73% of Swedes say integration has failed

>In Sweden, the picture was bleak, with just 24 per cent of respondents saying they thought integration was going well, and a shocking 73 per cent saying it has gone badly.

(((They))) want you to believe that Swedes are a people beyond all salvation. But the truth is that the Swedes are being held hostage by the kikes who have utterly parasitized their government. They don't approve of Uncle Schlomo's efforts to genocide them. Quite the opposite. They just need to be pushed in the right direction and reminded that jews are responsible for fucking up their country and there's no shortage of rope. Even now there is hope for Sweden.


Attached: megaswede.jpg (1297x809, 250.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The solution to the findings in these reports will be increased immigration levels and harsher punishments for (((hate speech))).

What you assume the result means:
What the results actually mean:
Take off the rose tinted glasses.

You are implying Sweden has a culture and unique style of living. That's racist. If it did, then it wouldn't need all that vibrant multiculturalism!

And just to expand:
If the question they wanted to ask was "Has immigration failed, then they would have. This question is about integration, which means the theoretical, because it isn't actually possible assimilation of invandrares into Swedish culture. In fact we can expose this for an even worse result, for as every Zig Forumsack is probably aware, assimilation doesn't exist, the options are immigrant ghettoes, i.e balkanisation/non-White enclaves, or dilution/replacement of the native White culture aka "assimilation".
That's to say, to extrapolate the result, 73% of Swedes believe that Sweden isn't losing its Swedishness at a fast enough rate.
Spin away though, call me a kike and leftypol, but the wording of the question and the result speaks for itself. The objection isn't to immigration, it's to failure of Sweden to absorb the immigrants, which ultimately means socialization/breeding between the groups.

Oh, I think they can admit that it does. Afterall, isn't that the problem which the lovely brown new Swedes are going to correct? The end of racism, goy!


who did they vote for again? oh right, not anti immigrant parties.(One post on the entire board and it's this)

The Swedish general election takes place in September, shill-kun. You're a little early.


the other 27% are jews, moslems and blacks

They just aren't trying hard enough. Maybe if they gave up their boipussi as well.

Implying that integration was even tried, or an intended outcome.

Now we just have to convince them that deportation is the answer.

Not necessarily true, the more accurate statement is its so rare it appears to be non existent. In order to have someone fully assimilate they basically need to resent their people while simultaneously hating their own culture. Without both the rejection of the ingroup and a hatred of the culture of the ingroup, assimilation is impossible. If you've got the hate for both though, only then is it possible (assuming he moves to a place with a culture he believes he can assimilate to and actually values).

Think of a weeaboo, what's the only way a weeb can actually assimilate to Nip culture? He's got to hate his own otherwise he will bring parts of american culture to japan. He's got to hate his own group to prefer any japanese over any white person and will likely need to erase his genes to become japanese over generations. Hatred of his own must follow him to Japan so that he does not associate with whites and instead only associates with local Japanese people. Assimilation is so rare because of these conditions, the biggest human fear is expulsion from the group (which is why "racist" is so strong a pejorative, it triggers fear of expulsion from the group) so you must go against your own instincts to assimilate to another group and at great risk given that other groups will not see you as their own even several generations down the line. If I had to pull a number out of my own ass I'd say its less than 1% of migrants worldwide that have truly assimilated.

ur a fucking nigger if you honestly believe this percentage was raised from nowhere to this high AND that it means you get direct transfer to the anti immogrant party. SD had around 20% in prior elections and i doubt an extra 53 out of 80% half the population suddenly is anti immigrant since then. This means a larger amount of Swedes were anti immigrant at the time yet voted for pro immigrant parties despite there being an anti immigrant option. Go back to Apefrica where statistics and basic logic are nonexistent.

California hit 57% disaproval for illegals/sanctuary state bullshit, does that mean CA is gonna flip red next election because of a poll or are they gonna vote Dem?
so we've got literal redditors forDarlingsnow?


Problem solved.

Attached: Kikery.gif (171x199, 40.81K)

I take this as meaning that 24 percent of Sweden is now immigrants.

>100%-24.1%= 75,9 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Sweden#Immigration

Attached: bd594fffc05d95ac9f591a97022c3703b957c52a1b78d6334f1f5349c0d0c57f.png (534x507, 279.18K)

Nah. There's no such thing as full assimilation, not in a racial sense. A Swede can assimilate in Finland and vice versa for example because they're both white inb4 ancient Sweden vs Finland memes but a non-white can never fully assimilate in a white society. If he resents his own "people" and hates his own culture, and is surrounded by whites who are holding a gun to his head, then he can adopt a veneer of assimilation. Perhaps the veneer will be so good that the shitskin fools even himself into thinking he's assimilated. But at the core of his being he will always be a shitskin because his behavior will always ultimately be governed by his immutable shitskin DNA.

Attached: just mustache my shit up.jpg (470x430, 63.44K)

Fuck integration. A dog in a stable isn't a horse.

