Golden State Killer who murdered 12 and raped 51 arrested

Golden State Killer who murdered 12 and raped 51 arrested
A former cop has been identified as the notorious Golden State Killer after a breakthrough in DNA testing linked him to some of the 12 murders and 51 rapes it is believed the serial killer carried out throughout the 1970s and 80s.
Joseph James DeAngelo Jr was taken into custody by the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department on Tuesday night on two murder charges for the 1978 deaths of Brian Maggiore and his wife, Katie, who are believed to be the Golden State Killer's first victims.
He was later also charged with the murders of Lyman and Charlene Smith of Ventura who were found dead in their home by their 12-year-old son. Police say a DNA match in the past six days linked him to both crime scenes.
Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert said they relied on a 'discarded DNA sample' but would not provide specifics.
They are now working to link the 72-year-old unequivocally to the rest of the crimes that profilers have attributed to the Golden State Killer through his modus operandi. It is unclear how many of the crime scenes produced DNA evidence.

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The Sacramento County Sheriff's Department arrested Joseph James DeAngelo Jr, 72, late Tuesday night
DeAngelo is believed to be the Golden State Killer, a serial rapist and murderer suspected of 12 homicides and nearly 50 rapes in Sacramento County in the 1970s and '80s
DeAngelo is being held at the Sacramento County Main jail on two murder charges and is ineligible for bail
The arrest comes months after the release of journalist and author Michelle McNamara's posthumous crime book about the Golden State Killer titled I'll Be Gone In The Dark
The book, released in February, was co-authored by McNamara's husband, actor Patton Oswalt, and fellow journalist Billy Jensen after McNamara's death in 2016
DeAngelo is believed to have been fired from the Auburn Police Department for shoplifting a hammer
The Golden State Killer is suspected of terrorizing southern California between 1976 and 1986
It's believed his first victims were Brian Maggiore and his wife, Katie, who were chased down and killed while walking their dog in their Rancho Cordova neighborhood on February 2, 1978
The FBI believe his last crime was committed in May 1986, with the murder of an 18-year-old girl in Irvine
Jane Carson-Sandler, who survived an October 1976 attack and was the Golden State Killer's fifth victim, said she was 'overwhelmed with joy' over his possible arrest

Sounds like he is not white.

sounds like he had lots of maked squirming 18 year olds underneath him, good for him

And idiot

and a kike.
Off to a good start.

Uh oh, (((they))) are short on violent white-looking guyz to parade in the media.
Dug up this old fossil and cancelled his elite institutional sex predator membership protection.

how many kids did he make?


Well that is embarrassing.

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Those nigger genes will get you every time.(>implying italians are niggers)

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Another "white" male added to the statistics.


a face fit for a kippah

Why put him in jail now? Surely a thoughtful apology would work better, if you arrest your rapist they win.

Not only was he linked via DNA, but a young DeAngelo bears slight resemblance to the police sketches of the killer, his voice matches the phone calls, he was once arrested for shoplifting dog repellant which explains why dogs were afraid to follow his trail, he used navy rope and served in the navy, and the fact that the killer/rapist muttered “Bonny, I fucking hate you” Bonny was DeAngelo’s fiancé.

He did it. Some white people act like niggers, it hasn’t exactly been a secret that the ONS was a white man. The media only really goes after modern serial killers and mass shooters who are white. Just be glad they finally got the guy who exclusively murdered white families.

At least he wasn't an incel, right ladies?!

How would he have used dog repellant against police doggos? Spraying it on himself or the crime scene???


Are you sure about that? I was just reading the wikipedia page on him and many of the victims have spic last names.

There were a few spics, whether Spanish or not, the majority of victims were still white people. If he killed all non-whites maybe he wouldn’t be so bad, but most of his victims were white people of good conduct.

And how typical of a pig to betray his race.

He’s a real shit head alright. Of course a cop would be the one committing rapes and getting away from it.

And it's a pretty fucking big deal. "Not all cops" "only the 7th floor of the FBI is corrupt - James Comey, those guys - they're the only corrupt ones, the ones who lie on the stand", that attitude BTFO


56% white
100% rape

Hello shlomo! Or maybe you're the (((siege))) autist who's been advertising beating and mutilating women?

Huh. I always thought that the ONS would just fade into history. Interesting bit of news.

He’s an old man here, so of course he looks off. Look up his younger photos and police sketches—all American

Wow, it really takes a killer to catch one.

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What is this? I literally have only seen this acronym in the past couple of days.


