For about a week the cuckservatives were tripping over themselves with excitement for a single nigger that supports Trump. President Trump himself retweeting Kanye West was cringe. Kanye West is a race mixing nigger who's wife is part of that cancer show Kardashians about fucking niggers.
He's been featured in lots of videos and photographs showing white women lusting after him. Dr. David Duke called Trump out for this while the D@!LY $T0RM3R was promoting Kanye West as some kind of woke nigger who's going to make blacks into Trump supporters.
Now this happens. Kanye West is shilling for Emma Gonzalez, the top gun grabbing icon. He even shaves his head to match her hairstyle.
I fucking hate Nick Fuentes. Blacks voting in GOP primaries will be a fucking nightmare. Keep the non-whites on the fucking Democrat plantation please. Imagine the terror of having both parties be dominated by shitskins. We would have even less say as whites than we do now.
It's amazing how desperate these losers are for non-white approval. They're afraid to just be White and will look for any opportunity to buy back into the civic nationalist mindset.
No, the real people who got played hard or the genuine White people who seriously believed they were going to get something different than hardcore Unionist policies from Donald Trump. He couldn't have telegraphed it any clearer about what he was really about.
The democrat nigger voting base has been d&c'd over this banana thief. Niggers will be talking about this for years and they won't be as corralled as easily by the kikes, they'll want even more gibs to vote democrat now, and the kikes don't have the power to do that. The fucker is married to a family that are character actors for psyops run on the American public, that doesn't mean we can't subvert and hijack these psyops.
Gabriel Evans
I knew it. I guess MAGApedes will be on suicide watch now. Kanye is a master troll.(ban evasion)
Brody Cruz
MAGApedes are dumb as shit. Kim Kardashian supports March For Our Lives and was at the protest
i stopped regularly visiting this site, when anglin decided to go full retard and jump on the trump train, even though it was obvious donald's just a kike puppet.
what also disgusts me is his (more or less subtle) anti-russian stance.
so you're probably right - anglin is probably one of them himself.
Ryder Bennett
Two (((Extremely White Gentlemen))) with their Based Black Friend Kanye West doing the Alt-Kike (((White Power Sign))). Look at those two ratfink-looking fucks and their shiteating grins. Oy vey indeed.
Irony and humour is an invention of mossad jew shills.
Fuck off, kike.
This is a serious board for serious discussion and political activism unless you actually do something in real life that has some affect that benefits me in any way then you're a jew shill kike mossad yid.
Adam Campbell
You know we can hate Kayne and like Trump right?
Drumpf is totally stupid like that nigger Kayne right goys?
Oliver Campbell
Why is Trump promoting this race mixing nigger? That's not his voter base
he might need those nigga votes pretty soon, considerng the fact, that many of his former supporters turned their backs on him.
Jeremiah Watson
Blacks voting Republican is a nightmare. We shouldn't be appealing to their interests at all. He should be doubling down on the white vote. Jesus what kind of fucking white nationalist are you promoting appealing to niggers for votes? Dumbass
Jordan Ortiz
Do this nigger even get any gigs now after he came out as a trump supporter ? - i dont think so
Colton Morgan
im not "promoting" anything. trump is a spineless leech, who wants (and needs) any vote he can get, no matter from whom.
he has nothing to do with us. he betrayed us all. do you even get it?
John Nguyen
(((purely organic thread))) reported for astroturf thread.
Hudson Reyes
Fuentes is a spic.
Christian Brown
No, it actually very much IS his base. The one he genuinely wants. He wants to whip up a crazed anti-White fervor against Europeans and Russians for his trade war. It's more difficult to do that among America's White population, with both the "European style socialist" set so often harangued by the judeo-right and the set-upon minority of nationalists who see common cause across the ocean. Enter niggers who will kill anyone and anything the jew points them toward for the reward of brand name products and White pussy.
Carter Evans
I won't disagree with you there.
Daniel Bailey
WDYTWA? nu/pol/ won't realize this until 2024 if the zog emperor gets elected again when non-hispanic whites are a minority and can't vote their way out of anything. Remember as long as Trump banters properly and trolls le libtards it's reason enough for Zig Forumsacks to support him.
No, it actually very much IS his base. The one he genuinely wants. He wants to whip up a crazed anti-White fervor against Europeans and Russians for his trade war. It's more difficult to do that among America's White population, with both the "European style socialist" set so often harangued by the judeo-right and the set-upon minority of nationalists who see common cause across the ocean. Enter niggers who will kill anyone and anything the jew points them toward for the reward of brand name products and White pussy.
Jose Cooper
Last paragraphs of An Dr ew Ang Lin's articles endorsing Kanye West
Julian Parker
Camden Garcia
I always thought that spic referred to ricans.
Luis James
Nah that's just a common misconception. If anything it could be directly related to Haiti/Dominican Republic as it used to be known as Hispaniola, but it just generally refers to people/places/cultures where there is a historical link to Spain.
Since Mexico is isramutt+ La Creatura based on disgusting Azteca mud blood they don't get the full Spaniard noble treatment; as they are untermensch. I wouldn't even give Castizos the white-man treatment as their "Spanish" is some mudshit Aztec "Spanish" and doesn't sound anything like a European language.
Jackson Ramirez
Why? Boomer mods not have enough Q and boomer, 'BASED BLACK MAN PLEASE FUCK MY WIFE' ? Or is this about the civcuckoos?
Christopher Russell
Nick Fuentes isn't a Spaniard. At best he's a castizo, which no longer qualifies as a Spaniard.
Kevin Wright
Fuentes is 100% a Spaniard surname. He's obviously a US American born in the USA, but he's also obviously clearly descended from Spain not Mexico.
Aiden Torres
Hahahhah kikemods bumplocked this thread. They don't want people seeing that Kanye is a complete fucking moron who doesn't know what he believes or who he supports.
Joseph Gomez
This dumb nigger was rejected by a bald headed teen goblin.
Apedre is also said that quarter heebs don't bother him – like Time Wise and Rachel Maddow – and claims that only spergs have a problem with them.
John Rodriguez
Quarter heebs are 2nd-degree mischling, so it's not like Anglin's position is scandalous. Either way, it is clear you're being a disingenuous faggot. Regardless of anyone's position on mischlinge, no nationalist would spare a gigakike like Wise the oven.
Evan Ross
Ryder Ward
You can be as lewd as you wish with her when you are both deported.
They're desperate for institutional and mainstream legitimacy. Easy targets for this shit, because they want it so bad.
For anyone else, it's okay to use the event as an opportunity to shitpost and boost that fantastic new "Democratic Plantation" meme. But when he then goes deep dick on Goblina, it just reinforces that blacks aren't reliable accomplices in a fight like this. THEY DO NOT HAVE YOUR BACK. They're opportunists first and foremost. If they ever start flooding to our side, it's not because they believe in the fight, it's because we're winning and they want in on the perceived/imagined incoming spoils of the victor.
Leo Davis
The Nuremberg Laws were a mistake. Quarter kikes are still kikes, as our eighth kikes (like John Bolton). If we get to like
William Bailey
wouldn't surprise me if the kikes behind the nigger planned it like this from the beginning stay retarded, boomers and e-celebs
Oh… bummer, for cucks who thought the monkey was something other than insane. Getting all excited about the nigger talking about Candice the snitch and cartoon man. The guy is a SHOWMAN. I guarantee you his piss mop of a 'wife' is having lousy ratings and or he has a new album of monkey noises coming out shortly. Seriously, grow the fuck up. This nigger and his Albanian plastic whore wife are CANCER.