Debunking the debunker

Do we have a counter image to this debunking image, or do I have to do my own damn research on this?

Attached: holocaust denial debunking.jpg (2056x2736, 3.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:, in Boston -Marathon Bombing - Really.mp4

also Ernst Zundel is the man you need to look up.
And im pretty sure on the black and white picture you can zoom in and see foreskin. might be different pic though. The main thing is that hololocaust belibers think that jews were put into camps for no reason.
Also there is the jew David Cole, who went to Auschwitz and exposed it as fraud. this meme is just pilpul

Why bother? The point it leads with is that it's illogical for them to have invented something like death showers, ignoring the dozens of other ridiculous fictional extermination methods that have been discarded.

Attached: Holo Denial.jpg (750x750, 427.41K)

Here you go

Yeah, I've not yet delved into much Zundel. Guess I'll have to. Thanks.

Great image, and good point, but I like to know the truth as best as I'm able and I don't have the knowledge to counter the points made about people like Leuchter, or accept if they're valid.

There's nothing there to debunk. It provides no evidence for the holocaust, and doesn't even counter the claims it is pretending to debunk.

Thank you, there's a ton of sources available there, and neatly assembled. I'll get to work reading those.

Can you address anything in the picture. I'm curious in particular about the Leuchter report, because I know David Irving, whom I've determined a trustworthy man, considered the report convincing enough.

It gets really tiring trying to counter the holohoax because they just repeat the same debunked bullshit over and over. And they take the holohoax as the ground truth, and only use facts to confirm their bias. The holohoax really is the "big lie."

So what, they just remake new images every time they get blown the fuck out instead of accepting they lost last time? Typical kikes.

Attached: 21 holohoax questions blown the fuck out.png (1467x1459 174.51 KB, 133.69K)

The main "debunk" of Leuchter is a fraudulent report from The Institute for Forensic Research in Poland. You can find the counter to that at codoh.

I've got huge folder of holocaust pictures I can't use as long as I can't respond to the picture in the OP. Surely, if we're right, it will be easy to counter them. After all, their favorite trick is to silence questioning with force, so how right can they be?


I suppose the lower left part is supposed to be how the camps were really evil.
Point is that there are jews on the record, in Spielberg holocaust memory project, telling all kinds of nice things about the camps and how they were treated.

Even a casual investigation will point out that the layout and logistics of the supposed gas chambers and crematoria makes no sense at all.

All these kinds of things together make the death camp and gas chambers scenario very unlikely.

Thank you.

Yes, good points, I appreciate it.

Attached: hitler salute.jpg (1024x576, 78.32K)

With what? What do you want addressed? It is literally just saying "no" and repeating the same lies again. "Leuchter is wrong because I want him to be" is not a rebuttal. Why are you begging for a response to "no u"?

I worked with a guy who was married to a Jew, and her mother had been in one of the camps. She told the guy I worked with that it was fine and didn't even believe the holohoax herself. This was the first time I had ever even heard of holocaust "denial" and it came from a Jewess who was actually in the camps.

I don't think that picture is is decent propaganda material to begin with. Just compare that useless sea of text with this picture:

This guy gets it.

Just trying to avoid taking only the facts that fit the narrative of the side I'm currently on. I don't usually get involved in these nitty gritty argument, because in my view killing your enemies is always justified, so I wouldn't care if "the holocaust" did happen. I just like to know the truth.

I'm not sure what your point is. I don't care who the better memers are, I just want knowledge of the arguments in the OP pic. And a few people here have pointed me in the right direction, so thank you guys for that.

Biggest source of info in one place that I know of.

That is a typical leftist meme - tons of text, not much being said.
Perfect example: "Why create gas chambers?"

Well, because of historical context. WW1 was only like 20 years prior, and guess what was deployed for the first time in large scale during that conflict? Guess what was also highly-stigmatized because of the horror-stories of those who had been subject to it in WW1?
Oh, right, gas.

