It's JFK file release day
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Fire up those autismos
We have a winner right here.
Alright boys give me a summary because I am not digging through 20k emails.
MLK fuckery
tl;dr Everything you know is wrong.
@11529291 Nothing new really we knew the world was controlled by the jews and how they control everything so its not very surprising. All we are learning here is that the C.I.A was a lot more effective at keeping information hidden back in the day.
I already knew that. ;)
What is their argument for classifying information on a lone wolf shooter for all of these decadeS?
There is still a few left classified. Notice GHWB has made a recovery… It's called leverage.
Security by obscurity never works.
This needs more red lines under all of it.
WTF? I thought these were suppose to be about the JFK files that were put together at the time?
James Earl Ray didn't have his fingers on the trigger. Get this to the niggers stat!
But who is Otero?
Although this is very interesting, it is a distraction from the fact that a sitting Congressman, Louie Gohmert, just published an essay saying the deep state did 9/11 and kills people (naming names) and demanded they hang for treason.
Maybe Gohmert needs to read his statement on the House floor to make sure nothing can distract.
Bumping on cuckchan
In what way though?
Because this mostly looks like distracting bullshit. No real evidence of anything we didn't already know.
I agree
I read it- didn't see that. Maybe my info was bad -got a link
Key points below.
Remember: this is a current, sitting Congressman and former judge writing. Not a random yahoo.
p. 1
Essentially says the US govt obviously knew 9/11 was going to happen. Mueller helped cover that up.
Go back to reddit and wait for the cliffnotes, faggot.
Dude must be SSed up to shillary levels of protection to be that open.
Hi torpedo. It was planned for months, user. Gohmert is curious, but this hard evidence.
I always thought it was a post 9/11 development.
No way dude look into the shit-storm with RSA and PGP
Can you be more specific? I'm not fluent in government acronyms.
You already read through the 19 thousand pages? Good work, Chaim.
It was established officially in 1952. The jews were already spying long before then though.
Encryption and the government bitching about it.
Read it? The kikes wrote it.
checked mein fuhrer
Checked. James Earl Ray was a hero.
NSA was acknowledged in 1975. It was just regular MI before that.
If you want to go through them offline:
Funnily enough, Marxist Lucifer Kang's family were very forgiving. I would too, if I knew my father was a degenerate whore who led trusting people astray with lies, among other crimes.
Nigger was probably gonna die from dick cancer and he took one for the homies team.
Think about how fucking pointless that was. Think about it. Its like shaving a cat because your dog is rabid. MLK would never have made a peep without certain dumbass amendments and knowing he had significant establishment support.
He pulled that trigger years too late.
Slow walkup on findings?
WHILE YOU sit at home, work or in a JDIF cubicle… LURKING , shitposing, REDPILLING or shilling…
They are getting exposed. They are getting scared and cornered like rats
THE TRANSMISSION YOU ARE ABOUT TO RECIEVE is about a Great Awakening and the Ancient order of Evil that is doing everything in their power to stop the HAND OF GOD… which is futile… but they can cause discord and VILE subhuman behavior to Blind you and keep you in your compartment…
you cannot stop the truth!!!! You will not silence the Crusaders and warrior monks of the 22st Century
We are the future Biblical Martyrs of Jesus Christ and the Snakes Head has been CRUSHED and we sustained minor bruises that's IT.
Unite like LOTR fellowship of the Ring!!!! Your sword , my axe, his bow!!! And let's Destroy the ring of EVIL!!!!
Are we supposed to find self-incrimination here? They shot the president, they shot the shooter, they aren't going to get caught in the aftermath.
I really doubt anything of importance is in those documents. They've spent decades trying to keep this under wraps, some nosey sitting president isn't going to change that.
the driver shot him btw
He already was. He was planning to be shot by the kikes who backed him because the FBI was threatening to release all the dirt on Kang but they where too late for that.
He was planned*
they shot the fall guy patsy
There is multiple scenarios as to how the real shooters were offed
This always bothers me, he almost stops the car, turns around and shoots between Tx Guv John Connelly and his wife Nellie in full view of Jackie who would be facing him. Plus he has to shoot with his left hand and merely point, not actually aim his pistol while twisting around in his car seat all in the matter of a couple seconds.
So the guv and his wife could not hear a gun fired in front of them with the barrel pointed towards them a couple feet away.
Bill Cooper was the first I know of to promote this and why he did I have no fucking idea.
The Zapruder film has several frames missing from it, but you can see the driver with something in his hands. Also that is the reason Jackie decided to jump out the back of the car, not over the side, she wanted to get as far away from the driver as she could.
