NYC restaurant The Happiest Hour is allowed to ban anyone wearing MAGA clothing or hats. That 3.6 rating seems a little too high for such intolerance wouldn't you say. Let's let them know how such shit will not stand. You know what to do. Link……
NYC restaurant The Happiest Hour is allowed to ban anyone wearing MAGA clothing or hats. That 3...
I don't really mind this, mean we can ban all libshits from our establishments. Can anyone say protestors can now be refused service at right wing events??????
Hey this is good, if we can refuse service to people based on political stances we can refuse service to people based on anything else we don't like.
It's better for us if we can stop political discrimination. Then people can openly be natsoc/white nationalists without worrying that the Jews will wreck their economic livelihood.
Hey guise lets totally review bomb this place so that libshit media can virtue signal the shit out of the place even more for big big soybux.
There is a far better provocation that can be made here. Look at starbucks for instance, a couple of guys were sent to actively loiter in the store for hours and refused to leave.
Considering the alt right is politically motivated, you would also be allowed, as an employee to remove people… based on .. identity politics
I don't mind it either, but it shouldn't stop us from savaging our enemies any chance we get.
I don't really see what the problem is. If you want to know what the real MAGA agenda is, read the Q containment board. Death to "nazis", kill the catholics, firebomb Iran, based niggers.
Better to be thrown out, than stay and have their subhuman chefs poison your food.
You can’t refuse service to someone based on age, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion and whatever else is considered a protected class.
You can discriminate based being fat and apparently now political affiliation. If this actually catches wind and holds up to superior court (if it goes there) we could see a back and forth or political discrimination which could help light the powder keg of divide in this country which would be fan fucking tastic
We cannot. It would be racist to ban niggers and spics, it would be anti-semitic to ban kikes, it would be Religion of Cuck™ophobic to ban muslims, it would be homophobic to ban fags and lez-fags.
Democrats can do whatever they please, verily are we, the white peoples of the world oppressed by these kikes, the usurpers, the affliction, curse yidsrael, curse the kikes, curse yahweh.
I'm not really sure why anyone keeps looking at it from this lens when the Trump administration couldn't be making it any more clear they are aiming for a reboot of ~1865 style Black Republican rule. There's no refuge in the nominal opposition to "Democrats".
We already covered that in another thread. Non-whites cant be white nationalists or white supremacists and therefore all non-whites can be banned on that alone.
Since a judge set the precedent, you can now refuse gays and nigger.
And if one of those degenerate bring you to court. Just refer to that jew york case.
Just identify as a pregnant woman. Wasn't it just decided last week by some kike-in-a-robe that NYC bars have no right to refuse them service?
Bars can refuse service to anyone for any reason, but they usually say "I suspected he was intoxicated."
This, let's make them a coupon.
It's better if whites wreck the (((rats))) economic livelihood and end the fucking (((federal reserve))) then everything they have done and do falls apart and they will be completely powerless thus open to absolute political dicrimination against all kikes in every area they have infected while positioning them perfectly for global extermination.
It's not a federal case, so it's only for New York State.
I, user, approve this campaign. Let's make it so.
Wow, thanks, fellow gentile! I'm sure lefties will be accepting of this new precedent being applied equally against their ilk. And they totally wouldn't use every legal and extralegal angle to immediately boycott/sue/ruin any business refusing service to lefties on the basis of thought/beliefs. We should support more banning of right-wing thought from the public sphere, because ultimately it will be helpful to the right!
Now you're thinking with chortles
Just get some niggers to bankrupt them
bake the cake faggot
Please lurk for fifteen more years before posting this entry level retardation.
Check for safety code violations
40mil isn't bad.
dude can i kick niggers out now? excellent
NYPA, we kick liberals out of our local.
It's only going to be enforced one way and you know it. Why do you even post this?
You don't do shit, faggot.
Australia already has these kinds of anti-discrimination laws.
Employment - 3 separate government acts
Even though 5 seconds of research will show you that female pilots in the air force only have a minimum period of service of 6 years as opposed to 11.5 for men
But just fucking read this - Tasmania Anti-Discrimination Act
These two statements contradict each other. You can't discriminate against someone for political belief but you can prosecute them for "incitement of hatred" which is political belief? It's all insanity.
At the end of the day, anybody with truly controversial opinions or members of non-perceived victim groups will be targeted under these laws. A nazi will never win a court case against a university for kicking them out due to their political belief. It will never happen. A company will never be prosecuted for treating blacks and women better. It just won't happen.
Anti-discrimination laws are the greatest impediment to personal freedom in the modern age. They came about due to the complete destruction of value attached to personal property in the civil rights era and WILL ONLY GET WORSE. I will bet my life that the future will see laws that restrict sexual discrimination based on race if modern western society survives.
This. Make the fire rise. "But it will only go in one way!" you might be saying. Well, it already goes in only one way, nigga. Right wing establishments need to try and start punching back. Or do you really believe ignoring the problem will make it go away, when you damn well know Liberals will never let up on their one reason for existing of ruining everything they see? It is you who needs to lurk moar if you believe they will.
You're 100% retarded. Jews have one set of laws. Goyim have another. NOTHING we want is law. EVERYTHING they want is law. You are MENTALLY ILL if you don't comprehend this. There is no way out except through physical violence.
Ban wearing;
Patchouli Oil (perfume)
Rainbows (not saying wearer is Gay)
Resist 45
Race appropriated hair dyed a non natural color or texture ("straightened" or extensions, weaves, or wigs, etc. includes men; pic related)
continue list here;
What happens if you go into this restaurant hatless, order food and then whip the hat out in the middle of the meal? Do they kick you out and you get to skip paying the bill? If they still charge you after kicking you out that's just asking to get sued
Fuck your defeatism, you weak shill bitch. We will start every battle with javelins whether they stick or not.
Cuck thread. You burn the fucker down you don't make a 'yelp' post you homo bitch.
So walk into the place with a (pic related)…. No rules against that.
If I lived close enough, I'd organize a trump meet-up there posthaste.
They should at least follow their own rules.
Rate them not on right-wing rhetoric, but on their business itself.
Ruin their reputation, but don't put a political slant on it.
I live in NYC and I've been to this place many times. There's a 6'9" bouncer there on weekends, some latinos that work in the back. It's just as cucked as every other bar in NYC, there's definitely a lot of closet Trump supporters in NYC but none of them are willing to wear the MAGA hat and most of them larp as liberals. The only people I see wearing MAGA hats are black people. I once witnessed a white guy steal an asian guy's MAGA hat, was quite surreal.
Fuck off, trumpnigger.
good, colored not allowed
First of all, the preferred term is "spics," though Zig Forums also accepts "beaner fucks."
Second, why haven't you reported them to ICE yet?
how much does fbi pay for the 8ch gig?
How about instead we make use of the weapons that will effect them in their hivemind negatively? Now how do you do that? Simple: Niggers.
Make fake flyers, coupons etc. for free beer for all blacks same as starbucks. Claim the place is racist at the same time. Takes about the same effort as attacking their yelp but, you can actually cost them money by niggers occupying the place.
I mean anybody that lives around there knows, its also easy to mess with their power by switching off the breakers and reporting the blocked fire exits.
I know that worked for Starbucks… would they really be retarded to fall for something like that twice?