Neanderthals may have crossed the seas THOUSANDS of years before modern humans, researchers say

Neanderthals may have crossed the seas THOUSANDS of years before modern humans, researchers say
Discoveries of tools dating back 130,000 years are evidence of early sea travel
Tools were found in Crete, which separated from mainland 5 million years ago
In recent years, ancient tools have been found in several other islands as well
Suggests human ancestors had cognitive and technological means for sea travel
Modern humans may not have been the first travelers to cross the seas.
Mounting evidence discovered in recent years suggests Stone Age mariners may have hopped from island to island throughout the Mediterranean more than 130,000 years ago – and, this may even have included Neanderthals.
While it’s long been thought that Bronze Age people were the first to become seafarers, stone tools and bones found throughout Eurasia suggest others had them beat by thousands of years, according to Science magazine.
These tools appear much like Acheulean tools used up until about 130,000 years ago by Homo erectus and Neanderthals, Thomas Strasser of Providence College told Science.

Artifacts thought to have belonged to Neanderthals and Paleolithic human ancestors have also been discovered on the island Naxos, Kefalonia, and Zakynthos.
At a recent meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, archaeologist Alan Simmons explained that ancient human ancestors may have possessed both the cognitive and technological means to venture off land.
But, many are still skeptical of the idea.

Read more:

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Other urls found in this thread: and Tsikritsis 17(1).pdf

"muh Neanderkikes!" schizoid free post

Perhaps the (((theories))) of our evolution were never remotely accurate to begin with. trails off into some >>>/x/-tier shit that is more believable than academia's hypotheses

The word you're looking for is schizo, not schizoid. Schizoids are merely antisocial hermits.

Of course they did. Didn't you ever read Kon Tiki? Who do you think all these super tall God Kings who ruled over the indigenous population were? Whites have been sailing the globe, conquering foreign lands, and ruling niggers with an iron fist since day one.


The Young Dryas Cosmic Impact ended this age and then the hordes of shitskins started pouring out of Africa.

The following is an article that details the use of archaeoastronomy to decipher a stone at Gobekli Tepe: and Tsikritsis 17(1).pdf


Neanderthals are kikes. It's been proven. They had no creative genes.


Mods really need to do something about this fucking Communist pedophile occultist poster

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Your nose couldn't be any more obvious, Ezra.

If you're Neaderthal you're not white

Neaderthals were smaller than normal humans.

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If you're Neaderthal you're not white

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If you're Neaderthal you're not white!

Attached: neandertal dna.jpg (807x5422, 1015.21K)

If our mods were worth a shit, tards like you would already be permabanned.

If you're Neaderthal you're not white!!

Attached: cro-magnon.jpg (960x1106 1.7 KB, 458.1K)

Yes ban the redpill info and science DNA charts, goy. (((Bob))) doesn't like that narrative.

Humans from Cro-Magnon stock settled the world before the Great Flood flushed them all away.
Semites were artificially created from Neanderthal stock.
Contemporary Europeans have golden ratio of Cro-Magnon to Neanderthal admixture.
The earlier is herbivore, the latter carnivore.

If you're Neaderthal you're not white

Attached: cromagtoNendertal.jpg (821x1586 1.49 MB, 1.44M)

If you're Neaderthal you're not white…

Contemporary (((Europeans))) have golden ratio of Cro-Magnon to Neanderthal admixture.

Attached: DNA white people.jpg (400x305 289.32 KB, 39.5K)

If you're not Cro-Magnon you're not white

Attached: cromagnon skull 1.jpg (770x770 45.28 KB, 138.3K)

< believe kike digs
kikes lie ALL THE TIME, and why would their "archaeology" be any different?

If you're not Cro-Magnon you're not white!

Attached: cromagnoid.jpg (388x498 78.26 KB, 58.53K)

word, homie.

Attached: cave-man.jpg (200x224, 12.79K)

kike, go here:

Anyone wanting to know what that's dank memeing against white people? Well, that's because Neanderthals were discovered in Neander Valley, Germany. That's right, there's more a Nazi root than Neanderthal genes. And Neanderthal genes are VERY RARE in African populations.

Come on now

Yes, schlomo? kikepedia says kike archaeology is legit?


If you're Neaderthal you're not white!!!

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As an example, the "dead sea scrolls" are a fraud. Bullshit, gay as CNN.

Kikes are always creating frauds. They never do anything legit. Take Frank Gehry as an example. The kike stole his designs from Japanese prints and European sculpters.

that curly haired kike to the top right of your first image has my face shape wtf am I a neanderkike

Curse yahweh, curse you kike, curse israel.

How come? If the kikes were to fabricate any religious artifacts I don't think they'd want to put Jesus in them.


And Israel-regions was the last stand of the (((Neaderthal))). It is where they met modern humans, ate them, and bred with them. Cro-Magnon in Indo-Europe drove them out.

Attached: img-1.jpg (500x383, 24K)

Proven fake.

