His birthday was 3 days ago
And nobody remembered him.
He was one of the greatest patriots of our time.
His birthday was 3 days ago
Other urls found in this thread:
First kike-free post.
Dude, proto-pol debunked that as an government false flag years ago, long before the chans. In order to demonize the rising white militia movement given power after ruby ridge and waco and cover for the infiltration and subversion of such groups in the public mind thru the media and lock down natural fertilizers, forcing farmers to buy more petro fertilizers. The shilling against conspiracy theorists reached an massive crescendo when this came along too, making this an two for one deal for the feds.
WTF are you doing? Are you actually trying to associate us with that old bullshit again? If so, fuck you feds. If not, wtf.
Found the Jew
I respect McVeigh but I think there's things surrounding that case we don't know about. For instance John Doe #2 and all the details around the bombing.
But overall, I think you have to appreciate the Fed doesn't chimp out on citizens anymore. That all comes from BASED Tim.
Mixed feelings about him. On one hand I'm from OKC; on the other, fuck the ATF.
That's more fucking like it.
Of course there's false information, the Jewish media and love spreading that around to fit their political agenda. But McVeigh wanted for change, and he tried to do it by force. And for that, I respect that
Yea, you clearly don't know shit about this thing then. You believe 911 was some towelheads? Look at what we pull out when we've crushed the latest false flags. Several similar things pop out on this one. What did it for me is mystery man friend that was never brought out and ignored in the media utterly.
Gonna go out on an limb and say this is that guilt by association shit the feds like to pull so the normalfags don't look at our wrongthink too much. Not sure where that is going for em if so, not like the media hasn't been utterly decimated on the believably front. Or maybe an fishing expedition of some sort looking for patsies for their next trumped up bust because some user 'loves' little timmy.
Oh, and if you are legit on this thread op. You should be careful w it, our favorite hooknoses love to push the skinhead connection onto those whom align w the guy. Yea, I know there is not connection, but in their system inference they made up in their own head is enough proof of connection to work.
it doesn't go deeper than that. fuck off nigger
The administration has said that Iraq has no right to stockpile chemical or biological weapons ("weapons of mass destruction") – mainly because they have used them in the past.
Well, if that's the standard by which these matters are decided, then the U.S. is the nation that set the precedent. The U.S. has stockpiled these same weapons (and more) for over 40 years. The U.S. claims that this was done for deterrent purposes during the "Cold War" with the Soviet Union. Why, then is it invalid for Iraq to claim the same reason (deterrence) – with respect to Iraq's (real) war with, and the continued threat of, its neighbor Iran?
The administration claims that Iraq has used these weapons in the past. We've all seen the pictures that show a Kurdish woman and child frozen in death from the use of chemical weapons. But, have you ever seen these pictures juxtaposed next to pictures from Hiroshima or Nagasaki?
I suggest that one study the histories of World War I, World War II and other "regional conflicts" that the U.S. has been involved in to familiarize themselves with the use of "weapons of mass destruction."
Remember Dresden? How about Hanoi? Tripoli? Baghdad? What about the big ones – Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (At these two locations, the U.S. killed at least 150,000 non-combatants – mostly women and children – in the blink of an eye. Thousands more took hours, days, weeks, or months to die.)
If Saddam is such a demon, and people are calling for war crimes charges and trials against him and his nation, why do we not hear the same cry for blood directed at those responsible for even greater amounts of "mass destruction" – like those responsible and involved in dropping bombs on the cities mentioned above?
The truth is, the U.S. has set the standard when it comes to the stockpiling and use of weapons of mass destruction.
Hypocrisy when it comes to death of children? In Oklahoma City, it was family convenience that explained the presence of a day-care center placed between street level and the law enforcement agencies which occupied the upper floors of the building. Yet when discussion shifts to Iraq, any day-care center in a government building instantly becomes "a shield." Think about that.
(Actually, there is a difference here. The administration has admitted to knowledge of the presence of children in or near Iraqi government buildings, yet they still proceed with their plans to bomb – saying that they cannot be held responsible if children die. There is no such proof, however, that knowledge of the presence of children existed in relation to the Oklahoma City bombing.)
When considering morality and mens rea [criminal intent] in light of these facts, I ask: Who are the true barbarians?
Yet another example of this nation's blatant hypocrisy is revealed by the polls which suggest that this nation is greatly in favor of bombing Iraq.
In this instance, the people of the nation approve of bombing government employees because they are "guilty by association" – they are Iraqi government employees. In regard to the bombing in Oklahoma City, however, such logic is condemned.
What motivates these seemingly contradictory positions? Do people think that government workers in Iraq are any less human than those in Oklahoma City? Do they think that Iraqis don't have families who will grieve and mourn the loss of their loved ones? In this context, do people come to believe that the killing of foreigners is somehow different than the killing of Americans?