We definitely need an earlier photograph of him. A color one, from the 80's.

It also means one night stand (hooking up for sex, once, often on a business trip. Also common in Vegas, while people are vacationing).

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That's what I assumed, but that makes absolutely no sense in the context of the post I quoted.

That's an italian name m8.

not surprising one hasn't been released, in uniform, rather embarrassing for law enforcement. first thing I thought was I wondered how many other unsolved serial murders were due to cops. I've met a ton of lunatic cops in my years of life, real anti-social nut jobs too.

Fuck this freak.

pic also related.


Are you shills still trying to push the number of non-hispanic whites as the percentage of European blood in an American white?

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Oh look this bull shit kike thread. EAT SHIT MOSHE. YOU WILL NEVER BE WHITE.

the "new" mod is the same old kike


The problem is, it's not just shills. I mean, there are shills too, but a lot of them are real Europeans. They don't like Americans at all. They call us "mutts" and such (because we have a mix of different "types" of European). Europeans would sooner take up the butt five nigger cocks than accept Americans. That isolation is a cherished condition cultivated by their secret services, of course, to prevent collaboration across continental boundaries…

Seriously, these niggers consider ETHIOPIAN RAPEBABIES white.

I am so done with these kikes. I'll kill this fucking kike mod if I get deets.

I'll roll again for you :^)

100% wrong. You bought fully into the kike shill narrative of dividing us from European whites and conquering us. It's shills posting the 56% meme not Europeans. Hunched over kikes in an office in Israel. Europeans I've talked to know that one of your parents family being from Germany and the other from Wales doesn't somehow make you a non-white mutt.

Kill yourself jew.

You're wrong. I truly believe that our European brothers are united with us, and the only muttposting comes from kikes. There literally is no reason for white people to be divisive right now.

Kill yourself jew.

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==this== right now we need to be working together not fighting because part of your family is from one country in Western Europe and your other parent is from a nearby Western European country. It's fucking pointless.

This delusion has been promoted by the kike press.

I'm not buying into it. I've simply been to:
>>>Zig Forums
and the evidence is undeniable.

0% kike here. Tested.

So you've read some posts on Zig Forums which doesn't have mods that ban shills and you now think all British people think Americans are non-white freaks? very believe Shlomo

Ok kike, I'm just hovering over the filter button.

It is a failing which assures defeat to trust as an ally what is merely a mirage.

< read some posts
Why are you lying? Why are you making up bullshit? You didn't even ask me what I did. You didn't even ask the significance of this.

I will say this yet again, and clearly, they don't think of themselves as white. They think of themselves in a nationalistic sense. British or Irish or whatever. Not as white people.

into the filter you go kike.

Buh-bye, kike.

I see no evidence of any attempt to unite the right. But I do see the attempt to create the illusion that there is a united right.

This does not exist: European white nationalist groups.

Nationalist groups do exist. But not white nationalist ones. They don't conceive of themselves as part of a greater whole. The closest I have ever seen was a recent request for backup in a Scandinavian country. It was newsworthy here, because it was so peculiar to see even so much as a sign of interaction even, between Americans and Europeans.

Look, here's how it's been for ages:

And that's how they see it now. "haha, Americans, South Africans, are having shit happen to them."

It's isolated, out there, not their problem.

And so they have no concept for the severity of their situation, because they are looking at what they believe is a confrontation that will occur at the soonest when they're in their 70's or 80's. But this assumes that George Soros is unable to mount a much larger immigration force.

I believe he will.

But they remain trained by the past: they were isolated from the misery of other whites, and so it was merely a curiosity, and their own issues have been with relatively small packs of niggers, wogs, what have you.

This thread. Wow, not everything is about race guys.

< threads have to remain on topic, it's the rules of plebbit

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sure it is, consider Hillary Clinton… what is her body count at right now? Cops have to want in on that action too.

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Then you shouldn't have a problem with being dead for the greater good. Kill yourself.

Can the cops count that high?

Careful you'll get banned for questioning the sanhedrin.

That's right cunts, I'm done playing. WOOF.

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A shill derailed it because the killer has an Italian last name but let's get back on track

Neighbor from hell who turned out to be a 'serial killer': Stunned residents tell how the Golden State Killer would threaten to 'deliver a load of death' over dogs barking and yelled about lawn mowing

Read more:

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Are you really attempting to apologize for the kike faggot in question?

Oh dear, the kike mod is attempting to kike me. Whatever will I do. Kill yourself moshe you will burn for eternity.
This is what we get for having a faggot board owner that allows leddit cunts to subvert the board.

