Why is his trial getting so much media attention, even here in the UK? im not saying he dindu nuffin...

Why is his trial getting so much media attention, even here in the UK? im not saying he dindu nuffin, but it seems weird has normally if any black man rapes a white woman it is burried. Do they ulterior motives about this? Does cosby know something he shouldn?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kids user. They always diddle the kids.

Because he used to tell niggers to stop acting like niggers, which makes Uncle Schlomo extremely assmad, but then it turned out Cosby was nigging just like the niggers he chastised because he's a fucking nigger so of course he was, and now Schlomo is relishing his downfall because how dare he tell their nigger pets to behave.

Noooo whatever makes you think that?

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Distraction from Pizzagate and Kanye 'MAGA' West.

I mean it was a big story when it broke so I'm not surprised it's being covered heavily, but yeah a little strange its big in the UK press. As far as pizzagate goes, his story is a prime example of how people in Hollywood look the other way when it comes to this shit. It was an open secret for years that Cosby was drugging women and no one did a damn thing. These morally bankrupt cunts don't care that a kid is getting fucked in another room at the mansion party they're at anymore than Cosby slipping another "up-and-comer" a roofie and dragging her out the back door.

Divide and Conquer. His "victim" came out and said she lied, didn't she? No wonder he'd get jail for not doing criminal actions. Kikes are punishing him for not doing what they want him to do - crime.

Four main reasons:


Not saying that he doesn't deserve to be shit on since it seems like he does but that's why you're seeing so much shitting on him. There's a chance he might know something real bad but I think it's just mostly points #1 and #3.

Because Cosby was fucking huge. If you rewind the clock by twenty or thirty years he was a household name. The default magical negro. Living proof that niggers be human too. And even here, of all places, the opinion is divided.

The verdict works in our favor, yes. But makes little sense. Why would the jew throw away a weapon as effective as Bill Cosby in order to appease a ravenous heard of gold digging sluts? Letting him die with dignity would have been far worse for us. And even normalfags sense this on some level. That's why it's getting so much attention. He was too big to fail, yet was allowed to fail regardless. Sage for duplicate thread.

They're going to sacrifice him in a cage in front of everyone, but it's not really going to be him at all, and instead he's going to be sent on a secret mission.

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Cool story bro.

There's only one reason the media would play up a nigger trial the way they're doing now, and that is if the nigger had wronged a well-connected jew. Somewhere behind the scenes Cosby has fallen afoul of his jewish handlers, and now he is paying for it. If he were playing the game, they'd play it down or bury it like they bury every other nigger crime.

Frozen puddin pops beyond the Wall

wont jews like that?
if they want whites mixed away wouldnt that be easier with more passive better behaved blacks?

(((They))) prefer keeping their pet animals savage, but want you to think otherwise. And their single biggest champion of this line of thought is now behind bars for rape.

If they wanted passive, better behaved niggers, they wouldn't have been pushing gangsta rap since the early 90's. No, they incite niggers to behave more violently and erratically over time, whilst simultaneously increasing the pressure on Whitey not to be 'racist' and pretend everything is ok. It's pure gaslighting; it's designed to break the white population mentally.

…and, to add to that, it's fucking working. Whites are the only demographic in America whose life-expectancy is on the decrease.

Pretty much these two. He's still a nigger, but considerably more domesticated relative to most niggers. He was an extremely vocal advocate against nigger behavior and famous enough to have a lot of public influence. That's not something they want so they have to make an example of him.

Also the #metoo bandwagon didn't help him out at all.

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He was trying to buy NBC from GE.


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I don't care about niggers but this is really good. We need to get the kikes' pets against them, too.

Him along with Michael Jordan and or some how I think I remember they maybe were going to start their own network ala Orpah style.
Then Jordan's dad was murdered in some weird fashion while traveling away from home, body left in car no robbery. And In the greatest of coincidence Cosby's son also murdered while traveling, I think while changing a flat tire in a super wealthy neighborhood.
So 2 really rich niggers want their own network way before jew owned BET and were shown de wae dey would not be allowed to.

