Fags thrown out of bar
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Just Photoshop a Trump hat on him and nobody will notice.
Pathetic. Also the bar has the look of a somewhat wholesome environment that is probably unpozzed and I am willing to bet that flaming faggots such as these are not their regular customers and they were there start shit.
And his friends were so shaken by the incident they stood and filmed him as he was crying and injured on the ground. Sure. My money is on them being totally exhibitionist with their faggotry and the local people not wanting to deal with it while they're just trying to unwind and relax. They'll win a multi-million dollar lawsuit though for muh discrimination.
absolutely bearmode
The other patrons told them to fuck off to? They must of done something to incite it
Guy holding pooftas sign looks like he could be one of the Village People with a costume change.
That guy deserves a medal.
Even if I were a fag supporter, I'd have to say this bitch deserved all of it and more.
They were drunk, being dramatic and obnoxious like fags are wont to do, and got their asses thrown out. Since queens are petty and vindictive, they're trying to ruin the lives of these patrons, instead of just their night.
Favorite part of video
It looked like a decent restaurant, those fags went there on purpose to AIDS all over the place. It's not even about 'gay rights' anymore, they just see a pure, unspoiled place where people can relax and have a good time and they just have to AIDS it up. It's like that bug-spreading thing. Same thing with fags ordering a wedding cake from a Christian baking company. They go looking for trouble on purpose and then play victim when they get it. It's pure malice.
If its by a beach in California , then people living around that city have to deal with all kinds of faggotry over there. This faggotry is a special case cause they were up to something.
Fags ruin everything, even Christmas music with their faggotry. Like earsplitting rage fuel Snap all their necks with your hands, and make killing them a full time job angry fucking rage..:
Why do you have this saved on your computer?
The full footage 1/2
The full footage 2/2
Why do anons save gore, again?
I aint clicking that shit
Think i'll spare my sanity on this one.
Holy shieet that voice.
that whimpering can't be real. this has to be staged. this is like those russians who stand infront of a car for insurance money only they actually get ran over.
well, actually, you see, now we can. because a judge has ruled that you can deny Trump supporters service in bars, which sets a precedent for denying service based on things you don't like about groups of people. christian couples still have to bake cakes for gays, though, because a bakery is not a bar.
Yeah, I know that sound of crying. That's not crying in pain. That's crying because you daddy didn't buy you a toy at the supermarket.
Why? That's ridiculous, if you don't want to do it then don't do it.
"gender" and "sexual orientation" are still protected classes you can be sued for discriminating against. political orientation is not protected in most states, but I think it is in california.
you can throw someone out or fire them or refuse to hire them for being a liberal but not for being a faggot. probably wouldn't stop them from sueing you anyway because the line on that one is thin.
I Clicked the one on the end…. from the disgusting nature of it , do not risk clicking any… i thought i was desensitized … but i actually felt nauseous
ty user.
Literary eye bleach for you user.
Sexy women
ye i went for the 3rd one as a lucky dip and now i think I have golem's gaping anus burned into my retina forever and all it took was a split second. I have the clicker's remorse.
4th one sorry. I clicked the third one to check and now, ye.
it's hypocrisy in action, user. that's all
that actually helped until i read
so i suggest that
you also get my most humble ty.
now i can sleep .
Ill never understand any business having to appease gays , first off if someone is gay how can the business know if someones gay unless they told them. Definitely that losers fault for being gay and making it his whole identity so everyone has to know I bet.
Absolutely delicious. Also
Reminds me of the college preacher incident with MARKMARKMARKMARK, is there some sort of Fraternal Order of Marks where adequately big guys named Mark manhandle effeminate liberal pussies and faggots because if so I definitely want to name my firstborn son appropriately so he can join this esteemed Brotherhood.
Some good ole 2D to purify ones thoughts.
Tumblr is the anti-Zig Forums Where we argue for beauttiful things and regeneration, tumblr embraces such horrors that would appall and shock even a Lovecraftian entity like Shub-Niggerath. This is what the future sex ed curriculum looks like after they get enforced nudity and hands on teacher-student group instruction with props and live visual aids.
Faggot that posted the video's email address from comments: [email protected]
"The incident began around 8 p.m. that night when the three men decided to go to Siena Restaurant at the Balboa Inn for dinner, the Orange County Register reported.
They said the bartender was immediately hostile to them, asked to see identification and proclaimed one of them a fake. The men say the ID was real and in a lawsuit they allege the request was a ruse to not serve gay men."
they have already filed a lawsuit
Newport Beach PD are also looking for public assistance in identifying and bringing this evil gay basher to justice.
Why was this filmed like a hollykike production with multiple cameras?
Faggots prob wanted to ripoff the niggers chimping out last week at starbucks. Cause a scene free gibs.
Now I want to fap, thanks asshole.
I'd imagine each faggot was filming with their phone and this is the edited final product.
Nice observation user. As this is currently the most plausible scenario, I second this. Have a (you) as a token of my appreciation.
"Candid" footage of a "civil rights violation" in action is now filmed with multiple cameras and neatly and cleanly edited and post produced? And it doesn't even raise any people's eyebrows?
What a time to be alive.
Not a single user here saw that coming.
A work of art, user.
I thought it could've been possible.
My fucking sides, this needs to be a banner immediately.
*extremely gay sobbing*
The best people are always Christians.
