Does anyone have the original photos...

Does anyone have the original photos? I’m pretty sure that this is the thread that caused 4chan to ban images and get glitchy.(Keep it in the containment thread)

Attached: A1716C2C-F21E-45CE-BBBC-171A9D65E814.jpeg (1864x550, 217.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

OK newfag, just this once.

Attached: 1525019354923.png (1646x1148, 3.29M)

Newfag to Zig Forums, buttons are in funny places :((((

pick one leddit then kys. Stay in your containment thread.

Yes this was it. Witnessed

Holy fuck you halfcuck faggots are gay. GET OUT. Reeeeeeee

i swear those white boxes with the red outlines were not in the original thread. WTF?!?

I am monitoring this thread

Attached: 1444583797540.jpg (680x680, 56.25K)

BIG if true

Q predicted this.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 4.38.32 PM.png (1043x1000, 1.35M)

Attached: #3.png (919x1169 1.52 MB, 1.83M)

Attached: #5B.png (919x1116 2.01 MB, 1.67M)


I figured out the names we were missing.

"Shahariar Simantob" & "Bahador"

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 11.03.14 AM.png (925x1144 538.37 KB, 1.65M)

were those on the volunteer list?

no but they are related, probably spouse

Links from bread this morning

Anna Matusevich Cravitz

Shadi Maghen Simantob

Shahariar Shar Simantob

the chans are fucked you can't even make a new thread here because nobody will see it. where is the bunker?

Simantob & Associates: Public Accountants of Beverly Hills

Shady Simantob, United Fabrics

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 5.38.17 PM.png (667x469 123.04 KB, 51.01K)

I dunno what to do man, shits fucked

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 5.40.53 PM.png (676x1065 137.23 KB, 126.27K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 5.43.11 PM.png (500x845 600.55 KB, 641.99K)

They were, I put them there to mask any identifying location clues


Come to the final frontier of freespech user.

Attached: fashy.png (634x632, 456.59K)

Nobody posts there except the 1/2 dozen bored CIA agents who run the place.

These say quite a bit, more than one might think. They're actually pretty clever…but like, a lukewarm brainlet sort of clever.

Notice how all the complaints are directed at the management. The objective is to deter anybody thinking about applying. Why? Because they don't want to hire anybody, they don't even want to deal with the interviewing process. Why not? Because any involvement with the general public beyond the bare minimum that is necessary is risky. Even an expertly maintained charade is still a charade, and sooner or later somebody is going to pick up on it.

On top of that, many of the complaints listed are downright illegal (taking away sick days, not giving people breaks, managers beating the shit out of each other, etc). By including these complaints, anybody investigating will start with those. I can 100% guarantee there is no truth to them, so that when the investigator finds no evidence, the company appears to be the victim. Exactly like what happened with Comet Pizza and Edgar Welch Jr.

My favorite remark is the "Get education on how to run a business with 30+ employees" one. At first glance, it appears to be a backhanded jab at the management. The implication is that the company has 30+ employees, and they are incapable of managing those 30+ employees. In reality, they almost certainly do not have 30+ employees. No doubt they have 30+ employees on payroll, and some number of those employees show up with some regularity, in order to maintain the appearance of the business being legitimate.

Oh, and if you didn't pick up on it, a few of those reviewers are purposefully including typos and grammer errors. Probably because it's one single person writing them all.

Just guessing here…but I'd imagine they also source their fabrics through one single manufacturer, one who is likely located in somewhere like Afghanistan, or Serbia, or Cambodia. That manufacturer charges abnormally high prices. But like, their fabric is top of the line, you just wouldn't get it. The managers of this fabric company get it though, I mean how else could they have managed to run a very successful, internationally connected fabric company for all these years?

I have a sneaking suspicion that those are a bunch of trannies

Where is that, didn't know such place existed lol

the big one is blue is….he actually has a name which I think we need to dig into and see where the hell else he's turned up. I think I saw his/her/its name in the rolling stones article or another one covering those weird weed dinners.