Respect the digits you fucking kike whore.

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All he said was that the thread is getting derailed because the killer was Italian-American, which I agree is an odd reason to derail a thread.

You're not sending your best, are you, Tel Aviv?

Just done with you fucking jews. No more playing nice, No more games, No more following your (((guidelines))) kill yourself before I do. :)

NIGGER BLOOD cunt. Deal with it.

Tied up in their own homes, tortured with kitchen dishes, raped and bludgeoned to death: The 12 victims murdered by Golden State Killer 40 years ago as ex-cop is charged

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What's political about a serial killer?

Besides being a nigger blooded patsy? Not much.

they don't call 'em "guineas" for nothing.

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Oh fuck it's the shitskin cunt running the smilie :^)

That's it, completely compromised.

did you know people on chans don't usually respond to everything?

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That's a ban white boy.

Your point? There are darkies in Italy.

Image #3 is highly edited. Very strange. Look at the two figures to the left of that white square. They seem to hover, because they were pasted in, or way over-processed somehow…

I don't believe that. My relatives are not stupid.

I also want to express support for the mods to full-auto every last one of these kike shills. Shills are all over this board. No real Zig Forumslack gives a fuck about a few stray bans. Gas these motherfuckers.

We should also fuck up pissrael in some new way for infringing on our turf.

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Yea this is bs. Eurofags dont think of us burgers like that at all. Not seriously anyway.

The media promotes this guy because he's white.
Victims 22–suspected to be 100

This needs a bump because it was just announced today that the cops caught this guy by comparing DNA samples from online genealogical test companies. They found a familial match and used that to get a warrant to search his garbage and test his DNA.

The implications of this are

They just set a legal precedent for searching everyone's DNA… a matter of time now until submitting your DNA to a central database is mandatory

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It's genetic.

not to mention, frightening

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This was being done a very long time ago in – where else? – the UK. I recall that Scotland Yard used a nationwide DNA search to find the Yorkshire Ripper. It didn't work, because the methods and sample size were inadequate, but there was something else 20 years ago about how many Britons aren't actually related to the man they think is their father.

I'd cite the study, except 1) it's been a long time since I read about it, and 2) I realize now it was probably kike propaganda.

Heil Bitler, get bedbilled, you snowblake buck.

Cops are basically the same as white nigger gangs. Only the ones down south are good.

Accused Golden State Killer Joe DeAngelo was a strip club regular, known as a cheap creepy old racist who went on a hate-filled rant when a stripper asked him to prove he was white
Accused Golden State Killer Joe DeAngelo, 72, visited the all-nude Gold Club Centerfolds in Rancho Cordova, California, at least once every two weeks
He liked to sit at a table in the middle of the club a few feet from the main stage
The accused killer once went on a hate-filled racist rant while at the club and called non-whites 'nasty and dirty', a dancer said
DeAngelo then got 'sweaty and stuttery' when a stripper suggested he needed to take DNA test to prove he was 100 per cent white himself
Another dancer said that he was 'grumpy and standoffish' and rebuffed her attempts to talk with him
His reign of terror covered a huge swath of California ranging nearly 500 miles from north of Sacramento to Orange County and lasted from 1976 to 1985
The ex-cop is suspected of 12 murders and 50 rapes dating back to the 1970s

Read more:

'He said he had guns and could protect us,' she said. 'I wasn't really sure what he was talking about. He had that quirky grandfatherly feeling.'
But all of a sudden, he blurted out a shocking statement.
'Out of the blue he suddenly told me his girlfriend had sex with her sister,' the dancer said. 'Then he said: "It's an Indian thing".
'I said: "What do you mean, like Indian from India or Native American?" and he said "Native American:.
'Then he told me how he hated the fact she was Native American and suddenly launched into a really horrible racist rant, pointing to everyone in the club who wasn't white and calling them nasty and dirty.
'I told him he should be careful, perhaps he should take one of those DNA tests you see on TV to see if he's all white - I don't know why I thought of it, I think I'd just seen an advertisement for one of them.
'He got all strange and wiped his hand over his face and said: "They'll never get my DNA". But he said his sister had taken one of those tests. He got all sweaty and stuttery. Now it makes sense.'
Neighbors have described DeAngelo as an angry man liable to go on rants over seemingly unimportant issues.

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the police violated Terms Of Service to get the evidence.
he should go free because we cannot reward the government for breaking the law.

Are you having an aneurysm or something?

he should go free because he's just so good looking