Wooden Shigir idol in Germany found to be over twice as old as Egyptian pyramids A team of researchers in Germany has found evidence suggesting that the famous wooden Shirgir Idol is actually 11,500 years old. The team has documented their efforts and findings in a paper published on the Cambridge University Press site Antiquity. The Shigir Idol was discovered in an ancient peat bog by miners in Russia back in 1890. Early analysis showed that it was made entirely of larch wood and was constructed from several chunks. It remained preserved for thousands of years because of antimicrobial properties found in the peat. The idol was also covered extensively with markings, some of which depicted tiny human faces. To this day, no one knows what most of the markings depict. It was also noted that some of the original pieces of the idol had been lost—it is believed that it originally stood approximately five meters tall. In 1997, a team in Russia used radiocarbon dating to estimate the age of the icon and found it to be approximately 9,500 years old. Experts have studied the carvings on the idol over the years, and many have suggested they likely represent a form of art, possibly linked with spiritual or religious activities. Recently, the team in Germany expressed interest it taking a closer look at the idol, which is normally housed in the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum, in Russia. Arrangements were made for the idol to be shipped to Germany, where it was studied, along with other original material found in the peat bog. Using accelerator mass spectrometry, the team found the true age of the idol to be approximately 11,500 years old, placing its creation at around the time of the end of the Ice Age. That age also makes it the oldest known wood monumental sculpture ever found and more than twice the age of the Egyptian pyramids. The researchers report that they also found another face carved into the wood, bringing the total to eight. Their findings suggest that researchers looking to better understand very early human behavior perhaps need to widen their search beyond the Fertile Crescent.
Interesting. You also find digs that reveal swastika emblems many thousands of years old, long long before the NSDAP came into power. I think Himmler was definitely onto something with all the various fact finding missions around the world he was organizing.
John Hughes
William Miller
Fucking furries. Will we ever rid ourselves of them?
Elijah Sanders
it could have been made by the last tribe of Neanderthals. It's entirely possible.
Alexander Richardson
I wonder who could be behind this post…
Cooper Bennett
Neanderthal newer produced anything. No art, no tolls, no fire, nothing. Later, when Cro-magnon + Neanderthal hybrids emerge, Neanderthals used some very limited Cro-magnon knowleadge.
You kike fucks can't create. Even your demon god told you that.
Blake Baker
And just so everyone knows, all of the official dates for the construction of the pyramids (and the people that built them) are completely fucking wrong and have no basis beyond speculation anchored by dogmatism.
Zachary Barnes
Ha ha! stupid argnacans cant carve for shit
highly improbable. ancient art tends to be more abstract the further back you look
With all the shit they haven't let out regarding many ancient sites that are many thousands of years older than the established timeline including the bug-people's yellow emperor and three divines crap, the only reason to keep the narrative going is jews. Without their bullshit book they have nothing. Historical evidence shows their stories to be stolen lies.
Grayson Reed
People need to be wrong for us to have something to do tbh. That's how I look at it.
Logan Jenkins
Scroll to the bottom and learn. http ://donsmaps.com/dolnivenus.html
They raped and stole technology. They were not more intelligent, those are your jewish lies. You fucks got annihilated for a reason. Next time we'll finish it.
Alexander Williams
Any evidence of that? Last I read there was evidence of technology and genetic exchange, but no evidence whether it was through force or trade or what.
Brody Hernandez
Notice how the kike fails to make any mention of how much neanderkike genes are twisted up in their inbred middle eastern asses. Just glosses right over jews to whites, asians (Denisovan was a neander branch you jew fuck) right to niggers for comparison.
We have always been a distinct species until neanderkikes started raping our asses because we gave them the benefit of the doubt. Once.
Jaxson Evans
Fuck you kike.
Michael Taylor
Source? Hey, source? You got a source on that, buddy? Source? I'm looking for a source.
Jayden Mitchell
jewgle it bitch, done playing your games
Aiden Perez
Provide a source, or admit you're just trying to make whites look bad.
Carter Howard
Whenever sources are cited. Now livestream your fucking suicide yid.
This has to be why the ashkenazi fucks thinks they are white and european. OY, the chosen rapist!
