I have some questions on increasing IQ and regression to the mean

I was browsing the alternative Hypothesis and came across this

Why did the European IQ not regress to the mean? I'm sorry but I know very little about how IQ works, I know that it's largely heritable and that you can't simply increase say Black or Arab IQ by simply taking the top 10% of their population and making them out breed(out-breed?) the rest as the IQ would regress to the mean. Now this is where I'm quite confused, why did this not happen to whites? Since the same happened there as well, i.e. the top dogs out breeding the bottom people. Would this only work if a lower IQ group got the top 10% to out breed the bottom for a very long time over multiple generations or is there something else going on here? I know this is a very complex subject and I'm sorry for being so obtuse, but I don't really know where else to ask this. Another thing that came to mind was, if this is the case and Darlingern whites are mainly a product of the elites of a 1000 years ago, then what was the behavior of bottom barrel whites like back then? Comparable to Darlingern Nigs?

Another doubt I had was, when Ryan says "top 35.4%" is he referring to the top 35.4% of the 1st generation that was taken as the starting point for the research or the top 35.4% of each generation? If it's the latter then we would all be born to a very small section of people yes? Another question I had was that, is this why the Germans are so intelligent? Considering the Thirty years war reduced the male population by half in Germany and the overall population by 40%?

And the Black death having had similar effect on the whole of Europe itself?

I suppose in similar vein the Chinese with their history of constant war and mass death could have had a similar effect on the population and hence their IQs are higher? I know they cheat a lot but there's no arguing that they're better than Nigs and Arabs.
Many of them are in China.

So what gives here? Is the only way to increase IQ of a group to kill of the bottom? And if this is the case then why does regression to the mean not occur here?
Once again, my apologies, I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject

Attached: Intergenerational Mobility Suffolk.png (557x326, 35.72K)

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IQ regression happens because nonadditive genetic effects don't get passed down to the next generation the same. So when talking about a person, your best guess for the nonadditive genetic effects are going to be that group's average. Why? Because the average person of that group regresses to the average of that group… Because they're the average of that group…

That being said - remember, the top class of Europeans DID NOT just pass have nonadditive genes passed down – additive genes did too. So what boosted the European population was that additive genetic effects, while nonadditive genetic effects probably stayed the same. Hence why they didn't regress all the way back: additive genes were passed down too.
No, you can do that. That is one way to boost IQ (it's just not worth our resources to because those resources can go to whites).
It wouldn't regress all the way, but it would regress one half (1/2) back between the parental IQ and the population's mean. This is because only nonadditive genetic effects are lost; however, addtive effects are passed down. And it would only regress back one generation, as there's now a new racial mean that is between the old racial mean and the average parental population's IQ.
Having the top 10% outbreed the whole population would make the new population mean the average of the top 10%. For example, let's say the top 10% has an average IQ of 130. Well, having the top 10% of the population outbreed and replace the overall population would then make the new population's IQ mean 130 since they're now the average person of the population. And this can happen to any population, giving the selection pressures to do so.
Cognitively? Probably like negros. But that doesn't mean you act like negros. They could have been nice people who were just dull, or could have been passive dull people, or just dull and normal people but dull. There's no telling, really… But if I recall correctly, they found bows and arrows and hatchets in Germany from 30k years ago or something… So It's not like they were spear chuckers.
No clue. Read the paper the writer cites.
Depends on how big the population is, really. 34% of 1 million is 340k, while 34% of 100k is 34k… See how the percentage of the population doesn't actually tell me the population size? Anyhow, it's probably yes, we are born from a small group.
Scientists, engineers, big brainers, etc don't go and fight. High average, average, and dull average do: so this leaves big brainers behind to breed while lower tier people die out.
Kill them? No. You only need the top to outbreed the bottom. Like, as long as the top people have a higher rate of birth, your population's mean will go up.

Read these… (Been awhile since I've talked about genetics, biology, blah, and the whole circle jerk. So maybe got some shit wrong or didn't explain it well.)
(Too lazy to get a link, so here's the title.)

Regression to the mean: Black-White Difference: Evidence from the NLSY:

Murray, 1999. The Secular Increase in IQ and Longitudinal Changes in the Magnitude of the Black-White Difference: Evidence from the NLSY

Thirty Years of Research in Racial congitive ability (or some shit) by Phillip Rushton and Arthur Jensen (skip to regression to mean section).


