Pic is extremely self explanatory.
Hope people aren't falling for this obvious based black attempt to take over the right. Libs in sheeps clothing who are pivoting to the right now that the entire shitlib ideology is being mocked across the planet.
They'll parrot all the talking points until people start looking to nogs in a leadership position. No thanks.
Nig pivot
Didn't even last 48 hours before the apology tour started.
not even close to "muh based" blacks. who are these giga kikes he's in the photo with, where it's clear he's only take the photo because they are giving him money.
that DC nig that's already in a city council position that keeps calling out the jews is much closer.
just like there are no good kikes, there is no good niggers
Two hideous scheming Jews & a dead eyed nigger. Ew.
Kanye endorsed Trump back when he was running for president. His stance isn't new. Anons in the other thread went over this. Whether or not his beliefs are genuine is beside the point. The left just isn't edgy enough anymore.
Kanye has also named the jew. Food for thought. If you want basic bitch nigger hate, then try niggermania or gab. They might be more up your alley.
If it can piss off a lot of people i'm all for it
"muh based niggers" amirite?!
Did his forced trip to the loony bin fix him?
>muh (((republicans))) vs (((democrats)))
back to facebook, boomer
could be used to demoralize leftists though
Fashy based blacks with even more fashy based neocon jews, America is now officially free.
That really triggers the leftists and muslims.
This is why we always lose, because the left has no problem using things that benefit them, when the right has too much "honor" to take a win, when a win falls in their lap.
How does a white man "win" with based blacks and neocon jews?
the kikes are laughing at your face with stunts like this
it's moar about getting a demographic thats largely been under the thumb of (((leftists))) out of that control mechanism that a left vs right mentality. it's about waking up and realizing a certain side that expresses progressive ideals has lied out it's ass to you
cucks not welcome
samefagging to add that this is the entry point in which the golem can be turned and used against it's masters
Both the (((left))) and (((right))) constitute jewish lies, its the very reason the West is sinking into the JWO.
The Presidential election victory of the Republican side is just another jewish victory.
are you in favor of turning one of (((their))) golems against them or not?
and the events surrounding kanye is the point in which the false left vs right dichotomy can be exposed. thats my point that the weaponization of these demographics is now possible for the non globalists to start using back against them
you do know the two other guys in OPs pic are jews, right?
>are you in favor of turning one of (((their))) golems against them or not?
Not sure what you see as "victory" with jews and blacks holding all the cards TBH.
Even worse everything the jews in charge of America do is being blamed on "white racists"
No one needs to be our based nigger. Unlike the faggots over at T_D, we don't celebrate nor worship a nigger when he espouses a political belief in line with our own.
However, we do recognize the groundswell shift that is taking place when even niggers think being right wing is hip and being left wing is square.
Zig Forums isn't (((right))) or (((left))) (as if they mean anything anymore)
We're NatSoc's. But if you can't see the usefulness of a well known nigger supporting Trump then I guess you're another libertarian faggot that would rather "fight with honor" than, ya know, fucking win a god damned election.
wtf does Trump have to do with being a natsoc?
His election was a stepping stone towards more nationalist policies. If you can't see that you're being obtuse.
I don't want to live with niggers, I don't weant my kids associating with niggers, but I sure wouldn't be PISSED if niggers started saying "fuck ya'all" to the DNC and at least stop being a gimme for them each and every election.
Throwing away real politik victories because of your hatred for reddit and their faggot "muh based niggers" meme is absurd. Take what this offers, split the DNC party even more, and that will leave room for an even further move to the right.
Exactly, jewish conservativism has somehow been transformed into Zig Forumss position
There lies the rub
To the jew world order
It's more than a "Fight with Honor" with some of these Faggots, It's also the tragic, romanticized death that they are after. What this does is make a step to the right more okay for the Normal Faggots outside our immediate influence seem okay. Some of us are as short sighted as the kikes and their nigger tools and cant see that through their autistic veils. Some of want to loose in a tragic and noble death, I would rather win. If a half crazed nigger gets us more lemmings in the long run, why go out of our way to stop it?
I remain unconvinced that electing jews in charge of America getting blacks to follow suit in electing jews is somehow any kind of step towards any success of any sort.
That's fine. No one here intends to vote or play to win any way. I doubt you have made any effort to run for local positions in your town or state to get more like minded individuals into positions in government. That's something Kikes do.
Democrats losing control of their black slaves is the most significant cultural event of our time.
