Niggers Can’t Read; Sue the Gubbimint 4 Bein Rayciss

Can We Repeal the 14th Fucking Amendment Already?

The unflushed toilet that is Vice News has reported that niggers in a Detroit public school, in common with many of their kind, can’t read worth a damn. Unlike your typical niggers, however, these were lucky enough to touch base with a kike lawyer named (((Mark Rosenbaum))), whose NGO is funding a class action suit against the state of Michigan.

Absurdly, the case is built on the tenuous notion that the state is violating the nigs’ right to literacy by not expending heroic efforts to cram basic human skills into their baskeball-shaped heads. Jews involved in the legal system point out that there has never been a right to literacy in the increasingly ridiculous and irrelevant Constitution, but instead of drawing the obvious conclusion they’re calling this frivolous lawsuit "innovative."

Vice reports that the nigs’ school has an 89-percent rate of functional or total illiteracy, which is par for the course when you’re training farm equipment to become scientists and sheeit. Hilariously, the Vice reporter is actually named "Kang." It goes without saying that the nigger he interviews – who is apparently a "classmate" of the unnamed defendants – takes a bunch of calculus classes because he’s a genius, like many other niggers in Detroit, obviously.

To sum up:
Nigs have an average IQ that’s 6 points above retarded.
89 percent of nigs at this school can’t read.
Rather than doing some honest self-reflection about what that says about their potential, the nigs go following their local kike as if he’s the kosher Pied Piper and escalate their blame deflection into a lawsuit.
If successful, this bullshit suit will establish the precedent that nigs habs dem a cuntstitushinall rite to gibs.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kike-free post – unlike this story.

Kanye and Candace leading black off the democratic plantation leads to sudden large number of threads against blacks. Gee it's almost as if you want the democrats to win the mid-terms.


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Fucking who?

I want to see Democrats hanged for what they've done. I don't care about how niggers vote; they should be registered in Liberia and gone.

Seriously, do you think anybody gives a shit about Pepsicrats-vs-Cocacolans anymore?

I knew that name had memetic power. And you go and get trips.

Attached: Trigger_Nigger6.jpg (450x343, 27.59K)

It's fucking Donkey Kong Country over there. How can you teach kids who refuse to be taught? There's nothing more dangerous, infuriating and humiliating than teaching a class of niglets.

(chekd m8)

What is it with bootlips and poor/non-existent trigger discipline?

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no abstract thinking

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Same reason Arabs can't shoot.

To whites, who developed guns as a natural part of our culture and civilization, they are just a tool. I have to deploy lethal force – toward a human or animal target, conditions depending – and so I use the tool that does that for me. Just like a hammer.

To the lesser races, guns are magical bang-sticks that make noise and scare away evil spirits. Arabs hoist their guns overhead and blaze away because the concept of "projectiles follow ballistic trajectories downrange" is a little over their horizon. It's why every Arab get-together features pointless gunfire into the sky, as if those bullets won't come down somewhere.

Niggers, being less intelligent than Semite filth, are even dumber with guns. You can educate a nigger with all the gun training in the world, and 9 out of 10 of them will still feel somehow that the thing works by white mans' hoodoo. So, they'll never clean or service their weapons. They can't tell the difference between a good gun and a bad one. They flag everybody in the room with their guns. They play the "lackin'" game. They stuff guns down the crotch of drawstring pants and go dancing. They just don't get the abstract elements of the gun, which comes naturally even to my kid, who is exaggeratedly careful about never flagging others.

You mean this whole time I've been singing R.E.A.D. A B.O. OKAAAYYYYYY the niggers still had no comprehension?

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btw, is this thread a slide thread? honest question

fucking forgot the time stamp, 1:40ish
sage for me being an uncultured pig

The slope on that nigger's dome, I'd be surprised he knows how to tie his own shoes.

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You are right, but arabs are a bit different. They are extreme fatalists and due to pisslam are not allowed to ever believe in the concepts of cause and effect, because that'd make them an infidel. Everything in the universe is the will of All-a the moon god, including which of the shots actually hit or which day their guns rust away to nothing due to total lack of maintenance-which is also the will of the moon god, but they have no idea which bullet is to miss or to hit in advance so they spray and honestly pray to the moonie god that their enemies die. That and historically their warfare relies upon human wave attacks and then a regrouping to charge into the enemy from another direction. A carefully disciplined force with well practiced men and well maintained equipment will slaughter an Arab army with ease.
embed is a great example of the two styles in a clash.

Pic related.

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First thing that came to my mind is that webm of the sheboons dancing on the desks in their class and the pissed off white girl knocking one of them on their ass.

or this

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its like a never ending barrage of nigger posting from the (((rats))) trying to pump this kanye nog bs.You think they would learn not to even try here but they always persist with the same tired shilling because it worked for them in the past and just can't let it go and keep doubling down.Strip them of federal reserve (((privilages))) and they are broken and gassed instantly.

