Judge upholds 1st amendment. Bars allowed to refuse service to conservatives
Judge upholds 1st amendment. Bars allowed to refuse service to conservatives
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Refusing service to the ebt market is the quickest way to go out of business.
So I guess now Christians can refuse to make rainbow cakes?
You're an absolute idiot if you really think you'll be able to use this ruling for your own benefit.
Double-standards are the norm, and calling them out and pointing out their hypocrisy always falls on deaf ears.
Go out and try it before yourself and then report back to us.
age of consent is 14 in Japan
There's literally nothing from stopping the shitskin from saying "but I'm conservateev esse" and then getting a kike lawyer to sue you into 7 digits of debt.
Good. Why would I want to give him my money anyways?
As long as they ask the faggots if they're conservative first and then say its because they're not. Downside is that I guess we'd still be forced to serve the niggers and faggots who claim to be conservative.
Oh nooooo.
lets admit. these are contrived scenarios by jews to maintain american superiority
Wtf I want to give then satisfaction now
I have this image of two faggots walking into a cake shop and some bubba looking up and looking them right in the eye and asking
Except now there is precident so fuck off.
We can now cite this case in future court cases when someone gets arrested for refusing gays or some shit.
Why is it ok to discriminate against a political belief but not a religious one?
What is religion anyway, other then a set of rules and moral codes? Political ideology and religion is almost the same thing.
We should seriously bring back some form of Paganism, or create a new religion that encompasses our beliefs that we can use to take advantage of religious laws.
Are there any limits to what kinds of discriminations this opens up to?
wait for the appeal(s)
if the guy doesn't run out of money anyways
I doubt the ACLU will intervene
just claim you think everyone you dont wanna serve is "conservative". when called out on it, call them racist for saying nogs, fags, etc cant be conservative
This. I genuinely don't understand the difference - if anything at least a political viewpoint is solidly grounded in reality, even if it's a utopian fantasy like Communism it's still based in reality.
It sounds like a good idea until you realize they just paint any religion they don't want to protect under the law as a cult. Tons of drug users have attempted exactly what you're proposing so they can consume LSD legally and it never seems to work out. Oddly, certain churches like the "Temple of the true inner light" get around this. Just goes to prove if you have the support of (((them))) anything is legal. The other user is right it's double standards. The white man isn't allowed to have a religion in the modern age.
Just look at this bullshit:
Source: csp.org
We would not be allowed to set-up something like this. They don't want people like us claiming tax exemptions or begin allowed to concentrate in private.
unless you're a POC or faggot.
Not everyone runs a quicki mart, ahpoo.
(((Justice David Cohen)))
Sorry nigger, we only sell to white nationalists and national socialists in this gun shop. I'm only discriminating against your politics, not your race, so this is legal, but if you can prove that you are a real Natsoc by gassing all of the kikes…
It would have to be some kind of pan-European paganism.
Nope, one law for me another for thee.
lurk for two years newfaggot
You need to lurk. If you had you would know nazi was a derogatory term started by a (((jew)))
Which is why Goebbels wrote a book called Der Nazi-Sozi, right?
This is great news. I can legally discriminate against liberals now
T. Restaurant manager
It’s the one and only time it was ever done, in an attempt to turn a negative into a positive, nigger
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Nati: National Sozi: = Social Democrat
Not 'Nazi-Sozi', the false jewish name of the 1926 publication by Joseph Goebbels actually entitled: 'Verlag der Nationalsozialistischen Briefe', in which the word 'nazi' never appears once, nor in any other of Mr. Goebbels’ publications.
So was it a false name or a one time deal?
What is derogatory about the term "Nazi" anyway, I've never seen that part explained. Is it some sort of German play on words or something to disparage National Socialists?
pic related
t. alt-right self gaslighting retards
In you go, kike
Bars have become pretty degenerate places, and often unsavory characters go there.
< we can legally refuse kikes and and faggots and niggers service
holy fuck you're naive. can't blame you. gotta get it through your head that law is a lie. it's a fucking lie. There is no cake, and there is no law. It's a scam.
