At least 2 teachers from MSD went to a Marine base and fired M16s a few weeks prior to the shooting
Teachers from MSD went to Marine Base few weeks before shooting
This is the teacher that took the photos
What did he mean by "eye opening and unforgetable"?
Bump I guess.
Bump out of interest
Where does she purport to be anti-firearm?
Also 1st pic
always 33
The last pic.
Everytown for Gun Safety is a funded by the anti-gun lobby (Soros / Bloomberg) and they're connected to MomsDemand, NewtownActionAlliance, WomensMarch, MarchForOurLives,
Are you /x/ fags born retarded or did someone brainwash you?
Taking photos in the hangar is illegal and violates federal law.
posting them on Kike-book should be punishable by death.
This is actually serious violation, but i doubt they'd do anything to this woman.
How is she shooting there? Their website says you can't bring your own firearms on base, do they actually let people fire government owned select fire weapons as part of a tour?
She's participating in a false-flag media hoax operation with David Hogg's mil sim dad so of course she has to get a little bit of training at least. They're just sloppy AF these days.
Bring a woman on to the base for a secret operation,
Why do thy all have mkultra eyes?
Dude, all the muzzies I meet on a daily basis here in Europe have a variation of these eyes (except the last ones).
Not if they do it right. People are photoing inside hangars all the time at many airshows. As long as there is nothing critical in the ones they have access to it isn't an issue.
Yup. My thoughts exactly.
Well Well Well - Goblina's friend.
Much more important is the fact that Nikolas Cruz's foster father is a U.S. Army military intelligence contractor.
Nearly every single high profile mass shooter or bomber in the United States has a connection to the U.S. Dept. of Defense.
The United States military is creating mass shooters / bombers through some sort of top secret special operations program.
not that odd since they consider themselves in enemy territory
Nigger are you serious sanpaku eyes is based off ASIAN EYES and their beauty standards were to have as chinky eyes as possible with only White showing on the inner and outer part of the eye. If you have chinky eyes then of course the White part of the eyes will only show up horizontally. If you are White and not a Sami-Finnish you will most likely have the second one. Caucasians developed wide open eyes too see better overall like for spatial reasoning and because of sexual selection. Light eyes can see better in low light and brown eyes see better in the daytime with sun glare.
Most of these planes are mock ups brought by companies and not real. While I'm sure there are exceptions. I've done some stuff on bases and they are crazy. I was to take a photo of a F/A18. I had to take a photo on their air force camera, they then security cleared it and emailed it to me a few weeks later. Good opsec I suppose.
Better version.
Received their final tune-up for their programming, undoubtedly.
Those #5 eyes come hard Af… I wonder if she ever gets a headache from holding those (eyeballs) out of her fucking sockets!
Shock Therapy???
Wouldn’t have the attitude if you fucking paid me what you already owe me.
Surely you jest, user. It's totally normal for feds to run active shooter drills all the time at your school and send teachers off to military bases right before media-grabbing random mass-shootings just spontaneously happen out of the blue.