Why are niggers so much worse on average than anyone else? Is it due to genetics, poverty, or are they simply unable to adapt to civilization?
Why are niggers so much worse on average than anyone else? Is it due to genetics, poverty...
All of the above. /thread.
They are a less evolved, seperate species. They are less intelligent and more aggressive and most completely lack any empathy or ability to reason. The reason you and many others don't understand why we are so different is because people are led to believe that niggers are the same species as the rest of us and that is simply not true. Anyone who can recognize patterns can see this l, many people are just experiencing unhealthy levels of denial about it. Some animals cannot be domesticated and niggers are one of those animals.
Black skin is correlated with IQ moreso than genetics. I believe that people who have dark skin are treated with less trust as children, leading to worse IQ outcomes. This is a vicious cycle as low IQ children become low IQ parents who abuse their children some more.
It is only when the gene for light skin appears that IQs can start to rise.
I saw an interesting documentary on the genetics of the Ainu people that caused my to start thinking this way. Apparently they were niggers just a few thousand years ago, as their closest genetic relatives are some niggers on an island in the south pacific. So closely related to niggers, and yet they have such a high IQ (average of 97: sciencedirect.com
The problem is that we encourage them to breed when they should be dying out like every other species of low IQ nigger does when it is exposed to high IQ light skinned people.
You're asking why the race genetically closest to chimpanzees is trash?
No it is not. IQ is almost entirely genetic. The only thing that can lower it is brain damage.
Kill yourself. Please. Being trusted has no relation to IQ.
No, that is a deliberate kike lie to push the (((out of africa))) scam. The actual data says some island abbos have the same haplogroup as ainu. That does not mean they are their closest relatives.
it's all of it: nature, nurture and malevolent psychological influence from society (to make them feral and exacerbate violence).
clearly and obviously nature is the biggest component of the three.
Poverty doesn’t create low intelligence and violence, low intelligence and violence create poverty.
How fucking new are you faggots?
Nigger IQ ranges from borderline retarded to high school reading level and as another user pointed out they can not reason nor feel empathy the way we do. Sure there is one anomaly here and there but they are not the same as us.
Jails aren’t crowded with niggers because anyone singles them out, it’s because as a stark minority (12-14% of pop) they commit nearly 50% of all violent crimes.
Lurk more faggots.
I would agree, as the poorest white county in the US has lower crime than the richest black community. What can be done with niggers? How can there be a doctine of genocide against an entire group of "people" after muh holocust ever again?
It has something to do with their brains.
watcha slidin', rabbi?
sage for trash thread
It's not like everyone woke up and decided to start hating blacks for absolutely no reason. Ypu're getting dangerously close to DINDU NUFFIN territory.
I fully support that nigger beating the ever living fuck out of that fucking piece of white trash. If anything, I'd support more of this. Perhaps white women would learn to stick with their own race. I doubt it. But, until then, let the beatings continue.
Damn, sounded like chimpanzees.
You know nothing of IQ. Even if that were the case, niggers beat their children. Children with darker skin get abused more.
Niggers are very distinct from black Indians and abbos in terms of genetics. Yet their IQs are all about the same.
Not an argument.
Explain it to me in detail.
I didn't say it did. I said very much the opposite. I went further and said the only way to break the cycle is for white skinned people to outbreed and take over. This is a natural evolutionary process that is quite clear and shows us that niggers are an evolutionary dead end.
It's built in to our brains. youtube.com
I don't give a fuck what they did or didn't do. What I am saying is that there is a natural process at work here that is leading to their extinction and that we need to stop resisting that trend with welfare.
Back to Reddit.
This bullshit was refuted by twin studies decades ago.
It's even worse than that. Niggers are 12-14% of the population, but it is nigger males who commit the 50% of violent crime closer to 100% in certain places, check the crime stats for St. Louis with 50/50 white/nigger population, for years in a row niggers have been responsible for ~100% of all murders and rapes. By mixing the crime stats for black males in with black women, the dangerous nature of the negro male is underrepresented by round 50%.
How the fuck are you going to disprove the IQ of black indians and abbos being the same as niggers with fucking twin studies?
97% of all homicide offenders in New Orleans are black. You can count the number of white homicides in the city on 2 give or take 3 hands, out of around 470 murders a year.
Oh look, more baseless nonsense from Schlomo Kikelstein. Look you subversive piece of shit. Everyone here knows about the transracial adoption studies. You can't put the genie back in the bottle, we know IQ is entirely hereditary and blacks are simply biologically stupid.
No they are not. Even africans IQs are not all about the same you dipshit. The fact that abbos and pygmys are both dumb as shit doesn't mean their skin color did it. If it did, then why are bantus with their darker skin higher IQ?
user, abos score worse than niggers. Seriously. You haven't seen retarded until you've seen an abo. I don't think they pass the mirror test until they're teenagers.
They acted like untrustworthy apes, so we treat them like untrustworthy apes. Your race-creationism is unscientific bull.
