Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll
Looks like the blue wave ain't happening.
Muh Blue Wave
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If they're losing ground with the millenials, one of, if not THE most cucked generation, they're losing ground with the other generations. Boomers possibly exempted.
Yep even the kids are becoming ultra right wing
The message of the Reich is spreading on bikes and scooters in cul de sacs and playgrounds
bros I've won some fans for trump by getting drunk at bars and chatting up people
Is this the revenge of bernie?
I mean he *is* the King of cucks, afterall. The one cuck the lesser cucks will hilariously man up for.
Fake news
everyone knows only old as fuck people vote in local elections. Millinals only do tweets.
(((Millennial))) is a kike term that spans like 6 decades. It's not a real generation. It covers people who own houses and earn salaries, to children in grade school.
ay you got the follow up picture with the ice cream store employee smiling?
The generational names are a bit undetermined as yet at large. There are more precise systems, yet some media has stuck to calling post-gen Y 'millenials' despite there being two groups there.
everyone should keep in mind how much brainwashing is done to this generation. the fact that its not 100% is something to be thankful for. this is great news.
Gen X and Gen Y are both included in Millennial and that's the issue. Just call it Gen Z and move the fuck on.
Millennial is the next gen after Gen X, originally called Gen Y, they also added the Millennial tag as this gen would be born for a few years after 2000. Gen X ended around 1982-3 so (((Millennials))) would span from there till about 2003, since a 'Gen' is usually a period of 20 yrs (Was shorter in Gen X's case). The next gen, Gen Z are the ones from early 2000 till now, they are all red pilled.
Of course they are. They had to deal with teachers call them privileged and that they deserve and have earned nothing while niggers run around getting gibs for free.
So you're telling me autistic screeching and rampant moralism all on a platter of hypocracy isn't appealing to the youth? Shocking.
Brainwashing can easily backfire, especially if it's venal despicable idiots trying to brainwash intelligent kids.
The cats out of the bag. There is no going back. I was going to say it started with obama but the whole neoliberal elitism and anti white worker shit started with clinton. Clinton kicked it off by outsourcing the factories and passing NAFTA. Under obama the left went bat shit insane, tossed off all ideas of rationality and became psychotic moral authoritarians wanting to push identity politics and diversity into every facet of life.
They thought they had their final victory with obama so they took off the mask. These people despise you if you are white, male, or from middle america. And they want to destroy you and your family.
The democratic party has the bernie tards and social justice tards nipping at their heels.
Maybe millennials will save and fix the world the boomers ruined so they can avoid being immortalized as the echo boomer generation and being outshined by z or alpha gens.
That doesn't really jive with supporting the Republican party – an open borders, free trade, mass migration, israel-first institution.
The mass die-off of American factories began in the Reagan administration, along with the mass amnesty that killed California. You seem to not really understand the term "neoliberal", either, since you use it as a synonym for "registered democrat". Neoliberalism is basically the bog standard Washington Consensus.
Yes, yes. cuckservtitves are just as bad and that is why the trump rebellion was so welcomed.
The elite cant realize that we despise both parties and we arent idiots, we know what they are doing. One guy may have a blue tie and one guy may have a red tie but they are all managerial neoliberal scum.
All that being said republicans really do know how to play 14d chess. Nixon one at the height of the hippie movement, trump won at the height of the sjw movement.
What the demonrats dont understand is white americans dont want to be made to feel like they should be self flagellating liberal losers. Trump makes middle americans feel like winners.
The only thing democrats have for white americans is shame tactics and guilt trips
Rebellion against what? "Evil dictators"? Perfectly logical and useful diplomatic agreements with Iran? People using something other than toilet paper for money?
Feel being the operative word here.
Dude, do you know remember how fucking insane 2016 was? Trump had every single member of the media, every shitskin, faggot, and rainbow haired moron, he even had his own party against him.
And he still fucking won.
They didnt wont him to win, and he warped reality. He broke the simulation.
