They had 0 actual proof to convict him

They literally had 0 forensics audio or video evidence of Bill Cosby doing what he's accused of. All they had was women saying he did and they convicted him. This needs to go all the way to the Supreme Court to strike women down and make it clear that they can't get their way legally just because they all band together and say someone did something. And no I don't care if he did it in fact he probably did, but I have 0 sympathy for those gold digging cunts anyway, or for modern US women in general given how they act.

Also if you think women won't lie in the future to get actual non ironically innocent guys convicted your delusional given how often they've been proven to have lied about shit over and over

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Other urls found in this thread:

there was no evidence aside from the fact that he admitted to it

Unfortunately you are right, this is a bit of a fucking dilemma, considering it was likely consenual considering the drugs used were recreational and prevalently used at the time.
On the other hand I thinknwe can all agree this media industrial complex needs to burn to the fucking ground.
Push the Allison Mack sex cult story, its being memory holed right now in favor of this shit show.

The kikes have been attacking Bill Cosby, because he told black youth to stop being useless dindus and to pull their pants up, and act right. Also, apparently, he was seeking a stake in partial ownership of NBC, and this is probably the reason why the kikes began to attack him.

On a side note is this woman lying?

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This. Cosby was obviously framed, niggers never ever rape.

How many threads do you need nigger?

looks like a nigger to me


It's an interesting contrast to what's happening in Spain right now. In case anons didn't know, there's been a big brouhaha over a court decision regarding a woman being "gang raped" during the running of the bulls back in 2016. 5 guys filmed their sexual "assault" of some drunken/drugged girl, which the media are calling "the wolfpack" ('la manada' in Spanish) as the group of guys referred to themselves as. The court 2 days ago declared that what happened was a sexual assault and not a rape, due to a technicality in Spanish law distinguishing sexual assault from rape as having sex with a victim without the threat of violence and/or forceful coercion.

Women being women have gone to the streets with dumbass protests, and the media calling it Spain's "Me Too" moment, with talk of taking down the "judicial patriarchy." Funny how in Spain the courts rule in favor of the men (with the men getting only 9 years instead of 20, if you consider that 'favoring') while in America Cosby gets convicted with no concrete evidence as the OP said, only the hearsay of some old fame seeking sluts.

I recall an occasion in I think Minnesota a few years ago where 4 or 5 guys were being accused of rape by 1 female and she had all the DNA. Luckily, unbeknownst to her, one of them had filmed it and she was a completely willing slut who was asking for it. They almost went to prison for a long time.

he wrote a book where he told niggers to stop being niggers and then the character assassination started.

Nip this shit in the bud, retards.

I hope they get raped in prison by sandniggers.

Fuck him and fuck you. I hope he dies in prison, gasping for air.

Wrong, he's a nigger.

They had "proof" because he was a nigger that didn't tow the liberal line.

It was the pound cake sneaker speech that did him in tbh fam.

I asked this in another thread, but I'll ask again: When are we going to pit nigger hordes against #MeToo for being "rayciss"?

In a couple months.

In 2004, at an event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Brown vs. Board of Education (the decision that started desegregation of schools) with some of the most influential black leaders attending, Bill Cosby criticized poor African-Americans who, he said insist on using improper English and fail to take advantage of the civil rights reforms black Americans fought so hard for in the 1960s.

"I can't even talk the way these people talk," he said. "'Why you ain't where you is, blah, blah.' Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads! You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth! It's time for you to not accept this language that these people are speaking which will take them nowhere. What the hell good is Brown vs. the Board of Education if nobody wants it?"

After that evening the (((black leadership))) and their (((leftist allies))) have been working to destroy him.

< He dindunuffin!
T. /r9k/

Go back!

Funny thing related to the whole Laurel Canyon mythos, Coz was in military intelligence before he became a star.


< Listen and believe, you stupid boyim!
t. Tumblr

Go back!

I used to live in Laurel Canyon back in the 90s. Up until the 2000s you would still see a lot of weird military vehicles in the area still. That supposed film studio the government had there never closed, despite the claims.

So I have two choices as a juror:
He's guilty because he's a nigger.
He's not guilty to slap down women who regret sexing a nigger and want big daddy government to beat the nigger.

I would have problems as a juror, only because I wouldn't be able to judge them all guilty.

Once you see Clown World with open eyes it's like living in an amusement park but of course the clowns are evil.

So basically the same shit they did to Michael Jackson. How soon before Cosby ends up dead then? That said, OP has a point and a whole lot of nitwits are being stupid in this thread: They will do this shit to other, more useful people or you? This was a trial run since Cosby is an uncle tom nigger and thus only a few people will give a damn.

I don't care what any faggot says, I'm going to honor this man's memory.