If you actually knew your fucking history you'd realize that the Dems were always in favor of slavery. You'd also know that the current sad state of the black American is mainly due to a plan launched by President Lyndon Johnson. He wanted to addict blacks to entitlements and welfare to keep them on the democratic plantation forever.
He also planned to create a nanny state where black women didn't need fathers for their bastard children. This utterly destroyed the black family unit, leading to many of the problems we see today.
You don't have to support blacks. You don't even have to like them. Dems losing control of their black slaves is the best thing that could ever happen to our side.
This seems to be the hurdle red-pilled and jew-wise whites can't agree on with you jews
Blacks blindly vote in a solid block 90% of the time even when it's completely against their interests.
They are the most trapped in the D vs R bullshit.
I don't see any real cracks yet but (((they))) are freaking out even at the thought of cracks forming in that block. That block is how they stay in power.
The fear of losing that block is also why the panicked push to flood the nation with muds. They need to create a new golem they can control.
Drug dealers can't survive with out addicts.
Stop. Democrats losing support is always a good thing.
How does any of this empower whites?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If blacks got their shit together it would make them far less of a drain on greater society.
I agree with that statement, only you always say "the enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend" when talk of Iran/Syria/Palestine crops up on hereā¦
Anyway, the Democrats and Republicans are both "our" enemies, both are jewish constructs designed to steal our resources and lands from under our feet, solely for jewish gain.
I have no delusions of them voting in my favor. The problem is they all vote as they are told. And they are told to vote against me 100% of the time.
They are the lefts most powerful weapon when it comes to the voting booth.
Maybe some split off and form a Kanye Kanz party. Maybe some vote conservative. Maybe some keep voting democrat. The point is getting them to think for themselves breaks (((their))) weapon.
wakanda isn't real
dems provide them with gibs and plenty of fuck you whitey
how is this against their interests?
it's the "conservatives" that never do anything for the people they get votes from
Being addicted to welfare for generations with fatherless, broken families is surely in their best interest, goyem.
wtf do I care what's in their best interest?
you think niggers spend all day worrying about you?
Look at the state of the black family unit before and after gibs.
Keeping them hooked on gibs, replacing their fathers with Uncle Sam, and telling them YT is the sole source of all their problems is not in their best instrests.
The D vs R trap can never be broken until that voting block is broken up. There can never be a viable 3rd or 4th party until that block is broken.
The GOP is so fractured it's dysfunctional. Real right wing memebers would jump ship if they had a viable place to go.
D&C is used against us all time but when ever Zig Forums suggests using it against the left we get
And the thread gets anchored
why the fuck would I waste my time with shit like that?
I have my own problems
voting for the BASED nigger party will solve all our problems
you mean mindlessly follow other orders so as to not form a voting block for the dems until 2026 when usa is bound to fail
this is all just preperation for the violence that will come
where hopefully as many enemies of the white race die as possible, idealy all of them
I don't give a shit about blacks. I give a shit about (((them))) using their gibs addiction against me at the voting booth.
One more question:
Since when have conservative politicians ever done anything less than the 'left' in providing lifetime of welfare for 'minorities'?
That was always the very first step of the "red-pill" realising the jews control both the left and right, pretending to be in opposition when they've only ever worked in tandem.
Why does Zig Forums have to constantly contend with cunts promoting jewish democracy on a board that used to at onetime be proud of dispensing the red-pill?
If the democrat party was fractured and the blacks split off and formed a Kangz party then real right wing members would be free to split off the GOP and form their own party.
You will never get the GOP to work in our best interests. Both parties need to be broken up for things to get better. The GOP is only staying together today because of the solid democrat voting block. Take that away and it has no reason to exist anymore.
who niggers vote or don't vote for makes no difference until the wall is built and spics get kicked out
Yes it does you fucking retard. If the Dems lose 25% of the nigger vote, they never win again.
People need to understand just how precarious the Dem's position is.
Sounds great for the zionist neocon jews in control, what do whites get out of this deal?
whatever you can get out of it
nothing is handed to you
boomer detected
What a retard go to Godlikeproductions.com
I think you belong there
He's about to be killed
What is bad for my enemy is good for me, but the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
Scott Adams predicts a Kanye presidency in 2032. I believe him. Demographic trends alone will give crazy niggers a clear path to elected office.
Not too bad op. Good use of the le based nigger meme. Though to be honest you'd be better off just spamming Kanye threads with pictures of Whites being maimed and killed in South Africa.
Kanye is a big fan of Jordan Peterson apparently
Do people here fall for this fake Discord "proofs" bullshit the way cuckpol does?