Yes please.
Yeah, so?
Don't suppose anyone has noticed that this sort of video is exactly the kind of agitprop which the left uses to hammer White businesses?
Why isn't it staged? It sure appears to be.
Jews (pretending to be White) do that all the time, e.g deliberately provocative/annoying commercials showing White men being cuckolded etc.
I realize that tummy tingles have a higher priority than being circumspect.
This. It doesn't feel organic at all and might even have been filmed on a movie set.
An allegation like that puts the burden of proof on the fags. The defendants might have a chance if they don't go full retard with the Conservative virtue signaling.
I betcha they they antagonized and pissed off the whole bar with their behavior.
It's staged bullshit.
This sort of display is classic kike agitprop meant to reinforce White guilt.
Classic example: youtube.com
No, it doesn't raise eyebrows. Because there's always the chance the edits are there to censor otherwise damning evidence of the agitator's intention.
No what i mean is what's their fucking point? Someone didn't want to serve fags, yes and? It's their establishment and you're not entitled to be a fag in someone else's business.
Well done, the jew understands perfectly what you find amusing, which left-wing stereotypes to employ to give you tummy tingles, and how to stitch it all together into something you will willingly share (doing his work for him and acting as mindless meme vector.)
I think the last time they got it so right was the "autistic screeching" actor on election day.
Yep, classic kike damage control.
If you can't tell that it was orchestrated just by the "reality TV" vibe, perfect positioning of the camera to capture the "soy face", meme-hook "faggy whimpering" and the total lack of concern in the cameraman then you're probably a fan of shows like "Intervention".
MFW The left is indistinguishable from a jewish psyop parody of the left.
So you actually believe these 3 faggots just went out to prance around town looking for a gay-old-time, and this family oriented establishment persecuted them?
i dont think they can win unless they claim damages. getting thrown out of a bar is a very common practice and the faggots have absolutely no evidence to support their side.
hopefully they dont have any (((customers))) testify as witnesses in their favor.
It is possible to distinguish though, for example if you pay close attention to "autistic screeching" you can see that he/she was waiting for a cue to start the performance. The interview with press also showed the classic signs of "nervous crisis actor trying hard to stick to the role."
The problem encountered when criticizing the validity of these events is that you're putting right-wing tummy tingles and lulz in jeopardy, and no one likes having their lulz taken away - or to realize they've been used as a meme vector.
But think about those "real" left-wing outbursts, how many have you actually seen in person? They nearly always come from outlets like Rebel Media. Did the fag Milo really just attract caricature leftists who kept acting out every speech he gave, or were they scripted confederates there to provide him with marketing footage?
What about the Richard Spencer punch? Or the time Baked Alaska was "blinded" with "acid"? Or the time Lauren Southern was doused with a bottle of "piss"? Notice the common thread? They all work(ed) for Rebel Media…
tl;dr the incidents anons are using as benchmark for "real" leftist outbursts, are likely themselves staged.
what is sarcasm
Of course. And so are many other anons not looking for an excuse to downplay or defend faggotry.
I'm sure it's darkanon, a halfjew fag in regression
They'll be among the first ones cleansed off our planet.
I have seen more convincing acting in soccer
Serving alcohol is protected by law in a way that you can basically deny anyone at anytime for any reason by saying their ID is fake. It's impossible to make a case against anyone doing this without some serious evidence collected over a long period. Bars, nightclubs, and strip clubs do it all the time. It's so common, it's basically standard industry practice. Refusal to leave and bouncing is a bit different, but considering Newport is a Navy town I would guess that the local laws will support and defend this action considering there was no bodily harm or excessive use of force a.k.a. ground and pound.
Muluiple camera angles scream its fake
Didnt know batman hates fags
Perhaps in a non-homo altercation, but you're neglecting the fag element and the mileage they'll try to squeeze out of the 'hate crime'. Judging by the comments on the youtube videos, the jew media is all over this like flies on shit. It's going to blow up.
If you honestly believe the shit you're spewing:
These faggots were out looking for trouble, and are absolutely giddy with faggot energy that they found that for which they were looking. Both the OP's faggots and you need be persecuted because you're a pox on our society.
Shitdick detected.
Lads you're all arguing over agreeing with each other.
No that user is clearly defending the faggots that got 86'd, and I'm clearly promoting the 86'ing of all faggots.
Is the AIDs affecting your brain too?
Milo Yanofag just had a lawsuit dropped where he was kicked out of a bar for being a conservative.
Same thing I guess.
What the fuck is this gay bullshit? I don't care if you have it saved as an example of gay corruption, it is seeping through your computer, into you, and then into us. It's time to stop. Keep that shit as links, archives, and text files, not images.
No it's because they were Conservatives that they got removed. Which is legal. :^)
1st pic related
2nd pic related
Okay. So where's the problem of anons being okay with gay persecution? Only a Liberal would believe the word "persecution" is automatically bad. Do you even know what board you're on?
I'm enjoying this.
~It's music in my ears~
we need some autotune shit here asap, where are the music-fags
I know I'm wasting my energy trying to communicate with you, but the part where I specifically asked if that user thought the faggots weren't out for trouble and he said yes then proceeded to defend the faggots. Then some other user. Then you.
The one where arguing with someone like me that believes faggots and jews should always be persecuted means you're the outsider.
This user gets it