Pat Little, running for the senate seat of Diane Feinstein, is the only candidate willing to talk about the dual Israeli citizenship of the liberal senator. The only candidate openly criticizing Israeli warcrimes and jewish domination of American government and life. Little is the only candidate willing to speak frankly about the historical revisionism and fraud of the Holocaust.
Little openly calls for the closing of our borders, the reclamation of our JEWdicial system, and the hanging of TRAITORS.
Vote Pat Little for California Senate June 5th 2018
Let freedom ring
Let traitors hang!
Pat Little California senate June 5 2018
x-post from the other thread
Have a bump
Wow! I am not into the US' "internal" politics, but this guy is pretty fucking based. Best of luck from your brethren in Europe.
No. Fuck this line towing cuck.
Fuck him hard.
After watching the video I looked through his channel for more, and this particular video has been censored by jewtube.
As far as I can tell, this is the only one, but it is not possible to share or comment on it.
I like what I've heard from this guy so far, reminds me of Robert Ransdell (RIP in peace). Definitely more trustworthy than Nehlen, although he's starting to grow on me too after being disowned by the aut-kikes.
The amount of (((people))) overlooking that he wants to pay niggers reparation is astounding.
The amount of (((people))) ignoring the 14th amendment is astounding.
It's literally a one-time bribe to get the vote from nogs instead of giving the money to Israel.
Of course the guy can't win. He's running in a deep blue state against a popular incumbent. But if he gets through the primary (California has a jungle primary system, that means that the top 2 candidates in the primary are on the ballot in the November runoff) he could do some mass redpilling. Imagine him pumping out a mirade of TV ads on Jewish influence in the media and in Congress, in the most populous state in the entire country.
And it's illegal, not worth it, and is pure, unadulterated cuckoldry.
Yeah because kikes would actually support someone who wants to end their influence over the US. I agree that reparations are retarded, but you are an idiot.
And this is why the Jews will keep winning. The Dems (and most Reps) are all corrupt but they have each other's backs when push comes to shove. You, instead, disavow everyone that is not yelling from the top of his lungs exactly what you want them to say. The guy will not win in a thousand years anyway, and definitely not in California. The RNC will disavow him as soon as they get the chance for "antisemitism". But he'll be able to get the message out about how the Jews have the US by the balls and maybe redpill tens of thousands of people. And that's what matters, at least to me.
Never once said he was a kike candidate. Not once. I said he was towing the line, which he is. He's trying to get black voters and red-pilled voters. That is, as I said; pure unadulterated cuckoldry.
I would personally pay niggers reparations if it made this man my senator
Giving this thread a bump; where is the support of this candidate from the kikes on all the (((alt))) media? Little is way way way better than (((Nehlan))) and has gone a distance to validate himself as a pro White candidate. Really shows who runs who and who takes money from who…SALUTE PATRICK LITTLE! HEIL!
He explains it here. These cucks all blacklisted him for "optics" reasons.
jaysus lol pray to fucking god above this guy wins tbh. I don't think we should give niggers anymore money tho.
He won't. But it's about spreading the message.
So tldr this guy and Paul Nehlen find out those responsible for the altright and the shitshow that was Cville are actually Zionists and work to push jews as leaders in the altright. And that there was no way forward for the altright without working with jews and being to blunt about the JQ will get you blacklisted. Which is why he and Nehlen were disavowed by the altright.
That's the angle I could see play out. Kanye is sure doing his part to turn the golem.
Agree. I could never see it actually coming into fruition but the message would be simple enough for nogs to understand
Little and Nehlen are buds and based on Littles account in it was he and Nehlen that worked to out all these con-ops in the altright.
I find this guy interesting; he seems so genuine! But how the FUCK is this guy polling at 18% when he lives in LA? How the fuck is his house not getting burned down? He needs to be careful as fuck.
lol no
just go vote for feinstein you boomer kike
Yup. Ad hom. Nice one Chaim.
The constitution is shredded you dumb fuck. The only law that applies is will to power.
I find it highly amusing that people who've never studied grammar or rhetoric love to pretend they're experts in logic.
A trivium with just one leg cannot stand, and framing what someone says as a logical fallacy when you actually mean to tell them not to be rude is the kind of cringey psuedo intellectualism lacking self awareness that characterizes jewish pilpul precedent based debate.