Wyatt Barnes
Lots of kike genetic diseases tied to neandergenes. They raped monkeys in the region leading to a branching and so we have asians. They raped northward, they got they asses killed for it. Sure genetic damage was done and we're all stuck with lasting filth. But once we get rid of all these kike fucks we'll start editing that crap right out of our genomes. No one will remember the fuckers existed. sciencemag.org/news/2015/01/humans-and-neandertals-likely-interbred-middle-east Funny how they always describe the small tribal pockets of neander. nite folks dream of burning kikes
Easton Thomas
Wrong. Semites have high percentage of Neanderthal Genome.
these human origins threads really trigger these bat shit crazies
Charles Reed
But not really since the Pyramids were built in far antiquity. Precipitation erosion on the Sphinx also pushes its date of construction back to an era when Egypt was covered in forest.
Blake Watson
They drank the esoteric kike's guilible soup and are now convinced the neanderthals were jewish for some reason.
Just look through the catalog there have been several threads made about neanderthals just like weeks. If I didn't know better I'd be willing to say possible a counter-meme psy-ops or just the usual jewish tricks.
But I'm just a man who trusts but verifies instead of listening and believing a schizophrenic.
Oliver Cooper
That's odd because I have a high percentage of Neanderthal DNA yet no kike DNA. Anti-neaderthal is anti-white.
Connor Walker
Yeah? Is that why two of Neanderthal threads were prunned and last one anchored? not to doubz in Darlingspolitics, just mention
Aiden Garcia
What's even odder is that we don't need another fucking thread where you D&C faggots try to shit up the board.
Luke Parker
You are lying jew. Post your 23and me and time stamped schnortzl. you will not
Convincing whites that neanderthals are kikes is a psyop to get whites to destroy a genetic heritage that only they possess. The kikes are gene thieves and they want our alleles, but if they can't steal our genes then they will try to dilute and destroy them. Preserve your race. Preserve your genes.
It is other way arround. Due to modern genetics, jew knows they cant hid the truth any longer. Truth is, they are Homo Neanderthalensis + Homo Sapiens Hybrids from Middle East. They want to delete white man ancestry, their nenory on proud ancestors Cro-magnons. Therefore, for last 10 years, they wite-wash Neanderthals. See goyim, Neanderthal is your ancestor, neanderthal is the best. Cro-magnon is just Neanderthal + Homo Erectus (nigger) hybrid.
Time stamped pic of your schnortzl. Then I will post mine. Deal?
Hunter Sullivan
Fun. People carve stuff out of wood for fun. I do it myself. But with "experts," everything has to have some political or religious function…they never consider that people sometimes create art just for the hell of it. Someday, in the far-flung future, they will find a Chainsaw-carved wooden bear sculpture in the dust of Pennsylvania, right next to a garden gnome, and they'll speculate as to what kind of "religion" they both could have represented. It doesn't solve anything, but it gives "experts" something to talk about while they're living off the government grant dole.
A Jew and a Christian are walking along the side of the road when the Christian notices a dead bird laying on the sidewalk and says, "oh look at that poor dead bird". The Jew looking skyward asks, where?
Anthony Phillips
Neanderthals had a greater brain capacity than modern man, and were probably smarter than we are. Don't confuse technology with higher brain function. We have thousands of "modern" people that have no trouble using a computer, but can't comprehend how they work. Hell, we even have people that still think the Earth is flat, because they can't comprehend gravity. Neanderthals were smart enough to survive in a world half-covered with ice, they carved intricate tools, such as fishhooks, out of bone, without anyone showing them the concept…they were not the grunting, ape-like creatures you were told they were in school.
Kayden Rogers
Only subhumans can't find beauty in moderation and regulation; to the primitive mind the more is always the merrier.
Liam Johnson
James Scott
This post is entirely untrue.
Carson Bell
Jewish propaganda. Neanderthals NEWER produced anything. Post some fucking pics of something produced by neanderthals, dont just spread jewish propaganda. and type: Jesus is my GOD
Matthew Wilson
You're never getting that raise at this rate, Ari. Post your 23andMe.
Welp my genetic test falsifies your hypothesis so try again.
Landon Sanders
This. Archeologists are afraid to publicly state their findings when it clashes with the Jew religious narrative, and the Christians have been duped into supporting this same false history, the fabricated history of the murderers of their "savior." We know the "exodus" never happened. We know the Jewish religion is NOT the oldest religion in the middle east (for over a century they were trying to say it was)…and we know the story of "Noah's Ark" was directly ripped off from the Sumerian "Epic of Gilgamesh." But try to point it out to a brainwashed dupe, and stand by for the spew of denial and "faith."