Oh shit, its right under the pic I posted….his/her name is "Sparkles"……..great. Sparkles the Tranny. That should be easy to find.

Glad you saw the same red flags I did and I dig those reasonable conclusions.

Items to Dig:
1. Sparkles the Tranny - find other gigs/associates
2. "United Fabrics" - find fabric manufacturer/anything on business/past employees?

3. Brian Alexik - formerly charged with some truly suspicious stuff and then walks free - current locations, known associates

After looking into this a bit further, have concluded this is a LARP. All the notes have the same folding pattern to them. Clearly was deliberately folded, not crumpled up. Why he would have covered up incriminating info makes no sense either, he effectively doxxed himself with the story. If it were legitimate, at least.

They included the Brian Alexik guy to make the story seem super spooky. The guy sounds like a career criminal, and not even a particularly interesting one. Wow, a stimulant dealer with an AK47, who also dabbles in fake currency? Riveting. What's that, you say? He changes his hair style frequently? Totally unheard of for a speedfreak…or not. The whole self taught attorney thing is a longwinded way of saying Kike nepotism.

I read up on the company a bit more, they are up to some funny business. But no longer convinced they are laundering money or importing bad stuff or anyting like that. Their primary product appears to be suing other companies for dumb reasons. Seeing as the Alexik guy is a kike, there very well could be some connection between him and the fabric company. I stand by my assessment regarding the reviews being faked, and the reasons given are likely still valid.

No idea how the weed parties relate to any of this. Those are definitely a bunch of trannies though. Maybe (((Alexik))) is involved in some Cybelle cult shenanigans and he has shown his final form - Sparkles the Tranny.


well I appreciate you looking into what you have but its not a larp. She might be crazy but she is legit folding paper airplanes and throwing them off her balcony

Read a little more into the Alexik character. Crazy stuff. He seems like a spook. At the same time, seems pretty reasonable and aligned with American values, which makes me think not a spook, just an intelligent career criminal with spook capabilities.

Furthermore, it doesn't appear that CNN has written a single article on him. Does CNN ever pass up a chance to slander a gun stockpiling drug dealing money counterfeiting white male?

NEW NOTE!! Found it in the alley this morning

Confirmed Terrorist who are not Americans and who violated privacy and violate constitution
1. Tina Bahador
2. Melena Gogina
3. Shaheriar (sic) Simantob

Tina Bahador is a psychologist down in Santa Monica but to my knowledge the girl hasn'>>11542698
t seen or gotten medical treatment. My guess is this is someone they're trying to send her to.

99% sure this is our girl passing notes: Mariana Olshasky. Racked my brain to try and remember some of the names on pieces of mail that accidently got delivered to me over the years, then went and checked the apartment names on the call box.

This guy is FOR SURE somebody….. if we can figure out if she actually came across this guy naturally or if she just picked his name of the web…this thing might come together or fall apart

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-01 at 8.45.51 AM.png (723x946, 1.11M)

Bahador turned up on the latest note….was this link made via family relationships of Simantob

shots of the balcony…sign is new to my knowledge

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-01 at 12.35.39 PM.png (1382x964 1.74 MB, 1.62M)

prob some schitzo

Second pic. HAZMAT (could be Arrow Cross symbol)
Third pic. (Arrow Cross) (illegible)

(sage for not wanting to bump a thread I haven't read)

Not saging this time because in the 15 minutes between when I googled Mariana Olshasky to when I looked at the search results again, her "people search" page disappeared.

These addresses are from the open tab in my browser of that page before it was "410" page is gone.

>Recent Address 13* ** Ave Los Angeles, CA
>Past Address 86* ** 122 West Hollywood , CA
>Past Address 89* ** 109 West Hollywood , CA
>Past Address 72* ** 106 West Hollywood , CA

Still don't know what this is about but what a coincidence.