I've heard many different proposed methods, and so few of them worked. In fact, not one of them ever did. At best, the success of these groups in the past was only limited. But we've never succeeded in taking our country back.
Lets explore some of these options and see why they're bullshit, shall we?
But if you do that then who's gonna take back America? So you're just gonna hand over the country that your forefathers fought and died for in exchange for some county that you have no connections to in terms of lineage, language or ethnic group? The problem with the Northwest Front and white flight is that it does nothing. Eventually the area you flee to is gonna be browned to shit as well. Hell, from many people I've heard from who live in Argentina, they say that they have many of the same problems there too. Many immigrants coming in from other parts of South America, an aging white population, feminism and so on. And since all of Europe is under control of the European Union, Belarus might also meet the same fate. But even if that were false and that Belarus will remain Belarussian forever, being an American moving there would hurt the Belarussian demographics there. Your American concept of "white nationalism" is much different there and would be considered "internationalist" by Belarussian standards. Belarus for the Belarussians.
However, the whitepill is that the siegetards are all wrong as well. We don't have to do anything in order to accelerate the current situation; the government and our racial enemies will do that themselves. Just look at South Africa. Because as time goes on and as things gradually get worse, pretty much all of America will look like California. Hell, whites in Texas have already threatened civil war if their state turns blue. Because the more Californians and carpetbaggers who move into other states to escape the hell their state has become and decide to bring their poz there before moving on from the mess they made to find the next host to stick their proboscis into and suck the blood out of, the less places there will be left to destroy and soon there will be no more places for these parasites to ruin and the host will be dead. All of America will be 56% so you can say goodbye to your material comfort. The suburban liberal artfags who move from suburb to suburb while lying to themselves as to the reason why they're doing it will eventually have to either face up to the facts and/or die.
Pretty soon, White Americans will find themselves in a corner that they will not be able to escape from other than through massive bloodshed and civil war. All our politicians are not for us but are against us, so we cannot enact change through polls. But if there is a legitimate anti-immigration candidate, they'll simply pull a Roy Moore on his ass and start busing in immigrants from out of state so that he'll lose the election.
Who’s the spic at the left, holding the blue sign lel
Cameron Thompson
The problem with IRL activism is that groups tend to get infiltrated by three-letter government agencies and become honeypots virtually overnight. If you're ever going to create a group, it better be underground so that nobody knows about it and is only a small group of friends that you know who are hardcore right-wingers who will never turn to the feds to inform them about activity within your group. But even then you can never be 100% sure.
But even then, you'd have to do some radical action as a group in order for it to serve any purpose. Think, the order. However, the problem with Bruder Schweigen was that they planned on overthrowing the government without any logistical support, which is virtually impossible. The only way that you could get this kind of help is through a foreign government or perhaps a rogue pro-WN fraction of the US military that will arm, train and provide you with the things you need to carry out a Euromaidan-style conquering of the Zionist occupied American government.
The only foreign government that currently supports our cause is Ukraine. I hear that the Ukrainian SBU SBU (secret service, CIA, NSA, and FBI all rolled into one Ukrainian intel supercomplex) is very powerful. Also, you have Azov, Right Sector, and many other groups there that could be useful for training and many other things as well.
But even Hitler had problems trying to convert people to his side even when he was in power. We need to work together to find contingency plans as to how we're going to take our country back. An ethnostate shouldn't even be an option when this entire country was meant to be for us only.
Mason Long
Sorry, FBI, we won't fall for your tricks. No one here is ever going to physically do anything.
Nolan Garcia
Activism doesn't work and never will, we've been trying activism since the 50s/60s and it has gotten us nowhere. The only solution is ACTION. If you want to get raped by alphabet agencies start a movement, any type of activist group is bound to be infiltrated by the feds or end up like the whole "alt-right" movement where it just turns into neoconservativsm by trying to cater to normalfags.
Austin Jones
by kicking the Jews out.
Gabriel Kelly
Reposting this because blackpilling and kvetching out some status quo bias arguments is all the kikes can do at this point:
I will not die a coward or a depressed lump. I have enough pure Aryan DNA in me to fill my limbs with constant fire and keep my mental faculties sharp and on target. The struggle for survival invigorates me because I know it is in constant conflict with the NWO agenda. Blackpill kikes have had free reign with their Commie psyops (which focus on demoralization) and they no longer work on me.
I am proud that my life and livelihood is at risk due to the political stances and "cyberterrorism" we commit. It is worth every drop of blood, every drop of sweat, every deprivation, every swallowed comment, every tedious opsec procedure, ALL OF IT. By god, for beautiful children and a chance to undo the mistake of my forefathers I will gladly dedicate myself and my entire being.
14/88 is the only hope for humanity and while I will not lie to you that my motivation is 100%, I have put everything on the line to work on this. The real dangers are worth it. Prison is worth it. Death is worth it. For the true believer the eternal beauty of the thousand year Reich outshines any minor inconvenience on the path through the mortal coil.
Kikes and shills get fucked. I will never die for a dollar or a drug. To me the future of my kin and the species supersedes mere emotion or hedonist pursuit.
Hail Victory! Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
Aiden Peterson
Kill all kikes Deport/kill all non-whites
Only sure-fire way
Matthew Carter
Impossible/vague. If you want people to follow you then set a medium term target if you want to motivate people. Just some example mission statements: remove Zionist control over media by 2020, deport all
Anthony Roberts
Put up or shut up. Get bent pussy
Adrian Price
What do you mean pretty soon? We're already there.
Eli Nelson
If you are living the life you feel is right, why do you need validation from anyone else? You are no better than Chad and Stacy, seeking social approval.