You have a very simplistic understanding of genetics and its effect on behavior. You can't just take a nigger out of the jungle and put him with a white family and expect him to turn out white. The darkness of his skin has existed for many generations, and it takes multiple generations to breed the resultant idiocy out of him. What I am saying is that skin color is a factor that quickly tips the scale in one direction or another. Black skin is a crippling factor in a complex society and is naturally selected against.
I didn't way the correlation factor was 1.0. I guess in addition to not understanding genetics, you also don't understand statistics. This is understandable. Stats is hard.
I don't give a fuck how you treat them. I don't see anything with dark skin as human. Do you get it you dumb fuck? I'm not defending niggers. I'm saying how it is, and how things have come to be the way they are.
Welfare is reversing evolution and will destroy humanity if it is allowed to continue easing selective pressure.
You have no understanding of genetics or statistics. You are deliberately conflating a correlation with causation because you want to push your degenerate dindu loving bullshit. Kill yourself you dirty kike.
What I'm saying is it's not his skin specifically that's the issue. It's his genetics that causes the nigger to be on average less intelligent and more aggressive. As for stopping the gibs train, no shit.
Yes, I am a kike for literally advocating eugenics based on skin color.
I am saying that the way the human brain processes skin color is a massive factor in human evolution and that dark skin creates a cascade of effects that make their bearers incompatible with complex society.
You don’t need to genocide them, that’s completely unrealistic unless there’s some end times tier scenario but if shits really that bad most people would only be considered with basic life essentials and wouldn’t give a shit about race until things were straightened out anyway.
End welfare / EBT / free housing and all the bullshit that lets niggers and other shit skins live off the labor of whites.
Deport all non citizens including muh dreamers. End the entry of new shit skins.
End dual citizenship across the board. End any kind of diversity quota or affirmative action.
Impose short term limits on congress and senate. Before the US can ever move full natsoc it will have to have a foundation of Whites free from meddling kikes in office.
It's not the fucking skin color, you idiot. Indonesians are darker than a lot of niggers and don't act like niggers. Why not? Because they're not fucking niggers.
Abos are even farther away from the rest of our genus than niggers are.
Race is not skin color you worthless kike.
Posting niggers getting knocked out.
IQ is different from behavior.
You would know this if you had a high IQ like a white person instead of a low IQ like an Indonesian.
Word thinking. Skin color is more important than race to IQ and the ability to participate in complex societies. Chinks and Anglos are very different genetically, yet they both have light skin and high IQ. The bug people have other factors afflicting them that make them inferior to whites, however.
A robbery suspect fleeing from police Tuesday was shot at more than 20 times and killed by three officers and one detective from Louisville Metro Police's First Division, according to police body camera videos.
The footage from three officers, played at a Wednesday news briefing, shows a brief foot pursuit by one officer, before other officers converge on the suspect, identified as Demonjhea Jordan, 21, of Jeffersonville, Indiana.
All three, plus a detective who was not wearing a body camera, fire their weapons at the suspect in the videos, including one officer who shoots five times through his squad car's windshield. Jordan later died at University of Louisville Hospital from gunshot wounds, according to Wayne Pryse, a Jefferson County deputy coroner.
Lt. Aaron Crowell of the department's public integrity unit said police believe Jordan also fired his weapon, citing "multiple sources of information" that lead them to that conclusion.
He declined to specify what the sources were, how many shots were fired or who fired first. It's not clear in the body camera footage when the suspect fired his weapon, but a gun is visible between his legs when he is lying on the ground wounded.
Now I know you're either trolling or very, very stupid.
Unlimited games, all day every day.
Get a load of these assmad shitskins larping as white people.
Literally the only reason you could be mad at someone for judging people based on the color of their skin.
Or maybe we actually know something about genetics, you idiotic kike?
Seriously, why did you show up here? Are you doing this as a (((college))) project or something, and were expecting wide agreement with your bullshit and are surprised you didn't get it?
Niggers aren't dumb because they're black. Niggers are dumb (and black) because they are niggers. Albinism and vitiligo don't make them smarter; only physical and genetic interventions could possibly do that.
But we don't judge based on the color of skin. We judge based on race.
Holding out for Wakanda, are we? What is your problem with the concept of "every dark skinned population is inherently worse than whites"?
Name one dark skinned population that has an average IQ over 95.
What part of what I have said in this thread makes you think that that is my position? Your weak mind betrays you for a shitskin.
If albinism weren't crippling and niggers didn't literally eat albinos, then it would be strongly selected for and the process I mentioned would take hold. Societies based on trust outperform societies based on barbarism, period. High IQ individuals are more likely to breed in trust-based societies as they are able to provide a higher standard of living for their women with their brains rather than cutting their arms off with machetes and raping them.
Lurk 2 years cuckchan, or just get out.
Leftists think racists only care about skin color. They think the hate originates from them not being white alone, not the associated racial characteristics that comes with nigger skin.