They don't even know what the fuck the gun safety laws are nor do they give a shit

Wtf are up with the second and third pic?

Painting dead grass green, and pressing an interlocking brick pattern into wet concrete.

Shit, got what he deserved.

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And so what happens if they win the lawsuit? The school is forced to turn over the withheld literacy to the students or else the principal goes to jail?

Why stop at literacy? They should sue for being denied their rights to have a high IQ.

2nd pic is a stadium with grass and they are spray painting it green so it looks like grass
3rd pic is taking concrete and imprinting a paver pattern on it so it looks like a paver laid road

I see u memeing dat truuf my brotha. Dat truuf dey dont teach in skools.

Attached: america is africa.webm (1442x802, 6.18M)

What's wrong with pressing an interlocking brick pattern into wet concrete? It enables the concrete to expand in hot weather without cracking.



I don't get it, they want to be able to read but don't want to be able to put in the work to learn how to read. I could read at age 3, no shit. I'm one of those GATE kids.

Are you telling me your average teenage nigger in Detroit is less intelligent than I was at 3 years old? Anyway this court case will be struck down, because you obviously have no "right" to literacy. If you did those vegetables strapped in the chair for our safety have the "right" to read too.

Basically niggers never maintain shit, so when foriegners come they have to keep appearances, by painting the dead grass green, by imprinting paver pattern into concrete instead of laying them and also similar shams and facades of civilization.

3rd pic isnt wrong at all. Maybe using actual bricks is expensive and the owner wants an specific texture to the road.
See, concrete is much like dirt, it has strata. If the imprint dis niggas be usin isnt deep enough and remains on the harder outer stratus, then its fair game. The concrete will remain hard as ever and water wont seep into its structural iron or the much much weaker filler strata.
Those division also serve to the strengh of the road. See, larger patches of concrete tend to crack, are rather quickly. Atmospherical heat and cold expand and retract the concrete all the fucking time, even on the same day. YOU CANT HAVE BIG PATCHES OF CONCRETE. It needs something to give it strengh, sometimes is an structural iron mesh, sometimes you cut the concrete in smaller pieces on cover the cuts with asphalt to protect the inner layers of concrete. Sometimes even both.
Plus, its much more aesthetically pleasing a patterned road to a bland and boring one.
Also patterns make surfaces non slippery. Imma shut up now.


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Ironically that dude is probably more woke than 90% of wite bois out there, would have a beer with / 10.

I see something funny/enraging/important/interesting, I post it. If it's something topical, I check the catalog I'm not a complete savage. For stuff like this, I pop in here because I can't rant about niggers to my neighbors.

1st it is only on the top not all the way through.
2nd concrete in an open form such as a road never cracks from heat expansion as it has no retraining boundary it always cracks because the base under it settles and fails to support it.

You faggots keep posting this pic, but it's not the full article.

Aren't we all brother. Aren't we all. Anyways, niggers are only good as cannonfodder, or mine clearing pushes or other disposable penal battalion shit, and frankly I'd like to use them as gladitorial fighters and shock troops due to their aggression and otherwise worthlessness. I'd use plunder and alcohol to recruit them right out of primary school, and spend their lives freely, and the survivors i'd richly reward with more gleaming shit and more tasks that would get them killed. That and allowing arena fights to the death for disputes would do the job abortion won't and that's kill the ones already here.

Attached: Nigger fucks up a Chicago 7-11.mp4 (224x400, 7.4M)

Don't forget the tremendous 10%, the niggers at or above IQ 100. They are worth cultivating, or I used to think. These days I just see their animus and the fact that they hate whitey more than they love themselves. I no longer give niggers the benefit of the doubt. Blame Obama.

all non whites get vid related accept maybe the nips and any smart enough to mind their own fucking business and stop trying to leech off of WHITE POWER until WHITES decide to either exterminate or put in a zoo to laugh at.

The Jews get a nice payout from the always-strapped Michigan taxpayers, and niggers across America will have a marvelous opportunity to diversify their portfolios from just suing the cops who shoot their sons.

-t. Meursault

I remember GATE. It was pretty cool to learn a little Mandarin in third grade, but then my school brought in this teacher with a nose. . .

So if I'm understanding you, basically what you're saying is that deporting all the blacks is not enough, we also have to sterilize them first?

I've been larping as a Jew for decades.

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From what I hear Muzzies used to completely nullify the niggers they took from Africa because even with their nuts gone they'd still try and force themselves on women, so then the arabs just let them have a slit to piss through.

