Hey Zig Forums virgins, the white race does not care about you.

The white race keeps calm and goes on, the party goes on.

This is the end of history, you can't change it.



(wasted hitler dubs)
>(((white race)))

That's the white race nigga. Your precious white race loves nigger and jewish cock.

Reading the comments is pretty damning. I guess it's just more confirmation that you might as well not even have a brain in your head until you're at least 22.

Why 22?

gas yourself kike

>>>Zig Forums

Oh, that sucks. OP really demoralized me. Why would they want to do that?


Don't worry be happy. Enjoy the decline.

Personal experience. I remember a fairly notable cerebral change sometime around 22-23. Specifically the ability to estimate how my actions would effect me (and others) in the long term. From what I've read, the final portions of the frontal lobe finish developing around the early/mid twenties in most people–the frontal lobe being the part of the brain typically used for logical thinking, judgement, executive functioning and rational decision making.

Most of the kids in the comment sections are probably 18 or 19 years old. They see what's happening on screen and don't really think anything of it past sex, weed and beer. They then extrapolate the sensory pleasures depicted on screen to encompass the general experience of the university. 80% of them will be very disappointed when the find out that sex, weed and beer are usually buried behind a wall of 40+ hour study weeks. For the few individuals smart enough (or, far more likely, in useless enough majors) who don't need to put in so much work that developing a social life and getting laid once a week is an impossibility, they'll get to enjoy the "post graduate blues" of not being seen as realistically employable by the vast majority of companies. Who honestly wants to hire and salary a 22 year old fresh out of a a renowned party university with a 2.8 GPA in Social Media Marketing?

Most of the young men and women depicted in the film, as well as those cheering about the blatantly short-sighted and self destructive behavior in the video of NO IDEA how fucked they'll be (and not a good fucked, mind you) once they cheerily waltz into the gaping maw of the university system.

No thank you. In any case, awareness of the situation would take all the fun out of it.

Intended for

Hence they will vote for socialism and not take responsibility for their past.

That only makes it better.

Makes what better?

Hello CIA, I wish you a painful death

being there

for you

kek. It's IQ is so low it doesn't understand why user said 22.

Do I care about myself? Yes.
Am I white? Yes.
Therefore the white race does care about me.
OP Shill logic fail.

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Being where?

I'm typically just as concerned about the psychological ramifications of this kind of YOLO! behavior as I am about the potential economic crisis that the abysmally low performance of the average college grade portends. UBI and socialism might work to somewhat mitigate the effects of a lifetime of shitty planning and terrible choices, but it certainly won't do much to stop painful ego jab that arises every time you take more than five seconds to self-reflect on how much stupid, disgraceful and embarrassing shit you did while partying at uni.

Remember that there is an associated morbidity rate with drug use, alcohol abuse and promiscuity (particularly in women). This kind of behavior is reprehensible because it rewards toying with self-destruction with a satisfactory dopamine hit.

It's not biological, it's culture/rearing.
When I was 16, I joined an oil-industry training scheme. By 18 I was taking a helicopter to work on offshore oil rigs, ships and platforms. My peers and myself were treated like adults and expected to perform to the standard of adults. We were working in an environment filled with hazards which can kill you and everyone around you in seconds. We were trained to understand and deal with said hazards. No one got injured. No one got killed. No one fucked up.
I'm not saying GenX was any better per se, but in your comment we can see the rot that is affecting much of your own generation, which I presume is Millennial or Z. You are shitting on those of your peers who have been taught responsibility and maturity, who are young adults, who do have "grown up" responsibilities expected of them. While the ones like you, who have supped up the "I…I'm just a child, I'm only 21" from single mother feminist parents, teachers or SJW peers, others of your generation are fully functional adults by 18, working in dangerous industry or serving in the military.
tl;dr you've been poisoned by jew social engineering. Yes the brain isn't finished developing until the mid-20s, but that doesn't mean you can't execute adult responsibilities competently and taking responsibility for your actions way before then.

Shills only strike out with direct counter-signals like this when they are scared. Tell us, do you prefer a slipknot or classic hangman's knot?

to clarify:
Don't fall into the trap of agreeing with the kike apologetics because it gives you an easy way out of responsibility. That's exactly what the kike is relying on. If you do that you sell yourself short and succumb to infantilization. It's part of the kike plan.

Army of one. You see cuck, you want to save others that don't care about you.

why would someone claiming to be a firefighter fan the flames of a fire he is trying desperately to put out?


Where you want to be.

Unless we extend the life expectancy to over 150, this YOLO lifestyle is the wise choice.

In bed. Good night.


CIA mind games do not work here jew golem. You may sink into your own pedovore insanity but by God humanity and our new golden order will destroy you! DEUS VULT! SIEG HEIL!

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Now this what I call a shill.

What responsibility you POS? For what?

You God is a kike. Take the red pill.

The 14 words user.

We are saving the future from evil.


What part of "coal toll" do you not get?

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Evil won.

I will do that with the niggers and the white traitors. You lost. Enjoy the decline or die.

Clarify more, please?

Wrong. I will die fighting you kikes. Cmon kick down my door I fucking dare you. Taking us down will rip the social fabric and ignite a holocaust for you sorry sick depraved bunch.

The pedovores are exposed. Enjoy jail and lynchings. We are coming.

You only live once.

You are outnumbered goy. Go on and have a family. Go on and oppose us. We will rape your wife and kill her. We will enslave your little daughter. We will make you watch it.

You wish. We have contacts. We will slip mercury into your breakfast. Enjoy your slave services. Goy worship comes at a price. An iron price which no gold can pay. And that Iron price is one hundreds of millions of whites are ready to pay. We are coming.

i am white. why would saving white people count as "others"?
to me, saving the white race and white people means saving myself and my family/bloodline.

your logic only makes sense if youre actually a (((white person))) instead of a white person.

