Kanye's Releases MAGA Song
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Blacks getting red pilled
Dr Duke & Mark Collett - ZioMedia Black "Perfect Father" convicted of Sex Assault & Insane Alt-light Promo of Kayne West & Slimy Whore Kim Kardashian!
Bopping their heads saying nigger a lot, I fuck that shit? a lot, and claiming they be woke yo.
I really feel the future is bright when I watch things of this nature.
From Kanye's St. Pablo song
"Black on black lies is worse than black on black crime
The Jews share their truth on how to make a dime
Most black men couldn't balance a checkbook
But buy a new car, talkin' 'bout "how my neck look?"
Well… it all looks great
Four hundred years later, we buyin' our own chains
The light is before us brothers, so the devil workin' hard
Real family stick together and see through the mirage
The smokescreens, perceptions of false reality
Who the real owner if your boss gets a salary?"
It's part of the larger anti-White Trump agenda. Historically in the United States the Democrats are the good guys. Historically. The Klu Klux Klan, abolishing the Second Bank of the US, prosecuting the Mexican-American War, William Jennings Bryan and bi-metalism. Republicans are historically the bad guys – the Civil War, Reconstruction, Black Republicans, the policies that led to the Great Depression and the New Deal. Things get muddled around the world wars and obviously the second half of the 20th century is a pick your poison situation, but historically that's the truth.
If you pay attention to the Q-LARP – and I mean pay attention to it, not necessarily buy in to what it is saying – it is clearly a Trump administration narrative coming from official channels. And what does it ultimately promote? The Democratic party is full of "nazis", blacks need to get off the "plantation" [explicitly making the case that despite getting majority White voters, Trump wants black voters because he doesn't like White people], Muslims are all "nazis" who secretly hate black people and that is why they are bad, based jews like Alan Dershowitz and Henry Kissinger are "/ourguys/". That is what the narrative is pushing. It is an 1865/Reconstruction style narrative where the White race must be suppressed under Black rule and Northeastern money capital. That's what this Kanye stuff is all about, exalting the nigger over the evil White nazi who is uninterested in the goals of Northeastern protestant/jewish capital.
Sweet! Is this one going to be in 440hz or 430.65hz?
I get the feeling someone in the CIA explained MK Ultra to Trump, and he said, "You mean I can IRL shitpost through puppet celebrities? Get on this, immediately!" I think the case with the MOAB was analogous, "You mean we have the mother of all bombs and we're not dropping those suckers? I want it done tomorrow!"
We live in strange times. Kanye /ourguy/? KEK, no
Farooq was great heel.
What history of this do you speak of?
Fuck off, nigger.
luciferian detected
the mods need to start auto deleting all this Kanye nigger BULL SHIT
It's political you dumb fuck. One thread is fine.
Yeah, I don't buy it. This is most likely some kind of psyop.
kek'd reported
take your meds
Considering they shat their pants and threw him in mental hospital after his first pro trump rant, it probably isnt.
"his memory coming back"
(after he was abducted and put in mental hospital )
I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.
How to tell the truth and lie at the same time. You kikes are good at it.
Yes, Democrats were the party of the Klan and Jim Crow (pic related), look at the electoral map before 1960 or so. The South was overwhelmingly Democratic.
why does the entertainment industry filled with (((disappearances))) and transformations?
What went wrong?
He's starting to sound like Tupac, which means kikes will have him killed or Cosby'd for daring to step off the plantation.
FDR figured out that he could buy the black vote with gibs (once the New Deal was introduced, the Dems went from 15% of the black vote to over 70%). Republicans tried to get nogs on their side with the Civil Rights Act and "equality", but LBJ realized that as long as they had their gibs they would vote Democrat.
shit, I didn't thought of that
It is amazing how you make these backhanded assertions with the most jewish executive administration the country has ever had.
I always kind of liked democrats when it came to niggers. They were more machiavellian. Republicucks genuinely want to improve niggers lives. Niggers dont deserve that. Abortion and private prisons are the only pro black policies that should be supported.
Fun fact: blacks kept voting for the Democratic party in that period even though LBJ was a former Klansman and the Senate Majority Leader in the 70s and 80s, Robert Byrd (who also filibustered the Civil Rights Act by saying they didn't deserve equal rights), was a proud Klan chapter leader. Pretty big red pill, huh.
This exact sentiment is precisely what I was talking about here
I'd be surprised if Trump hasn't already made sure he's protected.
I'm very familiar with what Robert Byrd said. I'm talking about you trying to portray it negatively.