This law thing, it's not blind. And it's not a two-way street. It's all oppression, all the time, the dogma of the kikes. Curse the kikes. Curse yidsrael, curse yahweh.
The dead cannot rule the living. Violence is nature's only truth. Some men have forgotten their place in it. And so they obey.
You dont ban niggers for being "liberal" - Ill remind you "white supremacy" is a political ideology. You can ban anyone whos not white for not being a white supremacist, or white nationalist, or whatever.
If the nigger doesnt state his desire to be sent back to Africa, hes not allowed in. Then when he does, deny him for doing that anyways. It really opens up the door to ban anyone you want for anything at all.
This ruling sets precedent that clearly allows tech giants like Jewgle, Shitter, and Faceberg to suppress the speech of users with views they don't like. It is not a defense of free speech it's the destruction of it.
Free speech is cancer. Laws exist for a reason and people understand the boundaries they must follow in other regards. You cant go around killing people, you cant do things like impersonate a cop, you cant defraud people etc.. its not just cleverness, its illegal. Well dont go advocating fucking communism either, or talking about Jews as if they arent a problem after we have educated everyone, in this future scenario. There should be boundaries to speech, seditious speech isnt free speech, advocating white genocide subtly should earn capital punishment.
This is correct. This is why the Left has won just about every major battle and engagement going on about six or seven decades in the political war in the United States. The Right keeps playing by the rules, and the Left ignores them any time they become an inconvenience. All the rules do, the laws do, is chain the people who still think they matter down into crippling inaction while the Left score gain after gain. Rules For Radicals explicitly goes over this, noting how effective it is to force the enemy to play by the rules while you casually ignore them as irrelevant.
At this point I question if your typical conservative will ever truly grasp this. Even the OP is falling for it, thinking that this kind of ruling will be equally applied, when of course it won't be. Look at all the judges in this country currently outright countermanding the President Of The United States, which is a complete overreach of judicial power, all while the liberals laugh and cheer them on. Imagine if the reverse had happened under Obama, the Left would be gnashing their teeth and screaming bloody murder, doing anything they could to force said judges off the bench.
There is no passion, no verve, no force projection from the Right in America because of these constraints they have placed on themselves. They stay in the nice little boundaries given to them and cry while the Left runs outside those boundaries over and over to gain victory after victory. Even the response to this, when there ever is one, is a feeble demand that the Left play by the same rules, that they adhere to the rules the same way the Right does. The Right never realizes that this is an impossible task, that the only way to win is to also take the gloves off and slam into their foes with greater tenacity and fervor. Instead, the Right cries out "You're cheating!", and the Left just laughs at them since they never had any intention of playing by the rules to begin with.
Now that said we obviously dont control this society but in principle free speech would probably be toned down in a white ethnostate.
Exactly. I agree with you 100%, but we have to consider that the only reason why the State hasn't already taken action to crush us is because Freedom of Speech is so explicitly embedded in the most supreme legal document in the country. While it's not good for a country in which we hold power, we don't hold any power here and we shouldn't pretend that we do. The most pragmatic thing to do is to vigorously defend Freedom of Speech in all the forms in which its subversion could and will bring harm to us. I'm not saying defend communists, no one is actually persecuting them and even if they were we could just ignore it. But as a motivating force, something so central to the way our civic society is supposed to function (as imperfect as its functioning was) as Freedom of Speech is a perfect rallying point, for tactical reasons as well as for garnering favor with whites who are not yet racially-minded.
This actually also legalizes anti-communist universities that ban commie professors.
Almost a contradiction of terms nowadays. Do any such colleges exist?
Not right now given they werent allowed to fire all communist professors before, but now we can pressure them into doing it by painting them as pro-communist if they dont. All you need is 1 that caters to the right and you disrupt their whole kike indoctrination scheme.
It already exists, anons:
Hopefully we get more support. If we can win lawsuits on religious discrimination (which kikes do all the time), then Zig Forums and NatSocs everywhere can be open, along with any and all pro-whites. This thing needs to happen.