Yes, of course feel. Because in a shitty system that does not improve your material and economic conditions its best to voted for the crazy guy thats going to make the elites mad as fuck and say funny things that piss people off and at least pretends to care about you.
Oh. I'm talking with an actual shill. Never mind.
(checken em)
oc. the left can't meme.
This could have been manufactured. Make it seem like trump will never win but then he does with a low blow to the Clintons.
We’re not joking when we say go slurp cock somewhere else. This isn’t reddit. Fellate shabbos goyim on your own time, not here. We deal in fact here.
Kek this shill is already at the acceptance stage.
Then make it like we had a major victory then have a lib win 2020 destroying our morale. It is something to be cautious of.
2018 is the focus now. I've got a big analysis of the election ready to be dumped once we get a sticky for the midterms.
Same tbh, some were even spics. If you come on with a strong enough conviction, you'll be amazed how many weak willed fence sitters will start to see the light.
That's good news. More to you user
More worried about a red sit-down than a blue wave.
>(((Millennial))) is a kike term that spans like 6 decades.
INVADE SYRIA (or any other country)
fuck around and NOT BUILD THE WALL
see what happens (*cough* 1 term)
topkeku user-chan kawaii
It was. The Hillary campaign set up an astroturf campaign to get trump deep into the republican primaries to degrade cohesion of the republican message. The hope was trump would spout ridiculous things making the republican candidates more unpalatable to swing voters, while also degrading any cohesive message the republican party wanted to communicate. Once trump got really going and started winning primaries the hilldawg's campaign was hoping he'd actually get the nomination since according to their belief no one would vote for a reality tv star and he'd lose to many republicans to actually win swing states. They miscalculated however since trump's appeal was strong with young men, winning more 1st time male voters going republican than historically recorded, specifically among second and thrid generation Hispanics. This cost hillary Florida, deciding the election.
So yeah the shabbo golem hillary made destroyed her in the end.
The "blue wave" relies more upon U.S. immigration law and border control not being enforced accompanied with mass voter fraud.
Your right that the Republican party needs to change or go away, but that's okay because Trump is our Hindenburg and we are waiting for the real leader. I wonder who it will be.
Someone post that gif with the toilet flushing down the blue cleaning liquid.
Hahaha look at this salty sack of shit.
You're going to wind up moving to fucking Canada to escape Drumpf's draft.
If Trump signs an executive order requiring picture government issued IDs and SS# cards to vote before the midterm elections, the Dems are toast. Estimates show that easily 3 million illegals voted in 2016:
Of which, 1.5 mill people can be in California alone since they are intentionally lax about requiring documentation to vote (and since California doesn't keep track if a person votes 10 times a day or not, it could be worse), Democrats base their entire campaigns on these illegal voters, they may not be able to do anything but lose a shitton of seats in the midterms.
I was born in the 80's and I have almost nothing in common with the 90's kids. They should really break it up from 1978-1986 and then 1987-2000
It is actually. All of the "Bernie bros" that the Democrats vilified in 2016 are still pissed and hate the DNC, media and establishment dems more than ever. Definitely do not take this news about "millennials" as a sign they are swinging to the right because they are not. And if they get the chance, they will vote for another Bernie type en masse…. and so will lefties and center-lefties who didn't vote because they hated Clinton. There actually is a "resistance" brewing underground, you're just not seeing it because media blacklists these people the same way they do conservative types.
Vid related for example has been making the rounds in progressive circles and the outrage is palpable. In it, Congressman Steny Hoyer is secretly recorded telling a local progressive candidate in Colorado that he should drop out because his opponent has been "pre-selected" by the Democratic party for the office. It's honestly worth a watch no matter your political bent to witness the sheer audacity of these cunts.
So the good news is many progressives are now wise to the way the corrupt political game works and are ready to back non-establishment candidates. The bad news is they are decidedly still for things like Obamacare, immigration and degeneracy in general. I don't know how long it'll take but at some point there will be someone they want to vote for and you'll see a lot more of them come out than did for Clinton.