*That being said - remember, the top class of Europeans DID NOT just have have nonadditive genes passed down – additive genes passed down too.

I wrote this section retarded like.

That being said - remember, the top class of Europeans DID NOT just have have nonadditive genes passed down – they too had additive genes passed down also. So what boosted the European population was that additive genetic effects were passed down. However, nonadditive genetic effects probably regressed back to the overall European mean. Hence why they didn't regress all the way back: additive genes were passed down and not just nonadditive genes.

Aka, intelligence is made up of additive genes and nonadditive genes.
Regression to the mean happens because nonadditive genetic effects do not get passed down to your kids.
Additive genetic effects do.
Since nonadditive do not get passed down, the best guest for what effect those genes will have will be the population's mean nonaddtive genetic effects.
Additive effects stay the same each generation.
Europeans got smarter because the top class passed down the additive genetic effect.
They did not pass down the nonaddtive genetic effect.
So they did regress to the mean on the nonaddtive genetic effects.
But the additive genetic effects were enough to boost the overall mean IQ, creating a new population mean.

First of all thank you for these wonderful posts, they have blown my mind, I had no idea about all this stuff.

When it comes to additive genes, is it like a +1 to the gene set or something? Wikipedia says that there are 19,000-20,000 genes in the human genome, I'm guessing these additive genes are those that get newly added and compounded? I read up on additive and non-additive genes a bit, and I read that it's possible to have shades of skin color due the genes being additive, this explains why the mulattoes have skin color that's in between the color of the parents skin(white and black mix resulting in a lightly shaded black of sorts).


So I'm guessing IQ works in the same way? That there isn't 1 gene that says you will have a high IQ, rather multiple genes that say +10 IQ, +5 IQ and so on, and they collectively add up to 100 IQ? Continuing on this, I came across information that said that additive genes combined(don't know if I'm using the right terminology) with non additive Dominant genes can have a double effect. So is this how low IQ parents give birth to smart kids? The additive genes combined with the non additive dominant gene resulting in an IQ higher than their parents?

Why is being cut in half specifically? Why not 30% or 40%? Is there something governing this?

Lastly as I understand it,(correct me if I'm wrong) these additive genes, they act in some sort of compounding manner? Each collectively adding to the other? Then where do the genes actually come from? Is there a source of additive genes or something that creates/controls it? Then how do mutations tie into this?

Sorry for asking so many questions, this is all very intriguing and new to me.

Attached: Skin color additive genes.png (350x504, 163.35K)

Reported for not even trying.

-works with other genes to build up the whole trait (no masking of another other genes: polygenetic; will always get expressed)
Think of it like as like a bunch of genes that add and build up all together to make a trait. Example is skin color: the genes all add up together to form your skin color, and each little gene just adds a bit of melanin until they all get added up together to form the final product of skin color.

- epistatic affect; can mask the expression of an entire gene and DOES NOT work together to build up an entire trait; Can dominate over another gene and mask its expression or stop from full expression/decide to what amount a gene gets expressed.
Think of like your organs: a gene that makes your heart bigger will need to interact and tell the gene that shapes your lungs to express a smaller lung gene so there's room for both. So, nonadditive genes interact with one another. So, like, let's say you have gene A and gene A is a nonadditive gene: well, gene A can tell gene B to not express itself at all, or to express itself like 1/8 of its strength or only express itself 1/50 of its strength and so on. But then nonadditive gene C can interact with both gene B and A and make them double in their expression/phenotypic effect or make sure both genes A and B are not expressed at all so Gene D can be expressed fully.
Addtive genes don't interact with one another and just do their basic function no matter what. So in this case, if you have gene A, it doesn't matter what gene B or C does, gene A will always be expressed as just a normal gene A because it's additive and therefore no interaction with other genes; and with that, Gene B and C will be expressed fully too with no say from gene A as B and C are too both additive.

