what now shills?
Followup thread from the same user posted earlier today:
It is all real folks. Ignore the shills.
Also remember that many shills attack from the right. These "stormshills" may spasticly spout about israel and kikes, doesn't mean there is not a paid jew behind that screen. Afyer all (((they))) have long since decided that that kind of shilling is more effective here.
Other more obvious ones are raging about boomers, larps and reddit.
Take your meds.
Really activates my almonds
check the link or at least the screenshot fucking retarded shill, it is real
posted 20 april
wisconsin refinery explosion was yesterday
Wisconsin isn't Pennsylvania, and that thread id still up (I even posted a reply about the Wisconsin thing).
Holy fuck, you're still here shilling that "take your meds" pro big pharma bullshit?
Try reading slower m8.
The shitload of dynamite which was stolen from Pennsylvania a while ago was used partially for this.
Obviously more are to come/
Another retard. Seriously this place seemingly has more spergs than cuckchan and that is saying something.
Read. The. Fucking. Screenshot.
whoopps meant for
not a prediction/Q fag but I find this relevant to my interests with what you provided, have a bump user.
Thank you kind user.
Since North Korea has been dismantled of deep state activities (Kim today promised "a new era of peace" ) and in regards to Syria Trump had warned Putin beforehand that he would attack unimportant places for media posture, warmongering against Iran is pretty much (((their))) only option left. They must indeed be getting very desperate.
Thank God for this timeline. Imagine what would have happened if the witch had won.
Eat shit, Q-fag.
We'd be winning a civil+race war and half the kikes in the country would either be dead or have fled by now.
keep your feet on the ground man, you know this is bullshit, the world doesn't work like that
I actually came here because I thought there would be less spastic spergs here than on cuckchan. Have you actually read the cap and noticed the date?
It's a measured response to single source bullshit. If Q was legitimate then the breadcrumb style posting and vague prophecies would be unnecessary. There are many, many other points of contention with their authenticity, just know that you won't be convincing anyone on board that this figure is to be trusted. Those that were convinced have their own board now. There were so many vocal believers such as yourself that it had to be made a bannable offense, lest the board subsumed.
Yea, no. Q is civnat hasbara kikery. Anything they call out can be attributed to kikes announcing their plans in advance. Mossad blew it up as far as Im concerned.
The shitload of dynamite that the OP also says was all accounted for before the Wisconsin refinery went off. Try reading, period.
ignore him he's a shill or a retard
Yea, if he didn't try to be edgy Nostradamus faggot level shit maybe he would have been taken seriously.
But I haven't mentioned Q in any way. Can't you just read and draw conclusions yourself? A guy who predicted an explosion of a US oil refinery a week before it happens?
You are more likely to win the full lottery twice in a row than that being a (((coincidence)))
What are you mumbling about? Part of the stolen dynamite was used in yesterdays WI refinery "accident". That is what said poster claimed would happen a week before it actually happened.
the faggot can't help himself but kvetch about muh stormfags
No-one ever implied all the stolen dynamite was used at once.
christ it is as if I am explaining this to toddlers.
I don't recall giving you permission to leave the oven
I merely implied there is a lot of shilling going on from the right, an age old technique, pic related.
You guys and the cuckchanners prove how simple it is. Merely foam at the mouth about kikes and 1488 and your post gets taken seriously instantly. The ki!ke behind the screen doesn't care however, he is a master manipulator.
What is the difference between stormfront and the chans? Nothing ideological, purely intellectual. If you can't see through this you are melting butter in (((their))) pawns.
I was responding to your kneejerk reaction to another user's kneejerk reaction. It's fairly obvious why the user gave such a response, especially since the subject and email field were cropped out in the OP pic.
What a terrible OP holy fuck. Could you at least have screencapped the posts and summarized the thread you crossposted? Maybe started with some intro questions to get conversation rolling?
See for the old thread.
Threadly reminder.
this thread is full of d&c kikery if moar dynamite was stolen i guess be on the look out for moar explosions and start researching how this might help (((them))). personally i have no idea what endgame this might lead to unless the culprits turn out to be (((disgruntled white males))) then maybe legislation might be rammed through to make us "safer" i don't know but it ain't good
Pharmacology is the best weapon we have against the lunatics until we can permanently remove them. The kikes let the lunatics out of the state asylums and off their meds because of "muh human rights". It's in their interest to keep crazy people unmedicated and running wild.
But that post is claiming to have predicted a different explosion. I admit, the fact that there have been two oil refinery explosions in one week does lend him some credence, but is there any evidence of the original prediction that should be 3 weeks ago, now? Or do you cuckniggers never archive anything?
Absolutely. The original post linked mentions nothing about this particular explosion, but the fact that there has an oil refinery explosion on the day of the post (april 20) and now there's another one is pretty suspect. How many oil refinery explosions does the US usually get in a week?
Source on original explosion:
Regardless of LARPing cucks, there might be something to this one. The heavy handed reaction of the mods is certainly supicious too, especially since there is nothing too egregious about this particular thread aside from retarded clickbait formatting.
Every. Time.
I remember reading about the explosives going missing as well.
Believe me increasingly confident are not totally 100% sure, and it's the FBI who the fuck believes anything they have to say these days when they are confirmed deep state organization