The best part is that it is the real religion and everyone else is an imitator at best.
The white pill to remedy faggotry like yours is to remember that every unfair ruling against us is a double edged sword that makes our enemy appear less righteous with each swing.
As nice as it would be to have one non-kiked university, you just know that immediately a stigma as bad or worse as Fox News or Breitbart have (among liberals) in the world of journalism is going to be applied to it. Its degrees, when viewed by UC Berkly women's studies majors in HR departments, will be treated as less legitimate than a degree from Kongo University. Normies who are sympathetic, if there are any to be found hiring, will be too damn principled to show any preferential treatment and the degree itself will be an expensive target on your wall saying "do not hire me" to any HR fags who review your resume.
Who cares, society isnt one big blob, its heavily polarized at this point. The right gives zero fucks about Jewish media anymore.
The school system, including college, is not just worthless, it's a detriment. It's a giant waste of time and energy; and trains people to operate in an environment completely unlike the rest of the world. You can figure out if someone is qualified for a job by simply testing them on the relevant subjects. There is no need for college whether it be left or right wing. It's a completely evil idea.
When half the society is going on the attack and the other half isn't defending its own because of delusions about fair play and individualism, it's going to end bad. You claim that universities can use this to purge communists, but I find the opposite to be much more likely. First off, the communists are deeply embedded. They are usually tenured, which protects them from being fired for this kind of reason to begin with. Secondly, we have no traces of anyone vaguely sympathetic to even Paleoconservatism in university administration, much less national socialism or fascism. So I view it to be very unlikely that even one university in the entire country will purge its communist element, but even if they did we have to be concerned with the results for the students who go there. If there are enough economic disincentives (poor job placement, for example), such a university will flounder and a leadership change will probably tank the new direction before it even really starts (not to mention a fuckton of lawfare from Jewish attack organizations such as the ACLU and the SPLC).
It boils down to whether or not this precedent does us more harm than good and I think it is clear-cut that what little good you could hope for is a fool's hope. Our suppression will increase and they will do legal mental gymnastics to make it not apply to themselves.
and that is why they're called cuckservative
well, aside from racial cucking which any non-creationist/nhilist should be against (or else they are retarded and/or class cucks)
ideologically, cuckservatives let the enemy play by different rules… they are, if not multi-cultural, multi-legislative
Aaaand literally no one is surprised.
Isnt that good then? Id rather whites be poor, bitter and disenfranchised than rich, content and apathetic. The only way people are going to fight is if they are forced to… and the only way were going to survive is if we fight. We can do no wrong and all leftist attacks on us only work to our benefit. Were antifragile.
You're right in that regard. The more drastically conditions change for the worse for whites as a whole, the more severely and swiftly our reach will grow. However, there is an easy out that is created for those whites where they can simply attend a communist university and become indoctrinated (or at least act like it). They can say the right things and have the right friends, and they can get economic success where our prospects will be limited. Those who stick with us will be worth 100 times as much to any attempt at political organization as any we lose to economics, but it also takes hope for a political solution completely off the table. In a universal suffrage Republic, numbers (and legitimacy of the process) are all that matters to win political victories. Depending on what you think about there being any hope for that in the first place, it could be a good thing to get rid of that delusion.
… what the…
you must have a lot of trust in the jewdiciary to think this won't happen
If only that were true. We all know the double standards of political correctness ensure that this will not apply in the reverse situation.
It's based in part on the Catholic/Protestant divide in Germany at the time. Berlin was a really degenerate hub of urbanite scum during the Weimar Republic, and the Catholic south of Germany was disparaged kind of similar to how southerners in the US are disparaged as stupid and rural.
A classic South German Catholic name at the time was Ignatz (English: Ignatius). Ignatz was abbreviated to Nazi as a nickname, and Ignatz/Nazi was used in a disparaging way. Similar to how our word 'Rube' comes from a typically-rural name, but has come to mean something like 'gullible idiot.'
That's what (((they))) meant when they called Hitler and the NSDAP Nazis at the time; it was a pun by effete Weimar degenerates, not too far off the mark from all the Drumpf-type wordplay of today.