I recently read of an arrest in New York City where possession of a mere pipe bomb was charged as possession of a "weapon of mass destruction." If a two pound pipe bomb is a "weapon of mass destruction," then what do people think that a 2,000-pound steel-encased bomb is?
I find it ironic, to say the least, that one of the aircraft that could be used to drop such a bomb on Iraq is dubbed "The Spirit of Oklahoma."
When a U.S. plane or cruise missile is used to bring destruction to a foreign people, this nation rewards the bombers with applause and praise. What a convenient way to absolve these killers of any responsibility for the destruction they leave in their wake.
Unfortunately, the morality of killing is not so superficial. The truth is, the use of a truck, a plane, or a missile for the delivery of a weapon of mass destruction does not alter the nature of the act itself.
These are weapons of mass destruction – and the method of delivery matters little to those on the receiving end of such weapons.
Whether you wish to admit it or not, when you approve, morally, of the bombing of foreign targets by the U.S. military, you are approving of acts morally equivalent to the bombing in Oklahoma City. The only difference is that this nation is not going to see any foreign casualties appear on the cover of Newsweek magazine.
It seems ironic and hypocritical that an act viciously condemned in Oklahoma City is now a "justified" response to a problem in a foreign land. Then again, the history of United States policy over the last century, when examined fully, tends to exemplify hypocrisy.
When considering the use of weapons of mass destruction against Iraq as a means to an end, it would be wise to reflect on the words of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis. His words are as true in the context of Olmstead as they are when they stand alone: "Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example."
Timothy J. McVeigh
Ok you're a fed. Welcome to the chans faggot.
fuck this place
everything said, written goes to the NSA & FBI
surprised my mic and camera hasn't turned on
maybe it has/is
fuck this place
Zig Forums
Honestly, I don't think any McVeigh inspired actions would be at all effective in any way. Even if his reasons were legitimate and justified, his actions had zero lasting effect and would only harm public opinion towards whatever goal you were trying to achieve or point you were trying to make, especially with the media as controlled as it is.
You can support his ideology without supporting his actions. They just weren't beneficial in any way.
hur dur
greatest country on earth
land of freedom
So did I, and it's you.
How do you know he's not a BASED nationalist jew like Strassmeir's IDF GF or all the fashy Mossad operatives who helped with the bombing?
I literally saw this 3 days ago 🤔 what the fuck
Literally the reason pro-white ideas got driven underground for almost twenty years.
If something like this happens again we'll be demographically fucked before the public reawakens once more.
I think you're either a shill or an idiot but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the latter.
So let me correct the error of your ignorance. Watch these videos and then fuck off. If you don't have the attention span to watch them then you should probably just neck yourself and be done with it
holy shit
you've provided a motive, but where's the evidence? I'm open minded, but I'm less inclined to believe that the government would attack itself on such a large scale. The motive is there, but it seems a bit absurd that they would hit their own dudes, unlike 9/11 where it was just innocent people dying.
dude you're fucking retarded, those buildings were built to withstand impact from plane collision like most skyscrapers
the twin towers and building 7 were destroyed in a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION by mossad agents- there were preliminary explosions in the towers and building 7 wasn't even fucking hit with anything, they were in freefall
then the plane that hit the pentagon was obviously a drone because it executed this insane flight maneuver that no human pilot could have done, much less an inbred shitskin with hardly any flying experience… and it hit the side of the pentagon that was under construction and didn't destroy anything important
there were israeli jews videotaping 9/11 before it happens and dancing and celebrating after it did, New York Jew real estate mogul Larry Silverstein bought the WTC a month before 9/11 and insured it, then after 9/11 he collected double on the insurance "because there were two attacks" making a shit load of money
watch "911 the new pearl harbor" or whatever it's called then come back, goddamn bluepilled brainlet
it's probably a LARPer
He was great and the only people against him are movementarian faggots who don't wanna take up arms because that's scawy like this guy
The jig is up.
Is the same dipshit who flagged me following the Iowa Caucus?
Who the fuck cares when you have jew cunts running Zig Forums?
That's right moshe, your :^) is now mine. Eat a bag of fucking dicks and enjoy your uselessness.
You answering OP, me, or just randomly blurting shit out?
But why?
god only knows
The kike knows who I'm talking to.
I'm convinced the guy who runs Well aware is around the fucking bend, but damned if this doesnt look like Eminem.
try to stay on subject
Hey honestly how many bots are in this thread?
All these single-posters and half of them sound incoherent.
If the cunt would I would.
there are only bots in copy/paste 4chan scraped threads
Almost like you cunts can't handle the truth.
Amazing how quiet it gets when you filter the jew.
Yeah okay (speaking of incoherency)
Because you fags cry so much about it.
So do you know the story behind that webm?
Lemme guess some discord chatroom.
Nigger doesn't understand filters.
