#mybordersmychoice did a great job on the poster front, but we can still do better.
The more human the posters look, the easier they are to empathize with. Let's show our countries as real people saying NO to immigration.
#mybordersmychoice did a great job on the poster front, but we can still do better.
The more human the posters look, the easier they are to empathize with. Let's show our countries as real people saying NO to immigration.
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this was a failed campaign and the posters looked awful. Just put up IOKTBW posters
Whatever you think of it, it got noticed.
I agree that it largely failed. At least media-wise. But if it reached even only a small portion of people, I'd say that's good. That said, I think adding people is a good idea user.
Thanks user. I'm thinking of using the flag imagery as well as migrant rape cases. Would like to get ideas from other anons.
I would like to start making "Say Something Nice About White People" posters. Seems like a logical step following IOTBW.
Repetition and broad distribution is a significant aspect of propaganda. Even if My Borders My Choice didn't yield immediate results, if we repeat it enough it becomes gradually more effective, and when the Jew is forced to overreact to correct this propaganda is when we succeed in red pilling people.
Could work with the right aesthetic. We would need very innocent looking white people.
Would also need to be in high profile areas to catch media attention.
When the media get hold of "Say Something Nice About White People" they will react in the usual way. Just like they did to IOKTBW.
Could make a good contrast poster. Different culture on each side.
Borders thing could hardly have been done better imho. It was only second to IOTBW. Maybe a third message should be tried. Not that a few haven't already been floated.
If the main setting is still universities etc. the one above with the hour glass might at least remind a few college age women that it's no sin to date within your race.
The trick to the two which worked (IOTBW and MBMC) is that they were truly inoffensive genuine thoughts that none the less triggered the rabid left.
You want to make it so that when the MSM puts it up during the nightly news, normies think, "what's so wrong with that". Maybe the left are on to the trick though.
Every time it feels like they should be and they take more bait.
I was thinking along the lines of refining the message with iterations, but I think you're right that repetition itself is important.
I feel that the output color should be brown instead of white
It should be nut brown with a fecal texture. Also flies.
Remember, while anons snuck around posting the last two, these were messages that even redditor would actually not mind standing by if 'caught'.
Some would go much further with the message and the sentiment, but it's not conducive here. The message should be about how far we would all go.
Similarly a good propa piece should be distilled to it's essential to the point that removing one more element breaks it.
Imagine the end result. Wolf Blitzer holding up the meme with an angry scowl on his face, but middle-of-the-road people giving the message a chance. You're not trying to troll the left in actuality, nor get maximum keks from anons, but get a real message across while showing the media for the bias assholes they are.
So true. So no need to assume.
There are no purple people either so the analogy goes further than actual skin color. If pure pigments are mixed you get gray btw.
Agreed. That's why I want to keep the same message and just make the imagery more relatable.
Top Kek. That's what we should all be aiming for.
That's a graphic that will make women too uncomfortable. Have to remember that IF they are to accept the truth, then they'll have to concede that they were wrong. That's a hard pill to swallow. I think sticking to the women draped in flags is a much more powerful pill because it's actually swallowable. Just my thoughts.
It was garbage, twat. You failed at usurping IOTBW.
Noted. Best to keep clean even if the subject is distressing.
IOTBW gang still butthurd I see. Border boys totally 'surped em. Still mad.
Jesus guys, what's next 5G causes aids? Retardation? Sympathy to liberal talking points?
Also checked.
Good. One of our most effective recruitment tactics has been involving the women's safety side of things so emotive faces would be perfect. Only quibble is that the eyes should be more visible in flag designs and the text needs to follow the photography 3x3 grid rule
No. If you go too far down the road to realism, it implies that women have the power to determine the immigration policy.
Whores support the migration already due to dick surplus even for fuglies.
They do not create civilizations, but will allow it to be destroyed so they can be dominated by barbarians in their 50 shades of degeneracy fantasies.
The cartoon was effective, simple and worked.
Are you MGTOW? Cause that's quite a grim indictment for mere victims of kike propaganda.
How's this?
Better! I'm in the school of thought that IRA/30's NSDAP posters style is most effective. Clear, with stark contrast and resurgent dragon energy.
