could redpills be delivered in a sweet, soft whispering voice in ASMR videos? especially if the listener is more open to suggestion because they're pleasantly falling asleep (semi-conscious)?
ASMR redpills
First kike-free post.
An idea to consider. The ASMR presenter would have to be a qt3.14 as well.
a lot of people don't like it but it works
alternatively since this is ASMR, you could have the voice recorded but some other images / footage for the video
(potentially cringey) general idea for a script, this is more of a morale-boosting video than a redpilling video:
something is really fucked up with half chan mods, considering the shit their catalog is filled with right now it makes no sense that a 3 day ban was given for this being "off-topic"
Yes. It will be demonitized so no worries of kike shekel piles growing.
Or have a white cutie read/whisper National Socialist speeches from the old days. Call the videos "empowerment" "motivation" "positive affirmations" etc, then she can build into the JQ etc. Good idea, bring it to /asmr/.
Why fucking ask rather than do?
How about just fucking do.
There was some really cute natsoc girl in Japan (white, duh) that an user embedded last week, where she said how to find a fashy goy to date. There was also a redhead on yt who deleted everything of hers, who actually did something like this once or twice.
No, ASMR is thinly veiled porn and whispersluts are not welcome on Zig Forums.
Do it, do it right, put in effort, and don't expect celebrity nor shekels. Do it because you want to get the tism flowing in anons to get the fires lit. Ignore the yids and spread it.
If that is an hour long, slip the redpills in the middle.
For resources,
>>>/redstick/ (off the tangent)
Oh please…
they moving to the left more and more, fucking cunts also band me today
Cuckchan mods have been hardcore leftists since forever. Do you not remember Zig Forumsharbour?
heard abou it. i am almost never where here on 8 chan. who is is here generally ? a lot of left-shills ? jew-shills ?
Its been infested with sjws since gamergate. Moot got a social justice wario waifu and he's cucked into being one of them now. Why anyone goes to halfchan now is beyond me.
As much as I hate that cunt Evalion, her voice was golden tier. I think it's why she was so popular. And her tits.
Try making a Varg thread.
Permabanned here.
Wait, people fap to ASMR…?
I mean, the whole name is some sort of intellectual-sounding but techincally wrong name for orgasm, but I thought it was metaphorical.
BS. Just don't be an e-celeb cocksucker.
Varg is alright, but just making "a Varg thread" should get you a ban.
It did
Maybe I should have made a lauren thread or a nigger dick thread idk
Yes, it really is porn. Yes, lonely men really do fap to it.
Read the comments section of any "cute young female" ASMR video. The males gush about their attraction to the whisper slut, albeit in typically passive, super beta ways.
The attraction (for men) of ASMR is that it can trick the brain (and the loins) into believing the listener is intimately close to the speaker. She sounds like he is whispering inches from his face. They even advertise their whisper slutting with words like "breathy", "mouth clicks", "mouth noises", "swallowing", "blowing on your neck".
It's porn masquerading as "therapy".
And so, because it provides something missing from other sorts of porn (barring VR), it is an exploitable niche.
Typically the listener will close his eyes, convince himself it is really happening, a girl is really in his intimate zone (somethinig he may never have experienced in his whole lifetime) whispering things and making noises with her mouth; and when he has gotten into "the zone" of illusion, he will masturbate to orgasm.
Even where fapping is absent, the feelings of closeness with a woman still create sexual arousal and trigger emotional responses associated with such a situation. The subconscious/sexual system doesn't realize it's fantasy.
This is a pernicious and highly exploitative form of porn, and the worst part is that it can skirt below the radar on a pillow of respectability, in the guise of "therapy".
The audience is complicit in the deception and has a bunch of euphemistic terms for the arousal created, "tingles" being the main one.
Giving redpills to fetish degenerates is like casting pearls before swine.
Totally not porn guiz:
It's not about spreading knowledge. It's about making more shekels for Rebel Media by appealing to sex-starved males in novel ways.
This thread is basically marketing research.
Not porn:
This. ASMR is cancer, gives me a headache. If you want to improve your self esteem, find a real girlfriend instead of watching some random thot.
Guy has nothing on Blizzards kike morhaime.
why don't you want to spread redpills?
ASMR is literally hypnosis and not the meme performance kind. That's why they always use "triggers" like snapping, clicking, incoherent repetitive whispers etc. Slipping redpills, even subliminal ones, will actually work.
No we kick you kikes in the teeth for those too.
No one says you have to listen to it you idiot fuck. If you belonged here you wouldn't need the fucking red pill to begin with. EAT SHIT MOSHE.