It was a false flag and any self-respecting oldfag knows that.
Had a good chat with an ex-legionnaire demo expert about this and they confirmed almost everything 'conspiracy researchers' pointed out about the blast damage.
In Syria they have some really shit-house smaller buildings that can even withstand an large VBIED, the videos are there for you to see for yourself. They also don't leave huge ass fucking craters.
Gas yourself OP.
Can likely be remotely powered/tracked by radar frequencies like other chips they have. Maybe even the same frequencies the massive radar network US has.
Like pic related
jews are only charging $30? Oy vey!
Some are pretty pricey and can do far more..
Oy vey, why pay more when the goyim already established $30 was the cost! This 9.99 wont save itself!
This was put to rest literally in the 1990s.
Clearly not.
More like he was a CIA patsy
Toss that fucking bong out the window.
Why does he wear the mask, does it make him feel sexy?
Of coursh
What he's saying is true, but he shouldn't have fucking killed a bunch of people.
Despite that I consider him a fellow traveler.
Actually, that bit about iraqi mohamadans being just as human as us wasn't true at all.
No they really weren't, the stories were built in a spindle design, held up by fasteners. When the fasteners failed the building collapsed in a controlled demolition type manner.
Well, I don't know exactly what he did, but it did seem like a bullshit false-flag regarding the bombing. I grew up in Oklahoma, and I remember older family members immediately dismissed le bombing as asinine horseshit. They had a law about 20000 pages long which was a classic "take your rights and fuck the citizenry" type law they passed either the day of the (((bombing))) or the next day.
It was as ridiculous as 9/11 or anything else they claim.
I'm sure he knew something and they wanted to shut him up.
I lived in an all white neighborhood back in the 80's. I used to ponder the dark skinned men I saw coming and going from there. It wasn't until 2001 that it made sense.
*>wherein was an college of aviation
you mean Nichols? yeah a lot of people forgot about him. shit I remember the day it happened. then like the sperg I was in 7th grade science class I said something to the tune of what is now called "he dindu nuffin" and had to sit in the hallway the rest of class.
Freemason begone
Is that Andreas Strassmeier?
A shekel for the good goy
Kills white kids
Enacts the Clinton's white terrorism domestic laws
FED/pol/ celebrates him
the death of all feds is beneficial to a free society
He didn't kill any FEDs. He killed kids. All the FEDs left the building because they knew the attack was coming
ok my statement still stands though…. even damaging their infrastructure is ok by me. whether he killed any feds or not.. it's still beneficial to let them know that they can and will be targeted. the kids were collateral damage in my eyes, boo hoo hoo.
Fuck off kike.
This is a good listen on OKC. Keep in mind, Michael Collins Piper wrote for The Spotlight, which the jews tried to tie to the bombing, and McVeigh apparently told his cellmate David Paul Hammer that what Piper's reporting on the bombing was accurate.
only kikes get scared when feds die
Look at the damage characteristics you nigger.
It would have been interesting if Russia and the rest of the world declared war on the USA as they've done in Syria for its government killing its citizens in Ruby Ridge and Waco.
I'm on the side saying it's a false flag, you?
You mean causing Clinton's domestic terrorist laws?
Stop idolizing Russia. Alex Jones is lying to you. They're not a Christian Nation. They're a KGB Nation and the only reason they care about the Mudslimes is because they want to prevent oil and gas being controlled by America/EU and have ports in the Medd. I don't want America involved at all but there is a polarity of NWO. Russia served the Jew in the Afgan wars decades ago, and Putin always bows to the Jew until recently when they started fucking with his income. So it's fun to watch but they're not the good guys. Hopefully something good with come of it and Hitler will be proven right when he said that the establishment of Israel will redpill the world on Jewery.
Sorry, thought you were quoting the posts and inferring they said 'shut it down'.
>polarity in (((NWO)))
Zig Forums is doomed
Nbd, sarcasm is hard to express with text.
MUH KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know damn well labeling white Americans as terrorists was the kike's plan from day 1
alot of those word filters are actually pretty funny
you realize you are probably arguing with:
He dindu nuffin, though. The government did OKC.
This is how i can tell you're not from here and not one of us. Very telling that it goes accompanied by animu shit.
Blowing up buildings, going on a shooting spree and other terror attacks, are effective only when you already secured the overwhelming support of your nation. That's why Muslim trucks of peace are so effective. Moderate beheaders love that shit. They simply pretend to be shocked and use taqiya to fool the Western masses, long enough to get the democratic majority to elect some hard-line Wahabists. After that, they are going to go full Armenian genocide on Whites in Europe. Hell, look at, Provisional-IRA. They too tried to murder they way into reunifying Ireland, but Irish folks didn't want to associate themselves with people who blow-up pubs and kill civilians on the street. They lost the support of the people and in time simply faded into obscurity.
He's bombing in heaven now.