Every failure of Marxism, for Marxists, means Marxism wasn't pushed hard enough. When immigration fails, it's because doubtful whites are to blame and the solution is to double down. It's Hegelian dialectic. I communicate generally now. If any anons think they'll stop, they won't. They see everything as a never-ending dialectical battle. For them, every loss, every failure, every win, every milestone, etc., is all part of the overarching thesis, antithesis, synthesis process that leads them to their Marxist utopia. So they can't actually ever be convinced they're wrong because of some reason internal to their world view. The only way to stop Marxism, when it's in control, is to kill the Marxists. You have to completely liquidate them.

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My rifu craves jew blood

People will always identify as their race/ethnicity first and foremost. Who you are genetically provides you with undeniable context. You belong to a specific group with a long specific history and unique culture. You are part of it and, like everyone innately understands, you can't actually become Chinese or Indian or whatever. People are stuck as themselves and therefore who they are genetically is their primary identity, whether conscious or unconscious. They're are forced to remember it each time they catch a glimpse of themselves. Therefore, foreigners will never fully integrate. They can't and it's because they have a unique and different identity which is permanent and pervasive. It is incongruent with whiteness. To raise a point, if American means white Anglo mutt with specific history and culture, I guarantee you can't find a nonwhite who actually identifies as American unless they're severely mentally ill or completely insane. The best example of this is blacks who are half white and half black. They always identify as black and that's because they have a black identity, I.e., they are physically black with black hair and everything else.

Semites , semites , and niggers

I predict Sweden completly white and jew free in five years

Mods are cancer. I'll probably see you faggots again in a month.

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Clearly the old Swedes are the problem, not the new "Swedes".


Underrated post

Look at J Cole the American rapper. He has a completely German mother and a black American father. Today, he has dreadlocks and sees himself as African. Nonwhites are completely incapable of truly integrating.

When your government talks about "assimilation" "integration" and other buzzwords, what they mean is forced association and miscegenation to destroy you.

They mean flooding your cities, towns, and neighborhoods and in a later stage, not any of the parts that have already been fully "diversified" i.e. turned non-white.

They mean broadcasting racemixing propaganda on every medium possible including taxpayer funded state media, and then attacking the native population's men in as many ways as possible to make them less attractive to their own women while artificially pumping up invading men with affirmative action, excessive gibs, and of course with things like sportsball or entertainment industry promotions where the recruitment follows the same guidelines. This last thing was literally in the Racial Program for the 20th century document by Israel Cohen–to artificially inflate negroes in the US with sportsball and entertainment industry nonsense so they can muhdik white women.

Obviously this is proof taxes must be raised further to increase funding for jew-managed integration programs.

Did they even try integration?!

Owe user, it doesn't matter if they are beyond salvation. It matters that they did this to Europe in the first place and as the bastion of this bullshit they must be the example to all other nations what will befall you if you dare work against the white race and Europeans.

Not if you die in a car accident

The nords awaken.

Toppest of keks. Aren't 73% of "Swedes" actually Somalians now anyway?

The stupid cunts brought it entirely on themselves. There's nothing more the rest of us can do except ignore them until things get so much worse over there that the leftards WANT to ignore Sweden… THEN we should be making a big fucking deal about Sweden. At THAT point Sweden will be worth something as a cautionary tale at least.

Until then, Sweden deserves everything the fuck it gets for being so fucking stupid.

the polls have been showing the same all over Europe for years but what difference does it make when it doesn't affect they way anyone votes and there are no real choices anyway (kosher right doesn't count)

Sweden has been one of the tightest controlled American CIA assets in Europe for decades
(You) did this to them

Fuck off, we're full.

Attached: the boganest.jpg (650x488, 52.71K)


Still don't agree and here's why. Assimilation is a two way process. It means not only that the immigrant has embraced and adopted the traditions and customs of the host nation, but also that the host nation has accepted and embraced the immigrant.
A Weaboo will never be accepted as Japanese. Lack of open hostility towards the Weaboo is just Asiatic collectivist reserve.

it was Americans who allow themselves to be completely controlled by jews

If you think the US played no part in what is happening in Europe, you're very mistaken. After all, they're with the (((greatest ally))).



And Europeans did the same. Piss off.

Thanks for admitting you're a jew D&C shill.

Darlingsare gods.
saved a kys because of the neat meme picture

ok, m o d s. that new world filter is pretty fucking gay

I don't follow the connection with Mega Man.

swedish people know what is going on and must fight back.

Gone but not forgotten.
accomm​​odate, mo​derate, … also gets hit by the shitty word filter
You could use /greenbreeze/ for a censorship discussion, or otherwise reincarnate as a torpedo.

The rest are probably kikes or rapefugees themselves


Attached: truth.jpg (600x246, 46.26K)

wow, color me surprised

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Were immigants surveyed?

I disagree and here's why.

To assimilate in this context means to become part of the system. The system is fundamentally different in design to the nonwhite, even at microscopic level. And, in reverse. Therefore, the nonwhite can't become part of it because he does not belong to it. He is the square trying to go into the round hole. Complete assimilation is not possible. Not completely assimilating is still not assimilating. YOU DON'T BELONG HERE. REPORTED.