It is not about religien, lel. You jew just cant write that. It is forbidden for you. So, that is latmus test you will never pass.
Ryder Richardson
Here I'll bite and show you how the thread goes from this point: You weren't expecting the genetics test, were you?
Samuel Rivera
Man, you need to chill. Whites have more Neanderthal DNA than most, Sub-Saharan Africans have none. Which group possesses the greater overall IQ?
Liam Green
Stop quetching, rabbi. Type this: Jesus holly Christ os my only GOD and saviour. JHWH is Cannanite bullshit god aka Molech and Ball. Pass this test and then we can speak who is jew and whos is not, ok?
Chase Bell
If i was in control of that rc car id draw a dick on mars too tbh
23andjewme openly admits they put in false dna of monkeys to "mess with nazis" its as factual as cnn m8. Dont fall for baiting kike
Hudson Ross
Cro-magnon has 1600 - 1800 cc. (((They))) newer mention that. Neanderthal big brains are myth. Original non hybridicisesd neanderthal had about 1300 cc. Later, with hybridisation with Cro-magnon, he advanced to 1500 cc. they dont learn this in jewacademia, I know
Nathan Butler
Did you just tag in or blow a gasket? Your sentence structure is falling apart.
John Ward
This is toooootally legit. You don't know shit about genetics, do you?
James Robinson
At least I am bilingual. Are you? Try to understand this: vafanculo
Chase Moore
Monkeys dna = nigger of sand/jungle variety
Justin White
Hebrew isn't a language. It's an abomination.
The reason kikes want to destroy Neanderthal lineage is because it allows whites to trace their heritage back to Europe long because Homo sapien. In short: Neanderthal traces whiteness.
You mean this variety that doesn't exist in my genome? Try again Shekelberg. Nothing like ruining a kike narrative before even getting my day started.
You still didnt pass the test. I will not speak wit some who has all others for jews and cant type: Jesus is my only GOD and JHWH is shit
Nathaniel Adams
Leo Price
Remember: We used to have these kind of people locked up and medicated until kikes emptied our asylums under the guise of "human rights" and gave these fuckers voting rights.
Jackson Edwards
Blake Clark
"We wuz Neanderthal n sheeit" T. Kike.
"You should get ride of your Neanderthal genetics, fellow Whites…" Yep, kike trick.
"Do you have a minute to talk about d&c?"
It's a shill.
Bentley Edwards
Before that, we used to just leave them to die of exposure. Wish we could turn back time.
Henry Martinez
Total MILF fapping now
Hunter Collins
Those things were probably territory markers. You usually find them close to settlements. The faces could represent the men or spirits protecting the area.
Exactly - It's not the "race" that's the enemy. It's the religious dictated BEHAVIOR. Any morons talking about race are just trying to shit up the conversation about (((who))) the real enemy is. What's (((their))) common trait? Judaism-→which bred Christianity—and Religion of Cuck™. They all invaded Europe. ohhh buuut the christians were the "real" jews….yada yada. Keep dreaming. oh….there's proof! ya, source?…another jew story. Wake the f up my european brothers and sisters! You will NEVER win until you realize this. You have been conquered using a "story" about human creation. We all know that we didn't "create" the earth and cosmos… there must be a supernatural creator. So, the (((controllers))) "geniously" figured out 3 great stories - with lots of sub-plots and mixing… which all involve "Faith".
John Edwards
you are an idiot. To further highlight the user's point that you replies to, and missed. In South america, anthropologists had long speculated as to why they kept finding obsidian blades in amongst the roofs of the buildings being excavated. They decided that the edge of the glass was so sharp that people saw it as being otherworldly, and like something gods would have. So they were placed in the roofs to be close to their home dimension. Meanwhile, current south americans kept their obsidian blades up high because they were sharp and they didn't want their kids playing with them. Anthropologists are thick as fucking shit, but have great imaginations.
Ethan Powell
Wtf I love demographic displacement now
Luke Carter
Yeah, but the one on the left is armless and can't fight me off…
Tyler Garcia
Neanderthal are the first Europeans we know of who fell victim to mass migration and demographic replacement. Don't let it happen again.