"Why leave this glaring hole!?"
The same reason the Founding Fathers didn't feel the need to include "Whites Only" in the Constitution - evolution of societal context and linguistic description.

The truth is, basically nobody is going to read this shit, its just something they want to be able to toss out there.

Also, those 'Fact Check' bits are hilarious.
Oh, like the sort caused by Allied bombing and typhus? Huh… Fancy that!

One of my favorite parts is…
>Nobody wanted them
Let that one sink in…
Yeah, nah m8.

Oh, yeah, also, bottom right…
… Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Alright, I'm getting it, and seeing what you guys mean. I've ignored much of the detail and stuck to broad brush logic for my conclusions thus far, and perhaps wisely.

The only valid point in the entire image is that there isn't a documentary called "In the Camps", here's the actual source of the screen:

It gets even better

Just some entries on the list that has around 360 at the moment.



I hope Iran nukes you yid fuckers for the slides alone.

I remember reading an article on the stormer a while back. It was about that Austrian Jew who spreads holocaust awareness by touring around. I forget his name but he's very well known and regarded as a holocaust expert. Anyway, there was a German or Austrian paper, I think, that published a good article about him officially stating that no academic basis for the holocaust exists. I showed that to my Austrian friend when I was trying to Jew pill him. It worked like a charm. It's hard to deny holohoax exposure when the official holocaust Jews admit that there exists no basis for the numbers or anything. It's their way of saying it's a myth but keep believing stupid goyim. As far as other material goes, the pastor Anderson videos are good. He drops massive holocaust pills while proving he's a Jew. Thus, blue pillers can't reject his message. The only thing keeping it alive is the nazi angle. As soon as you can get normal people who aren't white nationalists to talk about it, it's over.

Also, I bet you a Jew made that shitty graphic. It doesn't even prove anything.

I can debunk it in 1 word: Dresden. Fucking jew.

You really think the Pale of Settlement would do that? Kick themselves out?

There were some counter-deunks for Aaron's work. Whenever anyone made one, Aaron would stop posting whatever was debunked. He;s been lying low for a while, so you rarely see his images. Pics related: one of Aaron's images he abandoned and the counter reply made to it.

Attached: Morty the Merchant.jpg (2896x3626 2.18 MB, 4.15M)

None of these 'refutations' actually refute very much.

The image about Aushwitz going from 4 to 1 million actually accepts that they were indeed lying, the counter is that the 4 million number was never taken seriously despite leaving the plaque up until 1986. That's a serious oopsie. Further, his claims that the 6 million number are 'rounded' based on the total number, part of which comes from a supposed estimation of 1.3 million which was supposedly always the 'real' number, the museum still says one and a half million.

What a shocker that the holocaust gets more complicated the less real it seems.

Others about ground penetrating radar are especially interesting because a (((coincidence))) is that jewish burial sites aren't to be disturbed. Radar has detected structures and burial sites but with literally no detail about the intended purpose of those things.

fucker doesn't even bother to try saying anything.

Everyone else has covered the bits, I just think it's very notable how little is actually addressed. The jewish holocaust revisionist has an excellent 3 hour doc on this as well.

Kill every last one of them, brothers. Mercy is for your children, not (((them))).


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1. The memoirs of FDR, Churchill, and De Gaulle make ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION OF A HOLOCAUST.
2. The World Almanac & Book of Facts shows an increase in the global jewish population between 1938 and 1948.


Here's a list of logic and fact based arguments I've found to be extremely helpful when arguing against the Holohoax. I have yet to find anyone who has disproved a single point on this list. This is pretty much my primary source for debating the holohoax.

Usually, it's good to start with these rhetorical and logical questions and then lead in with the factual debunkings later, if that makes sense.

To any other anons, feel free to disprove or critique any one of these points if they're somehow wrong or inaccurate.

Polite sage since it hardly relates to OP's question.

