Old cat lady hags up to it again, when will they shut up?

“The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys!,” Minassian added in his Facebook post, referencing incels who, like Minassian, hailed Rodger as a saint, referring to him as Saint Elliot in online forums. As numerous outlets have reported, Minassian’s language is incel in-speak for those who have wronged them. MSNBC reports that “ ‘Chads’ are incel-speak for good-looking men, who incels believe can’t be one of them. ‘Stacys’ are the women who find ‘Chads’ attractive.”
His ideology—if such grievances are even coherent enough to be termed an ideology—resembles Rodger’s worldview: one of the aggrieved men; men who believe that they have been victimized by shallow, petty women who refuse to have sex with men like them. Destruction here is not just revenge, it is not just punishment, but it is a misogynist’s right: The singular act of doling out verdict and sentence, of enacting a grotesque kind of justice, is a total restoration of a fantastical hierarchy of gender. There is perhaps nothing more potent for the aggrieved followers of Rodger than acting as judge, jury, and executioner for any and all women.

archive: archive.is/uv2Ue

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When you stop paying attention to this clickbait garbage.

Bumplock request.

I knew "incel" was a thinktank-created shitposter-targeting fake-meme the second I first saw it.
Has a creepy Marxist/Intel Community vibe to it like "Unsub".

It might turn into a full scale crackdown on imageboards.

a thousand virgins is nothing in the face of a single chad

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Sounds like a made-up scapegoat group.
Exactly the type that fits the narrative leaf land would want.

l'chaim! cunt

I disagree. People have been saying this for years.

User was gassed for this post

nah, I think gassing feminists would work better.

dob jej

also, idolizing a isramutt wetback. kill yourselves

Corrective rape too.

This shit is serious, in the future if you dont want to be a degenerate you will be labeled as a terrorist a psychopath or worse, a racist and no, they wouldnt send a bunch of teens to reverse rape you untill you cant post racist slurs anymore, they will put you on women hormones and feminist psychologists.

You know what it is? It's newspeak. It's designed for good goy retards. We need to figure out how to fuck up these kikes and make them lose this latest attempt of theirs.

Why would you want your dick near a feminist? That is some hardcore shit, m8.

It's exactly like the Soviet Union–exactly what is being discussed in the poorly named "science hate" thread currently.

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This may eventually red pill some women. They may eventually come to understand that, in the process of transforming society in a certain feminist direction, they have created a fucking hell for a lot of men.

Aw, who am I kidding? Thots, those stupid bimbos, those goddamn whores, will never understand a fucking thing. They're arrogant parasites.

> manosphere faggots who refuse to see the (((writing on the wall))) and are stuck in leftist grievance politics land
I love the idea. They need to run with this.
Whenever you encounter someone from that political area, be it incels, MGTOW, mras or someone else, reply with the following phrase: Praise Saint Elliott!

It's not going to work
this whole event is some kind of psyop and forced meme attempt
nobody on /r9k/ is getting high scores
it's written by somebody from Buzzfeed who browsed the chans for about 10 minutes and this was the best they could come up with for a psyop.



not funny. schizos aside, gangstalking is real

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kek & check'd

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Don't forget, sage and report all incel posts.

Sage denied, faggot. You really need to stop using that word. Every time you do, it furthers the agenda of the spooks who made up the word in the first place. I don't like the direction they are taking this either. At this rate it will become the next "conspiracy theorists" in terms of shutting people down. I think it should be added as a word filter. Change it to "virgin", or "robot" or something. Do not empower the kikes by fighting on their terms. Alt right entrapment 2.0.