"generation" is a term of dubious value when those in question are still very young. there's a big gap between an 18yo highschool student and a mid twenties working a career and a toddler working his way around coloured blocks. When you're talking about Boomers they're all in a similar point in their life.
They can't give the DCCC. The "progressive" candidates who dindu nuffin are unelectable anyways because they're fucking nuts and those retarded are delusional to the fact the average American does not want a fucking red October. The DCCC is promoting "moderate" candidates as a play-it-safe so they don't bury themselves. But instead of not burying themselves they backed themselves into a corner instead because now they really are no different from Republicans in this regard. They were destroyed by their own platform
Considering he just let a few hundred beaners hop the border fence with no resistance except for border control telling them "we're full,come back later"…. I'm not to hopeful that this will happen.
You realize the "average" mouth breathing American has no idea what that even means and will only see someone is offering them free shit right? All you have to do is ask any normalfag what they think about getting "free" college or "free" healthcare to know that they have no clue what that entails.
So…would we maybe want a blue wave?
These people are very comfortable on the sidelines talking shit and protesting, but when they actually hold power they shit the bed and don't do much else other than a whole lot of posturing. Given how they've lost their minds, would it be beneficial to lose a few seats to get them in the spotlight before 2020?
Such a slimy Jewish way of twisting facts. They jumped a fence, on the Mexican side, they didn't get in. They're still camping outside, hoping for "mercy" from ICE.
The Democrat higher ups are evil and corrupt, but they are not stupid. They know the kind of politics that these millennial cucks want would not fly over at all with the majority of the voting bloc, many of them still old white boomers. Berniefags think he could have stood a chance against Trump, yet they cannot be brought to see why.
Trump says they aren't coming in, of the 1500, only but a few hundred are still waiting.
/ourguy/ can actually get through the primary in California to go against Feinstein in the general
Patrick Little for president, holy fuck!
One of his tweets
Just so people know, this is the exact path the USSR started down and what really put them in the (((Western))) crosshairs.
How are they still alive?
I guess we'll see. Something better fucking give because there's already protestors and "aid workers" sitting at the fence ready to "help" them get across, trying to sponsor families and even giving them tips on how best to game the system. And if they do get in, many more caravans will follow suit. We've already witnessed how California law enforcement agencies handle leftist protestors. Or don't rather. So I'm blackpilled a bit I suppose.
You're keeping up the lie assuming the goyim are fucking retarded? The FENCE IS ON THE MEXICAN SIDE, they're camping out on the border still. Most have already given up:
None of them, zero, have gotten in yet.
Online, they sell their magazine at a loss right now.
>KILL people that try to give them money
Super Radical
but still, 8/10 /ourguy/-tier
You have a lot in common with 90s kids like being a dumb ass.
The fact that a guy whose message is as close to "gas the kikes" as it gets has almost 20% of the vote IN CALIFORNIA and may actually be on the ballot in November (reminder: Dems pushed for the jungle primary system to ensure that no one right-of-center could ever win a statewide race again) is a good signal that the Republican Party may actually be subverted from within (just like the Tea Party tried to do but failed)
There's migrants sitting at the border who are willing to wait for asylum and are receiving help from people within the US to expedite that process. Is that a lie? I don't follow you. Have we not seen enough over the years that warrant a healthy skepticism when it comes to our country's absolute ineffectiveness at stopping this shit? I'm calling it now. When this dies down, they will grant asylum to some of these people. They'll just wait for the next ex-stripper scandal preoccupying the "goyim" to do it.
Trying to bribe blacks
There's only like 50 left, watch the (((CNN))) video. Obviously (((CNN))) isn't to ne trusted but it isn't farfetched to figure most already gave up. Their plan was "strength in numbers" assuming BP was just going to wave them in.
The schism in the democratic party is between the centrist neoliberals and the berniecrat democratic socialists.