Attached: (((saddest thing in history))).png (1804x2160, 452.61K)

Where did all the bodies go?
Primary jew answer burnt to ashes and blown away with the wind.
Indians have been cremating their dead for 100's of years maybe 1000's.
With so much history behind them they use about 1 ton of wood to effect a complete cremation.
Pic 1 correct amount of wood pic 2 not so much.

Attached: India,VCremation,1984.jpg (993x1078 433.79 KB, 457.81K)

Thank you for the comments, guys. I was pretty tired and unable to think clearly when I made the thread, so I probably shouldn't have - my apologies - but I was in a discussion that I was losing footing in. The information here is quite useful, so I'm sure I'm not the only one getting value.

I'm not a jew trying to get you. Relax.

Ernst Zündel will forever be in Canada's debt. He fought to have the "false news or information" provision in the criminal code overturned. See R v Zundel It's a landmark Canadian Supreme Court decision, and Zündel doesn't get enough credit for it.

I take issue with the pics first criticism, there where indeed autopsies done by an american doctor, he did thousands of them, did not find corpses dead by gassings

This board used to be a fun and interesting place till the election ruined it. Anything at risk of being slid is instantly stickied and thus slide proof. Meanwhile the board has become stale as fuck because its become current events 24/7.

Jesus christ, how i hate leftytrannypol.

Attached: leftypol pol.jpg (1280x1324, 702.61K)

don't forget about the masturbation machines.

I'm not on the side of the orthodox Holocaust historians, but was there any rebuttal against the testimony of James Roth of Alpha Analytical Laboratories in Westborough, Massachusetts? Skip to 1:03:30 in video related. Also, Zündel has this on his Website:

Good pic, but while we're on the subject:

NatSoc 'Book Burning' and Weimar Degeneracy
I really need to continue where we left off…

A few snippets:


>Signatories included (((Albert Einstein))), Hermann Hesse [married a Jew], Käthe Kollwitz (, Thomas Mann (married a Jew), Heinrich Mann (married a Jew), Rainer Maria Rilke (married a Jew), August Bebel (founder of the Marxist SDAP, eulogized by Vladimir Lenin as a "model workers' leader"), (((Max Brod))), (((Karl Kautsky))), (((Stefan Zweig))), Gerhart Hauptmann ("At the beginning of May 1946, Hauptmann learned that the Polish government was insisting on the expulsion of all Germans without exception. On June 6, he died of bronchitis in Agnieszków (present-day Jagniątków, a part of Hirschberg im Riesengebirge, now Jelenia Góra). His last words were reported to be, "Am I still in my house?" Despite his final wishes, as expressed in his last will, Hauptmann was not buried at his home. An official letter from the Soviet Administration in favor of the writer, who was highly regarded in the Soviet Union, proved ineffective, though the family was permitted to take its belongings."), (((Martin Buber))), Richard von Krafft-Ebing (author of "Psychopathia Sexualis (Psychopathy of Sex)… Krafft-Ebing also coined the term anilingus in this book.") and (((Eduard Bernstein))).


It's called satire, but whatever.

Attached: bae405c6f347aa2bfd22a95a80e934c056d7df4aeda1b04c0ffbaab96b8739d6.jpg (550x404, 28.52K)


>In late 1918, Hirschfeld together with his sister, Franziska Mann, co-wrote a pamphlet Was jede Frau vom Wahlrecht wissen muß!" ("What every woman needs to know about the right to vote!") hailing the November Revolution for granting German women the right to vote and announced the "eyes of the world are now resting on German women".

So close…

>He developed a system which categorised 64 possible types of sexual intermediary, ranging from masculine, heterosexual male to feminine, homosexual male, including those he described under the term transvestite (Ger. Transvestit), which he coined in 1910 to describe people who, in the 21st century, might be referred to as transgender or transsexual.

Hirschfeld co-wrote and acted in the 1919 film Anders als die Andern ("Different From the Others"), in which Conrad Veidt played one of the first homosexual characters ever written for cinema.