That top 10 percent is more trouble than it's worth, and it's a time bomb waiting to kill our grandchildren. If you had an island with 1,000 top-10 niggers, all with 100-115 IQs, in 50 years you'd have a place functioning like Mexico. Look up "IQ regression to mean" to see why.

Basically, every gene pool has a supply of genes floating around in it. A small cross-section of those genes come together with each conception. Sometimes, they produce a genius, but the gains are lost in the next generation as sexual recombination reshuffles the genes and the offspring are only slightly more likely than the rest of the race to show exceptional talent.

Obviously, there's more to it than just that, but genes evolve in complexes that work to reinforce one another. Predators' guts work with predators' teeth and the predators' instincts to hunt, which arise from the predators' brain. Those are genetically controlled, and the trick to making a good predator is to cull the herbivore genes that work against the gene pool's proclivity toward making predators.

What this means for humans is that nigger gene pools may have some individual genes for high IQ, whatever that would look like, but in the co-evolved complexes of their poisonous gene pool, there are few combinations that produce a Black Science Man or Thomas Sowell. In time, with the genes being shuffled out of their "smart nigger" complexes and back into "standard-issue nigger dipshit" complexes (which are far more numerous among Bantus), even the outliers wind up with retarded grandchildren.

I guess the Founder Effect could boost the hypothetical smart-nig island's population simply by eliminating most of the culls, but even then I'd expect no more than an 85 or 90 average for the next century or two. If selection on that island favored complex intelligence, then we'd be talking about uplift – and it could happen really quickly by biological standards – but there won't be progress in the first few generations, and the effort to ensmartify the niggers is probably beyond what's practical, even if you start with the rare outliers and work from there.

So how can we start this back to Africa movement which will be the best for everybody? I feel the blacks should ostensibly lead this effort.

There's ways to mitigate that, though. IIRC the African tribes that follow the Bwiti religion have much lower rates of nigger behavior than their neighboring tribes because they use the iboga plant (which contains the drug ibogaine) as part of their coming-of-age ritual to beat the nigger out of their young people. Gabon, the nation that holds most of them, has even managed to go its entire post-colonial history without getting involved in any civil wars!

So not even male genital mutilation and soy-ification would neuter them?

My idea was to cut or eliminate welfare benefits in America, while simultaneously setting up a bogus foreign company in Africa that actively recruited nigs. The company would have to buy land someplace easily bribed, like Liberia or Sierra Leone. Then, they'd use white Americans' tax dollars – which would be secretly used to fund the venture – to create a green, totally inviting set of paradise villages. Call them something dumb and Swahili-sounding, like Ujamaa Vijinii, or "Family Villages," and promise 100-percent-free gibs to any American nigs who want to come "home."

It has to be said here that this will be very expensive. Not only is it costly to set up magical Potemkin villages where nigs will be happy, the defining trait of niggers is their laziness and unwillingness to move their asses, even when it's obviously toward a better life. I guess we can force the convicts to go, and maybe after the first few arrive and renounce their citizenship the others will take the free moving vans, free airfare, free lodgings, and the very fucking temporary free gibs at the new home. The only catch the "company" would impose is that its nigger "employees" renounce their citizenship at the US embassy, so they're not more entitled to come back than any other African animal.

Once we have the bottom 2/3 or 3/5, kek gone, we cut off the money and most of the problem is solved. I presume we've already done something about the Jews by the time this happens, so managing the rest shouldn't be too much trouble, along with their coal-burning white admirers.

The superlatively talented nigs may stay, conditionally. Their kids are just as likely as the current crop of niggers to get into trouble, so the only punishment we must have for the remnant is deportation to the increasingly desperate and near-starvation Liberian colony, which we will call Wakanda.

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I guess his gut-feeling was right for once.

Gabon violence: More than 1,000 arrested after disputed election

The issue seems to be that 99 percent of the Gaboons showed up to vote for whichever nigger was bribing the hardest. This was taken as a sign of hijinks.

Niggers in your model nigger democracy can't even think far enough ahead to fake low voter turnout. Maybe they should eat more iBongo, or whatever piss-flavored herb you were on about.

Attached: Gabon_Election.jpg (660x371, 47.61K)

They're literally right next door to the Congo. Compared to the multiple, massively bloody civil wars they've had, a couple of days of violence after a disputed election is next to nothing.

What, do you work for their ministry of tourism? Fine – by nigger standards, they're practically Iceland.

As admirable as this plan is it's unthinkable with any jews around.

Agreed. Something must be done about the Jews. But what. . .

I love your OPs. Keep it up, user.
0 sucks sucked/10


Would they be able to count high enough to tell it was removed?

Jesus fucking Christ….