If you don't take the time to be an amateur, you can never be a master.
>an 84-year old kike whose Senatorial career consists of trying to get as much (((gun control))) legislation passed as possible
Jesus what a hard choice to make
This tbh. It's not an ad hom, you're just a fucking retard. That said, I still believe in the constitution as /ourdocument/ 'cept that this country has been led far astray from it's original ideal. Far far away. To the point that the 14th amendment, which should have included a one way ticket back to Africa, has been turned on it's head in which any 3rd trimester aztecan illegal can hop the border, pop a squat and shit out some slope headed brown child and have it documented as an American citizen. Can the constitution be salvaged is ultimately the question. One I don't have much an answer for and isnt the topic of the thread anyway.
Bleh. Meant for obviously.
Imagine the jew tax going to the niggers, The kvetching in the media would be heard from Alpha Centauri
Imagine when congress tells the nigs no, that this money is for the jews in Israel. Either way it's a win. Aye, I'd pay money to witness such a set of events.
Why? It has totally failed us. There's not one single ideal or philosophy, let alone policy, in the original document that hasn't been used to wipe some kike judge's ass or outright invalidated by later legislation of executive action.
It's a piece of paper. A promise that's already been broken. Fuck the constitution, My founding document is pure unapologetic Aryan jingoism tempered only by National Socialism.
Fuck everyone and everything that isn't on my side.
More of an insult to them than anything, and it's a nice tactic to make the kikes say no.
on a recent interview with newsweek, he talked about jews being 40% of slave owners in usa. i think he's using the logic that the money should be taken from jews and given to niggers for that reason, and try to use the legislation to keep repeating that as a redpill to whites
Oh user, you're such a party pooper.
This, it's getting the message of "muh Israel" which nigs will pick up when gibs are at stake.
Pish. The constitution is but a set of standards, ones that we have failed, and the ones before us. The founders and original citizens of America had a white christian nation as their manifest destiny, they ate , slept and breathed it. The thought of one day 200 years down the line where their descendants would be ruled by kikes and their colored hoards was unthinkable. The white man held dominion over this, the new world. Could they had peered through a window into the 21st century I very well could see them making race and lies of the jew central concepts to their drafts of a constitution. Even, for a time, laws were based along racial lines and they favored whites. But that time has passed as whites have ceded their birthright to uphold the Constitution, like only we know how. In this way, we fail.
In this capacity I shrug the mantle of my forebears. I condemn each and every one of them for their sins. I hold them to the standard I hold myself, and I judge the constitution as it stands. not as it was intended.
Indeed many of these philosophies inform my own morality and sensibilities, and I could no more deny the influence of the constitution than Dawkins can deny Christianity. To put it in hilariously kiked terms I'm a cultural constitutionalist.
But to stop bothering with complex abstractions for a moment the situation on the ground in today's fourth generation warscape the constitution serves the very forces it sought to contain. The checks have been broken and the balance has failed, the spirit of the law was forsaken before we were born.
We're in a bad way, and carrying around the boatanchor that is the constitution and bill of rights won't help a damn wit
he's got some numbers flipped
no i probably misquoted, thx user
here is the interview
And you are who?
Intent doesn't matter. That worked pretty good for Hillary.
Yup, sure is kikey.
Born in sin.
Perhaps you're right. And what, America is forsaken? There is no struggle for redemption and the fight is lost. You want a happening my dude? Gotta have the habbeneinggs? When there is blood in the streets theres money to be maaaadee. fuck you cunt.
This interview is amazing. He's dropping one red-pill after the other.
An earnest inquirer might have asked what my standard was, you ask for my qualifications.
I can only wonder that you were implying by this
Of course not. Don't despair friendo, just vote Pat Little for California Senate June 5th :)
We're not lawyers and politicians who usurped the Articles of Confederation, or the people within a generation who wouldn't even stick with their own contitution. We didn't fail shit. It was cancer when it was written. They wouldn't even put the bill of rights in the main text.
They were spreading our race and ideals and populated new land when we were English, they spread them when we were Americans, and they spread them when were these United States. The constitution didn't effectively matter one way or the other except. It didn't stop the great fratricidal war either.
What could have stopped it? What can stop it?
these sweet dubs
Hahahahahah oh shit you silly nigger you didn't just pick that little tangential bit out of the whole wall of text did you? hahahahaha
Fuck outta here phonefag.
