. (actual) nigger faggot, married into a pro-class family of coal burners.
He's Just like one of us!
BTW, where da' Q wimmens at?
We don't need to genocide the nigs. We just have to stop paying them to make more nigs.
Their population was in a state of slow, continuous decline before welfare programs took root. Food and medical aid to Africa has much the same effect. There really shouldn't be more than maybe 20 million niggers on the entire continent.
some offshoot easily plausibly deniable side comment is not the same as simply saying "jews are the main issue"
keep coping
and how did that work out for them?
the negro just wants to chimp around. this is the heart of its nature
music baby - it trancends all that the left uses to divide us
he could've just been paid to say that part, or perhaps its cover of some sort
No one really has ever said "jews are the main issue"… not since Hitler went to retire with his top men to Latin America.
Give it time
it's another case of a famous nigger wandering off the plantation and telling his fellow niggers to work on improving themselves rather than blaming whitey. happens occasionally and the most that will come of it is white cuckservatives riding his le based cock and white liberals calling him an uncle tom.
i see there are reichfag shills on Zig Forums too. or are you just one of the useful idiots?