They are, but there are significant differences between different dark-skinned populations. Ramanujan was a Dravidian–niggers could never in a million years produce a mind like his. It's not that dark skin causes retardation, it's that the environments that select for dark skin primarily select for things other than intelligence, like disease resistance.
Southern indians have the same IQ as Australian Aboriginals, they might just be too stupid to get angry over things.
They all need to fucking die.
Nice hallucination you are having there kid.
They have a similar average IQ, but India's caste system has caused the higher end to rise to the point where they're capable of producing real genius occasionally (it's not an accident that Ramanujan was a brahmin rather than a dalit or shudra) . They do it much less often than whites, but more often than the big fat zero that niggers and abos achieve.
Imagine how great the United States would be without the deadweight of worthless negroes.
Don't get snarky at me just because you're stupid.
You don't bother to actually read my posts, but you call me stupid. Shitskin behavior.
White skin is a factor DRIVING evolution to create a high IQ population, not a be all end all indicator for IQ. The sudden appearance of white skin in the population doesn't instantly slam the IQ up to maximum. But it does initiate the process.
I read your posts and they were all retarded.
The upper castes tend to have much lighter skin than the lower castes.
Not an argument, shitskin.
But it's just skin colour, amirite?
t. leftycunt
You can post all the albino pics you want, it has nothing to do with the theory I have proposed.
The reason you think it does is because you have a low IQ.
Or maybe you are a jew and are afraid of the truth getting out?
Ayo are you wunna doze lightskin niggaz?
You're still a nigger, fam.
r/K selection is a big part of it. Niggers use r-selection i.e. have infinite kids, don't care for them and don't plan for the future leading to chaotic population explosion/collapse, whereas whites use K-selection. Rabbits versus apex predators. R-selection may make sense for primitive societies in the Garden of Eden that is Africa, but the inherent instability means it's not suited to higher civilisation. In many white countries, the r-selection problem is compounded by the fact that the government steps in to care for and feed niglets, thereby giving mammies even less reason to care what happens to their spawn.
are they worst than dravidians?
what about abbos?
I know that there are more important threads up but they all seem to be stickied so I dont mind bumping this one. Whats the story of that woman getting beaten in front of her kid. Did she survive? Was that animal ever caught?
Found it myself. Shawn Custis, this guy should have been in prison for life long before he attacked this woman. The assault left her with a fractured back. The poor woman will never be the same.
These are the people who never invented a written language or even the wheel before the white man thrust modern civilization on them.
These are stone aged hominids, expected to think and behave like humans thousands of years ahead of them.
Yes, they are dysfunctional. It is because they are lesser beings. You can teach some of them to talk nice and wear suits, but at the core, their DNA is primitive.
that bounce
Thanks for the dump, added a few to my
No, and you're a dumbass. The reason light skinned nigger "genes" exist in America is because 20-30% of their DNA on average is actually white European (thanks oil drillers).
The reason the light skinned ones are smarter is because they are literally less negroid.
I've head a lot of small-brained theories about why niggers are shit, but this one is probably the most small-brained. At least the Yakub-tier theories are just funny.
First day moshe?
Next you're gonna start saying Irish or Italians aren't White you glow in the dark
Southern Italians have negroid blood.
I think that it is possible to have niggers in society without causing problems. It was done for a while after the civil war and before the black family was destroyed. The crime is very related to the destruction of the black family. As far as the IQ thing, yes, they do tend to have lower IQ. But the IQ metric of 83 being retarded tends to break down. It is more appropriate to think of it as more of a mental age. Adult niggers have a mental age on par with a white 14 year old. If you leave a bunch of 14 year olds to fend for themselves you would end up with what american niggers do (african niggers have a much lower IQ/mental age and they end up with something like lord of the flies on a continental scale). But a strong culture/leadership can keep them under control.
But, that being said, I think that it is an unstable balance, like an inverted pendulum. The culture needs to be strong, the nation needs to be 85%+ white, and there can't be any of this shit about affirmative action. It can be done, but it really is only a matter of time before shitlibs want to treat them as equals and it all falls apart.
Different user. Is literally the only way to improve niggers is to ship them back to Africa and have our best and greatest Whites "plow their fields" for hundreds of years?
Some kind of forced evolution by overwriting nigger genes with white ones. Obviously we can't do that shit in the US or we all become quadroons. But Africa full of quadroons is better than Africa full of niggers.
Well done moshe. But you aren't Italian or white.
Course not, they need to used as fertilizer or nothing will grow in that sterile sand.
Nice hallucination.
I didn't say anything like that. I don't give a fuck what you do with niggers. They are sub human.
Lots of white blood in the Chinese I guess. Jesus Fucking Christ you fucking shitskins need to learn how to read. But you can't. Your IQ is too fucking low.
According to my theory, you could simply introduce the genes that cause white skin and within a few thousand years of relative isolation, their IQs would come up to normal white levels. This happened with the Ainu.