Can we have an old fashioned Trump rally thread?
Trump should be on in a few minutes.
Get in here faggots.
Can we have an old fashioned Trump rally thread?
Trump should be on in a few minutes.
Get in here faggots.
Other urls found in this thread:
Hopefully Trump will deliver some good bantz.
You mean with based niggers and jew introductions?
trump rally threads were fun and you know it
Let's just put a "sheriff's star" on you, sleepy eyes.
Here he is.
There's no way he wins he is universally hated.
kek. the (((Whitehouse correspondents dinner))) is going on while he speaks.
Sarah Sanders is there. I hope she gets a chance to speak on behalf of the president.
Trump has been a great President. I'm glad I supported him and got to be a part of the meme war. I'm going to keep campaigning for him in 2020
I like the old guy in the crowd.
It's not that. Schuette is against marijuana and a overwhelming majority wants to legalize it recreationally this election.
Dude weed lmao
Vote for the weed man
being anti-marijuana is political suicide.
It's YOUR fault
Rural retards btfo
Is Kanye there?
jeez at that kid's haircut. what a meme
JUST tuned in. Didn’t even know of it! Thanks op
"If I told you what I know about Tester, he'd never get elected again"
GEOTUS looking good and rested.
pothead fairy tales
He is fucking pissed! lol He snarled when he said "lisa"
No one ever smoked cannabis and went out and killed someone. Cannabis also has legitimate medical use. Now go drink grain alcohol, destroy your liver and brain, and possible crash your car into an innocent person.
This. I miss those comfy threads.
So does alcohol?
Agreed. Have some old OC.
He should study the der Führer more and improve his hand motions, almost two years after the election they are still stiff imho.
Cannabis is a gateway drug, the high opens up the mind to want more potent effects from hard drugs. It also dumbs down and kills brain cells just like alcohol.
Also kills the dopamine receptors.
If you're pro-cannabis legalization it's fine to say you are. Also, I just spent a few minutes searching for "fatal cannabis car crash" and the vast majority of results are FUD articles about alleged increase in fatal car crashes from cannabis on 4/20. Of the two articles I found that actually described fatal accidents one was a nigger and the other was also drunk.
No such thing, Mr. DEA, and we're well aware you want your Federal gibs to continue your fake war.
Cannabis also increases my threshold for having seizures. That means I don't have to take a jewish horse pill twice a day and suffer many horrible side-effects.
Go be Puritans somewhere else, oatboys.
These people cheering about Jerusalem make me sick.
On a different board we're discussing neologisms for disgust, since hebrewphobia implies an irrational fear of jews.
What do you think about the -odious suffix?
You think they are cheering Israel or the fact he is saving $999.85 million
If it is for medical usage only I see no problem. If it's pure for pleasure I'm simply against it, that counts for soft-drugs and hard-drugs.
Checking only because you need it for seizures and not take the Jew pills. Fine. But recreational use is the problem, we know the DEA is corrupted by cartels and Deep State. It doesn't mean drugs should ever be legalized.
Can you faggots start your own thread please?
Then you should feel the exact same for alcohol because it's actually worse. Also I didn't find any medical alcohol when I was searching. Is there some special name you have for medical alcohol, and does it also get you drunk? If so you should be just as against medical alcohol.
Disinfectant, sterilization.
E.G. - why these use rubbing alcohol to clean the arm before blood draw.
Even NORML advises against driving while high on pot. You represent the worst of marijuana advocacy by claiming it's harmless.
Alcohol is a hard-drug, so yes.
I don't know if you're stupid but alcohol gets used for disinfecting/sterilization things, like wounds for example, which thus is a medical use.
You guys are fucking dumb sometimes.
I fully understand the desire to keep degeneracy out of our society, but when it comes at the cost of personal liberty I always stand firmly against that desire. When what I choose to do to pursue my happiness and liberty in life does not have the potential to harm my society it should not be anathema.
I knew some smartass faggot was going to say rubbing alcohol. You know we're talking about drugs, though. Nice try.
Isopronanol or isopropyl alcohol and you don't want to drink it ethanol is the kind of alcohol we drink.
cannabis can be isolated or whatever so that it's just health benefit with zero of the intoxication. i think it's called cbd and everyone says it's the best bees knees since sliced bread but i havent read much about it.
the plant itself is also a fantastic building material.
also prevents REM sleep (i think alcohol does this too). this is the only real definitive downside that i know of
good luck with that
hey everybody make sure you're checking these dubs
try potatoes and sweet potatoes
Well shit, now I want the (((democrats))) to cockblock border security.