(half heiled)

Why did we here in the USA hear all about Jimmy Savile raping your kids for decades after he died and the beans got spilled?

Thanks, although sadly I have no intention of ever completing it.

I agree this is good, if this is yours I'd like to make a couple minor suggestions, like fix the spelling on both uses of "innocence", maybe change the kike's first bullet to all-caps "ADMITS GUILT" to drive it home, and maybe even replacing the ~ tildes with • a bullet for a clean presentation. Nice work either way.

This is also a political thing. Democrats hate blacks who try to better themselves. They want to keep their black slaves on the plantation. Keep them dependent to the government gibs provided by the Democratic Party.

So any black that tries to help his community is destroyed, meanwhile any black ganster or radical is celebrated.

Why don't you dig up news links since you're familiar with the content?

It'll be interesting to see what happens to Kanye W.

Excellent meme, recommend making the type bolder/bigger for added impact.

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Good constructive criticism. Yes I made it, please feel free to use it or alter it in anyway.

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how do you explain all of Africa?

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make it .png friendo

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never heard of it

they want to generalize that all men are rapists meanwhile female teachers raping young boys gets buried some few will notice.

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Since you have 2 non-kikes why not add a fourth column for another Jewish guy by the name of Roman Polanski?

Minor spacing changes on third column. I don't usually make memes with bullet points and lots of text so please forgive all the different versions.

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I got the idea from cripplechan but when I saw the one with all the people I wanted to make a clean version with just 1 for each race that blacks will instantly recognize. There is room for all types though I don't see this being limited in scope. The more they eat themselves the better.

once he gets his prisoner card he won't need to drug bitches anymore. white bitches will be lining up to get fucked

Maybe swap out Weinstein for Polanski then since Polanski is an actual fugitive because he fled the justice system to avoid being convicted of raping a 13yo girl, and literally every single Hollyjew defends the kike.

Niggers have zero name recognition or image recognition for Polanski and they are generally not well informed of current events. Not saying we can't make good memes on Polanski, I just don't see him being a better option than Weinstein is here.

1) creates atmosphere of fear so that males will know their place
2) it's a liberal victory against a black who dared to tell other blacks not to act like animals

Well, that's where we disagree then. Polanski is a fugitive. Weinstein hasn't even been charged. If anything screams special privileges for Jews it's a known fugitive being allowed to flee the country to other countries we have extradition treaties with, but they also refuse to extradite.

Weinstein is more like the stereotypical jewish creeper; Polanski is actually known to have raped a young gentile girl.

Stephen King wrote a book that had graphic scene were a boy was raped by a cop in a libary.

Ancientfag here user the dad was killed in 93 b4 the tubes existed so links will be sparse to none for news at that time.
Here is something I found and I am probably wrong but was really strange that both of them lost close fambly members while trying to start dey own networks.


We can agree to disagree but post a picture and the bullets to use and I will make a copy, or edit it yourself if you want. I do not advocate limiting this to anyone, the more the left eats the left the better.

I actually know a lot about Jordan's father being killed some of it first hand from the family. Don't want to self identify to much but the kids that were accused didn't do it.

you're the real MVP, user

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Jordan's dad had been visiting a rest area right outside an unofficial Indian reservation where he would buy crack cocaine. This had been going on for years and he even got a prostitute now and then while he was there. Who he was and how often he came was well known to the dealers in that area. This is also happens to be very close to where delta force and other similar groups train. They often travel down the Lumber river to practice concealment and other kinds of special warfare on the local population of Blackfoot Indians. There was supposedly a group seen that evening in the area and Jordan's dad was a protected person. The people they said did it would have been killed for doing it by their own kind for fucking up the business.