Well functioning gut-feeling is the only reason they still manage to exist in a world full of White-made deathtraps like guns, cars and power plugs.

And the kike is going to sue the white state tax payers for the liberal fuckups in detroit and their open zoo and all those shekels will go into his pockets rather than to the (((victims))).

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Your post…
In a thread about blacks struggling with literacy.

A. Wyatt. Man is really stepping up his game.

You have to go back to cuckchan.

That's psychological conditioning via pharmacology, not intelligence. Average nigs that somehow turn out to be decent and more-or-less functional human beings aren't going to be the sharpest tools in the shed and will still think like Africans.

Ah yes, Detroit. The perfect example of why niggers shouldn't be tolerated in white countries.

Attached: Detroit.jpg (1050x591, 265.57K)


I just remembered something else funny. He actually was President Ali Bongo as he was President of The Magic Circle until he died in 2009!

Dude they don't want to be able to read, they want more government gibs, any kind will do. Reading is basically optional for noogs.

Self reflection is trait shared by intelligent people. What would the conclusion be? Change how education is delivered? Change the system entirely? Without spending more money or receiving any gibs, what are some reasonable conclusions the black community on the left side of the bell curve could arrive at?


to be fair, this is more of a michigan thing than anything else. i remember hearing a statistic about flint and the surrounding area having LESS THAN HALF literacy rate. thats blacks, whites, somalis, and whoever else they shoved up in that cold, flat west virginia.

the state is almost as broke as illinois (probably would be MORE broke if it werent for the fact that chicago is the biggest leech in the entire midwest) and the govt (specifically the shit show that runs detroit) is beyond anything ive ever seen in the rest of the country. it would hardly surprise me if a good deal of govt employees over there cant read either (or can, just at a rudimentary level).

vid very related.

i can imagine the class action lawsuit against detroit city council would go something like this

Attached: detroit city council.mp4 (400x300, 4.04M)

I wouldn't be surprised if they knew the whole legal thing is a joke and can't be repaired.

keep telling yourself that

Two based nigs who are getting shit on twitter for not drinking the kool aid.


The nigs have no emotion ability so they don't care.

just GTFO

yeah it's all about the money which totally hasn't been thrown at nigger education for decades
keep telling yourself that

Haven't laughed that hard in a while.

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its not that those niggers can't read; you've seen black twitter; they can read
its that they don't WANT to learn how to do ANYthing, and the teachers just pass them even though their grades should almost all be Fs
that school is probably just a glorified daycare at the taxpayer's expense
but, of course, you shouldn't expect anything to be publicly found out about the school being a glorified daycare, nor about the teachers just passing everyone at the end of the semester


They are trying to get more gibmedats.

I had to deal with one at work that couldn't read the word "name", insisting that it said "number". It was a data entry field asking for the user name/caller ID name for a line of service being added to a corporate account.
Telecoms don't have to set up centers in the 3rd world to get 3rd world level support.

IQ regression happens only once, otherwise evolution would be impossible if everyone just kept reverting their mutations all the fucking time. That's a regression fallacy
You can breed super intelligent humans, any race. It's just not worth the effort with niggers

If you pick the top 10 anything and put together to breed, you will have picked a lot of slightly-better-than-average-genes that rolled the best possible in their respective bell curve range and some amazing-genes-that-rolled-low.
The result will be a slightly better bell curve, which will never revert back to the mean any more than it did in the first-second generation

No, there is no way to de-niggerfy niggers besides possibly painstakingly performing lobotomies on the entire hoard. The only way to deal with them forever is with crashing their race with a total genocide with no survivors

without selective pressure, you regress to the mean



Attached: Detroit Students Are Suing The State Of Michigan - VICE News Tonight on HBO.webm (1920x1080, 15.29M)

well ideally youd have your ma or pa read to you every night, and you could learn before you even get in school. im sure you understand why thats a problem here.

kek. at least they get paid. lawyers dont really give a shit. they just need work

have you ever been to flint, lad? its pretty fucked up. there aint a soul there thats well off.

niggers don't have the future time orientation skills for family planning?
>defending (((lawyers)))

christ youre pissy.
no ones defending lawyers. thats just simply what they are. win or lose, they get paid.

This is multiculturalism working at its finest. Wigger white kid who was exposed to to much propaganda and low iq nigger decide out if the blue that it would be funny to trash a 7/11 and the pajeet store clerk is to passive to do anything about it. This is why isolationism and ethnic society's function the best.

Funny thing about that. The retardation line used to be fifteen points higher than today, but during the civil rights movement it was deemed racist that over 50% of blacks were officially mentally retarded. So, they lowered the threshold to bring that proportion down (the line went from 85 to 70). Take a gander at this some time, it's golden redpill material:

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