<agenda 21: the moviefilm

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I say this with full sincerity that anyone that watches capeshit deserves the chair.


i am familiar with sustainability agenda 21 how is this movie related … i will not watch this utter garbage so spoon feed me plox

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I assume you mean the 400,000 population with perpetual balance of nature with the georgia guidestones or are we talking the usual globalist NWO garbage?

And how does that fit in with a capeshit movie that is about some dude who puts gems into his nintendo power glove but somehow still loses even after he gets all the chaos emeralds?

Capeshit is just as addictive as anime. Once hooked, will eat up even if it smells bad.
I never seen a big fanbase die because of new stuff lowering in quality. Then quality shortly rises up as jews figure out how to sell marxist propaganda better.

I saw the movie, ya it got it usually symbolic shit and what not BUT the one thing that grab my attention was one scene where there was someone talking and in the back ground there was a TV with the news on, now it was closed up on them and there body was cutting half the tv away but it said nuclear attack, didn't say were though

purple nigger kill 50% of the population, but they make him out to be a sympathetic bad guy, AKA reverse psychology to get ppl to consider his thought process

I think OP is retarded so I think he's getting at Thanos' wish to reduce the population by 50%

you gonna tell me reducing China and India's population by 50% isn't a good thing?

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The only thing I can see wrong with his thought process is that it denies evolution. Nobody who is killed gets a chance to try to kill the other guy. They are just erased and it all goes on peacefully.

I guess that makes Thanos a bad guy.


More like Agenda 21 ripped off Jim Starlin

they actually copied some DBZ fanart for their poster?

No, because he correctly predicts that life cannot sustain itself at the rate that it is growing and must be pruned to prevent total systemic collapse and the end of all life.

If that is true, and there's no reason to believe that it isn't in a finite universe, then he's doing the right thing.

Nah. The DBZ fan art copies the Avenger's poster. Kind of cringy, really.

Yes, China and India need their populations reduced by 100%. All of Africa, too. That should be a good start.

check'd and kek'd


I dunno guys, I think the movie made a compelling case for culling Africa and huge swathes of the "developing world".

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It's kind of funny, but yeah. They don't really refute his point except to say that they aren't willing to sacrifice anyone, but that's pointless as they discover.

Thanos did nothing wrong.

Why didn't he just duplicate resources with his gauntlet though?


would that even make a dent?

Pretty sure the reason Thanos doesn't make more resources is because that would be a boring movie.

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it fits the predictive programming theory

Thanos is a ripoff of Darkseid, and Darkseid is based off Hitler/Jesus/Nixon.

Capeshit = jewshit. Especially New Gods (in which the planet of "good" gods has them ruling over a race of goyim-analogues).

I'd let it suck my dick tbh (no homo).

So obviously every villian in these movies and comics are actually good and logical? I agree tbh fam. I saw the Red Skull once talking about how the "refugees" are ruining Western nations and he couldn't be more right. Also it's funny how some nigger in Black Panther was right about "refugees" bringing their problems with them when they go to other nations.