>And Israel-regions was the last stand of the (((Neaderthal))). It is where they met modern humans, ate them, and bred with them. Cro-Magnon in Indo-Europe drove them out.

(((Neaderthals))) also, although intelligent, did not produce art.

Attached: the-africoid-and-its-impact-on-theology-32-638.jpg (638x479, 69.13K)


The dead sea scrolls didn't have Jesus in them…

Stop spamming, kike.

Neander Valley is in Germany, and, no, we don't believe any kikes, but you accept as "true" kike "archaelogy". CURSE YAHWEH! CURSE ISRAEL! CURSE KIKES!

Everything kikes do is bullshit. The only things that aren't is when they have stolen something.

Damn. Moving from my history folder to my fap folder then.

The dead sea scrolls pre-date Jesus you morons

You forget they distort everything they touch, regardless of using it for themselves or making it kosher for others.

Huh. Watched a BBC documentary saying that some parts speak of a virtuous man who does good in his community, heavily implying (or even outright stating it, where I could've gotten it from, don't feel like skipping through it to conifrm tbh) that it's Jesus, and for that reason, the Catholic Church wanted to suppress the findings, the daughter of one of the man who scanned the pages said.

I warned you guys. I warned you guys about the schizo. Where's magic Bob to cast Holocaust-Fireball or Zyklon Cloud on him?

Attached: 1368233392387.gif (300x169, 1.09M)

Neanderthals predate religion as we know it by about 35,000 years. That guy is nuts

t. neanderkike internet defense force

I think schizzophreniacs are funny.
They also know things about you they can't possibly know.

Want to know why literally nothing kikes do is trustworthy? They lie. They have particularist morality which drives their behavior, and they, and their society, don't reject lying - if you lie for the tribe you're a good kike.


I never once stated, though you imply it, you vile viper, such a thing as you accuse me of. Curse your name, curse your family, curse your nation Yidsrael, curse your people the kikes, curse your Yahweh.

It's a kike.


t. (((Robert Sepehr)))

Sorry for providing scientific proof that you're wrong, Bob. But you can't shill here and not aspect to get a response. I know, "you run this board and the mods can't ban" you, since your constantly telling us this but your Jewish verbal IQ and creative meme-power is pretty fucking Israeli standard.

Reminder, he's going to agree with himself by switching his IP 50 times, and try to influence a ban against any opposing opinions.

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It's due to non-African admixture after the fact to boot

calm down nignog Moldavian internet friendship simulator isn't serious business
I'm sorry, but who's Bob?

Reminder the dead sea scrolls are a forgery.

We're all Bobby now.

The guy the TV called mysterious 4chan.

He made this thread. Bumping his dox now. He also made all the "nordics are aliens, "Hitler was a Luciferian esoteric and Nazis control the CIA", and the recent pro-Crowley Druid thread. Anons have been fighting with him for awhile but he just keeps doing it. We all blamed poor Smiley but it was him. He uses 4chan and this place for product testing and research. He claims to be both a Thulian member and leader of "The Order of the Black Sun". He's a Jew from Los Angeles and is in his late 40s from what I've heard.

Attached: neaderthal Sunda Croonquist.jpg (649x975, 194.76K)

Kikes are like that. They lie all the time. In academia, in medicine, in politics, in the arts, in finance, everywhere they may be.

Aryans being colonizers of Terra sounds awesome.

What do you mean research? wew lad go fuck yourself Bob. Also, did we make Smiley go psycho and cut himself for no reason then? lmfao

See dox. He writes books and publishes our memes. He charges $45 fucking bucks on Amazon for it.

Yeah. This guy has been here for at least 4yrs.

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Neanderthals technology and knowledge of the environment allowed them to survive almost half a million years. Juxtapose that with modern day niggers needing whitey's help to survive on the world's richest continent, Africa.

I just saw the thread. None of this shit seems real anymore. I KNEW some fucking faggot would come here and steal our work.

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I used 16 to post the fucking information on Neaderthals.

Aboriginals are neanderthals too by your standards. Large nose, heavy brow, similar cranial shape.

Attached: australia-aborigines.jpg (460x330, 39.47K)

Half of that thread is you and it isn't even a real dox. I can't believe someone is this ass mad over getting called a nigger by a wannabe ecleb on 4cucks.

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Gaddafi did more to save the White Race in his life than you could ever hope to do in yours.

It's a kike. He's stupid af, doesn't know shit about genetics.

The difference is that there was only one race of Neanderthals.

Willis Carto was one of the most significant pro-White figures since WWII, and he was a big believer in the Neanderkike thesis.

Speaking of Gaddafi, he openly referenced the thesis of Michael Collins Piper's book Final Judgment about the JFK assassination, and invited him to speak in Libya. Piper also compiled pic related.