Fuck it, with all the kikes against it, have a damn BUMP
how do you personally think an ASMR focused evalion would turn out? finding genuine people willing to publicly whore themselves out seems impossible.
I can't see too much of a problem for OP as long as they don't try and shill it here. The kikes will of course do everything they can to get it shut down including shilling it here so if nothing else at least it gets out there and hits a few before the shoah.
Start the triggers by whispering about juice and baking.
This is correct. ASMR is porn. If you want to put people in a state of suggestion, use meditation and mindfulness. Mindfulness is a word and concept coined by a kike and it amounts to "listen to me tell you to love everybody and do not resist goy". You can easily flip the message.
Guess we better go back to fat black cocks eh moshe? Thanks for putting us back on the chosen path.
I see unironic based blacks and actual Trump hate there all the time. As an old fag I just mostly lurk cause it's fast paced.
Kikes here in full force. Yeah some pathetic soyboys pretend these chicks are their waifus. I just like the tingles and have gotten tingles since I was a kid from anything comfy.
If you meme it, they will come.
A good one would to be in a massive White Pride rally.
This reminds me of the Hitler ASMR that all got taken off (((YidTube)))
duplication of intimate moments in spaces of safety for purposes of immediate gratification
It's porn, but I don't give a shit about porn that doesn't harm people or lead people to fetishize harming others.
What the fuck is this gay shit?
plz clean up ur vocab
dont demean yourself by calling yourself that
its not gay at all, it usually means a beautiful blond girl with blue eyes and fair white skin still holds the value of treating men well and so she will attempt to comfort you during your hard working days when you arrive back home, she'll reward you with soothing voices that is somewhat enchanting.
to me, I strongly believe that ASMR could potentially be a lost art practiced in nordic cultures, kind of like aesir but different.
Sorry but that sounds really fucking gay. Find a real girlfriend, buddy.
its like you really are a huge faggot, kill yourself immediately.
Get a girlfriend, buddy. ASMR is just gay no way around it.
Already married, fagboy, but i'm perplexed at the fact that a woman whispering behind you is gay.
hence why you should probably consider killing yourself, stick to your soylent if you render yourself useless to the point of not having your partner do what she was destined to do, civilization had woman pleasing man for thousands of year, you budging in with your radicalized fag perspective just makes you part of the LGBT+, fuck off and die.
I could do it but I don't want to show my face online or make a jewtube account.
I'd do this myself if I wasn't a poorfag.
yes they can, ASMR is related to Hypnotism. many porn hypno videos use the ASMR element in the first 15 minutes to lul the subject down and settle the left Hemisphere of then brain to allow infromation to hit the Right hemisphere of the brain unfiltered.
This guy understands it. We are literally brainwashing people.
I haven't shitposted on /cuckpol/ since 2014… I checked out the catalog once during the election to see what was happening and never went back.
say no to promoting and putting sluts on a pedestal
Yes a brain is as simple as that. Left and right, all there is to it. Left filters information and right stores it. Your brain is like an adblock connected to a big 4TB drive.
Why do boomers have such overly simplified views? Nobody talks about right and left brain parts like this because its irrelevant, it's women magazine-tier, educated people/white non-boomers will try to at least name relevant parts, but you can't hallucinate how things happen when its usefully specific.
You might want to read up "power lof suggestion", even though the left-right divide is not accurate, some of the ideas are actually legitimate
It is about Hypnosis, not THOTs.
why the fuck do you think there's a ASMR board here? because of the content? lol
if it's about "hypnosis" why are they all reasonably attractive young females doing it for money?
Rapunzel ASMR used to have some mild redpill videos on her secondary channel:
Loverboys & Grooming - My Experience & Warning Others
Problems With Immigration In Sweden And The West
Rape Culture In The West And Immigration - SJWs Hindering Justice
People Regret Having Babies & Anti-Natalist Agendas
Mostly gone now due to bullying, but she still lurks around Alt-Kike videos from time to time. Dancing Dove is another e-Celeb close to the ASMR community.
But isn't ASMR practically prostitution?
With the exception of Hatomugi too pure for this world.
Is he eating?
Which is why we should use this to our advantage. Plenty of lonely men out there we could turn to our cause. Plenty of lonely women too.
i ain't got time to write a fucking dissertation on Neuroscience. it gets my point accross just fine and has had demonstrable results.
if you want an example watch
sit completly still, stop thinking, keep your hands at your sides and just stare blankly.
Zig Forums flavored ASMR? Ok, i'll bite, this is Negroes in Negroland and begins off with their cannibalism, even of their own direct family members.
Escape tyrant control