Would it be possible to annex the EU, UK, ect to the USA? The US constitution is superior to the EU 'treaty', and as United States Citizens Europeans including Germans would have protected rights to bear arms and free speech…
Why is there a need for a EU in the first place, when European countries could simply join the US, a better federal union?
Wäre es möglich, die EU, Großbritannien usw. an die USA anzugliedern? Die Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten ist dem EU-Vertrag überlegen, und die Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten, einschließlich der Deutschen, hätten das Recht auf Waffen und Redefreiheit geschützt …
Warum braucht es überhaupt eine EU, wenn europäische Länder einfach den USA, einer besseren föderalen Union, beitreten könnten?(Go to /b/)
Trump should authorize hits using delta to kill ALL UN and EU leadership and we should set the tone in Europe
Jack Hall
These dubs don’t lie
Liam Brown
No. Just close your fucking borders.
Connor Richardson
Finally you dummies are getting it. De-kiked USofA is the only country that could do globalism right.
Mason Fisher
What about, instead of the US being responsible for the European Countries, they all draft new constitutions akin to the Swiss’.
That way each state would get better representation and they wouldn’t need to be forced into supporting a political party that doesn’t directly support their interests. Not to mention, it would minimize Euro butthurt from superior American Politics.
US will not survive to 2050 but I can understand what you are saying. Why not create a unkiked confederated union that protect the white people only unless they commit a treason against the white people and the confederated states.
Justin Powell
go back to your shitty website cocksucker
Cooper Miller
Kill yourself namefag.
Aaron Smith
What an absolutely dreadful user base that has been cultivated here.
Julian Cooper
For example, if Germany joins the USA, we just have to drop the A. We go from The United States of America to simply, The United States. Also, we can grant more power back to the States from the Federal Government, and restrict immigration to marriage only.
Support Israel as deportation and containment zone for Jews
Gabriel Cooper
Without a collapse in technological civilization increasing globalism in some form is inevitable. The key is to ride the Tiger brah.
Also, stopping EU and US kike D/C based on geography is important. Germany is better off, and can make a real difference in the world within the US.
Jayden Gray
Good idea or bad idea, it sure would be amusing to watch the US military roll over all the feminist-led armies of Europe and install Trump as the reigning monarch like William the Conqueror. House of Windsor BTFO.
Robert Butler
Yes, and it would also be possible to annex all of sub-Sarahan Africa. Why would we want to do either?
Hunter Morris
fucking kill yourself
Sebastian Sanders
fucking kill yourself
James Smith
Why bother? They basically already belong to the US.