That has been pointed out many times. When women say my body my choice they open their legs not close them, copying hat for my borders my choice ends up as an open borders thing. The OP fucked up the whole flyering with sperging and even changed the gloved hands to just White hands to appear as "not racist" and admitted in a previous thread that they came from reddit. OP so far has more than 50% of all the posts in this thread and spams bullshit operations while trying to take credit for IOTBW
Cool opinion faggot
These are really good
Thanks anons. Have some more dragon energy.
it seems like a lot of posters went up, roughly comparable to IOTBW but the media didnt take the bait as much this time - possibly because they got (slightly) smarter from IOTBW
there was a significant amount of media coverage but less than IOTBW:
a lot of the articles and coverage deliberately tried to not mention the hashtag, to report on it without boosting the profile of the hashtag - this seems to be the media's new strategy
one way to fix this is to tweet out the articles with the hashtag attached
all this being said, a ton of people saw the posters directly even if the media didn't report on them - meaning that the message is being broadcast without the media having a chance to twist it
that's the price the media pays for ignoring them: go ahead but now you lose your ability to smear them, giving us free reign to spread the message uninterrupted
hi shill, this is the OP who made the posters (not the same OP as this thread)
I made the MBMC design, it didn't "come from Reddit", but good job on sticking to the script that your shill boss gave you
yes I did write the game plan for IOTBW and ran most of the 4chan generals, someone else designed the IOTBW poster and a third person ran the discord - but the credit belongs to everyone who participated especially those who risked political persecution in doing so (being unfairly expelled from school, fired from their job, etc)
thank you for breathing new life into this OP
Tits or GTFO Taylor, you know the drill here.
*no sage semi sage remainder from another thread
I guess that's always the price of no-platforming. We get to build a silent majority under their noses.
Thank you for your service in the meme war user
no problem just doing what I can, thanks for continuing the hashtag with this thread
shills are here trying to demoralize precisely because they know we're having an impact and they're scared
the people who did the most were those who went into the "highest risk" areas to put up posters
one user almost got expelled from uni and had to lawyer up at SJFC
i offered to crowdfund to cover his legal expenses but he declined
pic related is the Orwellian statement that SJFC made about the posters
no they didn't
kate posters would have been the way to go back when it was fresh in the minds of normalfags
significant media coverage here:
what have you done for the culture war other than complain?
ooh, we alt-lite now
6 months later and still following the same script
Been thinking about these things. Here's my attempt to clean up and simplify.
Your shilling couldn't be more obvious. Somebody actually does something that gets noticed and spreads a right wing message about controlling borders and immigration, including media attention, statements from universities and coverage from some big names and commentators, and still all you can do is complain.
Go make yourself useful (if you aren't a shill which is extremely unlikely) or kill yourself.
lol, you still get assmad when people point out you won't name the jew?
All you do is complain about other people making an effort, and deny proof of their success when it's put right in front of you.
these look good user
and it's nice to see the personified country defending herself more confidently instead of being scared - it has a different and still quite powerful impact
You suck at shilling.
He's actually been trying that same shilling angle for half a year if you can believe it. Maybe a journalist looking for something to screencap to smear the posters? Not sure.
He's actually hilarious.
I can believe it.
The butthurt is back!
bump for good potential.
Thanks user. I'm trying to do them for every country on the original poster list. If anyone has good pictures for them, please post.
gj user bumping. imo there is absolutely nothing wrong with the 'women draped in flags opposite of rapefugees massed on the border' posters. i also like the 'women in traditional garb' posters, but feel like maybe a transluscent flag of the origin country could be added to them, for the libs who would have no idea what they're looking at. as other anons have said, i don't think the 'worst case scenario' posters would be as effective just because they're "offensive". what was good about IOTBW and the original MBMC posters was that they were G-rated/innoffensive to all but the most insane of rabid leftists. The contrast between a feral incense and porpoises harmless poster and the unequal kvetching generated from it is the primary purpose of said posters desu. anyway, thanks for the OC and keep doing the Lord's work.
Ok, here's the full list.
If you can, remove the intonation (i think that's how it's called) from the Greek poster. We don't use them for full capital words.
Also, the second part should read:
I'll use it if you can make these changes.
How's this?
Isnt getting groped by a group of men kind of a female fantasy.
It could backfire. The hands need to be more shitty and look weaker and shakier, put some (((handrubbing))) in there.
Less is more though. With too many 'messages', the overall potency of the meme can be watered down, i.e., the left can't meme.
Thanks user.
Thank you user. Side note I think the hands are actually pretty scary. There's just enough 'jaggedness' to make them look uncomfortable. The balance is honestly perfect if you ask me. Also,
is correct. Those are the 'stage 2 triggering' versions. Absolutely effective.
imkikey took over Heil's BO and has now changed names to Darling, and skeletor is the the m0d from r/t_D. Zig Forums is compromised. there's no denying it now