Attached: Barnes_2010-05-06_p.19_Museum_Neanderthal_and_S.I._Newhouse.jpg (808x764, 390.93K)

wrong image

Attached: Neanderthal.jpg (400x520, 149.57K)

What a coincidence. Neanderkike shills btfo.

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Well, that is interesting. However I will not accept the idea that the Neanderthal, who survived through the Ice Age in the heart of Europe, would have developed middle-east-adapted traits. Nonsense.

But yes, speaking of Gaddafi, the White Race really owes him a great deal of honor and respect because he prevented the current tide of 'refugees' from passing through Libya on the way to Europe. The world is darkened at the loss of such a man.

They still are to this day. Why do you think rabbis perform male genital mutilations with their teeth?

Their big noses were more of a side effect of their nasal cavern shape.

They could have had relatively narrow nostrils despite the larger nasal cavities - which would be a possible adaptation to Ice Age Europe's conditions.

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You're right in terms of Europe.

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Everyone knows that Neaderthals were out-competed by CroMagnons and driven out of Europe. That's standard knowledge. It was also proven that they used wolves to do this because Neanderthals were nocturnal and they red-hair meme was disproved too in thread.

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wtf I'm a neanderkike for real now then

Cro-Magnon Man assimilated the Neanderthal - hence why Cro-Magnon Man had Neanderthal DNA, and we (Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal's descendants) still do to this day.

And his entire article on the (((neanderkike))) proffers no evidence other than juxtaposing a recreation of a neanderthal next to a photo of a jew that looks similar in appearance.
However, I can find millions of photos of jews that do not look like neanderthals. What does this show?

Modern Europeans and Neanderthals are 99.7% identical. They had genetic markers for red hair and blue eyes. You have absolutely no way of proving they were nocturnal too.

t. From country with highest admixture
Bananas and humans are also 80% genetically identical.

Which country?

Even 90% similarity equates to hundreds of millions of base pairs differing between two organisms. Modern Europeans are literally Cromagnon and we are closer to neanderthals than we are to niggers and in fact that is why some jews are indescribably ugly. Jews have nigger dna in them and niggers are the next step up from monkeys and apes.

No they couldn't cross breed.

Disproven already in thread. Red hair was a seperate totally different non-linked genes in Neanderthals compared to modern red hair (see above) and Cro-magnon had blues eyes too. Also all studies (so far) white's blue eyes go back to Caucasoid 10000BC

You can't hide from us (((neaderthals)))

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Negroes aren't a 'step up' from monkeys and apes. They are a step alongside, as that is how evolution works.

Read translation below.

Fuck off kike

But they did - which is why all non-sub-Saharan-Africans possess Neanderthal DNA.

I was being kind lol. I won't let it happen again.

You know, some people are used to having no IDs. Also, what about non-European jews, they have hardly any neanderthal DNA; are they fake jews?


Yeah I don't believe (((23 and Me))) narrative. But if true, then it would of happened after the Cro-Magnon got smaller and became modern Indo-Euros and/or mixed with east Asians. Also negro blood as we know Middle Eastern and Egyptian moderns have some negro blood ad-mixtures.

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I dont know. Kazars?

Attached: neanderthal inbreeding rabbi jew.jpg (184x274, 6.84K)

Jews have weaseled their way into the European genome for untold centuries, through practices like stealing children, adoption, and white slavery. this is in order to fit in better and not be viewed as such an eternal outgroup. they do it to this day. the focus should be on this, and not who happens to have .0 neanderthal ancestry. Identifying jewry is a lot easier than saying "this person has X amount of DNA". They've stolen so much. Also, don't east asians have the highest percentage of neanderthal DNA? wouldnt Finns have a high neanderthal percentage if that's the case?

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Well it's not a matter of kindness, it's a matter of fact. The fact is that all humans are primates, hominids, hominoids, and anthropoids simultaneously. Now Racial distinctions are an irrefutable distinction along sub-species boundaries, but by definition all humans are one species by virtue of the fact that any body can reproduce with anyone else and produce viable offspring.

This is not an argument against the reality of Race as I am not opposed to the mutually beneficial forces of speciation that created the Races in the first place - in other words, keep the damn borders closed or we'll be set back several thousands of years.

there were 3 mountain cultures that dominated the world
one for sure was white, in persian mountains.
the other 2 are toss ups absinnian and hindus
you can follow the cultures mixxing into surounding cultures by following the "Snake god" worshipers, or just snake worshipers

It's been a while, hasn't it?


Aryans didn't come from Europe, so what? You're the one arguing like a kike.

That's not from Neaderthals. No humans have the Neanderthal red hair gene.

Jesus faggot, I understand nigs are a sub-species of hominid. I was just trying to be facetious in saying they were "a step up" from monkeys and apes.

Wait, don't the Basque people possess the highest degree of Neanderthal DNA on the planet?

So it seems, which if funny considering the fact that they're the most untouched in Europe.

Apologies if I came across as uh, austere or whatever. I just wanted to throw out some phylogeny truth.

I have 328 variants of Neanderthal