This was a quality post. You're a valued member of the internet community and bring thoughtful insight wherever you go. you might say that your mere presence is an act of tikun olam. Thank you for blessing this topic with your hot take
That wasn't an ad hom that was me telling you you're a fucking retard.
I Never accused you of "ad hom" user in fact I merely commented on your classical jewish virtue. :^)
mp4 incoming
That myth needs to die,
Technically he did both, opposing the kike domination of the US currency and opposing Israel getting the bomb. Both of those certainly factored into the situation. Kennedy was a richbitch whoremongering degenerate who I will not lionize, but he honestly legitimately threatened to blow the lid off the whole kit and kaboodle, the kike's whole international scheme, so the kikes put a bullet in his head.
He opposed it privately, but the video was obviously referencing the kosher EA 11110 myth.
This guy does seem pretty willing to look at the evidence though, somebody should send him a link to Final Judgment or a Michael Collins Piper interview about it on gabbai.
kek'ing hard at the nervous yid on the other end
Hearing a serious political contender rattle off memes and talk about forum drama like this makes it impossible for me to take him seriously. It's just nonstop, and it's what I would expect from a Fed. Not saying he is one, and I'm not saying Cal anons shouldn't vote for him, but keep an eye on him for certain.
hello mr little
This is absolutely fucking brilliant.
>limit the number of jews in government
>permanent ban on aid to israel
This is EXACTLY the kind of shit that we say. He's clearly a Zig Forumsack from the days of yore.
AND HOLY FUCKING SHIT, HE'S SMART, TOO. Not only in the "planning for the long-term future" sense, but in the scientific knowledge sense.
You don't understand at all. This is a quintessentially TRUMP move.
"Niggers should have reparations for slavery." Liberals will agree to this.
"Jews were the slaveowners." HISTORICAL FACT agrees with this.
"Therefore, instead of sending tax dollars to Jews, we will send tax dollars to niggers." LIBERALS WILL NEVER AGREE TO THIS, and so NO ONE GETS REPARATIONS and JEWS DON'T GET TAX DOLLARS.
Politicians don't everything they say they will. He's locking in the black vote by enticing them with gibmedats.
We send $3.8 billion a year to Israel, times 10 divided by the 40 million American niggers? That's less than $1000 per nog.
That "reparations" money is just an extra welfare check. Either way, they'll burn through it immediately.
I'll vote for him
Any sum of money over about $200 is sufficient motivation for niggers to riot. This is a brilliant idea if he could get the word out to niggers, they actually will vote for a nazi in exchange for the promise of cash money I believe.
It also drives a wedge between kikes and their dumbest golems. It's a masterstroke in theory. In practice I think it's a LARPy gimmick tacked on to an otherwise bulletproof platform.
Reperations should not be supported unless it includes the condition of repatriation. From some logistics I've read on, it would be expensive to send them all back to Africa, I think it'd be worth it though. That or just let California "leave", build a wall and transfer them all there. Give them that plan, they'll love it. Won't even need to spend money on boats or planes, if enough of them are enthusiastic enough about getting a black-ethno state, they'll go there themselves.
I do like the idea of getting the money from (((them))) though. Just send the itsnotreal aid to Liberia and make it a Nigtopia and they won't even complain about taking their gibs and leaving. I suspect most whites and even blacks would support this. Annexing the Lord-you-know-whos' possibly hundreds of trillions in assets would probably more than enough cover it.
Are you fucking stupid? California is one of the biggest economies in the world and one of the nicest and most resource rich regions to boot. If you give it to niggers you're just dooming our descendants to reconquista it later. Give them Oklahoma the traditional reservation state.
The universalism flowery declaration of independence was a mistake, with them working on the assumption that men only included Whites. Mortal would to the country to not make race explicit, exclude jews, ban jews selling their black slaves here. No jews, no niggers, Whites only and poof goes the problems most plaguing America.
meme it
checked, but it's purely tactical. He's just proposing it to get the nog vote. Though this is implying the en masse nog vote is even a thing and not just dem/kike bussing. Ideally, repatriation would be great, or tying reparation gibs to sterilization. But nogs aren't really the problem anyhow, and are easy to deal with on their own once the real threat is dealt with. Until then, why not use some of them as pawns when it helps?
