Twitter is working feverishly to censor all posts about this. #boeverset is still online but there is widespread talk that all photos of what is going on now are getting wiped off Twitter post haste due to the prevalent anti-white agenda in place practically everywhere now.
I could not find this picture at #boerverset, Every link people are posting that is actually showing what is happening now ends up empty when clicked. Why would the people who own these companies censor this if they did not hate whites, and want whites wiped out? They can lie all they want about being "neutral", actions speak louder than words.
Media silence
Where does the IP go.
Yea, but OP please stop spreading that picture. That girl was attacked by a boerboel, not a nigger. Spreading misinformation doesn't help the cause.
Jim Stone freelance journalist
Thanks wise user
Get in /boers/ and do something about it, anons.
yes it does look at syria
It's an asymmetrical war user.
Can you explain this not in ooga booga language?
Jesus fucking christ how can anyone who sees these pics and than proceed to censor it? I can understand kikes and niggers but how can even a leftist be tolerable about this and just shake it off? I don't understand I don't even want to believe that someone who is apart of antifa would be ok with this. Its innocent children being butchered but they all stay silent because how dare ANYBODY MAKE NIGGERS FEEL ASHAMED FOR THEIR ACTIONS. ==FUCK THIS MODERN WORLD AND THE NORMIES THAT TOLERATE IT MY MOM KEEPS TELLING ME TO STOP TRYING TO REDPILL PEOPLE AROUND ME ABOUT RACE ESPECIALLY ABOUT NIGGERS SAVAGERY AND I'M GETTING FUCKING PISSED OFF ABOUT THAT I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT==
It's breed of dog, it's also called a South African Mastiff.
Thats a pitbull attack, and this is stale ass shilling.
This is no surprise. Twitter is owned and run by kikes.
fuck yoou 5662bf you absolute faggot
the energy necessary to refute a lie is an order of magnitude greater than to tell one
I've spent 40 years on this earth already, it's about time shit changes. Fucking gas the kikes, RACE WAR NOW.
Call me when you finally decide to do something.
What's your address yid?
btw my number is 911 :))
Run out of diapers?
Don't be an idiot, user.
he needs plastic.
On a completly unrelated note
Does anyone want to meet up in south africa?
Wouldn't it be nice to take a group vacation?
All we need is to agree to meet up at a hotel on a certain date and we good to go travel around south africa and experience its wonderfull diversity ;^)
I love how the daft Marxist cunts of JewTube keep telling everyone that they will never support an aparthied which makes them against Israel's policies on the Palestinians but as soon as you tell them Whites are being dismembered by le poor oppressed POC on South Africa they will not hesitate to say that "they deserve it" because what they did to the niggers back then was somehow worse. I can't believe they would even celebrate the death and extinction of Europeans and other Westerners this much, aren't they supposed to care about all life? If you check out the comment section of this particular video you can see how much "empathy" Marxists and non-Whites truly have when it comes to White lives. Truly the most subhuman form of personality. inb4 stop embedding JewTube newfag. I know I just want you to see the comment section.
OP, where have you been?
I was in the garden repotting
I abandoned thread when I couldn't figure out how to delete it because I was wrong
On the bright side if all the white farmers are slaughtered then not only will they serve as an example for the rest of the white world, but the niggers will starve to death, a worthy outcome for any whites who let niggers into their midst. Never forget what happened in south africa/rhodesia
I mean where have you been as itln your freaking out about south africa like niggers killing whites is something new and shocking. Go post this on cuck chan or reddittwitter
Can we bring weapons?
I know someone with a mine in SA. Well, had. Not sure if the niggers came in and started eating the rocks or not. I should give them a call and see what's up.
Busy dodging niggers?
Do they still have the nukes sold to them by Israel?
Time to use 'em.
If they had gotten them there would have been no end to apartheid. They would've had their nuclear deterrent to tell the commie invested western governments to fuck off.
Both wrong. South Africa developed its own nuclear weapons, tested them (a fucking nuke went off by Antarctica) and dismantled them in 1994 (scared to death of the ANC gaining nuclear weapons)
South Africa is the only country to entirely dismantle its nuclear arsenal.
