Can the radicalization of ‘incels’ be stopped?
A long-time journalist, David Futrelle studies the online male supremacist movement on his blog. His writings have appeared in The New York Times and The Washington Post.
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I don't see the problem with killing women. There's basically no difference a living one and a dead one, they're all just bodies. If they are with their owners, then fine: women are property and it's illegal to kill someone's female property the same way it's illegal to wreck their car. But women who walk around without their owner's or a stand-in thereof–I should be able to hunt and kill them for everything they've done, for their own worthlessness.(This is what happens when a tranny gets assmad that they don't 'pass')
Lol how do they plan on "stopping inceks", state sponsored prostitution?
Thinking about it I don't think I've ever seen a lefty fag article ask why things have shifted the way they have.
>Shut the fuck up goy you're not allowed to have a website on the (((internet)))
Throw fuel on the fire!
It is absolutely incredible how opposed to free speech these people are. It is genuinely insane that they are completely okay with silencing everyone outside their spectrum.
The move towards a decentralized internet is becoming more important than ever.
How can Elliott Rogers be an Incel if the term was created just a couple yeArs ago?
This incel meme is fucking gay.
Don't fall for it.
Don't call yourself it just to oppose (((them))) and these retarded articles
(((they))) are fucking with you.
They want to be able to point at you and say "see? I told you pro whites are just kissless virgins mad at the world"
Incels are fucking gay.
(((Why not give them a pass the same whey they have brown Religion of Cuck™ists?)))
It's not rape bigot, it's sexual urgency.
Yeah, you have to beat them up in highschool like the old days! Makes them into realists and men!
Who's falling for it? Literally nobody here.
dob jej
also, idolizing a wetback mutt. kill yourselves
hi /Religion of Cuck™/. glad you could take a break from fucking little boys to remind us to keep women in their place.
you are the one who fell for it
How to solve it? Get women out of the work force. More jobs for men and women will need to marry them to get by, as it always was.
And now all these enlightened social engineers are going to find out why we had enforced marriage in society: because when most men can't get women, sex, marriage and families, they turn and attack the society they live in.
Are incels our cannon fodder in the war against the jew?
so somehow these (((neomarxist commiekikes))) are trying to link (((involutionary celibates))) to "EVIL HUWITE SUPREMACIST NEONAZI KKK TERRORISTS"
this is the concept of the psyop at hand
El Gentleman Supreme was not a spic, he was a southeast asian/white f1 hybrid or "hapa" as they are known in the modern vernacular. This is an important object lesson on the consequences of racemixing, as these hybrids are notorious for their fragile mental state and low mating status, the very traits which drove him to his famous crimes. Elliot Rodger is a hero for demonstrating to the world why he should never have been born.
Supreme Gentlemen™, please respond.
He was half-Jew.
Listen, they are not afraid of incels being against them. What they fear more than anything is normal, family oriented white men opposing them, because then they have nothing to point at. They're scared to fucking death of Joe Sixpack, not (((Elliot Rodgers))). Cut this beta rebellion shit off at the knees anywhere you see it, even if they are joking. They are banking on you proving them right about the pro-white world and straight white men in general. Do not fall for it.
They are fucking desperate and shit like this shows it.
Farm the rice, pay the price.
Feminism sought to undo millennia of civilization, because its followers thought that is was baseless and unfair. Of course, now that Feminism reigns, it has become clear why our great ancestors organized society the way they did. When men cannot breed by civil coercion, they resort to violence.
The feminists are now looking for some alternate way to stem the violence, but if it existed, it would have been known to our ancestors before them. Of course, they would realize this themselves, if they didn't presume themselves to be the smartest in history, and their ancestors mere "uncultured" cavemen. At some point, they will realize and admit that the only way to restore the piece is by restoring society in its right order.
Of course, much more blood need be shed to reach that point.
Literally the same as "spanish/ameri-indian f1 hybrid" or "shitskin/wetback/spic/mudshit" as they are known in the modern vernacular.