It is of course ignored by the liberal media who are hoping it just goes away. But the rise of bernie and jeremy corbyn across the pond gave the little faggots hope and they smell blood in the water after clinton lost.
i would vote democrat if i could suck sashas toes
I'd love to drive the schism further by just running /ourguys/ in the Democrat party as well. Take a page from the Talmud… who says we can only subvert one party?
It is up to us to lead Z. But it takes time, most of us need to be in our forties and having good careers with senior positions to make any change. Next 10 years are critical. It's either us or SJW millennials in those positions.
You forget that the neocons/TrotsKIKES are heading (back) to the Democrat party where they belong. That's literally the entirety of their gains lately in congress, all neocohens.
At this point the Democrat party's future will be so fractured they'll never accomplish anything and as the Latinos gain power and majority it'll be over for everyone period. They care not for kikes or white guilt and despise niggers. It'll be all over.
But it is for the short term very possible to take over the Democrat party to something like the Andrew Jacksonian Democrats or original Dixiecrats. With how much they're calling Kayne a coon for freeing himself from the plantation, it might happen sooner than we think.
The schism in the democratic party is between the centrist neoliberals and the berniecrat democratic socialists.
Well, the problem is that both factions are very dangerous, one would kill the US with immigration and wars and the other with immigration and communism
This is why I keep telling the retards on Zig Forums that trades is just a fucking meme. You need to go into business, politics, executive leadership, and entrepreneurship.
I don't see how you can't think offering to give all of the Israel money to niggers isn't a brilliant move. Not only are you literally bribing black people to vote for you (Notice how it's just a one-time payment, not some sort of welfare program), when kikes kvetch about it it'll make the niggers hate them.
I would accept the draft and then frag my CO and defect to the other side.
At that point it won't really matter.
Watching him debate that old kike cunt is going to be great. She will probably have a stroke.
Most illegals have stolen social security numbers and IDs. It's the first thing they do when they get here.
Yes they did. Border patrol already admitted than many have entered. The men are jumping the border while the women and children wait behind to hold signs as the PR face.
Political polarization and radicalization is good, it means shit will get done.
TFW she has a stroke on stage and has to withdraw from the race and we get Senator Patrick Little (R-CA) to expose AIPAC and the Jewish lobby on the Senate floor
It started in 65. The effects only started to become apparent by the 90s.
This is not what I’ve seen. All my Bernie friends actually voted for Hillary.
Hi Shareblue. No, Obama fucked up and no whites will vote for the Democrats now.
It doesn't actually matter at all. You can see what the Republicans are doing now and it isn't any different from what Democrats would be doing. Even Trump is failing. Voting doesn't matter. This is baby's first redpill, and it's sad that I need to remind Zig Forums of this.
The only time it is worth voting is for real open white nationalists. Anyone else is a shill.
If this was true we wouldn't have seen the media shillops we saw during the campaign, which continues to today, Oliver.
We already give niggers a ton of money in welfare. Promise reparations to get their vote then shuffle around the gibs they already get and brand part of it "reparations", niggers will be too dumb to understand. Or, hell, give them actual reparations… taken from the kikes.
Just remember 50% of the 1% are Jewish.
Exactly. Tax the 1% and repurpose the CIA to hunting down and assassinating 1%ers who try to take their money abroad. You'll be mainly targeting kikes that way.
thats part of the big charade. Investing millions in smear campaigns to make it seem like there is a choice. The reality is, one guy and the people he appoints are just the overseers - the people who hold the lower offices are more important, and they're usually all shabbos goys and jews alike.
The foundation of a federal republic has been torn down and boasted into a plutocracy with a guise that its a democracy.
Thats why its more important to have the majority of chess pieces in government and not just think the king and his court are the be and to end all.
Kek, has anybody every actually showed signs of believing you? I can't imagine being a shill like you and constantly failing, every single day, with not a single even minor victory to your credit.
Keep on trying though, if you Jews are good at anything it's repeating yourselves.
millennials are the laziest to vote as if voting makes any difference anyway
When Trump wins again you're going to kill yourself for real aren't you?