Day of the Rope when?
The Jew shows his colors: Curing patients isn't good for business
This is my main problem with dentists and other doctors. Want my advice? Only see a doctor if they are family. Bonus if they do it for free.
Or just become one yourself. If third world pajeets can do it there's no excuse for yourself.
My lab developed a technology that could be used to cure literally all communicable disease except prions AND cure cancer.
Never went anywhere.
This. I always had problems with my neck, and lately nerve damage in my arms. Doctors, physios are all useless, just prescribed anti inflammatories with horrible side effects. Luckily gubmint pays the Dr. in Aus. Anyway my buddy sent me to a guy (an ex-engineer turned healer) who put my hips back in place .They had been out of alignment my whole life causing bad posture and neck pain and no doctor or physio had ever picked up on it. Fixed me in 1 session and grew a couple inches taller no drugs nothing for a reasonable price from some kooky engineer bloke.
he's fucking lying
solving problems you didn't know you had in ways you don't understand
Checked and kekd. Truly they are healers of absolute quality.
Cancer is big business, which is why it hasn't been cured.
Mandatory reading for anyone who cares about the subject of this thread.
When Healing Becomes a Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics
by Kenny Ausubel
I just have to question where on Earth you live that you complain of neck problems and numbness in your arms and don't get sent to a physical therapist. Either you're full of shit or in Canada.
I did, thats what a "physio" is. But all they told me to do nerve glides, go swimming, neck excercises etc.
And I did say I lived in Aus. Obviously you're American with your piss poor reading comprehension!
Third world pajeets get their degrees in the third world where washing the shit off your hands isn't taught at any University, then bring their degree here where for some biziarre reason it is honored and valid.
Well I'm a burger and if you told me your neck was tight, arm numb, and when you pushed your head backwards it was a sharp nerve pain then I would have been able to tell you that your opposite hip is tight and your leg is like a cm higher than your others and messing your gait.
And no I'm not a physical therapist but the ones in your country are dumb AF.
Absolutely true. My friends hippie dad went to a hospital in India for some preventable 3rd world illness. Came back to Aus, and starts to get really ill again. Turns out the pajeets injected him with a dirty needle.
How do you know this stuff, is it common knowledge in the northern hemisphere?
Redacted tonights rant on this is quite good.
Yeah i know hes a vegan jew environmentalist possibly communist eceleb but nobody else is talking about this.
Hitler was a vegetarian, and Nasim Aghdam was a vegan (May their souls rest in peace) so it's a perfectly respectable approach to our mainsteam diet of preservatives and processed food, and unholy, inhuman suffering inflicted upon our animal friends in the meat industry.
Absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to preserve our natural ecosystems.
There's the problem.
Because I had the same problem after compensating for a different injury. Sent to the physical therapist and he fixed me. I've never met a physical therapist who didn't know what they were doing and every physical therapist I've known, if you ask them a question or they come across something they aren't sure of they are always extremely motivated to research and find the answer out of their own curiosity because those are the types of people who become PTs in the first place.
Your country just sucks.
Reminder that capitalism is simply a tool. A tool is only as good as it's tradesman. The communists gave the term socialism a negative connotation. All nations are socialist to a degree. The objective is the well being of our volk. The kikes have to go.
Cancer isn't even what we think it is. Uncontrolled cell growth is in almost no way a problem on its own (unless in the brain/lungs or blocking valves in the heart, stuff like that. When quacks go in and start cutting open tumors they release what the body tried to contain into the bloodstream, then the sickness spreads. This combined with expensive chemical and radiation therapy guarantee that the soulless black-hearted monsters behind this racket rake in huge profits while ensuring plenty of people die from the process.
Thanks for the summary of the video. It's legitimately concerning, the absolute zeal some people react with when the idea of not eating animals is even mentioned around them. Almost cultish.
The answer is easy - sell subscriptions to the cure that need monthly injection to remain active. If a person doesn't pay the subscription, too bad, their cure stops working.
Piss off cunt. Stick your stars and stripes flag up your arse ya poof.
Sounds how a kike would sell it
Mfw spot other cunts with one word
So much for the Hippocratic Oath
pls go jew we want the white man to be healthy
Because there isn't plenty of other stuff they CAN'T fix and still needs a proper application of shekels to remedy, right? And of course they will have no problem making the cures available for (((special cases))) They need to be cured of life.
Yes, we certainly don't want to wind up as malnourished and sickly as Hitler was. Oh wait.
That's just capitalism, user.
I had a doc tell me they aren't required to take that oath and the one a lot of them do take is quite a bit jewier. I forget what they called it but it's more a declaration of (((ethics))) and a nod to rattus ambulare fugent.
WHILE YOU sit at home, work or in a JDIF cubicle… LURKING , shitposing, REDPILLING or shilling…
They are getting exposed. They are getting scared and cornered like rats
THE TRANSMISSION YOU ARE ABOUT TO RECIEVE is about a Great Awakening and the Ancient order of Evil that is doing everything in their power to stop the HAND OF GOD… which is futile… but they can cause discord and VILE subhuman behavior to Blind you and keep you in your compartment…
you cannot stop the truth!!!! You will not silence the Crusaders and warrior monks of the 22st Century
We are the future Biblical Martyrs of Jesus Christ and the Snakes Head has been CRUSHED and we sustained minor bruises that's IT.
Unite like LOTR fellowship of the Ring!!!! Your sword , my axe, his bow!!! And let's Destroy the ring of EVIL!!!!
Jews will be judged for 9/11
Maybe a lower dose? There's some lucidity there but you can't just cold turkey those (((crazy)))pills.