Press L, for appreciation to Luke Rosiak.
Awan IT Scandal
This is actually one of my favorite kike shitshows going on right now. I want to see DWS imprisoned or executed for treason.
Can you imagine the news if Trump had paid an "Unemployed religious cleric on welfare" - to be his SYS ADMIN?
Checked dubs
Timestamp decent too
She hangs , Kek has sspoken
Despite your homosexual tendencies for failing to provide a HookTube, mp4, or webm, this is important enough that people need to see it.
At least he didn't embed youtube, preventing embedding of hooktube. Thanks.
It's completely obvious that the entirety of the judiciary is corrupt. There is no such thing as even so much as a speck of dirt that is legitimate in DC.
"Search algorithms" are they kinda like the kid that believes he knows where his Dad's eyes are looking when he's getting away with something he's not supposed to be doing?
The tainted results (pic related), are the "innocent" look the kid tries to pull off when the Dad does glance over?
Figuratively, when does the average Dad officially go from letting the kid do his thing… to furious discipline mode?
Anytime you get, GM, "I want your sex"… Haven't you hit a pure corruption, search result?
Can you make any less of an effort, nigger?
A hand made organic oven-roasted tendie for an mp4?
We had CNN tell us Norks giving up was bad because of Trump a week ago.
Ask your mom to turn off the safety search, you double-trip mong
Clearly not meant for me…
That's not even the same fucking search?
It doesn't matter. Focus on the issue: paki intelligence. What did they do? Why?
Pakistan has their own interests, penetrating the USA and blackmailing the Democrats would probably give them access to all kinds of information. Heck some of the computer systems the Awans "serviced" belonged to House intelligence and other highly sensitive bodies. Chances are unless certain information is on completely hermetically sealed computers or better yet records in a safe with no digital version at all, the Awans were able to access it.
My suspicion is this is bigger than Pakistan, and that this data's in that big data vault in Switzerland as well as probably other (((places))) too.
We're not larping as an intelligence operation here?
We're saluting Luke, one of the only journo's
in MSM with the balls to report on the issue.
Listen, we just had a good look at how FBI counterintelligence works, through the many release from the FBI and their texts, and we're honestly better in every single way.
Well I can sure as fuck tell you jews are involved.
In all seriousness the what could have been anything from shit to blackmail shillary (as if she wouldn't just drone the fucker as soon as she was elected, or before) or any other secrets they could find on the jews and their interests in the elections or congress-critter's leanings towards contracts. The why is simple. "Fuck the jews, fuck the lapdogs of the jews." Whatever they have is worth a lot regardless of what it is.
It could be they have a copy of our recipe for jew soap they were going to leak to the media in which case it's white man's donation to the world and the only damage caused is the meltdown from people trying to figure out which of their plots need adjusting. They didn't need anything specific, anything they took was worth at least 10 camels and 20 virgin boys. The temple the kikes built was upon a foundation of sand.
All that make believe money is being redistributed and they don't know how exactly and being unable to plan for it is killing them.
Are you implying jews aren't involved in at least a small way?
In my experience, it's possible to have better intel than the agencies can, simply by applying your noggin' to the problem.
DWS is a kike.
B-b-b-but, duys w-w-w-wut iff wosiak is a woo, too?
Wut do?
You don't say.
< why don't these people respect me?
< i'm a kike, and a fag, why don't they respect me?!
< i'll insult them, that will make them cry! it always works on other kikes and fags
You said "Well I can sure as fuck tell you jews are involved."
I was trying to get the obvious out of the way. Hell we have an idiot in plain sight screaming not da juice!
Thanks, user.
He's not stupid. He's a kike. Kikes are very practiced at lying. Denial is their #1 talent.
It's not mutually exclusive.
Wow, that's a really tall mongoloid.
dead dnc (marxist infiltrators) officials can't let data be given to paki intel operatives
Nice isramutt photoshop.
I have a feeling that one might be an unedited photo.
What's that Levi?
Kek, my Isramutt catalog is one step closer to completion. Thanks user.
Incoming matzo balls.
Do I detect a few of my own humble contributions to your catalog? Have a few more, on me.
Didn't notice good will hunting in the back of the third pic trying to figure out prose.
Reminder that, according to the Talmud, this thing's life is infinitely more valuable than yours, your family's, and all the non-Jews in the world.
And the parents are so proud of their little piggie banks making it through service.
This is why we need men's rights.
Heil Hitler
Get redpilled
You snowflake cuck
Yes, thanks again user.
Kek, looks like I'll be increasing it to 640x640 on the next edit.
Fucking bots.
I was particularly fond of the "brits" they had a day with. Even the one pissraeli tard had a wtf look on his face looking at them.