There was also many backup plans on that day if the driver didn't succeed. JFK was getting lit up and not a single bullet came from Oswald's gun
Jackie got on the back of the limo to retrieve a piece of JFK's skull and when they arrived at Parkland she gave it to the medical personnel in the hopes they could "sew it back on". That is why she got right back in as soon as she picked it up and it had nothing to do with the SS agent jumping on the back of the limo.
How can I ever sway Zig Forums to understand that Lee never fired a shot that day?
For the double tap. And at least 1 cop up on the knoll (name/other non-Zap film escapes me), and perhaps a Book Depository (Oswald there just to plant/switch rifle, first reports "A Mauser" in Argentine-licensed specific caliber.)
Glow merchants' fucked off at nuclear non-proliferation cucking by JFK were present; Jack (((RUBENSTEIN))) the most conspicuous (pics related.) Johnson's Ziocucked Christedelphianism the single greatest return on the Scofield Bible, maybe ever.
Guy who developed it was allegedly a wizard, denied what was released was the same that he processed.
didnt have time to go through the new releaes yet, here some interesting stuff from the old one
Russia says Johnson killed Kennedy, Page 5
30 pages missing
Tippett meant to kill Kennedy and be killed afterwards, Page 3
Tippett together with Rubenstein and possibly Oswald, Page 2
Multiple shooters and bullets
Cuban exiles apparently planned on killing cuban government officials
Oh, then since it was already planned by the jews it should be celebrated, right? Fucking newfag.
Here's the chunk she grabs on the trunk.
To those who still don't believe you:
That was 10 hours after the arrest
you are missing the best part.
It implies the whole JFK assassination was just a misunderstanding because it wasnt made "sufficiently clear that assassination should be excluded from consideration". Page 18
Nothing to see here, goyim.
what did he mean by this?
Well I gotta say, that was a huge fucking waste of time.
Yeah, that's why she got back in the fucking limo after she grabbed a chunk of Johnny boy's skull.
The other thing I might do one of these days is show the route to the second floor break room from that perspective of the BD.
Directly behind that doorway is a stairway and within 2 minutes of the shooting he was sitting in the second floor break room sipping a coke not breathing hard.
There has been dozens of run down the stairs from the 6th floor recreations but not one walk up one flight and through a hallway to the break room study. Seem odd?
It was the Mossad, CIA, and the mob. Jack Ruby was part of the mob. Oswald was part of the CIA, and Israelis were everywhere. Really though, the questions you should be asking are "Why did it happen?" and "Was Robert F. Kennedy's death related to this?".
Don't focus too much on multiple shooters, bullet trajectory, etc. It's nice to know that to get the whole picture, but the underlying reasons are more important than the actual event. The same thing happened to the Mandalay Bay/Vegas shooting, we focused too much on the actual event. Most people still don't know why it happened, they go to theories about sacrifice rituals, helicopter shooters, and other shit.
This is why Alex Jonestein is so popular and promoted by other shabbos goyim. He makes "conspiracy theorists" (which is a term that the CIA told its agents to use to make those who questioned the kosher version of the facts look like nutjobs in a 1967 memo - pics related) look like absolute morons. He starts discussing events like 9/11 and then talks about mini-nukes and hologram planes to derail those who are seeking the truth and make them look stupid in the eyes of a normalfag. Same thing with reptilians, flat Earth and other CIA-approved bullshit
WAS Robert Kennedy's death related to it? You're totally right on the fact that we focus too much on the wrong details, why? What did Robert Kennedy do?
You familiar with Ryan Dawson? If not, I think he's right down your alley. You're on the right track man. For Oswald, lookup the Edward Lee Howard and other American defectors to the USSR.
Here's a vid on Kennedy:
He's also got a great documentary on 911 and the Iraq war:
Robert Kennedy was trying to make the ZOA (Zionist Organization of America) register under the FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act). He gave them a deadline of 72 hours, the next day AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) was created. This was in Oct 1963, a month before JFK's death.
This is correct. Alex is a stooge to discredit people who question the goverment, he is there so them and the left can say "hahaha what are you Alex Jones are something? You believe in shadow people and gay frogs? haha retard". That's what he and Infowars exist for. That is why he will never name the jew, he works for them
William Cooper Kennedy assassination
Watch it, then incorporate this new info
Some of us have families and jobs to attend to you dumb faggot.
Have you watched it? I see a lot of bullshit in here and only a few people seem to mention anything outside of a(((history channel documentary)))
Holy shit, the gravitation from your delusion is so immense, I could only glean this knowledge from your obvious infinite wisdom.
To answer your question I just watched one video from him and maybe I'm a little judgemental.
Here's a clip of our fellow scholar.