Yeah, there's 19k-20k genes. How many are addtive and nonadditive? Don't know. It can switch too because nonaddtive genes can be selected against and additive genes can be selected for and both passed down at different rates by random. Just depends on the person and what they happen to get. What is the average for humans? I don't know, haven't looked it up. Usually we break it down by trait. Like we know for the heritability of intelligence, it's .5 additive genes and .3 nonaddtive genes, with .2 being unique environment.
Don't know what you mean here.

That would be correct. As for as I'm aware of, skin color is just an additive trait.

That would be correct, intelligence is a polygenic trait: meaning that the trait isn't just formed off of one gene, but multiple genes that build up to fully make the trait. The heritability of intelligence being .5 additive and .3 nonaddtive, this means that .5 of the genes are genes that go 'Gene A = 10+ IQ points; Gene B = 50+ IQ points; Gene C = 20+ IQ points and all add up to make a phenotype of 80 IQ points. Then there's that .3 nonadditive genes, they're like 'Gene X = 2+ IQ points when alone and on its own… but wait you have Gene Y too, so now Gene X gets a boost from Gene Y. So you get a 2+ IQ points from Gene X now because it interacted with Gene Y to become a whole new genetic effect, so from Gene X you really get 4+ IQ points now. And since you now have Genes X and Y interacting, this will also stop Gene Z from giving -3 IQ points because X and Y Genes work together to suppress Gene Z.
So again, addictive genes all add up together and do their simple function no matter what other genes there are in the whole genome. Nonadditive genes interact and work together depending on what genes are present in the whole genome (or what genes are present relative to that trait).
Yeah, they don't mean the additive and nonaddtive genes combined as in interacting with one another. They mean combined as in in total to make up the whole trait. But at the end of the day they do combine to fully make up the trait itself. Just not combine as in interact. But yeah, dumb parents can have a smart kid by either a) passing on good addtive genes; or b) that kid getting a nonaddtive effect that makes him smart. And yes, nonadditive genes can cause a double effect of genes because Gene A could interact with Gene B to give Gene B a double boost. Could also interact to make Gene B make you retarded too.
Because that's the heritability of intelligence. Since only additive effects get passed down, and addtive genes make up .5 of the genes for the heritability of intelligence, that means .5 of intelligence trait gets passed down, while the .3 of nonadditive genes are basically random since we don't know how they're gonna interact with one another and the other .2 is unique environment, and you can't pass down unique environment to your kids.
But like, for height, let's say that height is .3 additive and .5 nonadditive and .2 unique environment: how much would we expect regression? Well, .7 since only .3 of the genes we know will have the same effect in the next generation for sure due to being additive; while .5 is nonaddtive so your best guess for their effect is the population's mean nonaddtive effect or just random; and .2 being environmental factors you can't pass down. So instead for height it wouldn't be regression of 1/2 of the way between the parents and the population's mean, but .7 of the way between the parents and the population's mean. So basically whatever is not additive genetic effects, the rest will regress.
If you mean compound as in all add up together to build the trait without suppressing or changing one another's expression, then yes.
They come from selection; if a gene is highly selected for, it will keep expressing itself as its been always a plus to have it. While genes that are nonaddtive are more depending on what other genes you have because it's not always good to have a gene that wants to express itself all the time.
Yeah, like any other gene, selection for or against controls it and ultimately decides its fate within the genome and what it does.
Mutations are just copying errors from one generation to the next; they create new genes and these new genes have different kinds of phenotypic traits; once expressed as a new phenotype, these mutations are put to the test and selection for or against them begins. But most mutations do nothing.

Text was too long just so doing multiple post.

Whatcha slidin Moshe?

Yes, but is also one of the most heritable traits overall. The son of a judge has a 500X more likely chance to be qualified to be a judge. Read books prior to 1950, they use empericaldata

Bump because you're clearly a nigger.

You are correct.

""Are you Ryan Faulk? Cause you seem to know your stuff""

One thing I'm still not understanding is where do new additive genes come from? Since intelligence is additive where did the gene A which says +10 IQ come from? I understand now that they all interact with one another but where does the new additive gene A +10 IQ which interacts with gene B +50 IQ come from? To simplify what I'm saying is, Genome already has Gene B and C together making up 50+20 = 70 IQ, but where does the new additive gene A +10 IQ come from for the IQ to go up to 80?