You sound like you're educated on the subject of mixing races. Begs the question are you a jew or a mutt?
Ahh I see, Rabbi.
Lul, checked.
And honestly, Incels are the dumbest thing I've heard about. If not getting poon has you feeling like that, you have other, more pressing issues. Tho, I will say that people like Incels are just trying to justify their behavior, if that isn't obviously of course.
I've been a volunteerily celibate for like…3 years now, women aren't worth the energy right now, I'd rather save it for the girl I'm going to marry.
Totally different actually since an f1 hybrid is a first generation hybrid, which mexicans are not, burger abos are a different race from chinks and the proportion of spanish in modern beaners isn't the roughly 50% a child would get from one parent.
Disparaging biological education probably isn't the best thing to do with the same breath as you try to accuse someone of inferior biology.
That pedo?
Bumplock this garbage please
The vibrator takes AA cells or C cells, not IN cells.
A large population of single men makes for a crisis. From 2007:
All this muh soggy knees kvetching will probably lead to the We Hunted for Lolis faggot here being killed in a crime spree.
He dindu nuffin, he a good boy, jus no gilfrien.
It is really sad thier whole universe is thier insular campus ans inner cities
Well it was fun while it lasted my fellow Leafs but this is the false flag they will use to come for us.
Yeah, feminism and the death of the traditional family destroyed white birthrates and increased our deathrates.
Good luck incel.
I'll laugh at your stupidity when I die.
Kill yourself, cunt.
SE asians are NOT happas you cunt. Hafu and Happa are not the same. Happa is a Jap. Tired of you fucking jew cunts trying to screw with set terminology.
Technically all jews are mutts as they have stolen genes from everyone to survive this long.
The term "incel" dates at least to 2013, probably earlier, when a redditor named "GovernmentsGetGirlfriends" was profiled in the Huffington Post… also in ED.
t. guesstimation
They can't. Incels are an infinitely spawning thing that will continue to happen so long as women aren't property.
haha this forums is quality content
I see unironic stacey-blaming from time to time here. Which is hilarious. Imagine thinking women have any moral agency or responsibility past the discipline that men instill in them. Then getting butthurt about that and thinking women themselves are at fault for their own behaviour instead YOUR OWN inability to handle them.
Moral agency or no, Roasties must be punished severely. Even a dumb animal will understand violence.
I guess you have never read the laws that are on the books, have you Satan?
You CANNOT handle a woman. If you try to handle a woman, they unleash ZOG on you.
OK Satan. Don't tell me you unironically believe that just because something lacks moral agency, it is excused from punishment for it's actions, right?
Also, on a more serious note, you'd have to define moral agency. After all, women are smart (as can be seen in their craftiness and even their ability to self-deceive themselves into believing something isn't what it is).
And that's what it's truly all about.
Finishing off all freedom.
This got to me. For years, dudes have been rejected over the smallest, most shallow things. They are mocked because LOL FAT/UGLY/LIKES ANIME OR VIDEOGAMES/etc. This is reflected on the media and people themselves, and they have the audacity to praise fat people , trannies and whatnot as brave and beautiful, but go back to mocking some people for these same flaws. And you wonder why young people are getting angry.
This is exactly what I predicted when the attack happened.
The inconsistencies with the info made this case stink to high hell.
- Retard getting accepted into the military. Even though any mental health conditions disqualifies you from entering
- Facebook post that sounded like it was written like a low level glow in the dark CIA nigger
- Just his picture and this comment on his Facebook
They know that internet censorship is a hot topic so they need some sort of narrative to justify (((censorship))) to the lemmings.
" oyy veyy go- friends look at those evil misogynistic white supremacist running people over!!! we better (((shut down))) their social spaces!!! Also antifa have been doing some good work too, here's how you can donate. "
I'm thoroughly convinced this was a false flag to justify internet censorship of the bad goyim. After Trumps victory, Brexit and the increasing right-wing presence in European politics their desperate to try and stifle discourse and information spreading.