More specifically, they want to improve nigger lives at your expense. Not only indirectly through taxation, but they want them to replace you entirely because they trust them more than you to maintain their vile Union.
I'm not. Byrd was not wrong. Republicans shilling for the Civil Rights Act is one of the reasons why the US is in such state right now.
Unfortunately, you can't win elections with white vote alone anymore. He needs to appeal (even if low-key) to minorities.
They need to become a bit more redpilled.
Blacks were 5 times more likely to grow up with both parents under Jim Crow than now. Desegregation was a mistake.
Not within Union politics – which are the problem. The Union is the problem. Donald Trump is an extreme Unionist. Ergo, Donald Trump is the problem – in the exact same fashion that the Republican party has been historically, regardless of what has or has not become of the Democratic party.
There is nothing low-key about it. He has made it abundantly clear where he stands – the same place Lincoln and his successors did under Reconstruction.
don't go full retard please
Anyways, if you don't like West's song, you can always try some Nakahara. Not redpilled, but I'm certain you will find her enjoyable.
Song: Fantasy (btw, not a favorite, but initiation tier).
Go be a nigger somewhere else.
Look at the pathetic literal Democrat shill ITT.
based gay fish
Bill Clinton unironically found a great mentor in Robert. Besides he's right, mongrels are an abomination.
You fail to state that it was the democrats that did that to them through incentivizing single motherhood.
Now, BEFORE YOU SAY "WHO CARES ABOUT BLACKS, this is actually about everyone in the United States. First, (((they))) put those vile incentives on black communities, then poor whites, and then the rest of whites.
This is what "free shit" is about, you give it to women (all women care about 10-20% of males) other sick incentives against our values. You think blacks are alpha? Most blacks are betacucks because they marry single mothers.
Most blacks are (((taught))) to whiteknight for wymyn with their lives. Most blacks must use their all their wealth to clean up the mess of a live that Chad and Tyrone made.
Trump ruined Zig Forums forever. Fucking pathetic. Celebrating Kanye is literal cuckoldry. His wife is famous for sucking a black dick, her entire family is famous for promoting interracial sex. Fuck's sake.
good fucking post
((( )))
How much is the DNC paying you?
Yes you fucking can! But before you can win an election with the white vote, you have to make the appeal for it!
Not a single candidate in the united states of america has asked white men and white women for their fucking vote!
And I don't mean "dog whistling, I mean making the explicit case for the need to vote white.
It's the entire point behind the sailer strategy which ann coulter acknowledges
The Civil War, Reconstruction, suppressing silver to the benefit of JP Morgan, the depravity of the Gilded Age, rolling over during WWII after a token resistance, Nixon killing hard money and thorium nuclear power [despite the other good things Nixon did], the Reagan amnesty/tidal wave of Soviet kikes/alliance with sand niggers to destroy White Russian lives and pensions, Bush 43's avalanche of Mexican invaders and complete and total annihilation of American living standards and society with PNAC/GWOT. The Republican track record is the most destructively and deliberately anti-White agenda we've possibly ever seen. I think it literally gives Barbary slave raids a run for their money.
Pretty sure the kardashian female line is all kike and they been appointed to promote racemixing to the masses.
How else could this group with 0 skills in anything be so promoted by the (((media)))
This what they did to the father btw
This frazzled degenerate is a lifelong, committed Republican. In case anyone was wondering.
No shit they're kikes, but the average American thinks they are white. They are promoted and represented as white women and held up as role models for young white girls. The Kardashians heavily promoted the concept that it was cool to have a black boyfriend, wouldn't be surprised if Kanye and his wife fund Blacked.com
Jesus, why?
It's your duty as a white man to enlighten the world and all races against the great parasite. They in turn redpill stupid whites. Spread the white blood cells and against the virus
It's hilarious seeing all the conservative and alt-right e-celebs shill for Kanye West. I have no hope for White people at this point, they seem incapable of fully rejecting controlled opposition.
I'm not accepting your blackpill, kike
Hey retard, Kanye loves Jews and so does Trump.
Not when 35% of them are race traitors who keep voting for a party that's explicitly anti-White, anti-gun and anti-freedom. I'm still waiting for Whites in the North-East to fucking wake up
Yeah wow based nigger. I'm fine with them as long as they fuck off to their own country. I'd be happy as long as he starts a back to Africa movement. Do you know how great it would be for a bunch of Jew-rich Hollywood niggers to use all their money to settle colonies in Africa for American negroes to migrate back to?
Its the butthurt he creates that is amusing
Have him stuffed or put in a zoo for all i care.
Doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds.
There is no alternative within Union politics, which is the point I have been making in this thread several times.