Also is there something we do IRL with this information? I've heard of Epigenetics, and have seen those videos in which the diet supposedly allows for turning the genes on/off ""see hooktube embed"". Is this of any practical use to us? Some people are born with blonde hair and it gets darker as they age, is this due to epigenetics? If I were to get jacked, live a healthy lifestyle, I assume my kids would have great healthy bodies, but what can I do in a similar vein for intelligence? Keep learning things?

Can you please suggest a few books? Also any books/sites you recommend for a layman to get more knowledge on this stuff? Alternative Hypothesis is the only one I know of.

All new genes come from mutations.
It started as a mutation, and since it was an adaptive mutation, it was selected for.
Same thing: mutations. DNA somehow gets fucked up, usually through copying errors, and a new gene is formed!
(When they say "gene duplication" they mean copying errors, as copying errors come from genes being duplicated [reproduced].)
What do you have in mind? I mean, we can use this info to know how much immigrants kids will regress back to the mean, so we have an idea of what the next generation will be like.
Yes, because then we can tell what effect that environment has on genes and gene expression.
Yes, this is a form of epigenetic. Epigenetics doesn't mean "environment changing gene expression" like most people think. Epigenetic is the study of heritable changes in gene function that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence itself. So basically it's the study of genes changing expression (on/off) and why. The why can be either genetics or environment. Just because something is epigenetic, does not mean that is it due to environment, though. To give you an example, hair color changing when you're older is due (mainly) to the genes themselves changing their expression, but this is a heritable trait and not environmental entirely.
Another example is puberty: when you enter puberty is both heritable and environmental. Your genes for puberty are coded genetically to flip on at a certain age, you go through puberty, and those genes for puberty growth stop expressing themselves after awhile. This is a genetic (and environmental since environment can affect puberty) example of epigenetics: genes changing expression, due to heritable causes.
Another example of heritable epigenetics is facial hair: the genes for facial hair change their expression to be turned on later in life so you can grow facial hair when you're old enough.
So when people talk about epogenetics, don't jump the gun and think "oh, this means that the environment must be doing the gene changing!" No, the gene changing expression can be genetic too. Hence why it's the study of' heritable changes to gene expression.
No, they wouldn't. All parental epigenetics that are environmentally induced get reprogrammed and washed out in the mother's womb, as it could fuck up new cells being made due to genes being programmed in a way they're not meant to be programmed to work in womb. The epigentics that are heritable of course stay with your kids because, well, they're heritable. So no, you working out will not make your kids healthier via process of epigenetics. Read these:
No, because as explained epigenetics via environment get washed out. Really just give your kids a good diet, send them to school, make sure they don't get hit on the head, and spend time with them and they'll be fine.

The way I learned this stuff was not classes or text books, but just reading papers and looking up stuff I didn't know.. So I suggest just reading research papers, stuff on race or behavioural genetics. The stuff you don't know you can Google. Learn it on your own can be hard, but it can be done.
I suggest reading Rushton's papers; Henry Harpending's papers; read Frank Salter's papers on kinship and ethnic genetic interest; Michael A. Woodley's; I suggest too Nikolay's Genetics Lessons.

Some papers to read (just titles because I have these as PDFs):
Ernst Mayr The biology of race and the concept of equality
Misunderstandings of Kin Selection and the Delay in Quantifying Ethnic Kinship Frank Salter*
Two complementary perspectives on inter-individual genetic distance Omri Tal∗
Confusions about race: A new installment Neven Sesardic
Kinship and Population Subdivision Henry Harpending
Mate Choice and Friendship in Twins Evidence for Genetic Similarity J. Philippe Rushton and Trudy Ann Bons
Inclusive fitness in human relationships J. PHILIPPE RUSHTON*
Genetic and environmental contributions to population group differences on the Raven’s Progressive Matrices estimated from twins reared together and apart J. Philippe Rushton1,*, Trudy Ann Bons1, Philip A. Vernon1 and Jelena C vorovic´
civic nationalism, evolutionary psychology and Genetic Similarity Theory by Rushton
Is Homo sapiens polytypic? Human taxonomic diversity and its implications Michael A. Woodley
Race: a social destruction of a biological concept Neven Sesardic

I suggest starting with Rushton's works on genetic similarity theory and inclusive fitness; then move to Salter's work on Kinship and it will build you up to understanding Henry Harpending's work on subdivision population kinships.