The Blackfoot tribe, and reservation, are in Montana. Also a huge part of the tribe exists in Canada. North Carolina is literally nowhere near their territory.

t. sika sika

They call them Lumbee Indians in order to not give them protected status. They are however a blend of Blackfoot, Tuscarora, Iroquois, and Roanoke Settlers.
t. local

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My OCD is kicking in… this will be the last edit @mods sorry for shitting this thread up will all these copies

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Cosby was know for telling niggers to get off their asses and stop blaming everything on racism. He portrayed a successful doctor on TV, rejecting the trope of "de white man keeps da black man down". It's made into huge news because the kike media are showing other niggers what happens when you reject the plantation.

No it's the fact he basically admitted to it.
.. It's just shocking news.

Cosby seems very guilty you fucking retard, considering he admitted to using drugs with these women.

First day on the job, Shareblue?

He also had a clean standup routine. Unlike the degenerate nigger comedians the Jews like to see – just like degenerate rappers and degenerate actors and degenerate politicians – Cosby came out of an older era when the cops would hustle you off the stage for working blue.

Niggers are like children. If you set them a good example, they can be tamed, if not domesticated. If your goal is to turn them into a raving mob of savages, however, it's easy enough with some cultural role models like whatever face-tattooed nignog is currently releasing singles or getting arrested on his way to the Apollo.

Cosby was always a threat to the kikes, because he presented a respectable appearance and used complete sentences. He had no more use for lazy, ignorant niggers than we do, though he was under the misapprehension that most niggers could be improved with college educations. He was, in other words, a good role model for young niggers growing up, and so he had to be taken down in the most public and brutal way imaginable.

Meanwhile, good little degenerates like Dr. Dre can get away with dragging female Vibe reporters down flights of stairs, banging their heads on every step, and go on to product endorsements and billion-dollar empires. MC Hammer kept his lyrics clean and just danced while wearing silly pants. He also hired his old nigger friends from Oakland to do honest jobs on his tours; he got hit with a zillion-dollar tax bill and lost everything. Rick James, meanwhile, raped women and kidnapped at least one, burning her with his crack pipe; he remained loved and admired until he finally died because "cocaine is a hell of a drug, lol."

Why do you think civilized nigs like Flip Wilson had to fight for a 15-minute TV show, while "nigger-this, nigger-that" dopers like Richard Pryor and Katt Williams can stay famous and rich for decades? The Jews don't bother to hide their degeneracy pushing among the niggers. Just remember that they do something similar, but more subtle, to smarter races.

1. Cosby was a bad goy
2. They intend to do this with all white men next.

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Incorrect. Just like how media in the 60s had a clones with different race actors/characters or media in the 90s had groups of people of different races as the cast, media in Cosby's time was meant to allow one to lower their guard to blacks.
It follows the same premise of "non-violent" protests. They make the viewer sympathize with them and feel as if "they're just like you and me." If he is a threat now, it's only because the culture shift has occurred enough that whites will tolerate uppity World Star-tier behavior.

Remember when Tim Allen had a show with amazing ratings? Then (((they))) shut down his show despite his show getting great ratings? Then Tim Allen went out and said for (((them))) “It is damaging to have a likeable conservative in the media”.

They only want a degenerate pozzed Weimar Sodom society. Anything else would be like holy water on vampires and demons to them.

Watch the "conspiracy dude" video on him … i think the yt channel is cdfury

He states cosby problems started when he bach the nation of Religion of Cuck™. Apparently jews dont like race politics for supporting strong cultural identity. The want us to be one lump of consumerism … so cosby had to be delt with.

Its a public hanging … as a warning to others.

So this is good.

The dindu convinced a lot of Whites that blacks are people but it was just a tad smarter with the muh dikin dem White wimmenz. Was any of the women black? -)

Because high profile nigger was railroaded by roasties.

They need to throw someone under the #metoo bus. They can't find a white guy because white guys don't do this stuff (at least not so stupidly) and they won't sacrifice one of (((their own))), so it falls on Cosby.