My girlfriend lives only a few kilometers from where the attack took place and it's kind of a relief knowing that it was an incel performing the attack and not a muzzie. Because if it was a muzzie attack there would have been more following it. With an incel it's a lone wolf attack with a dramatically decreased chance of a follow up attack.
Gee I wonder why the Jewish controlled media would give little sympathy to white men and scream at them at any opportunity…. Really makes you think
Jews try censor incels
No reaction
over 20000 suicides
I doubt that, Satan.
There is no such thing. Even these /r9k/ faggots could get laid if they would actually try.
Indeed. They guarantee rivers of blood. Literally everyone will be bloodthirsty eventually because everyone is no-platformed virtually fucking everywhere. It is totally insane.
You're both faggots. Stop wasting trips and hating women.
The reason i ask it because this is hitting mainstream. Even one of my normie co workers was talking about this and saying how incels will be labeled a terrorist organization. This whether we think it's a joke or not it is is actually being talked about. What blew my mind is that these people agreed it could be considered terrorism in the case of the Toronto attack. I had to remind them that terrorism is specifically political. These people are ready to label an imaginary group that really would just get applied to all forever alones as a terrorist group AND THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW THE DEFINITION OF THE WORD TERRORISM.
What a fucking time to be alive.
or go gay like they do in arab countries, where the richest men take several wives just for kicks.
Come on my brothers.
Fk this incel shit. Go outside, take a walk in the park. Say hi to some girls try having a conversation. Search for your woman and go marry. Men have done this since the beginning of time. So why can't you do it. Be a REAL man.
It takes a little time and some practice but practice makes perfect. 99 girls will turn you down number #100 will say I would love to go on a date with you.
There is no strategy or pick-up lines. Just be normal. Wait for a good opportunity. Try to make eye contact first. Be confident, you are the man. Go work-out.
Go my white brothers
Wow. Went to go read some normie news. (((They're))) really trying hard to turn this Armenian into Gamil Garbi. or as you all know him, Marc Lepine. They're going all in to the point of insanity.
The best part, though, judging by comments, is no one is buying it outside the feminist echo chambers.
Why are so many school shooters jews? I bet they do this to get away with their kike itch of killing goyim themselves and then camouflage as white.
Wow. Went to go read some normie news. (((They're))) really trying hard to turn this Armenian into Gamil Garbi. or as you all know him, Marc Lepine. They're going all in to the point of insanity.
The best part, though, judging by comments, is no one is buying it outside the feminist echo chambers.
Shit, double post. (I know it's gauche to check one's own dubs, but…)
Anyhow, what I meant to say is that I just got a brainwave that maybe all this male-bashing is just a modern version of the White Feather Campaign (goy, fight for Israel, what are you, chicken) aka female shaming tactics updated for the 21st century.
Yeah, we are real men.
The problem is a system that emasculate us from early age.
Cunts are weaponized against men with full ZOG support.
Therefore, violent fighting is the only choice.
I says let us begin making acid attacks trendy in America.
I'm close enough to Canada to hear their radio, this is the leaf's new boogieman angle to justify further enforcement of muh hate speech online and targeting mean scary groups.
They immediately framed it to have an anti-wimmin feminist angle that they've been playing up to the same threat tone of an isis style group.
It sounds completely fabricated.
Did you read that social psychology and dating post stickied at the top? That was such a huge red pill for me to swallow.
It is completely fabricated, but the good news is that this golem can get out of control very quickly.
Jian Ghomeshi's last interview was with Brianna Wu, remember. Then the women in the office said "hey, this fucker is more toxic than any of the bogeymen we prop up for our (((masters)))!"
This is also a last ditch effort to hurt Doug Ford as well. They really, really didn't like that miscalculation when they ganged up on Patrick Brown.