Posting in comfy rally thread
Good because I'm not advocating. I didn't say it was harmless; I said no one ever smoked cannabis then went out to kill someone (with cannabis being the root cause). Like people that drink, do meth, do heroin, do bath salts, get violent and murderous.
I'd like to see Trump dismantle the DEA, and spend their budget on the WALL.
Liquor was historically used as a painkiller for injured patients before the arrival of opioids.
It was also the cause for people bleeding out due to the thinning of their blood, or dying from a drop in blood pressure or shallow breathing (alcohol is a depressant).
Like it or not, today's potent strains of marijuana are turning up as the culprit in vehicle crashes more frequently.
In terms of other crimes, one might argue that the average thug nigger who smokes blunts is emboldened by marijuana's psychedelic effects before he goes out and does crime.
protesters all coming out when someone is having a medical episode
Oh boy it's libshits again. Kick them out.
I never said that. Myself I don't find any fun in alcohol or any other drug. That doesn't mean I want it banned either, I just don't see the point in drinking alcohol or using any other drug for fun or whatever. Then again my family has a history of alcohol abuse, that's probably why.
That sounds cute for some reason.
How do dude weed faggots support this? Schuette fights the will of the people while simultaneously trying to corporatize the people's medicine.
He will not win.
The DEA in 1998 had a budget of over $1 billion. Since they are the ones secure the hard drug trade on the streets (I'm talking meth, heroin, extacy, etc.) they are the ones responsible.
Take whatever their 2018 budget is and build the wall. It would actually function toward the intended goal rather than continue supporting and securing the illegal hard drug industry.
Also I wonder if that's been Trump's plan all along. Assume the democucks would block border security legislation and then use it as a pretext for shutting down immigration entirely.
Was it a legitimate medical episode or staged?
I'm willing to bet almost every person who passes out at a Trump rally was locking their knees for too long.
You learn quickly in bootcamp not to lock out when standing there being yelled at for an hour+
It's easy to tell who hasn't had to stand at parade rest from the morons passing out lol. Flex with your toes.
There's a ton of noise and yelling in the background too, the hell is going on in the crowd
lel hivemind
it seems like a lot of people are just rowdy and/or want to get the president's attention
I think it's the microphone set-up that picks up way too much crowd noise.
Snow just melted, spring fever.
Did you go to college before you enlisted? Have you personally seen the fields where today's heroin poppies grow? Have you suspected your subordinates are part of the DEA instead of loyal members of the Corps? Do you hate all niggers, spics, shitskins, and jews because you personally fought with or against them with guns?
Do you have discipline?
ZOGbot mind
it's weird when other politicians try to match trump's energy or style. seems like it's been happening a lot lately. career politicians are weird people
Why, are you hiring? I didn't know I needed my resume handy. What're the pay and benefits?
Wrong, lol.
Currently can't listen to it so Im following you lovely anons for the highlights
You get paid what you earn. The benefits are supreme gentlemanly pleasures of purging degenerates from White man's society.
I'm proud have some not-the-brightest-bulb friends that went to vo-tech for welding and farm equipment maintenance. Trump is right.
Hard to hear Trump half the time because of the rowdy crowd. Lewandowski showed up though, Trump loyalty, man. I think Flynn's going to get a pardon. I can't wait until this kike mess is bulldozed into the sump.
Take it as a term of endearment. Half of Zig Forums is probably a ZOGbot of some form.
lol commission jobs are for suckers
That casual Henry Ford mention
not much big stuff or anything that substantially differentiates it from any other trump rally, but these things seem to be more of a morale victory lap type of thing than anything else.
The FDA and CDC need to go first. I took the healthpill after reading about how many holisitic medicine doctors were assassinated and almost every poison the jews throw at us was allowed by the FDA and even administered by the CDC. In some cases like with saccharine, it was banned until the FDA lifted it.
I'm retired from the Corps, but I work for my state now. I guess around here I'm still technically considered a ZOGbot. You can call me whatever you want as long is you never call me an ashkeNAZI.
lmao wut?
I'm not 100% sure about the order. I think we might actually need the FDA and CDC, but I know for sure we don't need the DEA. Also the DEA has a bigger budget possibly…
I said never call me an ashkeNAZI!
why? what does that word mean?
Only niggers are stupid enough to smoke grass behind the wheel and most of the time they do
Hahahahahahaha. I wonder how assmad that like is making the kikes right now.
*that line.