Canadian tax funded broadcasting corporation run by a Rannibowitz asking the important question: Should online misogyny be considered terrorism?
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation asks: "Should online misogyny be considered terrorism?"
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no worries here, chief
Canadians already get fined and jailed for "racism and misogyny".
Of course, this would never be applied to mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerans.
The roasty fears the incel
capped and memed
Surprise, surprise.
The comments are disabled.
I wonder why. /s
TIPPEST OF JEJS, CBC does not disappoint
Holy shit the guest dun goofed
There you have it folks, this dumb twat fucked up. Gonna request a sticky, this fucking yideo is rather telling.
Should CBC 'journalists' be considered terrorists for inciting violence with irresponsible reporting?
(See how that works?)
This calls for an old-fashioned "Defund the CBC" campaign. The election is next year, let's kill this waste of taxpayer money.
Every single Canadian needs to see this.
Mr. Sage (as in the spice, not saw-gay) would be right at home here on Zig Forums…
Incels wants state subsidized fuckwhores
imkikey took over Heil's BO and has now changed names to Darling, and skeletor is the the m0d from r/t_D. Zig Forums is compromised. there's no denying it now
Give them sexbots. You shouldn't promote medical prostitution.
Fix society and give them the opportunity to better themselves, attain jobs that can afford them homes and sufficient resources to support families. This really isn’t about sex at all.
We need sex bots for the men who make women into whores.
I cant believe canada is being so bigoted as to suggest the rich and vibrant incel culture is somehow terrorism. I only fear for the lives of the moderate incels, the ones that just wanna have their moderate piss bottles and 2d waifus.
Im seeing a pattern, every government funded media org is a cesspool of marxist filth.
They're not even trying to hid it anymore.
Day of rake, when?
The HR department is marxist, the show producers are marxist, therefore the content is marxist.
Really want that CBC job? The piercing parlor is down the street, and break out the Manic Panic purple. Hope you like blowing Mick Mercer too, you say you're gay, but…
Good luck regulating it.
Literally no one watches them anymore outside the narrow audience of soyboys and cat ladies. With digital transition (many, many fewer transmitters) and cable cord-cutting, they actually draw the most numbers from people like Jenny, that annoying landwhale in marketing.
The better question to ask is why should anyone care about misogyny? The world functioned a lot better when it was misogynistic.
A battered wife will probably care. Like with bullying, they took a positive attribute (treat women with respect) and stretched it beyond recognition (respect my 6 gorrillion genders, tweeting an opposing view is harassment, and pay me, you shitlord).
I should have expanded more in . CBC gets more eyeballs online now than over the air. Mid-20's millennials who have masters degrees in genderbation studies read most of the articles. They cracked down on the comment sections a few years ago, so it's an echo chamber.
The question I have is why does the public have to pay for this echo chamber.
This is a sound tactic. Basically, it's incentivizing crying "wolf" until people are desensitized to occurrence of the real wolf, while draining a country's resources and exhausting the innocent male victims of the witch hunt until that point. In fact, it can never go wrong, because even the most ludicrous suggestions, such as the topic of this thread, can be retroactively dismissed as "just satire" or "just entertainment" or "just a hypothesis."
I like it
Only in Canada will they make the fear of Religion of Cuck™ a thought crime, yet also claim to be feminist when Religion of Cuck™ is all about rape, and keeping females as slaves. >>>/p01/
Take it and run with it.
Fuck off namefagging jew, no shekels for you.
But only 0.000000001% of all incels are violent! incel means peace in klingon
Best part.
Full points for Culmarx dog-whistling.
To escape mods
Other than the fact it's a stupid question, it's also impractical to divert resources for anti-terrorism for something so laughably trivial in comparison. It would actually undermine national security if such an option was explored. It also wouldn't be hard for actual terrorists groups to exploit such a broad definition of terrorism, to inflict social and economic damage through propaganda campaigns. No need for bombs or guns, if you can make the government use their own against innocent people and spark civil unrest, due to being overzealous and paranoid over blurred definitions.
Aids kill more people than drones, its not muh sogyny, its common sense.
Two provinces, Ontario and New Brunswick, have weaponized "harassment" allegations against politicians. This is the new blackmail: roastie whining. If there's any terror going on, it's by the left.
Pic related's lawyer is also getting the gears from the system. It's a full court press by a small group of batshit women.
They don't even know what misogyny is. This is almost as sinister as London Metropolitan Police's recent declaration which was amended after ridicule.
If the eternal roast keeps applying pressure and bullying these people for not being able to get laid we'll see a lot of incels going full Columbine or Charlie Hebdo. Mark my words, Toronto was just the first act of the incel revolution
This was so from the beginning of the times. Term may had different name though. "Blasphemy" for example.
Don't forget the socialist.
I wonder if autists can weaponize human rights legislation to go after these pearl-clutchers?
Sarcuck is on this:
Imagine being this new.
What families? I mean, I make enough to support a family already, but I don't have one.
The like to dislike ratio makes me think people are finally waking up.
for canadacucks, sure, why not.
Not all speech should be allowed.
I'd love to shut the marxists down for preaching an ideology that is destructive by design.
FUCK freedom of speech.
We used Anonymous once, to fuck up scientologists as practice war for taking on the kikes. We abandoned it mid-occupy to watch the process by which cointelpro infiltrates organizations. Anyone still using that mask is controlled opposition. Masks in general are sacred, and we will switch between them fluidly until the war is won.
LOL, and today, Stacey the roastie is on the hot seat
Two weeks when the "progressive stack" and "mic check" bullshit started.
Gamergate lasted two months before the e-celeb faggotry took over and aut-kike took hold.
Think we can go for three months next time? Any bets?
Yep, no one's buying.