You're telling guys that have messed up physical features such as lazy eyes, long faces, under or overbites, recessed chins from mouth breathing, short stature let's just call it what it is ugly, who lack confidence in themselves because they've been bullied and rejected their entire lives to go stand in a corner and start trying to pick up women? IN FUCKING TORONTO?!
Sorry girly, it's not the easy. If we're truly redpilled about race then we should be about women too. Without patriarchy, Pareto Principle is in full effect as in 20% of men get 80% of women.
Read this. I've never been more convinced we need to go back to what our ancestors did and make women property of their fathers and husbands
Before you faggots attack me, Romans and Greeks owned women and look how their society flourished. As for patriarchy being called Religion of Cuck™ic here, Europeans did it first and it's probably a butthurt roastie doing it.
You must be a filthy jew.
Why should we be violent towards women?
I know you're angry brother but random acts of violence will not solve anything. We need to destroy feminism at its Judaic root. A lot of young girls are not identifying as feminists but they will still act like roasties and milk the benefits that come from being "oppressed." We can't just remove feminism unless there was a strong dictator in charge. Without that, there needs to be a campaign to win the hearts and minds of the people to convince them feminism is evil and repeal it through Congress. Such a thing is a long shot though :^(
Yeah you are right about women being property of their fathers until the day she gets married and the father hands her over to her husband.
Are you blind?
Cunts are kikes' soldiers against men.
Our own women, for many decades were doing everything possible to undercut us, displace us, take our places, to emasculate us with hollow complaints and accusations, and the list goes on and on.
As Charly Manson said:
Checked! Dubs say we must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children via patriarchy.
It's foolish to punish all women because there are truly 0.5% who are righteous and they don't deserve to suffer. There are many who do deserve to be flogged and even executed. The sluts who corrupt the innocent girls through media and in real life are such an example. This article is an example of sluts making promiscuity cool.
Zig Forums was named by the NBC. Pic related. Didn't know you guys resented women… Smells like a total false-flag.
Replace x with black, spic, jew, etc.
tl;dr have exceptions define the rule.
You two must be Niggers or some other sort of Shitskin. A white man builds himself up, doesn't look for pity, And blames shit on others. You may leave this board for Reddit.
in the patriarchy, women are compelled to pair bond for life.
He was Asian/kike, not Asian/White.
I see 2 men, probably wrongly killed.
Yes, and let people like you be the recipients of them.
well one of the men is an asian and the other might be jewish, so maybe he did nothing wrong after all.
Is the only true solution state sponsored roasties for every incel?
Highly unlikely.
The system caters the female imperative only. Males are disposable.
There was a system like that in the early Soviet Union, where females had to comply a quota of men to fornicate.
The goal was the same as today: the destruction of the family institution.
But soon the commies abandoned such program because it resulted in a catastrophe to the economic productivity of the State.
Check it out.
The Failed Soviet Experiment With ‘Free Love’:
White Sharia NOW!
USDA certified?
I've noticed a lot of autists tend to pair up with disabled women, so maybe there might be a role for them in matchmaking.
You also get less disability money as a couple, so there might be an incentive for them to push this.
Yes, I'd love to have half my shit stolen and my life destroyed by a self-centered cunt. I'm not going to bother until this shit is fixed, and if it isn't going to be fixed in my lifetime, I might as well go out with a bang.
Just because you didn't plan ahead doesn't mean it's the public's problem.
Things are going to be VERY different if most of your net work is in a cryptocoin she's never heard of, let alone has the password to. Think, user.
I see. If that's how it is, then eventually just being a virgin is in itself going to be enough to get you on the no-fly list. Cap this post.
Then get ready, because this shit isn't fixable.
It is too late to reform the System.
Women are not women anymore, and men… the same.
And all the whining about cunts is not going to solve anything, the System is in full control and consider us just slaves to keep the machine running.
MGTOW has a point, there is no way we can win by democratic means, and the best we can do is retreat and not to play the game.
Also we can accelerate the social decomposition process to make it collapse sooner.