Notice that all big name celebs either keep favor and blow with the wind, or end up living in high security arrangements and have intense personal protection bordering on what a pleb might think of as paranoia?

Larouche lives in a bunker, Farrakhan has cultist body guards, MJ lived away from all plebs, George Lucas's property records aren't even filed in government offices (but he's on the ham radio like every day under an assumed name and callsign kek), Trump has an island fortress at Mar A Lago…


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People forget that the kikes killed his son across the street from that jew-owned Skirball Center soon after Bill started talking about buying NBC.

A killer just happened to be lurking in that affluent neighborhood just as his tire went flat.

His daughter died end of February this year soon after donor for a kidney was found. She was due to get the transplant.

It's possible that (((they))) fatten up these celebrities with money and milk them dry after retirement with crazy lawsuits.

It parallels with Michael Jackson's retirement.

It also aligns with what Randy Quaid was saying about the star fuckers secret society. Not saying it's true but I wouldn't be surprised if it is.

I can only guess that Kanye West will be next if they manage to get him to split up with Kim Kardashian.

Kanye is blessed by Jesus and protected by Trump. If anything that OJ lawyer father in law will be struck by the Trump Curse for being such a Jew.

This nigger lost like 10 million subs. Protection my arse.


Also I just checked, he lost 10 million but gained 12 million, he's up 2 million over a week ago.

Checkmate lefty Twitter.


Neck yourselves you r/The_ZOGnald ledditors. This is all your fault, mods. Once the cuckchanners and ledditors move in, they will never go away. The 2016 elections were a mistake.

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Hi Oliver.

I noticed that Bill Cosby has got the same lawyer as MJ, Tom Mesereau. Which leads me to believe he knows Cosby is being set up. Of course he had an easier case with MJ as the accusations were completely ridiculous and fairly easy to debunk. E.g. Gavin got times and dates wrong (MJ wasn't even at Neverland during most if not all of the original times and dates given) and gave the excuse that there were no clocks or calendars at Neverland, which is a blatant lie that was easily debunkable. Also they all claimed they were being held prisoner in Neverland despite the fact that they regularly went into town and the mother had beauty treatments in town while staying at Neverland. Their excuse for not running away and telling people, if they were really being held prisoner, was that they were too scared. As far as I know they never said what they were scared of exactly as they never said they were threatened.

There was so much bullshit it was unbelievable that the judge ever let it get that far. And of course later, in a separate court case against the mother for welfare fraud (I think), Gavin admitted his mum made him lie about the accusations he made against MJ anyway.

Sure thing Mossad. When did redpill mean you have to vote for neocohens and apeal to faggots and shitskins just so you can "BTFO" the (((left)))? TRSodomite cuckoldry was enough evidence that the whole election was just another case of kike vs. kike, as if it isn't a lose/lose situation. Also still no wall.

Yeah that's another Shareblue favorite.

They killed his kids and then threw him in jail once he was old. Ouch but color of law rules.

Well he's not in jail yet, Tom Mesereau said they're appealing.

Nope, but he is definitely a certified shabbos goy, I'll give him that. Him being an evangelicuck is already a dead giveaway. When will you newnormalfaggots realize that he's not on your side? When will you realize voting doesn't matter a fucking thing, as long as the kikes are still in true power of your nation? All of the cantidates were bought off by (((them))) right from the start, just like it always has been since White men thought kikes deserve a chance to live with us. Inb4 stop blackpilling you kike.

You got a better idea, FBI?


who the fuck cares?

Let me guess, slap on the wrist for her?

The shills are going at it hard today

No, he isn't. If you observe his life very carefully you'll notice that he doesn't actually practice any form of religious faith. He's a wordsmith that studies and makes use of all information he can obtain in order to coerce or subvert things to his advantage. He has managed to out-jew the jews.

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I thought cosby already went on trial and got it all dismissed!

What happened to not being tried for the same ccrime twice

Evan Chandler wiki
Evan Robert Charmatz was born in 1944 in Bronx, New York.[3] In 1973 he moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, where he changed his last name because Charmatz sounded too Jewish.[3]

Carrie Fisher
In her autobiography, Fisher says Chandler told her privately that: "My son is VERY (unsettling smile, raised eyebrows, maybe even a lewd wink) good looking…It was grotesque. This man was letting me know that he had this valuable thing that Michael Jackson 'wanted'". According to Fisher, in 1993 he told her he was bringing charges against Jackson, and was "shocked with moral indignation"

Those accusations mainly happened because MJ refused to produce Evan's movie. Along with the custody battle with his ex-wife. The movie did eventually get made, but by Mel Brooks, not MJ.

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I think it was declared a mistrial or some shit.

Holy shit, you've become a parody of yourself.

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