Go back!

Bill Cosby famously would tell nigs to their faces that their community was totally fucked (which to even a retarded libcuck is true) and so people turned on him and called him a racist uncle tom

In the states, Bill Cosby used to have a popular cartoon called Fat Albert, and dominated prime time in the 80's with The Cosby Show. He also gave what was called the 'Poundcake Speech" which told other blacks to act civilized.

This is just the ultimate in schadenfreude for his hypocrisy.

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This is why I never bothered doing standup. Lots of material, too smart to work blue, but I'm not sucking Mark Breslin's dick, no way.

Probably many of us here.

Did you watch "wickerman" too?

Cultural marxists had to make an example of him for his Poundcake Speech.

I can't believe they are doing this to OJ….. again

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It's being hailed as the first success of the #metoo movement.
They want to be able to send people to prison with accusations rather than evidence and this sets a nice precedent while simultaneously providing massive support for such shit.
They are sacrificing pawns with this movement, possibly in hopes of capping off with Trump.

Nu law being a mass popularity system. Yay democracy

This. Cucked and/or civilized nogs would not suffice as a weapon of terror against us nasty amalekites.

Best post ITT.

Evidently. They should of admitted guilt.

I didn't follow the Weinstein thing very closely. What is the physical evidence you mention?

Nothing a ti-99/4a and puddin pops couldn't fix.

I thought that was because of opium?


The Page and Strzok texts were dumped on congress on the same day that Cosby received his sentence. You do the math.

Who are those most likely to turn to opium use, user? People trying to escape reality, or self-medicate to avoid pain. Opium is not the cause of broken people. It certainly escalates their destruction once it has them, but it is not the cause of the breakage. Rather, it's broken people that turn to opium use in the first place.

His sentencing is good timing, seeing as he primed the Weinstein/Spacey/MeToo before it was cool. He'll be the seen as the first domino if the Italian Flatbread shit is ever brought to heel

This is so good

Make the echoed suffixes yellow Polanski to get them on track. Lose the "-ish" it psychologically compells a break from race. Just "JEW" (and center them) per

#JLM is good for the filename.
The facial orientation sequence is great, colors of the backgrounds' contrasting too; would just have a shiftier indirect looking Harvey to be ideal.
The inverted Top and Bottom text color with he STARS is just right.
Have smaller STARS next to the RACES corresponding: black, white, then yellow

Attached: WEINSTEINEDLUL.webm (1719x1349 308.37 KB, 283.37K)

On second thought, for Whitey, RED as in "Red-Blooded American" is more optimal, by doing the aforementioned while inverting the color scheme going into the final panel with Harvey.

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Sauce on webm?

Did that thread turn out to be legit?

I never followed weinsteins fall that closely

Who is the man in the middle column?

Holy shit source?

he publicly made comments about how blacks should be responsible for their own behavior and shouldn't blame whitey. Black entertainers are supposed to follow the dindu nuffin, whitey is racist narrative crafted by the Jews. he rebelled.

I smell bagels.

That's a pretty good lookalike in that webm.

Something about a lack of transparency.

Attached: levels transparent.png (259x259, 87.94K)

All three photos and backgrounds I picked for psychological reasons. White background for purity and innocence with Cosby looking paternal and lighthearted at the same time as using the Jewish hand rubbing, his pose is practically mocking the entire situation. Moore with the all American look, flag in the background, and staring at the right while laughing giving the viewer as sense and feeling that it's okay to find this meme ironic and funny in a fucked up I can't believe this is true way. The third is head on because women are traditionally more attracted to photos of men who are looking away and men are more likely to see a head on stare as confrontational or a challenge to do something about it. Red background, black shirt for evil and danger.

Yellow stars are not mainstream, therefore injecting a yellow star at this time doesn't add to the message but it does allow the message to be labeled further possibly leading to censorship in places it would not have been otherwise.

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That's exactly what democracy is, user. Mob rule.