Preventing intervention was the goal; SA had its own Uranium mines but only had the materials to develop six ICBMs.
Take note that a white population the size of Ireland developed its own nuclear deterrent and still fell to diversity. Incase you were wondering the power of propaganda, it can literally defeat a nuclear power.
To learn how they're pulling off all these attacks, watch this video by the Red Elephants. It's an inside job.
and nothing of value was lost.
4cuck membership card holder
…yet you feel the same towards them
hi fbi
But we were assured the kikes didn't have nukes.
That picture is not from south africa, its a pitpull attack.
I was made to look like a fool, because i used that picture that was floating on chans.
Stop using it.
There are real pictures.
WTF is going on there?
If only the donor class that refreshes r/politics a thousand times per day to get their snootiness highs could see this one thread.
What do you think? White man is getting castrated.
If there is a more despicable act, I do not know of it.
Post more, Ill post them elsewhere and a lot of people will see them.
Fucking subhumans, how soulless do you have to be to do such a thing to a man? Whats the context here? How did they catch him and why are castrating him?
Honestly, stop using twitter and move to steemit. It's on the blockchain, and the text posted cannot be censored or deleted.
Realistically the only solution for White South Africans who want to stay, is to move to Cape Town area, take over the city, and declare independence, after securing the backing of Trump, Putin, or Xi.
They flag people and it makes your posts not show up anymore. Hate speech is one of the reasons you can flag. Theres people with rank 70 who flag you once and drop you from 40 to 30. Its kinda kiked.
Interesting. SA also had their own bio weapons program.
I agree, but if you know the User ID you can find all their posts. Still better than twitter.
Ultimately you can either have free speech and freedom or hate speech and not freedom. There is no middle ground.
You're a fat fucking Nazi that will never amount to anything. Go and become the next headline faggot
goat hoof clearly visible behind castrator's left arm
It's an aysmmetrical war that the Boers can win.
Based on what Jan has said, it looks like the Boers can implement greater Iranian.
That said, I agree. Shame and mock every liberal who tries to defend mud races and niggers and spics.
Hell, if those shitlibs die with their pets, the world will already be better.
We should encourage these people to kill each other and themselves. Ruin their "loved" ones. Destroy everything they adhere to believe untouchable. Rape their wives and daughters. Cuck their sons. And destroy all these anti-white, anti-civilizational filth in the most brutal, glorious, and delicious ways possible.
No they can't. Why do you think they haven't done what's needed already? Clue: Serbia.
Answer: the moment your nation acts against the White genocide, the jews send American and British ZOGbots to bomb you back into the stone age, then swarm your country with a blue helmet 'peace keeping' force to kill off any survivors. Finally your nationalist heroes are taken before the Hague court, if they're allowed to live that long.
snownigger mods sure are butthurt
anyone who fears a maybe intervention over actual current genocide by niggers is a coward and a fool
death is death
but better to die a man than to wait on your farm for the nigger hordes to come rape and kill your women and children
This. CIA torpedo's just trying to make user's think that not fighting will save them. That some forces behind the scenes Qnigger, etc will save then if they just wait and tolerate White genocide a little longer.
All that tax money.
Wasn't it backed by a literal fucking terrorist force ran by Mandela? If anything, it's a testament to the dangers of terrorism in tandem with propaganda.
Join the hunting party >>>/boers/
It's Afrikaans. Fuck off
Being this new
Serbia was still a country with a professional army, if the boer rebel is going to be more like afghanistan with RT showing all the crimes against boer civilians 24/7 further isolating the amc and preventing other countries from sending troops since they would get caught in this PR shitstorm
Imagine how fun it would be to kidnap a nigger and skin him like the spics do in mexico.
we're more civilized than that, just put them down quick and easy
You don't need to spread false stories when there are plently of real attacks by blacks on whites at your disposal.
What I find truly sickening is there still are gullible idiots even in South Africa cucking for muh poor oppressed niggers when Boars are getting killed left, right and center. That's some next level cuckery. I guess, accelerationism doesn't work that well either.
Based mods
Half of me says that's wog tier and beneath us, the other half says they deserve worse.
It's not animal abuse because niggers are insectoid
dubs of action
But I am white, 100% European Southern European.
Israel isn't in Europe.