>The Institute housed Hirschfeld's immense archives and library on sexuality and provided educational services and medical consultations; the clinical staff included psychiatrists (((Felix Abraham))) and (((Arthur Kronfeld))), gynecologist (((Ludwig Levy-Lenz))), dermatologist and endocrinologist (((Bernhard Schapiro))), and dermatologist (((Friedrich Wertheim))).
Pictured: Hirschfeld and his young twink Giese.

>Christopher Isherwood writes about his and W. H. Auden's [British faggots] visit in his book Christopher and His Kind; they were calling on Francis Turville-Petre [another British faggot], a friend of Isherwood's who was an active member of the Scientific Humanitarian Committee. Other celebrated visitors included German novelist and playwright Gerhart Hauptmann (see above), German artist Christian Schad, French writers René Crevel (French faggot, morphine addict and friend of Leon Trotsky) and André Gide (French faggot, lover of Oscar Wilde), Russian director (((Sergei Eisenstein))), and American poet Elsa Gidlow (British Communist dyke).
>Among the residents were Isherwood and Turville-Petre (see above); literary critic and philosopher (((Walter Benjamin))); actress and dancer Anita Berber (coke/heroin/opium-addicted dyke - drug of choice: "chloroform and ether mixedin a bowl"); Marxist philosopher (((Ernst Bloch))); Willi Münzenberg (avowed Communist, subsequently murdered by Communist agent in French internment camp for not being committed enough), a member of the German Parliament and a press officer for the Communist Party of Germany; Dörchen Richter, one of the first [THE first on record] transgender patients to receive sex reassignment surgery at the Institute, and Lili Elbe (dyke freak, "It is likely that Elbe was intersex").

Oh, well, fancy that! Slippery slope anyone?

>(((The New York Times))) described Hirschfeld as having come to America to "study the marriage question", while the German language New Yorker Volkszeitung newspaper described Hirschfeld as wanting to "discuss love's natural turns" - the phrase "love's natural turns" was Hirschfeld's way of presenting his theory that there was a wide spectrum of human sexuality, all of which were "natural".
Fancy that!
>Aware of a strong xenophobic tendency in the United States, where (((foreigners))) seen as trouble-makers were unwelcome, Hirschfeld tailored his message to American tastes.

You can't make this shit up!
An atheist far-left Jewish degenerate being "sentimental" about kikes in sandland?
Some things never change.
You literally cannot make this shit up.

Good riddance.
Well OP, seems we have your answer.
They burned Hirschfeld's works.

The future looks bright.

anus gas pumps
is all this some elaborate jewish fart fetish

Attached: 22b5f7906ba360be951fc84a1abdb065094bf7c3ed48ae3cf4830f514bb63a1f.jpg (200x196 51.63 KB, 16.5K)

Whos jewing who?

I was reading David Irving's Goebbels book, and in there he says the book burning was totally unplanned by any Nazi party officials, and, in fact, Goebbels was pretty uncomfortable with the event. It was something that students at universities cooked up themselves. Very similar to the rash actions of modern university students.

Yeah, sure, aside from the fact that modern university students are burning the classics of Western literature and the NatSoc youth were burning gay fanfiction written by a cross-dressing Jew.

I don't disagree with you, it's just notable that it's the young folk with the conviction to destroy their opposition.

So all Zig Forums can say about those images is
I'm pretty dissapointed.

sieg heil kamerad

Attached: perfect.jpg (200x257, 8.15K)

The translation he posted is exactly the same one in the 21 questions.

What am I missing here?

I think the point anons replying to me are making is that the image doesn't contain sources to back up the claims made in the refutation portions. It's basically just a reframing designed to wear out the one arguing against it.

There's plenty of info in this thread for thinking mind to apply to the OP pic, but, unfortunately, no direct quick breakdown of the image.