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kek. this guy

Even in game chat niggers break out in song about gassing kikes

Nobody wants to fuck you Zig Forums. That's why you cut your dick off in the first place.

The whites you are trying to save don't see themselves as white. They would rather die and save niggers from you racist white supremacist.

Are you an atheist? Look up the Hedonist's Paradox.
Are you a monotheist? Your eternal soul will be judged depending upon your actions in this life.

Oh shit, you're not Zig Forums, are you? You're just a goon. Dude go spend money on space toys. Also drink less.

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…and there's where you fucked up your larp bread.

Says who? You? A torpedo kike that got lost on the way to >>>/oven/
Besides, no, I'm not trying to save thots. Thots are coal. Coal is for burning. Coal is burnt. Nothing of value is lost.

me, my family, and my friends?
we certainly see ourselves as white.
how is this a complex point for you to grasp?

once they go black. they advertise their uncompromisable evolutionary defect and are not allowed to come back.


You are pathetic. The whites you would try to save would rather kill you and save niggers.

I'm going to post nonwhites and transexuals. It's your fault if they get murdered in their own homes. You doxed these victims.

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They won't be killed. They will govern over your family.

No. Coal is not saved. Coal is burnt.


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Then you agree the white race is trash and 90% of them deserve to be killed.

Keep gaslighting. You'll save enough for your >>>/oven/

And yet, here you are.

lmao bruh lmao tbf u efukt mydu

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So you don't agree?

Don't shoot the redpiller.

nigger, what?

do you think any of us agree that we're trash?
think, nigger. i know its difficult. but think hard.

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You are not obviously but the rest of the 90% of the white people are trash. You disagree?

go back to reddit

In all seriousness user, if it had any cognitive capacity of merit it would have the ability to see the illogic in it's own argument. It doesn't, ergo the Dunning-Kruger effect is in play.
I was merely sage posting with it for amusement.

of course i disagree. look at americans, theyre mostly white mutts aka "heinz 57", but if you remove niggers from the american population and they become one of the safest countries in the world. and thats even leaving the spics. remove them and that safety and prosperity skyrockets.

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Do you think we are statistically illiterate? That you can pull a number out of your ass and that will persuade us like the applause you get from useful goys? Nobody claps because you are correct, we do it because it is a social convention. Nobody supports you in private you sick sick child molesting monsters.

You need a high IQ to understand polcucks.

Even without niggers the degeneracy and traitoring remainds. They would still shill for Israel and wish for nigger dicks at their local parties.

In private everyone supports it. Everyone wants to fuck little white tight girls.


Just filter zym. /tv/ raided Zig Forums and made them look like faggots. Instead of hitting back, Zig Forums went after /cow/ and Zig Forums, because only nazis could possibly disagree with them.

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I fucking love it when Jews expose themselves for being Satanic kiddie diddlers. I will relish your death as I am not a psychopath and I believe in justice. Order will prevail over your broken devil worship.

We control your justice. Satan is the true lord.

you watch too much talmudvision.
whites dont like niggers, or their dicks. theyre the least attractive to whites of all the races.
whites dont give a fuck about israel. even in america where its all over the fucking tv.

notice how starbucks didnt lose any money?
notice how nobody except politicians gives a shit about israel?

if you consider how much white americans are shilled towards, even these low numbers show how little they care about non-whites.

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23% of all marriages in the US are of mixed race/ethnicity. And for the first time in about a decade that number is going down again.

Blacks, Jews and Liberals are being out-bred by conservative Americans because they've been told for the past 20 years not to have kids. (Well and Niggers are just aborting themselves at near genocide levels anyway. You have a 53% chance to be aborted if you're a Black child.) Why do you think the Left NEEDS to import shit skin voters? Because if they don't they'll inevitably be out-bred. It's a constant neck and neck race for them.

Conservative parties world wide are on the rise, nationalism is experiencing a bigger revival than even the early 19th century.

You need to go out more, goy cuck. It's all about virtue signalling.

Justice is whoever pulls the trigger. The niggers know and they are too stupid to care about your kvetching. All of the goys are rising as we speak. Run you fucking kabbalistic cunt. All the world is learning of your crimes.

There are more Chinese male alive than white people. Consider that cuckold.

We will invade you with niggers or chinks, does not matter. The white race is dead. Last white standing will suffer the most.

yes, they do it because they talmud vision tells them to. but they dont actually care, they just dont want to be ostracized. this is an important factor.

this means once the talmudvision goes… and its going fast. the kikes are terrified.

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Only you white fools care about children. We control the rest. They are our slaves. You will become our slaves too or we will kill you all. We will take your guns. Europe is your future mutt.

Yeah welcome to the entirety of history. The truth is though, you mongoloid and mongrel races couldn't launch an invasion or war to save your lives. We've always ran circles around the Gooks and we still are.

So not sure what that pathetic point was supposed to be lol.

And how will "talmudvision" go, cuckmeister?

That's why they're so scared. They really think pulling shenanigans like this will stop it.

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Oh my god I'm so AFFFRAID of being outnumbered by Asians. That's never ever happened before.

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I am the white race you nigger loving faggot

cutting the cord. as more and more people are doing every day. television is a dying medium, gramps. boomers are the only people who still watch TV.

*laughs in european*

Keep in mind here too - the Indians had more technologically advanced Artillery and half of their army was trained by professional German and French mercenaries and they still got shit on when facing an army made up entirely of White Men.

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The Goyim know.

All of your shilling only proves our points.

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Why do you need to identify as the white race? Why do you want to plebian subhuman untermensch to profit from your struggle?