how is your mental health today?
with the current spate of happenings, political events, news stories, economic issues and personal problems, how is your mental health today Zig Forums?
How is your mental health today?
Data mining
It will be better after all journalist scum are hanged, such as yourself.
I'm good. No need to be sent to reeducation camp at the moment, Comrade Commissar.
After recovering from a MK ultra psy op. I would have to say pretty great. I’m going to sue the jail I was in for attacking me. And sue my job for back pay. Fuck all deep state and all kikes will burn.
One and done OP.
Hopefully no good threads died.
Halfchan getting raided made my day, thanks.
It's fine FBI-kun. Now fuck off.
I could snap like a twig at any moment. Which governement synogouge should i shoot up fellow alt-righters?
My health is fine, Probation-chan.
Not very good.
My data has been mined.
"Mental Health" = jewish pseudoscience
so gud.
A little kwirky sometimes.
Fuck off commie. The only thing worse than kikes is their goyim boot lickers.
Then you'd better get to work.
I’m good on getting played and locked up again. I’ll get to those boot lickers in due time.
it's all so tiring