Even going through with it wouldn't be bad, the proposal is a one time payment session of taking the current gibs to jews to nogs instead for ten years and then no more, our loss rate doesn't increase and has an end date, unlike now with jew leeching only to ever increase in perpetuity.
you are an idiot ….
the politicians control the people not the land … they dont know how to do anything with it
those resources , that economy
it comes from lockhead martin , some tech industries shit (the real shit like not startups) , and PGandE
all that shit is not owned by the politicians its owned by old world bankers/engineers. They can control the people , who cares. We get the resources , make use of them and split the profits.
California wanted to seceed then we would be in there like Iraq … we are not giving up those resources
no one give a shit about their economy … it runs a deficit … yea lots of people lots of land but they burn more money than they make. And once again, the politicians dont do shit with the resources its other companies tied to military that consume that shit.
Lockheed Martin might have research in California (right next to google and yahoo) … but its not going to give up its manufacturing and supply across america.
California is just a resource to be drained … like the land itself.
No one cares about California the state … let it be the dumb state it wants to be
I love Flashing Lights
It's pretty smart honestly.
Don't fucking call me an idiot and then say the exact same thing I did you ellipsis abusing cocksucker.
He's not a fed. He's too awkward. A fed would be more charismatic. I think he's genuine.
It should be required learning in every state to know the basic history of every other state.
Can't wait till Little starts doxing neonazis then you niggers flip your shit and call him a zionist kike
Okay, this guy looks pretty genuine. Daily reminder that the JIDF is real.
Kek, their store items are way overpriced.
can you post the video link without embedding.
You can find it on the guy's channel, linked in the OP.
cool thanks
I've heard some of his background and it's pretty cool. He's been face to face with race his whole life and is a genuine guy.
He grew up in rural Maine on a farm. During his teenage years he watched the shitshow of kids on steroids from factory farmed shit go through puberty at age 13 and wanna fuck with their animalistic mating rituals in school. He knew how to recognize differences in nigger behavior from an early age.
Dude has a literal robot perspective. Without the synthetic hormones in his food he watched it from the sidlines; was saying “I know how autistic this sounds, but watching kids go through puberty at age 13 and wanting to fuck it was like watching National Geographic or an Animal Planet documentary; and I had a front row seat. Seriously, it was like watching primitive animal mating rituals and shit.”
He's acutely aware of the environmental and genetic determinism of human behavior and the way he was talking about it was hilarious.
Was well read on the 10,000 Year Explosion, The Bell Curve, and Culture of Critique by age 16. Well aware that most of the recent explosion in human population are genetic dead-end ingrates fighting for scraps; goes extra for the niggers who only sustain themselves on White Man's inventions. Completely woke on the JQ, better referred to as the Jewish Problem. He knows the yids are basically a parasite race that had a narrow genetic bottleneck and an instinctive impulse for hoarding resources. He doesn't support Israel even existing and had jews kvetching out him in D.C. for it. Dude is woke on all of it.
There's a video of him protesting outside the AIPAC convention a few months ago. He's standing there with his smartphone and some yid comes charging at him. It's funny shit.
I don't know how much Pat has to conceal his power level but he's got what it takes. We really need people like this in every state, not just Cali, where someone like this has very little chance of winning a race
Instead of letting Cali leave (the state is beautiful, why would you) wall off the coastal corridor between San Francisco and LA
aka one of us assuming he isn't playing a roll.
Never seen a controlled op explicitly naming the jew in his bid for power.
That is one line the kikes allow none of their golems to cross, unless you can prove otherwise.
< everyone is an actor or a fed
I think thats what that user was implying. I'm also in camp that the constitution is a decent framework to govern a white country but that whites must not relinquish their hold over such governance less they want to end up how it is now. Amendments were included as such a way to to ensure this. Its just a matter of taking back what is yours at this point. Put it this way, you through out the constitution, you throw out the baby with it. No more of these united states, no more union, no more 1st or 2nd amendments etc etc. What even is America without its constitution? Some anons may wish for these things, I do not.
Still salty about Nehlen outting that fucking kike Ricky Vaughn eh?
you faggots still don't know the two other guys in the first pic are kikes?
Looks like Kike Enoch is about to be court ordered to hand over all the info of his vast altright network too.
Fucking image won't load.
God dammit
Fucking lovely. He has my vote