Problem? Women are subhumans

I don't see the problem with killing women. There's basically no difference a living one and a dead one, they're all just bodies. If they are with their owners, then fine: women are property and it's illegal to kill someone's female property the same way it's illegal to wreck their car. But women who walk around without their owner's or a stand-in thereof–I should be able to hunt and kill them for everything they've done, for their own worthlessness.

Problem? Disagree. Then you are not politically incorrect, you are just an moralistic faggot cuck loser.

kike free post, but no yous for kike OP with yet another copypasta.

Monday Moshe is going hard for shekels this week.


Nat Soc values all women and does not reward psychopathy. These views should not be allowed on this board. The fact that Imkikey tolerates it should concern you.

nat what?

Hi moham'head


Look at this shit anons. We are being raided by leftypol and CIA.




Gross. National socialists believe women are to be treasured. they are the cornerstone of our volk. You read like some CIA/Mossad/CSIS loser still trying to push your silly incel meme. Accordingly, you are projecting your disdain for your own people onto others in a desperate attempt to justify your behavior to yourself. You are a traitor to your people. If you want to own slaves so badly you can die with the slave takers.

Anons, remember to treat the mothers of your children with the respect they deserve, and to kill every single kike and glow in the dark loser that would dare threaten them.


More like national cuckodls, amiright?

lets wait till we have sexbots and cyberwombs then we can talk about this again

Is it fear or anger which is causing the shills to make typos? Hopefully both. Women will giggle and blow you fake kisses as we take your genocidal asses to the guillotine.

What you sliding op , telling us to pin all the Marxists and Jews deeds on somebody else? Women follow whoever is in power.

Our armies will rape and dismember your m'lady.


tor was a mistake. it's nothing but trash

Attached: goy.jpg (1024x882, 115.61K)

you are trash

all womyn?

Autism the thread

Pure waifu material.

Attached: 350px-Isis.svg.png (350x768, 47.44K)

Hello CIA, I hope you die a painful death


Where the fuck are the Darlings?

You glow to much (((CIA nigger))), look at the world around you? What sort of future do you want user?
Society is decaying around us, our people corrupted and apathetic. While foreigners swarm our lands, rape women cause problems and demand resources.
What are you doing user? Shilling against a small group on the internet that actually care enough to try and do something about it.
To top it off your happy to sell us out for a pittance.
Even incels are less pathetic than you, even they aren't low enough to sell themselves out.

Shit 4cuck slide thread.

Reinstate morals and the functional family unit
Reinstate morals and the functional family unit
Reinstate morals and the functional family unit
Reinstate morals and the functional family unit
Reinstate morals and the functional family unit

Women reflect men. Just like how a girl will always take up her man's political opinions, hobbies, music tastes, over a long enough relationship (if she respects him), so too do women on a large scale reflect the character of their men, or lack thereof. Men have become weak and effeminate on a massive scale, and so women have gone to shit. A woman with a weak or absent father is almost always doomed from the outset. Blame yourself, blame society. Blaming women is like blaming a mirror for showing you something ugly.

Problem? OP still doesn't have a girlfriend or was bullied by girls in school. He's been reduced into looking at pictures of Asian women, constantly talks about what a good thing is having an Asian girlfriend, and yet he's such a massive faggot that he can't look straight to the eyes of a girl and have a simple conversation. The only thing left for him is eceleb diaper fetish.