A well informed populace. Democracy, or a democratic-republic, relies on a voter-base that understands what is REALLY happening in order to sustain itself, instead of the wool being pulled over their eyes. Most people don't have time or the motivation to research topics, which is why the lugenpresse is so influential.
Samuel Campbell
Hate to check torpedo dubs but here we are god dammit
John Watson
both me
Jordan Bennett
That defeats the purpose of IRL activism. The entire point is to become well known. How the fucking hell do you expect to affect political change if you're a secret that stays quiet out of fear that others will learn about your activities? He who whispers in a well will never get any followers
What about them? What did they accomplish other than getting arrested and being cannon fodder for the jewish nightly "news?"
Thankyou. I crave intelligent sentences like this. Half the time I feel like I'm talking to converted communists who still think that they can just "rise up" and spontaneously overthrow the government.
Question; Hitler did IRL activism and won within the law. Did he accomplish this feat by staying a secret with his right wing friends? he wasn't right wing but whatever Or did he do it by being open, reaching out to the Volksgemeinschaft, and hosting massive rallies? Trying to be a secret little group out of fear is a loser's strategy. Don't act like a loser.
Anthony Roberts
On the bright side if you are to fall then you shall become a martyr for something greater. The uncontested rise of fascism.
Robert Martin
You are retarded. It hurts to hear this I'm sure. But you are retarded. No intelligent, mentally sound person would read and respond the way you did. You need to enhance your small mind and start thinking more often.
I will explain this just once so you don't make this mistake again. I'll try to put it as simply as possible however the English language may be too complex for you. Or maybe it's abstract concepts that you have trouble with. Anyway, It is well known that individuals cannot overthrow states. In order to accomplish anything, you need to work together with other individuals. you follow me? Is this simple enough for you to grasp? Thus, when anons point out that you need more than one person to overthrow the state, they are not seeking fans for the sake of social validation. They are seeking like minded brothers willing to fight and die to take down an evil system. Is this simple enough for your small mind to comprehend? If not, you really need to kill yourself because trash like you are an embarrasment to whatever race you represent. If you are White, you are an embarrasment. I've met niggers with more nuance and critical thinking than you just displayed.
Leo Lopez
Exactly we just need to vote republican and keep our heads down
Hunter Morris
Annexing Canada and parts of Mexico could be a good start. Lebensraum and so forth.
Benjamin Price
To take this now far gone country back a whole lot of people have get over their nervous mentality that using force is wrong. Dead policy makers, dead activist judges and dead marxist teachers are the sole recourse this nation can take. Zig Forums is a board of peace but a war , a physical war has to occur to reach that peace.
Luke Collins
Great idea. You first.
Jokes aside, terrorism does not work. Not at this time anyway. Without a strong support base, you cannot wage effective asymmetric war against the government. Think of any asymmetric military conflict that has ever happened. Afghanistan, China, Russia, Yugoslavia, Rhodesia, France, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Spain, Northern Ireland, etcetera. The first step, the very first step to take if you want to win a violent asymmetric confrontation is win the support of at least a sizeable faction of the population among whom you will be conducting your operations in. Without this, nothing else will be a success. The public will work with the System to smoke you out of your holes. They'll call the police every time you try to plant a bomb. They'll report suspicious activities in the house next door. You'll be starved of money and supplies and will be forced to rob the public just to survive, which will only isolate you further and justify any action the government takes against you. War is about propaganda. And asymmetrical warfare is 90% propaganda and only 10% fighting. Maybe even less than that.
Andrew Lewis
You need a create a White community first. To have a community you need to perform charity type work, family events, animal care for White neighborhoods and change the image of White nationalist with clean cut White men. You don't play any libtard optics of free chicken for niggers you hold community events for families in White areas and youth activities. Single White moms having a discounted day care so you can "teach" their children who will be very susceptible too it because they are already don't have a family but, they do have a White community.
You have a underlying White pride tone to it all by encompassing White history and no political correctness but, first a community one. So when (((they))) start ov veying it will have similar response to gun control and it will be too late for them. The community will naturally stand up for these White communities charities because they are part of them and will feel attacked. White families having picnics will be hard for (((them))) to spin.
The YMCA and Kellogg foundation were originally made to help young White American now they promote the opposite because of kikes. So you need a inner circle that doesn't have any power other then not allowing any foreign jew changes to your White community charity.
Luis Moore
A big step in the right direction. Scoff at and reject degeneracy and (((entertainment))) and have a strong family with well-raised children who are taught how to survive and be independent and resist political correctness and degeneracy. If the Mormons and Amish and Orthodox Jews can go create separate communities of non-pozzed families so can whites. Another huge step is just not kowtowing or interacting with the ZOG forces. Homeschooling, not relying on gibs, fixing and building things yourself so that you're not a tax slave, etc. The more you can minimize your contact with any governmental body that you don't control, the better. Stay out of (((the system)) as much as you can.
Expulsion isn't a permanent solution, (((they))) always come back.
Jaxon Gomez
Parker Hall
I think this is a crucial point, Bond-user. Allow me to expand upon it. Those communities have a spiritual binding agent: religion. We do not need a religion, but we do need a clear spiritual bond in the white community. If it's just "Whites Going Their Own Way" then it is unlikely to develop the deep connection between members that is necessary for success. We must be able to sustain psychological and possibly physical assaults against the community over the course of generations. A purely secular movement, I am afraid, lacks the substance necessary to achieve this. So I propose a mythos that is based on our values, but neither shows preference toward nor excludes the various religions of the members. The mythos probably shouldn't be a copy/paste from antiquity. Zig Forums has success at organic mythos creation.