Then why do women go for men who are fit? Is it just due to hunter-gatherer time protection against the wild? Shouldn't the genes that were helping people thrive in hunter-gatherer lifestyles, i.e. fit body, strong lower jaw, fast running, all reduced in their expression after the advent of modern civilization? I've always believed that we prefer fit partners as we would like to have fit off-springs.

This got me thinking, could you pass down any "enhancements" you'd get from nootropics? Epigenetic changes to intelligence through the drugs and the bettered intelligence being inherited?

Thank you for these
sage since I should've done this in my previous post

Lots of reasons: health in general as you want your offspring to survive, fitness allows for better work to gather resources, health allows for better childcare, and sexual dysmorphia.

This and the reasons above.
Yes and no. Fit body should stay for the most part because that helps with work and childcare; fast running can go unless you have a job that requires fast movements; strong jaw will and in all honesty probably everything here will stay due to sexual selection and women liking menly men because it's easier to tell who is a man and woman, and who and who not to mate with.
Yes, and this is one reason for it most likely staying around.
If the drugs can actually change the structures of you DNA for it to be inherented, then I don't see why not.

Regression to the mean is a joke spread by anti-eugenicists. If two really smart people have a baby, yes it probably won't be as smart as them, but it will probably be smarter than average still. Not guaranteed of course, but likely, which means there's no reason to think a large-scale program would fail. There's other concerns with eugenics of course, like shrinking the gene pool making it more vulnerable to disease and such. But regression to the mean does NOT mean what they say it does.

Kike gibberish from the (((university)))
Organisms require a hierarchy of perfectly pure, single-molecule-specific biochemistry, specially structured molecules, functionally integrated molecular machines, comprehensively regulated, information-driven metabolic functions, and inversely-causal meta-information. Mutation, at best, is neutral to those structures, but usually destructive. There are also at least four recognized dimensions to the genome, and scientists don't even understand the first one:
1. The one-dimensional, linear string of letters we call DNA
2. The two-dimensional interactions of one part of the string with another, directly or through RNA and protein proxies;
3. The three-dimensional spatial structure of the DNA within the nucleus
4. The changes to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions over time.
On top of that, there are multiple simultaneously-overlapping meta-codes that tell the cells how to maintain information, how to fix it, how to copy it, how to interpret it, how to use it, when to use it, and how to pass it on to the next generation. None of these levels can be obtained through "mutation," none can be predicted from the level below, and each is dependent on the level above.

tl;dr, - Niggers will never mutate into intelligent humans, no matter how many college textbooks jews meme into existence

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This would make sense, I never really got regression to the mean since it would mean it would be pointless to search for a mate with a high iq since your offspring would regress back to the average anyway

What are you talking about, it's a thing, the European average IQ is higher and that's all. The average IQ of a population has to bearound 100 or more to maintain a civilized society, any lower than that and you can't have one no matter how many occasional smart people there are.
It's why exceptionally smart niggers who immigrate to first world countries have their descendants no different than most nigs back home.

If food can have trigger epigenetic changes, then I don't see why nootropic drugs couldn't do the same. Thank you, this has been very informative.


So you think it's literally impossible for a population to become more intelligent, or taller, or whatever over time, because no matter what, every pairing "regresses to the mean"? Average kids are born every time regardless of the parents' intelligence, height, attractiveness, general personality, etc. Right?

when a sub-group of a population self-selects (or gets isolated) the "regression to the mean" means "the mean of the local sub-group"
if a bunch of high IQ scientists (IQ 130+, including women) get isolated on an island or space station during zombie apocalypse, their offsprings will regress to the mean of the genetic pool they represent
you must take into account the way the "top 10%" is selected. If success in a population is obtained by being the most shifty/cheater/greedy/violent/traitorous/rapey… then you get nogs and mozlems, even when only their top 10% are reproducing
influence of greek/roman philosophical heritage, plus nordic honor/virtue and tempered by christian individual responsibility selected for higher individual qualities in the whole of society

"regression to the mean" is only meaningful for short term population genetics, and it requires disassortative mating anyway. You can have quite gentle selection pressures over long periods of time that result in huge changes, that's called evolution.