I did a little bit of editing to the OP pic. Maybe you guys would like to add or change some things.

Attached: holocaust denial debunking edit 1.jpg (2056x2736, 3.41M)

Oh its that leftypol image again that got debunked within an hour.

Have anything that directly deals with the picture that would others time dealing with it?

This one deals with the part that's left of centre.

Attached: Debunking the debunking of the Leuchter Report.jpg (2888x5088, 2.24M)

The "actually qualified researchers" cited in the last image at the top were Caroline Sturdy Colls, whose utterly embarrassing "investigation" was ripped to shreds. Embed related.

At the end of the day, this picture does not matter.
No kikes are being gassed today but their degeneracy happens every day.
Kosher slaughter, male genital mutilation, usury, etc you all know the list.

They deserve to be removed.

P.S. though:
The holohoax was physically, logistically impossible.
You'd need 2.2 dead kikes per minute for 5 years straight without a SINGLE minute of rest to meet the 6mil quota, and we all know it's a low estimate and 11 and co are often cited.

That translates to about 3168 dead bodies PER DAY that need dealing with, a staggering number, the place I live has fewer inhabitants.
These people would have taken up space in rooms, would have taken up space in hallways while being transferred from room to room (thoroughfare can be an actual design problem in structures).
These people would have had to be rounded up DAILY in the first place, and would have hogged enourmous resources, including transportation, etc.
(After all kikes, despite having their little commmunities are very dispersed and can't just get starved like a whole region of a country)

3168 bodies per day, every damn day, with not a single day missed, for 5 whole years.
It's impossible.

And this is just one of the many aspects on how its all impossible.

And they would return the very next day spouting the same argument that they used the day before. As though the previous days defeat had not occurred.
I grew to hate them.

"Exactly how many jews stopped being jews during persecution? I.E. how many became conservos?"

Hoax btfo

From life. Deportation doesn't work.

I watched a holodoc and a wise hollowcost jew claimed that 80% were killed in an 18 month period.
It makes the arithmetic even more absurd than what you posted user.
A side note 3168 bodies @ 100#'s each is about 160 tons to move


Bumping, this is important.
We have to keep up with their lies, the ones to survive is those who can adapt to new situations.

Attached: 300d796359483628e950fc2b125f769b33ee3aa3b7ed18bd67fc01a574560f4d.jpg (448x630, 57.07K)

Can he explain why every single description of the gas chamber system doesn't work?

The kikes claimed that Zyklon pellets were introduced through holes in the roof, with chicken-wire columns for some reason I cannot determine. But in any case the pellets don't give off the gas unless they are fluxed with steam, boiling water, or hot air. That is how impregnated pellets work, the entire point is to make them both safe for use and not to give off the gas until they are where you need them to be. The only "shower room" gas chambers described were said to be in camps that the kikes now claim were not execution camps so piping in mobilized gas doesn't seem to be accounted for in their narrative.

Then there is the fact that it takes 20-40 minutes to die from acute cyanide poisoning, which is the active ingredient in the gas. And the fact that they didn't have to fuel to burn the bodies even to a rough cinder and there is no evidence of cutting the surrounding woods for fuel, not even for cooking use. So I can only conclude that the meager fuel allocated to the camp was indeed for general heating and cooking not for cremation.

Auschwitz is supposedly where 1/4 of the kikes got killed, yet they continually revise the number killed there and in other camps while never revising the total number of claimed deaths.

It's doesnt even require research to have a good reason to dismiss this garbage full of logical holes, non-arguments and repetition of the same propaganda lies. Only common sense, basic logic and basic reading comprehension.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. That is just steaming hot shit. There is no logic behind dismissing anything at all. Its an insult to your intelligence at best. In fact what they show you as contradicting evidence is exactly what you would expect from someone who would want to force the narrative of the 6 trillions into everyones mind.
Cheap rethoric. No argument. Not debunking anything

Not facts. Not debunking anything.