I can guarantee you White people in the Northeast have orders of magnitude fewer niggers and spics in their family tree and correctly don't worship our retard military. They are far closer to ideal than the inverse.
david duke
Whites in South Africa are being actively murdered while American whites celebrate a BASED nigger with a white passing wife. Enjoy the lulz, you fucking retard.
Hey fucktard, we're in the business of natural law and small incremental changes that evolve the collective mind-soul against the Jewmanic demonics.
And I'm not falling for it at all.
We will redpill the niggers against the false narrative of the Jewdi and use them like it's a motherfucking Clone War.
Every avenue, every opportunity. Get it through your head kike.
spot the kike
She's clearly not white.
Do you need your eyes checked?
You're fine with redpilling? Oh good to know. Thanks for telling us.
It's been clear to me for a long time that Kanye feels trapped by his blackness. The strength we will need to win is being able to comprehend the tragic existence of the exceptional members of inferior races, but still having the will to liquidate them along with the rest all the same.
The eternal trap for those with aristocratic souls is being more attracted to alien arete than native mediocrity.
Do you know how this site works?
I want to see the nigger wake up and hate the jew and their never happening godly gibs so niggers create a nigger party and split the dem vote.
The Democrats are the war party, they're the biggest kiketools around. It only barely changed once neocohens started flooding mainstream politics and then during king nigger they bombed the fuck out of Libya disposing what was actually a pretty good leader. And for what? Oil? No. It was because they didn't have the right (((central bank))) and they were the only ones holding back the nigger locusts trying to infest white Europe.
As for the Civil War, please remember the Southern States left even after Lincoln told them specifically they could keep their slaves to save the Union but muhsoutherncultureofhonor was too important to their inbred asses. The Union still had slaves SIX YEARS after the war ended and Lincoln was about to return blacks all to Africa before a literal Jew shot him for fucking up the Jewish slave trade business.
But yes, the GOP were retards in that they tried everything they could to stay relevant after failing to court thankless niggers who care more about gibmedats than their own rights and absorbed the insane Evangelical and religious base that led to the neocohen era that fucks over the entire country and planet.
Point is, don't try to weasel your way out of this. Both are to blame.
You're an idiot. Go make some more Taylor Swift memes. The whole purpose of this Kanye shit is to distract from race issues, to make dumb whites think that niggers are alright and that race mixing is fine.
As was their right, regardless of what nigger lover Lincoln thought about it. Yet here we are, still suffering under Black Republican rule in neo-reconstruction.
What the fuck are you talking about? She's clearly not white.
Whatever preserves the blood, user.
They already hate the Jew. They just needed a little push….
Don't comment until you learn how the board works.
Do you have schizophrenia or something? Stop deflecting away from the point.
You've made enough posts in this thread to have read the whole thing, so you surely didn't miss my original post that got this tangent started
That's literally what Aryan means, noble. You can only stand superior to other people when you show them a superior way: your away.
Fair, the spic needs to be taught to hate the jew too.
lol, we're going to make niggers hate democrats, and there's nothing you can do about it.
It's true for whites to. Check out any improvement thread on Zig Forums and watch as everyone Boomer-cucks "poorfags" to death and laughs at them. It's sickening.
Here we see the ultra-judaized and ultra-negrified subject react with glee at the thought of Union occupation extending its life cycle.
You're an idiot. Keep on voting, see what good it does you.
sage.wasted dubs, wasted life.
This entire thread is ass cancer.
Nigger posting? suck start a shot gun kike.
This entire post consists of nothing but buzzwords and reeks of subversion.
It's not about voting, kike. It's about making people feel comfortable to not be so fucking PC that redpills can be seeded.
We have more access now to talking to each other than ever, ever. Democrates are technocrates and they need to be fucked with because of this censorship. If not for that, then just for the lulz and to piss of these Neo-Bohemian hipsters.
At worst it might produce a few white babies.
What it literally means is "freeman", which came to have some noble connotations.
A lot of (((moral panic))) in this thread, kek
As the example of American pioneer life and National Socialist Germany show, the ideal way to increase the White birth rate is specific inducements [land, subsidies, mortgage forgiveness] within an unabashedly pro-White nation that affirms the life and existence of our people explicitly. All you're championing is more half-niggers voting to give Chobani GMO yogurt and larger spigot of Kurdish refugees and more public money for jewish sports stadiums.
What the fuck do some celeb nigger in usa has to do with south africa ? typical kike conversation tactics.
If anything america need more niggers and mutts attacking the democrats to break their racebait monopoly, because without it they have very little.
Fuck off, nigger.