How did this mr bean looking retard get into the highest office of the FBI?
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And you make terrible threads
Actually, he's spot on with Comey and I think more focus needs to be put on the fact he's basically retarded and incriminated himself. Why just today Anderson Cooper tore Comey a new a'hole, Comey's defense again was using weasel tactics, how he has training from the FBI how to classify things as classified or not, so he didn't really leak the conversation with Trump memos, and in his opinion they're not classified. Cooper had no choice but to dig into him. In reality I think this is a sign Comey is going down, and partisan hacks like even Cooper want to throw some punches Comey's way, not to look like idiots when he's on a stand and his weasel responses are in moronic and in his opinion he did nothing wrong.
I mean he's 6'8" so it stands to reason he would be in charge.
Fag has pencil eyebrows and your bog standard terrible ceo type makeup on in his headshot. Blood bags under his eyes are somehow same color as his skin?
He never underwent training at the FBI academy, he's just some bankster lawyer who works for the Clintons.
I hate that this is true, but it is. I worked with a guy that tall (and plus 100-150lbs) and he dominated meetings based on his size. I didn't give a fuck about it, but you could see how people were cowed by him and all he had to do was grunt. I left that company pretty quick, dude was big, but not competent.
You tell me user.
Long march through the institutions.
Check 'em.
I want this little get kek.
Let me know what penance I owe Hillary, o Kek.
t. meme magic is gone tonight
kek does not serve the individual
Now Im intrigued
And that's not even mentioning how the FBI doesn't even succeed in it's job.
the man is not incompetent he is just playing against American interests so if you approach from the view he is there to do his real job , thats why he looks stupid. but look at him as an infiltrator and that changes the game in terms of what he is there to actually do and how he goes about his "job" he is there to obfuscate and lose evidence and run actually good agents off on rabbit trails to nowhere
samefagging to just say this:
it is his job to do a bad job on purpose
Both him and McCabe are going to prison, and I'm going to laugh my ass off when the media is forced to film their arrests.
They'll media and politicians like Maxine will spin it as a dark day for democracy, leave it open as the charges and what their found guilty of is opinion based. No way they give team Trump a victory and show Comey and McCabe were partisan hacks, the left may even go the oh he ruined Hillary's chances and we were screaming for him to resign before Trump fired him.
he and his brother were held hostage as teenagers by a serial rapist…it's never made clear if he or his brother were raped, but I want it to be the case…