Not logic. Not debunking anything.

Ignore the projecting cartoons and half the disinfo page can already be disregarded as unsubstantial garbage and waste of time without as much as touching on any spefic topic.

But that is the whole point. Its never about debunking. To most Hoax shills its not about telling a troughouly conclusive and solid story and convincing peole. Its to just an excuse to declare and doubt, common sense and facts as debunked and anyone who asks as liars, not adressing the points at all and just throwing more shit into the round to waste your time. Hoaxers have only to gain by just destroying, derailing, stalling and endlessly rewinding the same lies, spins and loaded questions and the whole discourse.

But we've already defeated all their lies.

It's an insidious tactic. People like myself see a statement they can't explain right away and want to explain it, even if it's surrounded by bullshit.

You have no idea

Attached: 4e379d2a1093d97af391d12789f67cfb7093d99e5c733dea79ea680c6b1a511c.png (738x5931, 1006.26K)

From the perspective of influencing minds, definitely. Walls of text that go into detail will just be ignored, the way to go is to highlight the most glaring inconsistencies as concisely as possible.

If you're looking to get autistic about it and satisfy your own questions in detail, the major revisionist groups like IHR and CODOH are your best sources.

A few general observations… They're starting from the presumption that the Holocaust is true, and picking whatever holes they can in our counter-arguments. And they're pretty weak… For example, what they've said about the photos of emaciated corpses being bulldozed at Belsen… The facts here aren't really in dispute, but:

1. They've tried to make the extreme overcrowding out to be an example of Nazi cruelty, when it too was a result of Allied actions, especially advances on the eastern front. This was not how the camp was run during normal operation.

2. They've acknowledged that these deaths are from starvation and typhus, not the result of intentional death camp operation, and claim no historian would say otherwise. Maybe so, but these pictures have frequently been banded around by non historians as evidence for the Holocaust, despite the fact that more died under allied control at Belsen than under the Nazis.

This is one of the strongest arguments to debunk the Holocaust - just look at the official narrative and consider how ridiculous it is. The whole "transit camp" meme is absurd… So they build these camps to house people, feed them and keep them alive while they wait to be put on trains and transported to another camp to be killed? It defies all logic.

They keep inventing new ones, user
as long as they are still around

That's a deliberate tactic. They know that most people when faced with a wall of text, will just conclude "well, no one would write that much if they weren't correct", not bother reading it, but internalize whatever conclusion is drawn.

I recently learned that Spielberg was involved in a more recent hoax. The Boston Bombing

He was caught on video directing the crisis actors.

Carlos Arredondo (cowboy hat guy) stands waits for his queue from him then goes into action.

Bradley Cooper who was already working with Spielberg on the American Sniper movie, did hospital visits for the victims. in Boston -Marathon Bombing - Really.mp4

Some more info for OP.

Attached: e0895ebd97d85338090aa72179cea7698c196b182a77880a50599a0fe374baaa.jpg (1505x1080 101.56 KB, 508.23K)

Dr. Charles Lawson did autopsies of bodies after the German surrender. He found no one dead from gassings, just thousands dead from Typhus.

Attached: Dr Larson no gassings.png (1575x1302 893.29 KB, 2.41M)

When you research which books were actually destroyed, it's hard to fault them.

Attached: Hitler-stopped-transgenderism-research.jpg (729x781, 355.37K)

The book burnings were also done by student groups, independent of the government.

Attached: Who really 'burned' books in Germany.png (1000x592 1.43 MB, 564.25K)


Do you guys have the article where jews talk about the sex change by injection

Oh that's easy, there were mass shower rooms used for delousing, I bet plenty of urban myths about them arose from the erratic kikes during the interment, really it's plain and simple, it would of been obvious that there would be a shooting range so gassing is the way for them to go and the delousing chambers were an excellent sort of proxy for one in their eyes

You mean the thing where apparently Britain tried to give Hitler female hormones?

That's fine too