No it isn't. It is in Germany though.
Nah. The thing is that conservatives don't get bothered till things get really bad. They just want to be left alone to work and raise kids.
It's like a petulant child and a parent that doesn't want trouble.
Once the kid reaches a level, all the kiddie tactics matter little when you've got a belt striking your ass.8
The left is on a kids level of seeking attention from conservatives(stable and grounded people). So they throw hissy fits, destroy things(countries) and invite other relatively stable and grounded people (muslims) into the country.
The left never grew up.
The thing is that the longer you bottle up that genie the stronger it becomes. And once the cork goes off during the elections you get a super majority as you mobilize all the conservatives.
If that doesn't work, guns are there to help. But then no one can save the left.
Why should I give a fuck if it was a derogatory term in the past? It isn't to me, right now.
There's such a fucking double standard in this country it's unbelievable. The US is the embodiment of "free speech for me but not for thee".
Because politics are men-made. These believes could be wrong, deluded, not reflect the truth. Religion comes fron the God, its objective truth by definition, its beyond men's capacity to object God.
Hitlerdubs confirm, we took their word and made it something they are afraid of.
I'm more confused by this. I thought businesses weren't legally allowed to discriminate on political leanings?
LIberal bar owner? Refuse service! But if you are a conservative baker?
Fuckin' synagogue of Satan, man, damn.
It's technically 13 across the country but each prefecture has their own AoC
Oh. I just realized something. Something wonderful.
The memes, jack.
Which translates to heathen. kek
Agreed. Law is a scam. Police are a scam. "Justice" is a scam. Any fucker who doesn't get this is not red pilled.
No OP, not ANY reason, you have specific reasons you cannot mention or imply because they give the kikes claw-hold. Kind of like how you need to be careful of how/why you fire a nigger or faggot or useless pair of tits that can't reach the top shelf.
There are NO political protections in the US of A beyond the government not being able to shut you up for your opinion.
It spells out that it's ok to discriminate for things that are not protected. Race, age, sex, handicap are all protected. Political affiliation is currently not protected so its (((ok))).
The goal now should be to push groups like the ACLU speak out in defense of protection being added for political leanings. If they do, win. If they don't, another fracture point. Particularly if you point out every single rapefugee who comes to America under the cover of political persecution.
From this gay UN site:
If the word Nazi really means country pumpkin then it is actually wise to embrace it.
Country pumpkins are the best people.
Calling me a country pumpkin is not belittling me.
This isn't new
They should delete planned parenthood's twitter too if that is against their rules. And black lives matter too while they're at it, that account has almost 300k followers and promote violence against police.
I feel bad for the american police they just want to do a good job yet a large portion of society has this fuming hate for them because rarely they kill scum.
You may not like it but this how it is. Quran concepts are very … problematic. If same concepts were proposed by man today he would be chased away. But when it comes to God it is entirely different matter. Does God exist? I don't know. But existence doesn't really matter, what matters is people perception. Everyone, this includes Christians and even atheist, recognize Quran is entity well beyond anything mere men can achieve. Result is the same.
It especially clearly manifested in Russia. Russian has hate speech laws and everything can be hate speech. Bible and Quran is full of things that can be considered hate speech soo, much more mild texts get banned but. Bible and Quran got special exempt by name in the law, so they are not attacked by law enforcement, these texts are above people's law. Mein Kampf does not get exemption.
US does it too in more mild form, well Russia is well known to be radical in everything. In US you see political correct crowd jumping on everything "problematic" but they avoid Quran, see even atheist liberals recognize that is power beyond them. Objective truth.
How is it even derogatory?? It's just shortened down because saying "National Socialist" all the fucking time gets tiresome, just like we often call it NatSoc.
Keep in mind he needs to figure out WHERE the ruling happened and specifically try it there and nowhere else
Someone please help me figure out where this happened and where the ruling applies to
That's actually a good point, I don't speak German. I have no connection to what made it a slur.
Because to the left religion and politics are one and the same
Thats not objective.