While the kikes are practicing textbook D&C in the Poland/ZOG thread, the DOJ just dumped this:
While the kikes are practicing textbook D&C in the Poland/ZOG thread, the DOJ just dumped this:
This may be about Flynn
Fucking scribd. Dump it somewhere we can easily access it, faggot.
Rolling for the digits of the timestamp wherre I start digging.
What a cute girl.
You could be the one to actually do it, torpedo. It's not that fucking hard.
Ok, it's fucking hard.
people shouldnt forget:
this is a rich intelligent girl. they were dating.off and on since college. also hillary went to an all girls school. its called compartmentalization and thats how they get these idiots as their puppets
Here it is. Open pic related as a zip file (e.g., Open With > 7-zip)
If there were any faggots still holding on to the Mueller is /ourguy/ theory, this release of messages should put that to rest.
Looks like we need to release the gmail.
After all these releases I don't know whose guy Mueller actually is.
He seems much more dangerous than the kikes usually allow a non-kike to be.
Thanks, user. That pngzip was a neat trick - worked like a charm.
Wait , they did that irl didn't they? Smashing devices with a ballpeen hammer and such
That Lisa cunt sounds like a nasty ho. Has to shower the snatch all the time holy fuck
Why aren't these ppl in chains right now and being waterboarded?
Didn't want to start another thread because this is probably a nothingburger, but the House Intelligence Committee released its final report on Russia investigation (253 pages)
Yeah, but according to Gohmert's letter, Mueller has been strong-arming himself into position since he began. They aren't going to get in his way when he is so effective at subverting our laws and destroying good people's lives. The golem analogy does come to mind though.
The reports are that they are both cooperating with investigators along with Bill Priestrap which is the nail in the coffin for McCabe and Comey. Those guys should probably be more concerned with getting suicided than arrested at this point.
There is a special place in hell for people who use scribd.
"clean gmail"
Trump went to an all-boys school, as did I.
Evidence issues.
The OIG has had these texts for a while, and have Huber working as a prosecutor since at least October. What a coincidence that there are over 24000 sealed indictments since late October.
Page 117: Clapper caught in perjury
what in the fuck are oreos - #OreoGate?
These 2 were bumping uglies, yes?
Strozark is such a soyboy.
Holy shit I fucked that up. Hosted on /pdfs/ for you goys
Lurk more.
Wait, what the fuck?
Oh, yeah, we have two of those.
Does 'Jen' refer to Jennifer Leonard, Jennifer Rubin, or someone else?
WTF is going on page 42-43?!
The Gang of Eight refers to either
Eight Congressmen who get briefed on intelligence matters
or the eight most hated Senators
He referred to "Gang of Eight" Dems, that is Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and Warner.
Before the suggestion is made
Nothing to see here goy
Page 4: WTF is a PCC?
God damned acronyms…
DD = Deputy director most likely.
PCC = Policy Coordinating Committee
Not sure what DAD means yet
The only PCC I know is pyridinium chlorochromate.
How the hell do you decode this PDF so the text can be copied and searched? The text is OCRed on some pages but the copied text is encoded/crypted
FYI I deleted the images just to make sure there wasn't anything under the blackouts, and there doesn't appear to be.
Hey there, deep state. I see you're posting bullshit as usual trying to discredit legitimate inquiry into significant topics. Try fucking yourself.
What's the date on that?
Just be aware, some user the other day posted evidence that Gohmert Pyle is a rather fanatical Zionist. Just watch he'll start accusing Iran of 9/11. He also mentioned that he's not a '9/11 denier.' What is that even supposed to mean? Is he implying all skeptics just don't even think it really happened? Don't rule out some huge misdirection.
It means he explicitly denies that the US and Israeli governments had anything to do with it.
Of course he will. It's too useful not to do that. In the 24th century, we'll probably be blaming it on the Romulans.
Who's Jen? They talk about Jen's branch off and on, is this somebody else working another cell of the conspiracy against our Republic?
are these texts a nothin burger?
Deputy Assistant Director
It's the Big One!
u wot
yeah that's weird huh
Here's a larger screencap. It's from May 18th. I'm not sure of the exact context, but it's very near the end of the texts. At this point Strzok is still a minor character in the news stories, as in pic related.
A little comic relief.
Who are the other 4?
These fucking faggot kikes and their daywalker shill niggers are always making some shit up. It's no different than how they made the phrase "moon landing denier" to try to link pseudoscientific bullshit to those of us who know about the holohoax.
These fucking kikes do nothing but lie, misdirect, and cause problems everywhere they fucking go. It doesn't matter how much they lie. They never admit anything, and they never stop.
Gang of 8 Reps are Ryan, McConnell, Nunes and Burr
Deep state indeed, torpedo. Your pizza days are numbered.
When will the text messages strictly before, during, and after the DNC debacle will get pushed out into view. That'll shed some real light and cause the populace to never forget that his name was Seth Rich
All that shit is (((misdirection))) and it shouldn't be stickied. See the shills all repeating "this is important but did you see the Gohmert drops, goy?"
It's kikes and their mason pets like
wait what? open what image as zip?
Saved as a .zip fill but I couldn't extract with 7-zip.
Weird as hell.
It displays that they were working overtime to hide their little conspiracy and that they knew what they were doing was highly illegal. Federal conspiracy charges could be incoming which would be hilarious for psycho-linguistic reasons.
The pic he posted. Literally the image next to the text.
save it as a png, then just open with 7zip
Come on Zig Forums you're better than this.
t. Zig Forums
Or just save it as a .zip nigger. Works both ways.
no seriously, what's a dad?
Deputy assistant director
Should have stepped down and stopped jewing taxpayers out of their own money to finance your career of sending 9th grade-level text messages to a whore who isn’t your wife
Jesus H Christ I would love to let these people have it to their faces
What a horrible, disgusting disgrace
Checked for whitepill
right now there is a war happening on the Chans
so rise up!!! Post this in slide threads and FUCK THE JDIFDarlingTEAM
Who bans truth and tries to silence Gods Prophets
Now is the time to join the fight , the enemy has
There is an industrialized, organized evil afoot
An ancient order of evil video
We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
What you have is the shadow cult is trying everything they can to stop Trump and stop the Neo-Renaissance
Fuck Sellouts
Rofl they whitened the pics up on the right.
The top guy on right looks kind of like the top/back guy on left. Neither look like the bottom guy on right.
no u
you're always in here like a jewish boomer fbi agent telling people to face to bloodshed but you're never doing it yourself
you first, make sure to shout out something we'll all recognize when you go out in your blaze of glory
but you aren't?
Heil'd. What are the odds they're also involved with the portland soccer academy sex slave trafficking?
I don't think it's cheese pizza.
look at the context.
corporate power?
command position?
And what is the censored part? three letters, I'm guessing CIA.
Thanks for the info, you really are a Zig Forums wizard.
cerebral palsy
If I were a telecom company, I'd probably be God with the amount of blackmail material I could potentially have. Maybe that's why there's so little competition between ISPs in America.
Somebody going to jail!
imkikey took over Heil's BO and has now changed names to Darling, and skeletor is the the m0d from r/t_D. Zig Forums is compromised. there's no denying it now
You're completely fucking retarded.
You may be on to something.
>"CP, and most importantly for this country she has XXX, which owns the program"
I thought the 3 blacked out letters may have been CIA/NSA, but it could be HIV