Attached: trivium.jpg (400x356, 36.76K)

Dubs cnfirm Sweden is our Lucrecia for martyrdom. Let our revolt, no, our revenge begins…

lol there was never any

Motherfucker like half of Zig Forums is on a VPN. The other half are the retards you should be banning for going on a freemason run imageboard without protection. Post history ideally should mean absolutely nothing.

Does anybody have a source that isn't BB? I want to show my family this but they wouldn't believe a "fake news" outlet.

I'd just like to say that I can't speak for Marx (haven't gotten to him yet), but after learning about Hegel's dialectical "logic" and how it works, it put a lot of the seemingly illogical ideas and pursuits occurring today into perspective. I'd suggest that anyone who wants to understand how the eternal cuck's mind works, get educated on the Hegelian Dialectic and Absolute Idealism and philosophy in general, so as to not be led astray by Hegel's bastardization of logic

It is a European commision poll and
The European Commission is the EU's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.

Just search for it on the official site and show your parents it or even download the pdf report on the findings (Eurobarometer survey 469).

Keep in mind with statistics like this it's important to note how the question was asked. I bet a big part of that 73 percent who said integration went badly was because of the lack of integration tools + funding for integration among migrants. So a big part of that 73 percent would like to see more money go towards migrants!

Sweden is very cucked, only around 15-20% of its population votes for an anti migration party.So it seems the majority does not hold the view that migration is a bad thing. That's what is important.

This. The average Sven won't even dare to voice his real opinion out loud because of his totalitarian regime.

Did you miss 2014 election where the other seven parties completely shat upon the democratic vote, formed a coalition because they couldn't form a government without influence from the anti-immigration party?

I mean, they basically broke the constitutional laws by this and the government since then has been illegitimate, not that the media would tell you anything about it.

However we're all seeing the traitors coming into the fold of criticizing the immigration.


What is up with this turbo faggot moderator sitting up the board with his autistic post history fetish? Fuck off you sperg no one cares that you do it for free.

Im pretty sure its one specific m o d. The same cunt that was screenshotting post histories the other week. Yo m o d, no one wants you here, Kindly Fuck Off.

surprised this post hasn't been deleted and the author banned by now.
anything mentioning the connection between the two is heresy.

weakling faggot

Their pm, the leader of the (((social democrats))) have recently started to pander to voters, by being "tougher" on (((immigration))). More precisely he states that they will half it…
as if it's not a lie
'as if anyone believe that piece of shit traitor
It's time to start deportation
that's the only solution out of this mess

It's true though, you can really never trust polls because people will always lie, especially in this case, as user points out they don't dare to be honest about this shit in fear of reprisals.

It's also research 101.
you can't ask
you must observe

Standard election lies
That piece of shit is the worst lying prime minister sweden ever had and the (((press))) is backing him. They still call middle aged men for children FFS.

the (((press))) there is fucked beyond anything. they see them selves as this (((elite))) above and distant from the people and are ofc in bed with all these politicians. Any form for actual press, not just the arm of the politicians, are lit driven out of the country or worse. Dare to ask a critical question to a politician and get Säpo on your ass. Rip Bekir, we know (((they))) killed you
they probably no meme, used on of these nerve agents on him which they probably stole from the russian on the estonia ferry as the ussr collapsed
no man dies at the age of 33, in perfect health of a heart attack

Attached: Screenshot from 2017-12-16 09-21-54.png (928x536 374.5 KB, 111.67K)

Dead kikes can't shill imageboards.

We all know this. It's called White Genocide.

No it isn't, you shill faggot. Every act of White Genocide is the fault of the perpetrators who are almost entirely kikes. You might as well blame yourself when the rope goes around your neck.

Or maybe we aren't pussies. Anyone is welcome to come try to attack me. I will run them through like Leonidas crushed hordes of Persian scum. The stronger among us cover for you weaklings, cowards, and general afraid faggots.

Fuck you for hating on them for doing their jobs. They should be banning more of you shills. All you want to do is bitch and moan about everything–clearly true Zig Forumslacks. All it means is we have good ones now and that goons are assblasted that they can't seize control of the discussion.



Good try, Schlomo.

Mods please expose all post history of bannedfags.

The swedes only have themselves to blame. They have long been passed the stage in which the police and military can stop even the invaders. Who the fuck is going to stand against a popular uprising? Fucking nobody, that's who.

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good to know.

What's the story of Bachir Rabani? I looked up his name on google, but I can't read cuck.

>Olof lobbied for Sweden to take in masses of (((refugees))) during WWII from Denmark and Germany and also funded Spain's Popular Front

tl;dr jews are trying to establish a new Soviet Union in Sweden and (((international media))) is staying completely silent or blaming Swedes for it in between accusing them of being evil racists who hate jews. This is the site in question they wanted banned, but it's in Swedish: judarisverige.wordpress.com/

Attached: (((Robert Aschberg))).png (247x334, 198.28K)

Every time i read something about Sweden i want to puke, Putin please end their suffering please.